
Page numbers followed by n indicate note numbers.

AAF. See American Asthma Foundation

Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, 161–162, 173

Aaron Diamond Foundation, 161, 162, 193, 294–295

ACBP. See Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies


Advancing Water Management, 248–249

advocacy organizations, 175

Affordable Care Act, 54

African Americans, 103, 173

African Soil Information Service (AfSIS), 244

AfSIS. See African Soil Information Service

Against Malaria Foundation, 85

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 134, 205

AllianceBernstein, 144

Alzheimer’s Disease Research, 249–250

America Forward, 75

American Asthma Foundation (AAF), 221

American Diabetes Association

Tour de Cure, 84

An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy (Myrdal), 214

American Legislative Exchange Council, 11

American Paralysis Association, 220

AMP Incorporated, 186

Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies (ACBP), 173–174, 177, 239–242

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 135, 156

Andrus, John, 198

“angel” investors, 7, 289n21

Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 204

Annenberg, Ambassador Walter H., 199–200

Annenberg, Leonore (Lee), 199

Annenberg, Wallis, 199

The Annenberg Foundation, 199–200

Annie E. Casey Foundation, 51, 56

antipoverty foundations, 61–62

antismoking policies, 11

AP2, 66

Apple, 43, 222–223

Arabella Advisors, 78

Arabells Advisots, 30

Arthritis Foundation, 84

Arts Innovation and Management program, 262–263

Ascoli, Peter M., 102

Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions, 79

Atlanta Aquarium, 145

Atlantic Monthly, 103

The Atlantic Philanthropies, 54, 146, 159, 169–170, 174, 177, 181–182, 218, 245–246

Atwater, Verne S., 110–111

Avalon Foundation, 135

The AVI CHAI Foundation, 144–145, 172, 174, 177, 187, 250–251

AXA, 33

Babson College, 66

Bailin, Michael, 24

Bain & Company, 79, 80

Baltimore Foundation, 60

The Barr Foundation, 31

B Corporations, xix

Beit AVI CHAI, 175

The Beldon Fund, 175, 181, 235–237

Benioff, Marc, 39

Bentham, Jeremy, 26

The Berkman Klein Center for the Internet & Society, 214

Berkshire Hathaway, 67, 177–178. See also Buffett, Warren

Berman, Melissa, 30, 81

Bernholz, Lucy, 61

Bernstein, Zalman, 144–145, 183

Berresford, Susan, 117

The Bertelsmann Foundation, 56–57

A Better Chicago, 25, 62

Bezos, Jeff, 39

“BHAGs,” 30

Bike MS, 84

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, xvii, 10, 51, 52, 53–54, 145, 170, 177–181, 242–243. See also The Giving Pledge

billionaires, philanthropy and, 39–45

The Billionaire Who Wasn’t (O’Clery), 146

bKash. See Financial Services in Bangladesh

Blackbaud, 82

BlackRock, 33

Blackstone Group, 44

Blankfein, Lloyd C., 25, 67

blogs, 85, 150

Bloomberg, Michael R., 39, 45, 67

Bloomberg Associates, 262

Bloomberg Connects, 263

The Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative, 262

The Bloomberg Philanthropies, 54, 213, 259–264

Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Innovation Teams (i-teams), 45, 262

Blue Meridian Partners, 50, 173, 230

Bluestone, Jeffery, 219

Bon, Lauren, 199–200

Booknik, 54

Borlaug, 165

The Boston Foundation (TBF), 30, 58–60, 78, 97

The Boston Globe, 44

Boulder Foundation, 60

Bradach, Professor Jeff, 30, 79, 230

The Brainerd Foundation, 171, 176, 256–259

The Bridgespan Group, 25, 30, 79, 169, 230, 290n9

Broad, Edythe, 54

Broad, Eli, 39, 54

Broad Foundation, 54

Bronfman, Charles, 192

Brown v. Board of Education, 214

Bruce, Alisa Mellon, 135

Buchanan, Phil, 77, 78

Buck, Beryl, 144

Buffalo Foundation, 60

Buffett, Warren, xvii, 39, 51, 67, 177–178, 179. See also Berkshire Hathaway; The Giving Pledge

Buhl, Alice, 152–153

Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (Collins and Porras), 29–30

Bundy, McGeorge, 32, 109, 117, 124

“The Burden of Wealth” (Rosenwald), 103

Bush, President George W., 121

CAF America. See Charities Aid Foundation of America

California Endowment, 49, 56

“Call to Serve,” 191–192

Canales, James, 31–32

capitalism, 118

foundations and, 116

CARE, Inc., 80

Career and Technical Education program, 263–264

Carer, Hodding III, 52–53

The Carlyle Group, xvii

Carnegie, Andrew, xviii, 28–29, 39–40, 91, 96, 97, 103, 139, 143–144, 154, 159, 160, 298n11

The Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2, 100, 194, 213–214

Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, 100

Carnegie Dunfermline Trust, 99

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 100

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 99

Carnegie Hall, 99

Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, 99

The Carnegie Institute, 99

Carnegie Institute of Technology, 99

The Carnegie Institution for Science, 99

The Carnegie Institution of Washington, 99

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 99

Carnegie-Mellon University, 99

Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, 99

Carnegie Steel Corporation, 98

Carnegie Technical Schools, 99

The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, 99

Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 100

Carson, Rachel, 6

Cascade Philanthropy Advisors, 63, 78

The Casebook for the Foundation: A Great American Secret (Schindler), 123, 194

Center for Community Self-Help, 117

Center for Documentary Studies, 220

Center for Effective Philanthropy, 36, 49

The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), 76–78

Center for Responsible Lending, 11

Center for Science in the Public Interest, 7

Center for Strategic Philanthropy and Civic Society, 139

The Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship, 32

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 117

Center on Wrongful Convictions, 221

Centre on Social Entrepreneurship, 43–44

CEP. See The Center for Effective Philanthropy

CF Leads, 61

The Chambers Group, 78

Chan, Dr. Priscilla, xvii, xviii, 40, 57. See also The Giving Pledge

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, xix

charitable giving

corporations, 5

foundations, 5, 6–8

individuals, 5

individuals by bequest, 5

Charities Aid Foundation of America (CAF America), 78

Charity Defense Council, 85

Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, 202

The Charles Revson Foundation, 266–268

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, 23, 51, 56, 61

Chary, Meera, 169

China, 1

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, 220

The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 31–32, 33, 83, 169

Church Peace Union, 100

Citizen Schools, 75

civic leaders, 56–61

Civic Learning, 250

Civic Participation Action Fund, 54, 174

civic sector, US, 1–17. See also public policy

benefits of charitable giving, 9–15

charitable giving, 4–8

exemptions and charitable giving, 9–15

history, 3

size of, 3–4

tax incentives, 9–15

Civitas Institute, 127

Clark, Hays, 173

Clark Foundation, 50

Clean Air Act, 11

Clean Energy initiative, 261

ClearWay Minnesota, 171, 173, 176

The Cleveland Foundation, 56, 57, 58

ClimateWorks, 48, 199

Clinton, President Bill, 10, 53, 64, 117, 121

Clinton Global Initiative, 41, 79

Coca-Cola Company, 67, 135

CollegePoint, 263

Collins, John, 29–30

Columbia Law School, 190

Common Cause, 2

Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, 63

Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan, 23

Community Wealth Ventures, 63

Compact of Mayors, 261

Conserving California’s Landscapes, 248

Corporate Service Corps, 64

Corporation for National and Community Service, 52, 82


charitable giving, 5

social responsibility, 64–67

Council on Foundations, 51, 74, 79

“Counterweight to the NRA,” 54

Creating the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government, 191

Creative Commons, 214

Crown, Lester, 201–202

Crown Family Philanthropies, 202

Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, 86

Cycle for Life, 84

Cy Pres, 151–152

Cystic Fibrosis, 84

Daniels, Bill, 133

Daniels Fund, 133

David, Donald K., 109, 110

David and Lucille Packard Foundation, 47, 74, 134, 199, 212

The Dead Hand (Hobhouse), 92

Dees, Professor Greg, 32

Delany, Peggy, 302n6

de Laune, Baron, 92

Deloitte, 75

The Democracy Alliance, 232

The Detroit Children’s Fund, 62

Detroit Free Press, 46

Detroit Institute of Arts, 117

Detroit’s Grand Bargain, 22

Development Media International, 85

Digital Giving Index, 82

Distinguished Grantmaking Through Collaboration, 51

