241Chapter 12

Developmental Milestones

Observations of child maturation by developmental theorists are foundational for pediatrics, child psychiatry, and child psychology. The work of many different theorists over the years (e.g., Beloglovsky and Daly 2015; McCartney and Philips 2006; Mooney 2013) has resulted in a diverse set of child developmental theories that are intended to help us understand what happens during child development. Surveying the entirety of this literature is beyond the scope of this text. Instead, we discuss specific observable milestones within child development and their recognized patterns of appearance.

Milestones are recognizable skills or abilities that have an expected range and order of appearance, such as a child taking his first step around the time of his first birthday. Identifying any significant variations from expected patterns, such as a child taking that first step near his second birthday, is a key task for any practitioner. Knowing when a significant variation in development has occurred improves diagnostic accuracy because DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association 2013) specifically requires consideration of developmental stages. The most important consideration is that the sooner a significant developmental impairment is identified and addressed, the better the long-term outcomes could be for your patients.

Identifying milestones is a particularly important skill set for practitioners working with children younger than 5 years, but we all need to be familiar with milestones because nonsevere developmental impairments frequently go unrecognized until children are much older. Five different milestone skill areas should be evaluated: gross/fine motor, visual motor problem solving, speech and language, social/emotional, and adaptive skills (Gerber et al. 2011).

Gross motor skills are the most obvious to recognize because they involve crawling, walking, running, and throwing. 242Early motor skills are about performing basic body control tasks, starting with first maintaining a head position, then moving the trunk, followed by moving the whole body in ever more skillful ways. Besides significant delays in gross motor skills, any physical findings of abnormal reflexes, asymmetric muscle tone, or being too loose or too tight in overall muscle tone are other gross motor abnormalities that should be noted.

Visual motor problem solving describes a child’s physical interactions with the world. Infants begin by visually tracking and following people or objects, then reaching for and manipulating objects, and later acquire the ability to draw and to write. These fine motor skills (using one’s hands and fingers) rely on visual input and generally progress at a slower pace than gross motor skills. If the development of these milestones is delayed, it may be because of impairments in sensory, cognitive, or motor abilities.

Speech and language skills are essential for social interactions and academic success. To be able to communicate, a person first has to be able to receive input (process what is seen and heard), pragmatically understand the meaning of that input, then generate an expression of his thoughts (translate thoughts into words, then express fluently). Delays in expressive language milestones may be more apparent than receptive language delays, which may be more subtle but when present may worsen an expressive language impairment.

Social/emotional skills are the core elements of psychiatric functioning. Infants are essentially born with three emotions (anger, joy, and fear), and the circumstances to elicit those feelings become increasingly complex as they grow up. Social skill development is interactive and thus reliant on the presence of a responsive caregiver. A child’s temperamental traits, such as having a high- or low-intensity disposition, influence how he responds to routine activities, which influences how his caregivers respond. Developing shared joint attention with another person by approximately age 1 year is a key social milestone. Normal social and emotional development relies on many other skills but is most closely linked with speech and language skills.

Adaptive skills initially involve learning to feed oneself, dress oneself, and use the bathroom. For older children, adaptive skills involve self-direction, self-protection, and the ability to function independently in a school setting. Adaptive skills use both motor and cognitive abilities and thus are 243not a truly independent category of development. When you evaluate for the presence of an intellectual disability, adaptive milestones need to be investigated because the intellectual disability diagnosis should not be made without demonstrable impairments in adaptive functioning. Standardized intelligence testing is no longer considered the sole basis for diagnosing intellectual disability.

A child may acquire all of his skills in the usual sequence but at a slower rate (a delay), may acquire his skills at differential rates in different areas (a dissociation), or may achieve milestones out of the usual order of acquisition (a deviation). Growth and development will follow recognizable patterns, but it is not an exact script. For instance, a perfectly healthy child might never crawl, instead scooting or rolling to move around before taking his first steps. The task of a pediatric health care practitioner is to always consider what would constitute normal-range development (Table 12–1). Then he can, variously, alert caregivers if a child is not keeping pace with development and thus needs developmental assistance services, reassure worried caregivers when a child is keeping pace with the normal range of development, or simply better understand how a child engages his environment.

