Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

1998 financial crisis, 1–7, 17–19, 108

2008 global financial crisis, 81, 99, 110–11, 115, 118–20, 122–28, 127, 151, 185n39

Abalkin, Leonid, 28

Abramovich, Roman, 51

Aganbegyan, Abel, 28

Alekperov, Vagit, 35

Algeria, 82

Anti-Corruption Foundation, 139–40

Artamonov, Anatoly, 87, 88–90

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 139

Austerity, 20, 143, 155, 158–61. See also Spending cuts

Baikal Finance Group, 46

Bank of Moscow, 124

Bank of Russia. See Central Bank

Bankruptcy, 104

Banks, 80; bailout of, 123, 124, 140; lending between, 123; sanctions and, 145–46; Sochi Olympics and, 140. See also names of specific banks

Bashneft, 162

Beijing Olympics, 115

Belarus, 5, 141, 143

Belgium, 142

Bendukidze, Kakha, 34

Berezovsky, Boris, 12, 13, 16, 17, 35–36, 175n59

Bermuda, 80

Blackmail, 12

Black market: in St. Petersburg, 8–9; taxation and, 33

Blavatnik, Leonard, 55

Bogdanchikov, Sergey, 44

BP, 52, 55, 139

Brazil, 115, 141

Bribery, 32–33, 79, 87–88. See also Corruption

BRICS, 115

British Virgin Islands, 80

Budget deficit(s), 155–56; and 1998 financial crisis, 3–4; debt and, 18; devaluation and, 149; energy companies and, 15; inflation and, 21, 69; oil prices and, 59, 77, 155; Reserve Fund and, 125; social programs and, 104; Soviet breakup and, 5; subsidies and, 27; taxation and, 15

Budget surplus, 20, 64–68, 65, 73–78, 74

Bunin, Igor, 10

Burgaz, 48

Central Bank, 2, 6, 19, 61–63, 123, 124, 126–28, 149–50, 152–53

Chechnya, 14, 24, 115, 116, 133

Cheka, 68

Chernomyrdin, Viktor, 12, 16

Chevron, 44

Chile, 66, 109

China, 43, 100, 115, 141, 143

Chubais, Anatoly, 13

Chukotka, 41

Cisco, 130

Cold War, 137

“Color revolutions,” 115–16

Communist Party, 10, 19, 31, 61, 75, 108

Communist Youth League, 42

Competition, as obstacle to development, 158

Compliance, 32–33

Corporate taxes, 33

Corruption, 80–83; Artamonov and, 87; business and, 87–88; in defense sector, 116–17; energy companies and, 51; as excusable, 113; extraction of, 88; Gazprom and, 50–52, 55; high level, 88; infrastructure and, 139–40; khozyain and, 90; modernization and, 129–30; as obstacle to development, 89, 96, 157, 158; security services and, 8–9; Sobchak and, 9; Sochi Olympics and, 139–40; tracking of, 8–9; in Ukraine, 144; at VEB, 155; Yakunin and, 84–86. See also Bribery

Countersanctions, 147–48

Credit: 1998 financial crisis and, 18; 2008 financial crisis and, 120, 123, 124; energy sector and, 15; inflation and, 6; as obstacle to business, 158; Sochi Olympics and, 140

Crime, organized, 10–11

Crimea, 111, 138, 145, 153–54, 158

Croatia, 142

Currency: in 1998 financial crisis, 2, 18–19; in 2008 financial crisis, 126–27; in 2014 oil crash, 148–49; devaluation, 18–19, 81–82, 127–28, 149–50, 152; inflation and, 72; oil prices and, 149; oligarchs and, 12–13; Stabilization Fund and, 67–68

Customs Union, 146–47

Cyprus, 80, 84

Czech Republic, 82

Debt, 18, 60–64, 63, 68, 121–23, 151–52, 153

“Deep and comprehensive free trade agreement” (DCFTA), 143–44

Defense spending, 10, 116, 116–17, 118, 118, 161. See also Military-industrial complex

Deficit. See Budget deficit(s)