Doerr Foundation, 194

Donald Pritzker Entrepreneursip Law Center, 221

donor-advised funds, 69–72. See also taxes

donor “neglect,” 132


creation of foundations, 217–228

fidelity, 226–228

intent versus remorse, 146–147

joy of giving, 164–166

spend-downers, 143, 182–185, 201–202, 217–226

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, 212

Downey, Robert, Jr., 84

Drucker, Peter, 29

Duke, James B., 226

The Duke Endowment, 134, 226

Duncan, Arne, 223

Earned Income Tax Credits, 117

eBay, 43

Economic Development in Africa program, 264

Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, 24, 49–50, 173, 230

education, 263–264

foundations, 247–248

reform, 10

Edward VII, King of Great Britain, 101

Einstein, Albert, 31

Eleos Foundation, 176

Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, 54–55

The Emerson Collective, 43

endowments, 15–17. See also Carnegie, Andrew

perpetual, 100

Energy Foundation, 47–48

England, 91–96, 151–152

Charities Commission, 152

English Charities Commission, 91, 92

Enterprise Community Partners, 48

Entrepreneurs Foundation, 78

environment, 248–249, 261

Environmental Defense Fund, 7

Environmental Protection Act, 11

Esposito, Virginia, 76

Everytown for Gun Safety, 264

Evidence Action, 85

Excellence in Giving, 78

Executive Alliance to Expand Opportunities for Boys and Men of Color, 49

Facebook, xviii, 40, 81–82, 223, 297n39. See also Internet

family foundations, 197–206

importance of nonfamily board members, 204–206

Farnell Electronics PLC, 204

FasterCures, 86

The F.B. Heron Foundation, 32–33

The Federalist Society, 123

Feeney, Charles, xx, 146, 147, 159, 162, 182

Feinberg, Mike, 222

fellowships, xviii

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, 78

Fidelity Investments, 69–70

Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund, 70

“,” 62

Financial Services in Bangladesh (bKash), 244

Fisher, Donald, 222

Fisher, Doris, 222

Fistula Foundation, 85

501(c)(3), 43, 54, 70

501(c)(4), 54

Fleishman, Joel L., 45, 149

Flexner, Abraham, 97

Flora Family Foundation, 198

Forbes, 40

Ford, Edsel, 107, 117, 126

Ford, Henry, xiv

Ford, Henry II, 105, 107–119, 144, 147

Ford Foundation, xiv, xv, 1, 6–7, 10, 23, 32, 35, 48, 51, 56, 61, 105, 107–119, 144, 197, 212, 213

The Ford Foundation (A5water and Walsh), 110

Ford Motor Company, 107, 109

Ford Trustees, 109

Fortune, 219

The Foundation (Fleishman), 45, 149

The Foundation Center, 41–42, 75–76

Foundation for Detroit’s Future, 22

Foundation for the Carolinas, 60

foundations, 301n1

advocacy organizations and, 175, 213–214, 230–231

character-building, 210–211

charitable giving, 5, 6–8

city-based antipoverty foundations, 61–62

classical music, 211–212

collaboration among, 45–53

collaboration with government, 212–213

collaborative giving on a regional basis, 63

community and civic leaders, 56–61, 72

corporate social responsibility, 64–67

creation, 217–228

departure, 173–175

donor intent after death, 134–135

endowed, 15–17

evolution, 51–53

family, 197–206

filling a void, 172–173

founder’s projects, 264

founding of first, 160

goals, 175–176

government and, 175–176

grantmaking decisions, 24–25

investments, 176

literature, 211

medical, 209

mission, 186–187

operational support and overhead, 34–37

partnerships among, 47–51

performing arts, 211–212

perpetual, 179, 180, 184–185, 193–196, 207–215, 264–271

poetry, 211

political, 210

public infrastructure in a digital age, 214

religious, 209–210

research, 213–214

successor organizations, 175

support of capitalism, 116

time-limited, 171–187, 301n1

“Foundations” (Turgot and de Laune), 92

Foundation Strategy Group (FSG), 76, 79–80

founder grants, 250

France, 92

Frates, Pete, 84, 297n39

Fred Hollows Foundation, 85

Freedom Fund to End Slavery in the World, 49

Friedman, Dr. Henry, 169

Fulton, Katherine, 61

Fund for Nonprofit Management, 29

Fund for Shared Insight, 50–51

Gaither, H. Rowan, 107–108, 109

Galle, Professor Brian, 15–16

The Gap Corporation, 222

Gardner, John, 2

Gates, Bill, 39. See also The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; The Giving Pledge

Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS), 245

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, 243

Gayle, Helene, 80

GDP. See gross domestic product

General Motors Corporation, 206

Generosity by Indiegogo, 83

GEO. See Grantmakers for Effective Organizations

George Gund Foundation, 134

Germany, 92

Gerstner, Louis V., 64

Gill, Tim, 232

The Gill Foundation, 54, 171–172, 254–256

GiveDirectly, 83, 85

GiveWell, 27

“Giving Credit Where It Is Due,” 66

The Giving Pledge, xvii, 41–42, 141, 177–178, 202. See also Buffett, Warren; Gates, Bill

signers, 273–281

“Giving Tuesday,” 83–84

“Giving While Living,” 98, 139–170

age and, 140–145

donor intent versus donor remorse, 146–147

fear of bureaucracy and stagnation, 148–151

fear of dwindling value, 155–157

fear of obsolescence, 151–152

fear of timidity, 153–155

influence of venture capital, 141–143

joy of giving, 164–166

needs of today, 158–162

older rich and, 143–145

philanthropists, 190–193

social returns, 162–163

time limits and, 166–170

trustees and, 152–153

unwillingness to burden children, 147–148

youth and, 140–141

Glass Pockets, 75

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, 85

Global Brain Health Institute, 169–170, 218

global development, 244–245

global health, 243–244

Global Ocean Legacy Collaborative, 49

Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), 243, 260

The Global Road Safety Program, 260

global warming, 167–168

GMS. See Gates Millennium Scholars

Goldman Sachs, 25, 64–67, 155

Goldman Sachs Foundation, 66

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund, 70

Goldmark, Peter, 48

Goliath phenomenon, 140

Good to Great and the Social Sectors (Collins), 30

Gore, Al, 44

Gose, Ben, 33

The Gospel of Wealth (Carnegie), 40, 91, 96, 97, 103, 139, 143

Goss, Kristin, 289n24


collaboration with foundations, 212–213

foundations and, 175–176

innovation, 261–262

GPEI. See Global Polio Eradication Initiative

GPR. See Grantee Perception Report

The Grable Fundation, 265–266

Grand Bargain, 23–24, 33, 35–36, 45–47

GrantCraft, 75

Grantee Perception Report (GPR), 77

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO), 36, 49, 74, 74, 79


foundation decisions, 24–25

founder, 250

recently concluded initiatives, 249–250

support, 249

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, 57

Greenpeace, 1

Greensboro Foundation, 60

Grogan, Paul, 58–61

Gromeier, Dr. Matthias, 169

Gross, Bill, 27

gross domestic product (GDP)

China and, 48

in the United States, 3–4

Grossman, Allen, 32, 141

Growth Capital Aggregation Funds, 49–50

Growth Strategy Inc., 78

The Hagedorn Foundation, 171, 175

Harris, Alex, 220

The Harvard Business Review, 80, 141

Harvard Business School (HBS), 29, 32, 73

Social Enterprise Initiative, 32, 73

Harvard Law School, 190

Harvard University, 156–157

Harvard Women’s Health Letter, 209

Hassenfeld, Elie, 27

HBS. See Harvard Business School

Heald, Henry T., 109

Heard, Alexander, 111, 115–116

Hennessy, John, xviii

Hewlett, Flora, 134

Hewlett, William, 134

Hewlett Foundation, 48, 199, 210, 212

Heyman, Ronnie, 190

Heyman, Samuel J., 190–192

Heyman Fellowship Program, 190

Hobhouse, Sir Arthur, 92

Hoffman, Paul G., 109

Home Depot, 145, 154, 193

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 218

Humanity United, 49

Human Rights First, 7

Human Rights Watch, 7

Hunting, John, 175

Ibargüen, Alberto, 45–46

IBC. See Ice Bucket Challenge

IBM, 64–65

Ice Bucket Challenge (IBC), 84, 297n39

ILC. See Instructional Leadership Corps

Improving Foundation Effectiveness Collaborative, 49


charitable giving by individual, 5

disposable, 5

An Inconvenient Truth (film), 44, 214

The Independent Sector, 2

Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, 67

Innovation Fund, 52

Innovations for Poverty Action, 85

Inside Philanthropy, 85

Instructional Leadership Corps (ILC), 248

Internal Revenue Code, 156, 232

Internal Revenue Service, 5, 69–70

International Finance Corporation, 66

Internet, 84, 86, 214. See also blogs; Facebook

interviewees, 283–286

Iodine Global Network, 85

Irwin Sweeney Miller Foundation, 152–153

Israel Democracy Institute, 145

Issue Lab, 75

i-teams. See Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Innovation Teams

The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation, 204

Jacobs Family Foundation, 174

JDRF. See Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Jewish Agency for Israel, 192

Jews, 184. See also AVI CHAI Foundation; Bernstein, Zalman; Taglit Birthright Israel

