AP: Beverly Hills, California
Via Trendcaster.com
Lifespan needs to put down this dog of a show! Witchy mama Mercedes should unleash her flying monkeys; big sis Porsche is a D-list D-iva wannabe Marilyn; little sis Brat-ley needs a spanking (or military school); MayBach MayNot get by as just the CGB (cute gay brother) for much longer. What season even is this now? Fifteen? Fifty? Yawn! RWTR is one docu-(un)follow that has us running the other way!
PRO TIP: Try New Reality Channel’s popular new hunting-season cooking show Duke of Ducks if you’re on the hunt for a laugh, starting with the show’s slogan: “This isn’t just gun violence, it’s DELICIOUSLY FUN violence!”7 Joelynne Wabash, the eldest daughter in the reigning duck-decorated Wabash family, is a hoot to watch as she skins animals—then eats them! No wonder this show is the newly crowned King of Cable.
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