Delyagin, Mikhail, 28

Democracy, 115

Deripaska, Oleg, 70, 98–99, 142

Devaluation, 18–19, 81–82, 127–28, 149–50, 152

“Dialogue of Civilizations” conferences, 85

Districts, federal, 26

Diversification, 128–32, 158

Dubov, Vladimir, 43

Duma: and 1998 financial crisis, 1; 2011 elections for, 132–33; Communist Party in, 19; corruption and, 44; debt and, 61; Gazprom and, 16–17; industrial subsidies and, 6–7; Ishaev and, 30; oil rents and, 44–45; oligarchs and, 13; Our Home is Russia party in, 9; pensions and, 110; Primakov and, 20; spending cuts and, 18; taxation and, 47–48, 60; United Russia in, 133; Yeltsin and, 6–7

“Dutch disease,” 67

Dvorkovich, Arkady, 131

Dzerzhinsky, Felix, 68–69

Economic Development Ministry, 60

Education spending, 34

Elections, 133–34; 1995 Duma, 9; 1996 presidential, 13, 19; 1999 Duma, 109; 2000 presidential, 109; 2011 Duma, 132–33; regional, replaced by appointment, 27; in Ukraine, 115

Energy companies: 2008 financial crisis and, 125–26; debt and, 152; export duties and, 47–48; and Gazprom takeover, 48–50; investment slowdown and, 138–39; Khodorkovsky and, 41–44; monopoly, 53–56; natural gas, 53–56; oil sector, 56–58; ownership rights and, 39–40; prices and, 38, 54, 56, 57–58, 59, 65; productivity and, 38–39; property rights and, 40; rents and, 44–45; revenues of, 40–41; tax revenues and, 40, 54–55, 57; Yeltsin and, 15. See also Gazprom

Entrepreneurial class, emergence of, 10

Eurasian Economic Union, 142

European Union, 141, 142, 143

Exchange rate, 77, 126, 127, 149, 150, 151

Exports: currency devaluation and, 2, 45, 81–82; diversification of, 131; energy companies and, 47–48; Gazprom and, 53–56; Georgian, 146; mafia and, 8; monetary policies and, 70, 126; oil prices and, 40–41, 119, 148, 154; steel, 95; taxation and, 57–58, 119, 150; trade deals and, 141–42; Ukrainian, 144

Extraordinary Commission, 16

Exxon, 44

Farm subsidies, 3

Federal districts, 26

Federalism, 24–25

Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR), 101

Fedorov, Boris, 16

Fedun, Leonid, 48

Finance Ministry, 60, 65, 74, 78. See also Kudrin, Alexei

Financial crisis: 1998 Russian, 1–7, 17–19, 108; 2008 global, 81, 99, 110–11, 115, 118–20, 122–28, 127, 151, 185n39

Flat tax, 34, 64. See also Taxation

Food stores, 91–93

Foreign currency debt, 63–64

Fradkov, Mikhail, 26

France, 143

Fridman, Mikhail, 55, 93

Frye, Timothy, 157

FSB: Khodorkovsky and, 45; Putin in, 17

Gaidar, Yegor, 5

Galitsky, Sergey, 92–93

Gastronoms, 91

Gavrilenkov, Yevgeny, 61

Gazprom, 11, 16–17, 38, 48–54, 86–87. See also Energy companies

Gazprombank, 145, 152

Georgia, 115–16, 117, 132, 146

Gerashchenko, Viktor, 6, 19–20, 69, 71

Germany, 143

Glazyev, Sergey, 45, 71, 74–77, 137–38

Globalization, 84–85

“Go Forward, Russia!” (Medvedev), 129

“Gold ruble,” 68

Gorbachev, Mikhail: 1998 financial crisis and, 3–4; resignation of, 5

Gref, German, 27–30, 31–32, 50–51, 55, 62

Grocery stores, 91–93

Gross domestic product (GDP): budget balance as percentage of, 7, 14, 15, 135; debt to, 60–61, 62, 63; education spending as percentage of, 34; government spending as percentage of, 20, 34; growth in, 62, 82; health spending as percentage of, 34; military-industrial complex and, 10; military spending as percentage of, 116, 118; pension deficit as percentage of, 111

Gryzlov, Boris, 26

Guggenheim Museum, 96

Guriev, Sergei, 83

Gusinsky, Vladimir, 35, 45

Hanson, Philip, 83

Health spending, 34

Highway tax, 160

Ignatiev, Sergey, 71, 72

Illarionov, Andrei, 72

Income tax, 33, 64. See also Taxation

India, 115

Indonesia, 1, 2

Industrial inspections, 32

Industrial subsidies, 6–7. See also Subsidies

Industry: diversity of, 79–80; retail, 90–91; state-run, 83–87; steel, 93–95, 96–97; in welfare provision, 104. See also Energy companies