Jobs, Laurene Powell, 39, 43, 222–223

Jobs, Steve, 43, 222–223

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 22–23, 47

John Merck Fund, 175–176

The John M. Olin Foundation, 112, 173, 193, 238–239

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, 135

Johns Hopkins University, 264

Johnson, General, 205, 206

Johnson, President Lyndon, 2, 109, 165

Johnson, Robert Wood II, 135, 154

Johnson & Johnson, 135

Joint Committee on Taxation, 289n23

Jones, Paul Tudor, 25, 61–62

The Joyce Foundation, 56

JPMorgan Chase, 33

The Julius Rosenwald Foundation, 173, 237–238

The Julius Rosenwald Fund, 103, 193

Jumpstart, 75

Jurist, 93

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

Rides to Cure Juvenile Diabetes, 84

Kaiser Family Fund, 52

Karoff, Peter, 30, 78

Kasper, Gabriel, 61

Kavli Foundation, 48

Kempner, Aviva, 103

Kennedy, Chris, 297n39

Kennedy, President John F., 109

Kennedy, Robert, 190

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, xviii

Kibbe, Barbara, 74

Kickstarter, 75

King, Martin Luther, 158

KIPP Academies, 22

Kirsch, Vanessa, 74

Kiva, 83

Klausner, Professor Michael, 162–163

KL Felicitas Foundation, 33

Knight, Philip, xviii

Knight Foundation, 23, 45–46, 52–53

Knight Newspapers, 135

Knight Ridder chain, 46

Knowledge Is Power Program, 222

Koch, Charles, 39

Koch, David, 39

Koestler, Arthur, 221

Koppel, Ted, 214

Kozol, Jonathan, 171

Kramer, Mark, 76, 79

Krehbiel, Liam, 25

Kresge, Sebastian, 134

The Kresge Foundation, 21–22, 33, 45–46, 77, 134

“Six Core Beliefs,” 22

KR Foundation, 48

Lady Gaga, 84

“League of Nations,” 101

“League of Peace,” 101

Leap of Reason initiative, 63

Leap of Reason: Managing to Outcomes in an Era of Scarcity (Morino), 63

The Legatum Foundation of Dubai, 49


Brown v. Board of Education, 214

Clean Air Act, 11

Environmental Protection Act, 11

equal housing and fair lending laws, 11

North Fork Watershed Protection Act, 176, 258

Obergefell v. Hodges, 172

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), 10

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 10

Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act, 176, 258

Welfare-to-Work, 117

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 75

Letts, Christine W., 32, 141

Lever Fund, 62

Levin, Dave, 222

The Life You Can Save, 85

Lights Out (Koppel), 214

Lilly, Ruth, 211

Lilly Endowment, 209–210

limited liability company (LLC), 43

Lincoln Memorial, xvii

Lipsky, Michael, 51

LISC. See Local Initiatives Support Corporation

literature, 211

Litow, Stanley S., 64

Living Cities, 48, 53

Living Goods, 86

LLC. See limited liability company

loan programs, 252

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), 48, 58, 213

London Summit on Family Planning and FP2020, 244–245

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, 11

Lupton, Jack, 220

Lurie, Daniel, 25, 62

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, 125

MacArthur Foundation, 48

Madison, President James, xvii

The Madison Initiative, 48

Maimonides, Moses, xvii, 160, 229, 302n23, 307–308n1

Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Practices and Principles (Drucker), 29

Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, 10, 117

Marcus, Bernard, 39, 145, 154, 193

Marcus Autism Center, 193

The Marcus Foundation, 145, 154

Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies, 195–196

Marshall Plan, 109

Martin, Roger, 83

Massachusetts Juvenile Justice Pay for Success Initiative, 75

The Maternal and Reproductive Health Program, 260

Math in Common Initiative, 247

Mauze, Abby Rockefeller, 199

Mayer, Jane, 231

McCance, Henry, 86

McCloy, John J., 109

McKinsey & Company, 80

McKinsey Social Initiative, 80

McKnight, William, 134

The McKnight Foundation, 47, 134

The Meadows Foundation, 269

“The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship” (Dees), 32

Medicaid, 4

Medicare, 3, 4

medicine, 209

Mellon, Paul, 135

MenAfriVac (Sub-Saharan Africa Meningitis Group A Vaccine), 243–244

Mertz-Gilmore Foundation, 47

Meyerson, Adam, 118, 128–129, 132–133

“mezzanine” investors, 7, 289n21

Miami Foundation, 60

Milken, Michael, 39, 86

Milker, 219

Mill, John Stuart, 26, 92–96

Minter, Steve, 58

Miracle-Gro, 175

Mitchell, Ted, 223

Monitor Group, 74–75

“moon rockets,” 141

Morby, Jacqui, 86

Morby, Jeff, 86

Morgan, J. P., 98

Morgan Stanley, 33

Morino, Mario, 63

Morino Institute, 63

Moskovitz, Dustin, 39, 40, 42, 223–225

M-PESA, 244

M+R Strategic Services Benchmark Study, 82

music, 211–212

Musk, Elon, 39

My Brother’s Keeper, 49

Myrdal, Gunnar, 213–214

NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 7

National Board for Professional Teacher Certification, 194

National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCEP), 76

National Community Development Initiative, 48

National Employment Law Project, 55–56, 167

National Endowment for the Arts, 13

National Information Standards Organization (NISO), 214

National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 84

National Public Radio (NPR), 52, 154, 165

natural disasters, 208

Natural Resources Defense Council, 7

NBC, 193

NCEP. See National Center for Family Philanthropy

Neier, Aryeh, 195

NETA/Bishvil Ha’lvrit, 251–252

Network for Good, 82

New Hampshire Foundation, 60

New Markets Tax Credits, 11

New Profit, Inc., 74–75

Newsweek, 120

New York Community Trust, 70

The New Yorker, 84

New York Times, 55, 179, 222

Next Generation Science Standards Early Implementation Initiative, 247–248

NGOs. See non-governmental organizations

Nicholson, Dr. Celeste, 209

Nike, xviii

911 National Emergency Response Telephone Number, 222

NISO. See National Information Standards Organization

non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 1, 64

nonprofit organizations

“poor-serving” versus “all-serving,” 14

preoccupation with mission and strategies, 29

sources of revenue, 4

Nonprofit Quarterly, 82

North Fork Watershed Protection Act, 176, 258

NPR. See National Public Radio

Oak Foundation, 48

Obama, President Barack, 14, 49, 66, 121, 257–258

Obamacare. See Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Obergefell v. Hodges, 172

The Obesity Prevention Program, 260

O’Clery, Conor, 146

Old Dominion Foundation, 135

Olin, John M., 119–122, 144

Olin Foundation, 121–125, 177

Omidyar, Pierre, 39, 42–43, 232

Omidyar Network, xix, 43

Once Acre Fund, 86

“On the Brink of New Promise: The Future of US Community Foundations” (Bernholz, Fulton, and Kasper), 61

