When three authors pen a cookbook, the acknowledgments could go on forever. In no special order we extend our deepest thanks to the community that was created around this book:
Sara Weiss, our editor, who brought fresh eyes to this project at a much-needed time.
Gail Solomon, our creative director, who translated our concept for this book into a visual symphony. Her never-ending creativity, design talent, sense of style, and unflagging spirit made this book as beautiful as it is.
John Tavares, our gifted photographer, who had the intuitive eye that captured the natural beauty of our ingredients, techniques, and finished dishes.
Andrew Jarvis, our early and consistent publishing consultant, whose wisdom guided us through a few tough patches.
Friends and family: Marti Meyerson, Rachel Ringler, Ulrika Citron, Barbara Applbaum, Linda Sterling, Dorian Goldman, Nick Bunzl, Lydia Schmelzer, Forest Sonnenfeldt, Alexandra Bunzl, Isaac Sonnenfeldt, Natasha Bunzl, Joya Sonnenfeldt, and Alan Divack, all of whom contributed recipes, tested recipes, and consumed a few extra calories together with us.
Our indispensable helping hands: Maria Gjela, Barbara Debique, Alicia Echeverria, Anna Walkiewicz, and Ella Jankowska many thanks for the hours of kitchen prep, testing, and tasting.
Untold amounts of thanks are due to the staff of JCC Manhattan who guided us through the publishing process, particularly thanks to Elana Parker. We would also like to thank Joan Linder and Erica Werber. But it was the JCC’s executive director, Rabbi Joy Levitt, who against all odds supported our voices and vision for this book.
Thanks to Jennifer Goren and the chefs and culinary instructors from the Patti Gelman Culinary Arts Center of JCC Manhattan: Kim Pistone, Adeena Sussman, John Scoff, Jennifer Abadi, Lauren Costello, Sherri Maxman.
We want to acknowledge the work being done in the Marti Ann Meyerson Center for Health and Wellness and the Michelle C. Feig Nutrition Program, both of which embody JCC Manhattan’s commitment to healthy living.
We also want to thank the many people who have been incredible resources to us: Menachem Schmelzer, Debbie Haramati, Adam Kaye, Marisol Marquez, Chris Peña, Andrea Pitchford, Paul Whitman, Steve Niederman, Israel Brown, Dorian Mecir, Teresa Lundahl, Andre Blais, Paul Warner, Glenn Turner, Sherrie Nickol, and Arthur Boehm.
Finally, in loving admiration for the women who bequeathed their love of cooking and their recipes to us: Frieda Rotmil, Pauline Rotmil, Ruth Schmelzer, Regina Fisher, Joyce Goldman, Else Bunzl, and Mona Bernstein.