Inflation: benefits of, 70–71; consumer price, 1995–2002, 69; Dzerzhinsky and, 68–69; effects of, 69; exports and, 70; fighting, 72–73; interest rate and, 72; investment and, 71–72; Kudrin on, 72; lobby in favor of, 69–71; money supply and, 6; oligarchs and, 12–13; Stabilization Fund and, 73; standard of living and, 151; subsidies and, 6–7, 71, 73; as tax, 69; wage stagnation and, 160–61

Infrastructure: corruption and, 139–40; as obstacle to development, 158

In-kind benefits, 104–7

Inspections, industrial, 32

Interbank lending, 123

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 1, 5, 18, 20, 71

Investment: 1998 financial crisis and, 4; 2005–13, 139; 2008 financial crisis and, 119, 120; 2013–15, 159; corruption and, 80–83; decline in, 138–39; export industries and, 70; external, 122; industrial revitalization and, 76–77; inflation and, 72; Ishaev and, 28–29; in Kaluga, 87–90; Magnitogorsk and, 95; Medvedev and, 132; oil prices and, 122; in oil production, 39; pensions and, 109–11; political stability and, 40; property and, 80–83; sanctions and, 145; savings fund and, 67–68; slowdown, 138–39; taxation and, 57; from tax havens, 80; Yukos affair and, 47

Ishaev, Viktor, 28–30, 31

Itera, 49–50

Ivanov, Sergei, 26, 128

Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 146

Kadyrov, Ramzan, 133

Kadyrov family, 116

Kaliningrad, 19

Kalmykia, 41

Kaluga, 87–90

Karelia, 24

Kasyanov, Mikhail, 62, 63

Kazakhstan, 141, 143

KGB: black market and, 8–9; dismantling of, 11. See also Security services

Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 11, 34, 41–46, 47, 52, 82

Khozyain, 90

Kiriyenko, Sergey, 16, 17, 19; in 1998 financial crisis, 2

Kommersant (newspaper), 31

Kovalchuk, Yuri, 84

Krasnodar, 92

Krasnoyarsk, 16

Kudrin, Alexei, 47, 57, 59, 62, 63, 72–78, 111, 131–32

Kulaks, 37

Labor market: efficiency in, 101–2; puzzle of, 100–103; rules of, 99; unemployment and, 99

Labor mobility, 100–101, 102

Labor unions, 101

Lebed, Alexander, 16, 19

Lebedev, Alexander, 11

Lebedev, Platon, 45

Lehman Brothers, 115, 124

Lend-Lease agreement, 39

Lisin, Vladimir, 86

“Loans-for-shares” scheme, 12

Lukoil, 35, 48

Macroeconomic indicators, 28–29

Mafias, 10–11

Magnit (supermarket), 92–93

Magnitogorsk steel mill, 93–94, 96–97

Magnitsky, Sergei, 146

Magnitsky Act, 146, 80

Malaysia, 131

Marx, Karl, 84

Maslyukov, Yuri, 19–20

Medvedev, Dmitry, 100–101, 128–33, 142, 154, 158, 161

Menatep Bank, 41–42

Mexico, 141

Military-industrial complex: and 1998 financial crisis, 3; gross domestic product and, 10

Miller, Alexey, 49–50

Mining, 12

Mitrova, Tatiana, 53

MMM pyramid scheme, 75

Mobility, labor, 100–101, 102

Modernization, 128–31

Moldova, 146–47

“Monetization of benefits,” 106–7

Money laundering, 80

Money supply: 1998 financial crisis and, 4–5; inflation and, 6

Monogorod, 98–99, 101, 102–3

Mortgage market, 102

Nabiullina, Elvira, 149, 152–53

National Welfare Fund, 64

Natural gas, 53–56. See also Energy companies

Natural gas prices, 54

Navalny, Alexei, 86, 139–40

Nayyem, Mustafa, 144

Nesterenko, Tatyana, 145

Netherlands, 67

Nevzlin, Leonid, 42

Nickel, 12

9/11 attacks, 115

Norway, 66

Novatek, 55, 56

NTV (television channel), 35

Obama, Barack, 142

Offshores, 80–81, 84

Oil prices, 17–18, 38, 39, 57–58, 59, 65, 74, 74, 77, 118–20, 122, 148–50, 155. See also Energy companies