Open Society Foundations, 1, 45, 56, 194, 195

Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation, 1

Osberg, Sally, 83

Overseas Private Investment Corporation, 66

Oxfam International, 86

Pacific Northwest, 245

Packard, David, 12

Packard Foundation, 48

Palevsky, Joan, 57

Paragon Philanthropy, 78

Parker, Sean, 39, 148–149, 169, 218–219

The Parker Foundation, 219

The Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, 169, 219

Participant Media, 44

The Partnership for Public Service, 190–192

The Partnership to Eradicate Polio

description, 260

Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-Tech), 65

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), 10

Peace Palace, 101

Pell Grants, 165–166

performing arts, 211–212, 220, 262–263

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 10

Peterson, Pete, 44

Pew, J. Howard, 128

Pew Charitable Trusts, 47, 49, 51, 54, 128, 209–210

philanthropic graveyards, 142

The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI), 30, 78

philanthropy. See also public policy

collaboration among foundations, 45–53

collaborative giving on a regional basis, 63

evolution, 8

“golden age,” 81–86

history, 3, 86–87

“impact achievement,” 26–28

informal conglomerate, 42–45

infrastructure, 72–81

investing for impact, 28–34

long-lasting, 207–215 “pay-for-success,” 31, 290n14

social change and, 39–67

time-limited, 8

“watchdogs,” 85

young billionaires and, 39–45

Philanthropy Advisors, 78

Philanthropy Directions International, 78

“Philanthropy Engaged: The Post 2015 Agenda,” 76

Philanthropy News Digest, 75

Philanthropy Roundtable, 118, 128, 131, 134, 135, 149

Piereson, James, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125


Pinette, John, 179

poetry, 211

The Poetry Foundation, 211

Poetry Magazine, 211

politics, 210

Population Services International, 86

Porras, Jerry, 29–30

Porter, Michael, 67, 76, 79

Portfolio Investors, 48

Possible, 86

Powell, Dina Habib, 25

Pre-Army Mechinot (Zionist Leadership Academies), 252–253

Premier Industrial Corporation, 204

Prewitt, Kenneth, 160

PRIs. See program-related investments

Pritzker, J. B., 221

Pritzker Family Foundation, 221

PRIZMAH: The Center for Jewish Day Schools, 174

Program on Creativity and Free Expression, 212

program-related investments (PRIs), 32

Project Healthy Children, 86

Proscio, Tony, 55, 168

The Prostate Cancer Foundation, 86, 219

P-Tech. See Pathways in Technology Early College High School

Public Art Challenge, 263

Public Broadcasting System, 154

public health, 259–260

public policy. See also civic sector, US

advocacy to change, 56

initiatives, 10–15

philanthropy and, 53–67

Public Welfare Foundation, 56

Quinn, Pat, 84, 297n39

“Quitplan,” 173

Race to the Top initiative, 10, 54

Rapson, Rip, 21–22, 45–47

Reader’s Digest Association, 135

Reagan, President Ronald, 121

Reinharz, Jehuda, 204

religion, 209–210

Results for America, 230

Rhode Island Foundation, 60

Rich, Motoko, 55

Ridder Publications, 46

Right to Play, 75

Rimel, Rebecca, 129–130

Ripken, Cal, Jr., 51

Robertson Foundation, 54–55

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), 11, 53, 77, 134–135, 194, 207, 222

Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, 135, 150

Robert W. Woodruff, Lettie Pate Whitehead, Lettie Pate Evans, and Joseph B. Whitehead Foundations, 270–271

Robin Hood Foundation, 25, 62, 63

Rockefeller, David, Jr., 302n6

Rockefeller, David, Sr., 146

Rockefeller, Jay, 302n6

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 199, 302n6

Rockefeller, John D., Sr., xviii, 28–29, 39–40, 96–97, 105, 146, 159, 302n6

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 199

The Rockefeller Foundation, 47, 48, 56, 78, 79, 132, 146, 194, 207, 302n6

Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, 165

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, 30, 76, 78, 80–81

Rockefeller University, 165

Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act, 176, 258

Rogers, David, 205

Roob, Nancy, 50

Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 103

Roosevelt, President Theodore, 101

Rosenwald, Julius, xx, 102–105, 120, 149, 151

Rosenwald: The Remarkable Story of a Jewish Partnership with African American Communities (Kempner), 103

Ross, Robert, 49

Rothschild, Lord Jacob, 146, 203–204

Rothschild, Mrs. James, 203

The Rothschild Foundation, 203–204

Rouse, James, 48

Rubenstein, David, xvii, 39

Russia, 1

RWJF. See Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Ryan, WIlliam P., 32, 141