Determining when a child’s delayed milestone acquisition would indicate the need for further evaluations or an intervention can be a challenging decision when developmental delays are subtle. To guide your decision, Table 12–2 contains a list of specific cognitive, motor, and social/emotional traits at different ages that suggest a need to refer for specialized developmental assessments.

244TABLE 12–1. Selected normal-range developmental milestones


Gross motor

Visual motor

Speech and language


Adaptive skills

2 months

Has good head control; lifts chest up in prone

Tracks with eyes; holds own hands

Is alert to voice; makes vowel-like noises

Shows reciprocal smiling; recognizes parents

Opens mouth at sight of breast or bottle

4 months

Leans on wrists in prone; rolls prone to supine

Has hands usually open; reaches persistently

Orients self to voice; vocalizes in response

Parent’s voice stops cry; smiles on own

Briefly holds breast or bottle

6 months

Briefly sits alone; pivots in prone

Rakes item to pick up; transfers hand to hand

Stops briefly for “no”; babbles consonants

Has stranger anxiety; visually identifies parent

Feeds self crackers; stares at new faces

9 months

Pulls to stand; cruises; comes to sit

Has immature pincer; looks for fallen toy

Imitates sounds; enjoys gesture games

Follows a point; experiences separation anxiety

Bites, chews cookie; looks for fallen item

12 months

Stands well; takes independent steps

Has fine pincer grasp; scribbles if shown

Follows one-step request; uses gestures

Points to get object; shows shared interest

Finger feeds items; takes off a hat

24518 months

Runs well; stands for ball throw

Scribbles on own; makes 3-cube tower

Points to self; uses 10–25 words

Can show shame; does pretend play

Gets onto chair; removes garment

2 years

Throws overhand; kicks ball

Makes 4-cube train; imitates circle and line

Uses two-word sentences; understands me and you

Does parallel play; begins defiance

Opens doorknob; pulls off pants

3 years

Walks up stairs; catches ball

Copies a circle; recognizes a color

Uses three-word sentences; names body parts

Engages in imaginative play; can share on own

Begins independent eating; unbuttons item

4 years

Balances on one foot 4 seconds; can broad jump 1 foot

Writes part of name; copies a square

Follows three-step request; tells stories

Group play; has preferred friend

Toilets self alone; uses fork well

5 years

Walks down stairs; jumps backward

Cuts with scissors; uses a paper clip

Responds to “why?”; likes rhyming words

Apologizes for error; has group of friends

Dresses and bathes independently

Source. Adapted from Gerber et al. 2010a, 2010b, 2011.

246TABLE 12–2. Developmental red flags that should trigger specialized assessments





4 months

Lack of visual tracking; no laugh or vocalizations

Lack of seated head control; inability to grasp toy

Does not watch/track people; does not have a smile response

6 months

Failure to turn toward sound or voice

Does not roll or move on the floor

Lack of spontaneous smile

9 months

Lack of babbling consonants

Inability to sit

Cannot reciprocate vocalizations or facial expressions

1 year

Cannot respond to own name; cannot imitate sounds

Cannot hold two objects and hit them together; cannot pull to a stand

Cannot reciprocate hand gestures; will not share joint attention (“Look at...”)

1.5 years

Cannot point to a named object; cannot use any words

Unable to walk independently

Lack of any speaking/gesture combinations

2 years

Speech much less than 50% understandable

Cannot walk on steps with assistance; cannot kick a ball

Cannot use a meaningful two-word phrase; lack of empathy (looking sad if a child cries)

2473 years

Cannot use a three-word sentence; speech only 50% understandable

Cannot jump; cannot throw object overhand

Never imitates adult activities; cannot do parallel play

4 years

Speech less than 75% understandable; cannot identify self or details in pictures

Cannot balance on one foot for 3 seconds; cannot copy a circle

Lack of imaginative play; cannot hypothesize another’s thoughts

Source. Adapted from Gerber et al. 2010a, 2010b, 2011; McLaughlin 2011. 248