Oil production, 39, 39, 57

Oil sector, 56–58. See also Energy companies

Oligarchs: Putin and, 44–46; Putin on, 34–35; rise of, 10–14; as staying in Russia, 82–83; taxation of, 34–37

Olson, Mancur, 22–23

Olympics: 2008 Beijing, 115; 2014 Sochi, 139–40, 155

Oneksim Bank, 12

Orange Revolution, 115–16

Organized crime, 10–11

Our Home Is Russia, 9

Ozero dacha cooperative, 84

Panama Papers, 79, 88

Paris Club, 63, 68

Patrushev, Nikolai, 26

“Peace dividend,” 114

Pensions, 75, 107–11, 110

Perestroika, 3

Petrov, Nikolai, 33

Pikalevo, 98–99, 101

Piñera, José, 109

Platon, 160

Poland, 82, 141

Polterovich, Viktor, 70

Poroshenko, Petro, 137

Potanin, Vladimir, 12, 16, 34, 35

Power: of mafias, 10; of oligarchs, 13; of security services, 11; vertical, 24–27

Primakov, Yevgeny, 20–21

Privatization: government revenues and, 12; oligarchs and, 11, 42

Production decline, 10

Productivity: of energy companies, 38–39; improvements in, 80, 82; wage growth vs., 113

Property: corruption and, 80–83; energy companies and, 40; investment and, 80–83; state, 11, 12

Property Management Department, 14

Protectionism, 140–44

Protests, 86, 99, 101, 106–7, 115–16, 134, 144–45

Provinces: power over, 24–27

Pussy Riot, 135

Putin, Vladimir: first address to Federal Assembly, 22; at FSB, 17; Gazprom and, 48; at Guggenheim Museum, 96; on in-kind benefits, 105; Khodorkovsky and, 43–44; Medvedev and, 128, 131–32; as monetarist, 68–73; moves to Moscow, 14–17; on natural gas, 55; on oligarchs, 34–35; oligarchs and, 44–46; on pensions, 107; protests against, 134; Sobchak and, 8; on Soviet collapse, 107; St. Petersburg and, 8; Vyakhirev *and, 48–49

Quality of life: defense spending and, 10; increasing, 99; inflation and, 151

Rachinsky, Andrei, 83

“Raider attacks,” 88

Red Directors, 94–95

Regulatory compliance, 32–33

Rents: energy companies and, 44–45

Reserve funds, 59–60, 64–68, 65, 73–78, 74, 125

Resource extraction tax, 41, 58

Retail industry, 90–93

Revolutions, 115–16

Rodina (party), 71

Roldugin, Sergei, 79, 80

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 30

Rose Revolution, 115–16, 117, 146

Rosneft, 18, 46, 52, 56, 138–39, 152

Rosselkhozbank, 123

Rotenberg, Arkady, 51, 87, 160

Rotenberg, Boris, 87

Ruble: in 1998 financial crisis, 2, 18–19; in 2008 financial crisis, 126–27; in 2014 oil crash, 148–49; devaluation, 18–19, 81–82, 127–28, 149–50, 152; “gold,” 68; oligarchs and, 12–13. See also Currency

“Rule of the Seven Boyars,” 13–14

Russian Railways, 83, 85–86

Rutskoi, Aleksandr, 28

Rybolovlev, Dmitri, 82

Saakashvili, Mikheil, 115, 117

Safety net, 104–7. See also Social programs

St. Petersburg, 7–9

Sakhalin Island, 56

Sakharov, Andrei, 134

Sanctions, 145–48

Saudi Arabia, 82

Savings, 59–60, 64–68, 65, 73–78, 74

Sberbank, 152

Sechin, Igor, 46, 52

Security Council (Russia), 26

Security services: expansion of influence of, 11; Putin’s control of, 26. See also KGB