Sachs, Samuel, 155

Sall, Ginger, 200, 205

Sall, John, 200

The Sall Family Foundation, 200–203

Samual N. and Mary Castle Foundation, 265

Sandler, Herbert, 221

Sandler, Marion, 221

Sandler Center for Basic Asthma Research, 221–222

Sandler Foundation, 49, 221

San Francisco Foundation, 60

Santikos, John L., 57

The Saturday Evening Post, 104

Scaife, Richard Mellon, 125

Schindler, Steven, 123

Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, 86

Schusterman, Lynn, 202–203

Schwab Charitable Fund, 70

Schwarzman, Stephen A., 39

The Science Philanthropy Alliance, 48

Scotland, 98

S. D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation, 174–175, 225, 246–247

SDG Philanthropy Platform, 76

Sean N. Parker Auto-Immune Research Laboratory, 219

Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy Research, 219

Sears, Roebuck and Company, 102

Second Swedish National Pension Fund, 66

Seldon, Willa, 169

Senerchia, Anthony, 297n39

Senerchia, Jeanette, 297n39

Seton Hall Law School, 190

Seva Foundation, 86

Shulman, James, 156

Silent Spring (Carson), 6

Silicon Valley Community Foundation, 57

Simon, William E., 112, 124

Singer, Professor Peter, 85

The Skillman Foundation, 23, 62

Skoll, Jeff, 39, 43–44, 214, 232

Skoll Foundation, 43

Sloan, Alfred P., 154

“Smarter Cities,” 64

“The Smarter Cities Challenge,” 64

Smith, Brad, 41–42, 75

social change, philanthropy and, 39–67

Social Change Initiative, 174

Social Good Team, 81

Social Initiative, 80

Social Innovation Fund, 52

social media. See blogs; Facebook; Internet

Soros, George, 1, 39, 45, 194, 195, 232

Souter, Supreme Court Justice David, 190

Spacey, Kevin, 51

spend downers, 143, 182–185, 201–202, 217–226

Spotlight, 44

Stanford Social Innovation Review, 79, 80

Starr, Steve, 120

Stasch, Julia, 22–23

State Priorities Partnership, 51

Steinhardt, Michael, 166, 192

STEM disciplines, 171–172, 206, 256

Steyer, Tom, 39, 45, 232

Stier, Max, 190–191

Stone, Christopher, 195

Stone, Deanne, 186

Strategic Philanthropy, 78

“The Study Committee,” 107–108

The Surdna Foundation, 198, 212

Surowiecki, James, 84

Sviridoff, Mitchell, 6–7

Swift, Taylor, 84

Taglit Birthright Israel, 166, 192

TaL AM, 251

taxes. See also donor-advised funds

exemption, 12

incentives in the civic sector, 9–15

TBF. See The Boston Foundation

Teachers Insurance and Annuities Association, 99

Teach for America, 222

10,000 Small Businesses, 67

Ten Thousand Women, 25

10,000 Women initiative, 65–67

Theiler, Max, 194

Thomas, Franklin, 117

3M Corporation, 134

TIAA-CREF, 97, 99, 165

Tierney, Thomas, 27, 30, 79, 230

Timberlake, Justin, 84

“Time for Change” (Stasch), 23

A Time for Truth (Simon), 112

Tipping Point Community, 25, 62, 63

Tobin, Professor James, 17

Tolstoy, Leo, 204

TomKat Foundation, 45

TPI. See The Philanthropic Initiative

Trebor Foundation, 135

trustees, 152–153

The Trust for Public Land, 47

Tubney Charitable Trust, 49

Tuna, Cari, 40, 42, 223–225

Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, 92

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, 75–76

Tzohar, 253

UBS, 33

United Nations, 75, 110

United States

civic sector, 1–17

Civil Rights movement, 214

disposable income, 5

First Amendment, 2, 12

Great Recession 2008–2011, 5, 16

model of American giving, 96–97

Supreme Court, 12

US Constitution, 2

welfare programs, 117

World War I, 101

United Way Worldwide, 79

Universal Giving, 83

“The University and College Faculty Salaries and Hospital Grants Program,” 109

The Urban Institute, 10, 117

US Agency for International Development (USAID), 80

USAID. See US Agency for International Development

US Libraries, 245

US Marine Corps Iwo Jima War Memorial, xvii

US Steel Corporation, 98

US Tax Code, xix, 11–12

US Treasury, 14, 289n23

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program, 70

venture capital, 141–143, 142

venture philanthropy, 97

Venture Philanthropy Partners (VPP), 63

Vibrant Oceans, 261

The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, 271

“Virtuous Capital: What Foundations Can Learn from Venture Capitalists” (Letts, Ryan, and Grossman), 32

von Humboldt, Wilhelm, 92

VPP. See Venture Philanthropy Partners

Wadsworth, Homer, 58

Waiting for Superman, 214

Walker, Darren, 23–24, 33, 35–36, 45–47, 213

Walk Free Foundation, 49

Wallace, Dewitt, 135

Wallace, Lila Acheson, 135

The Wallace Foundation, 135

Wall Street Journal, 118, 128–130

Walmart, 80

Walsh, Dr. Patrick, 219–220

Walsh, Evelyn C., 110–111

Walter and Evelyn Haas, Jr. Fund, 54

Washington, Booker T., 103

Washington Monument, xvii

Wealth, 98

“Wealth” (Carnegie), 91, 97

Weaver, Warren, 109

Weingarten, Charles Annenberg, 199–200

Weingarten, Gregory Annenberg, 199–200

The Weingart Foundation, 34

Weiss, Lowell, 63

Welfare-to-Work, 10, 117

What Works Cities, 262

Wheeler, Tom, 222

Whitaker, Uncas A., 186

The Whitaker Foundation and Helen F. Whitaker Fund, 186, 239

Whitehead, John, 29, 73

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, 47, 134, 198, 212

Williams, William Carlos, 211

W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 135

“Women Hold Up Half the Sky,” 65

“Womenomics,” 65

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 75

World Bank, 25, 66

“World Community Grid,” 64

World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship, 44

World War I, 101

World Wide Web consortium, 214

Wright, Robert, 193

Wright, Suzanne, 193

XQ: The Super School Project, 223

“Yad Hanadiv,” 203

Yale Law School, 190

Ylvisaker, Paul, xv, 197

Yoon, Sangwon, 26


The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, 127–128, 269–270

Zuckerberg, Mark, xvii, xviii, 39, 40, 57, 161