Semiboyarschina, 13–14

September 11 attacks, 115

Serdyukov, Anatoly, 117–18

Sevastopol, 111

Severstal, 95

Shadow economy. See Black market

Shamalov, Nikolai, 84

Shell companies, 80, 84

Shevardnadze, Eduard, 115

Shokhin, Alexander, 61

Shuvalov, Igor, 47

Sibneft, 40, 51

Siluanov, Anton, 111

Skolkovo Innovation Center, 130

Slovakia, 82

Sobchak, Anatoly, 7–9

Sochi Olympics, 139–40, 155

Social contract, 99–100, 104, 111–13, 112, 113

Social programs, 27–28, 42–43, 104–7

Social welfare, 27

Soros, George, 17

South Africa, 115

South Korea, 1

South Ossetia, 117

Spears, Richard, 175n1

Spending cuts, 10, 14–15, 20, 155–56, 160–61. See also Austerity

Stabilization Fund, 64–65, 67–68, 73, 74–77

Stalin, Joseph, 37, 68, 93

Standard of living, 99

State property, 11, 12

State-run firms, 83–87

Statism, 23

Steel industry, 93–95, 96–97

Stock prices, 120

“Strategy for the Development of Russia through 2010,” 31

Stroigazmontazh, 86

Stroitransgaz, 48, 86

Stroyev, Ygor, 28

Subsidies: 1998 financial crisis and, 3, 4; corruption and, 88; energy sector, 126; farm, 142; Gref and, 27–28; inflation and, 6–7, 71, 73; rail, 86; Yeltsin and, 6

Supermarkets, 91–93

Surgutneftegaz, 48

Tatarstan, 24–25

Taxation: 2008 financial crisis and, 125; of black market, 8–9; corporate, 33; cuts in, 66–67; debt and, 62; “Dutch disease” and, 67; of energy companies, 15, 54–55, 57; energy companies and, 40, 41; federalism and, 25; flat, 34, 64; Gazprom and, 16–17; highway, 160; individual income, 33, 64; inflation as, 69; by mafias, 11; as obstacle to development, 157, 158; of oligarchs, 34–37; Putin on reforms for, 22; rates, 33; resistance to, 15–16; of resource extraction, 41, 58; Temporary Extraordinary Commission and, 16

Tax havens, 80

Tech firms, 80

Temporary Extraordinary Commission, 15–16

Terrorism, 115

Thailand, 1, 2

Timchenko, Gennady, 51, 86, 87

TNK-BP, 52, 55, 56, 138–39

Trans-Pacific Partnership, 141, 142

Turnover tax, 33

Ukraine, 5, 115–16, 137–38, 141, 143–46, 153–54

Ulyukaev, Alexey, 72

Unemployment, 99, 100–101, 102–3, 160–61

Union of Right Forces, 31

Unions, 101

United Russia, 45, 132, 133–34

United States, 52, 85, 91, 102, 141, 145–46

Uralkali, 82

Uralvagonzavod, 161

VEB (bank), 80, 110, 123, 140, 152, 154–55

Vedomosti (newspaper), 102–3, 119

Vekselberg, Viktor, 55

Venezuela, 82

Vertical power, 24–27

Veterans, bonuses for, 134

Virgin Islands, 80

VKontakte, 80

Vladivostok, 19

Vote rigging, 133–34

VTB (bank), 124, 145, 152

Vyakhirev, Rem, 11–12, 17, 48

Vyakhirev, Yuri, 48

Vyakhireva, Tatiana, 48

Wage arrears, 98–99, 103

Wage decline, 150

Wage growth, 100, 112, 113

Wage stagnation, 160–61

Wealth: accumulation of, 30–31, 59–60, 79, 84

Welfare, 27, 42–43, 104–7

World Bank, 33, 82

World Economic Forum, 125

World Trade Organization (WTO), 33, 141–42

World War II, 137

Yakovlev, Vladimir, 9, 83–85

Yakunin, Andrei, 86

Yakunin, Vladimir, 83–85

Yalta Conference (1945), 137

Yalta Conference (2013), 137–38

Yandex, 80

Yanukovych, Viktor, 144

Yasin, Yevgeny, 31, 61

Yeltsin, Boris: 1998 financial crisis and, 1–2; market prices and, 5–6; oligarchs and, 12–13; Primakov and, 21

Yeltsin, Tatiana, 12, 98

Yevtushenkov, Vladimir, 162

Youth League, 42

Yuganskneftegaz, 46

Yukos, 40, 42–43, 45–48, 52. See also Energy companies

Zyuganov, Gennady, 13, 17, 19, 45, 61, 109