Write and Publish
a Book

When my third book, Facebook Guide to Small Business Marketing, was published, my personal brand went up several notches. I was invited to speak at more places, had more media interviews, and even my smile got bigger and better!

A book, similar to an event, is a tool that gives you credibility, visibility, and legitimacy. It’s a hook you can use to get media attention and share with others. A book is a great tool to use to seal a business deal, win a new client, or say “thank you” to an existing client.

There are two parts to writing and publishing a book. One part is actually writing the book. This takes time and thought. In fact, as I type these words, I’m thirty-one thousand feet in the air on a six-hour flight back to the East Coast. However, it’s the easiest part of the book production process. You can write the book yourself or get help writing it.

The second part of the book-writing process is the marketing of the book. It makes no sense to write a book if those whom you wish to read the book are not aware of its existence. Long before you write your book on paper, make a plan to market it. You should be building an email list, attracting interest on social media, and using every resource you can to generate publicity for your book.

A book is also a great hook to use to get media attention (TV appearances, quotes in newspapers, etc.) and to be invited to speak at events and more. A book is a tool that screams loudly that you are credible. It’s a tool that adds to your legitimacy.

Most speakers don’t write books to make a lot of money, especially with their first books. Write the book to build credibility in the market and among your peers.

Here are a few more things to consider:

  1. If you don’t have a fan base, a large email list, or a large social following, don’t write a book. First, build your fan base and your community, and then write a book that you can market to this community.
  2. If you’ve never written and marketed a book, do an e-book first. Do something that’s substantive—maybe it’s thirty or fifty pages—then market it so you can get traction with your community. After a successful e-book launch, where you can learn a bit, then focus on your first book.
  3. My first book was self-published. It was a great experience to discipline me about writing and marketing. To become an author, you no longer have to have your book published by a “real,” or formal, publisher. In the age of self-brands, like being the Celebrity CEO, self-publishing your book can work just fine.
  4. Why a publisher? A publisher is great because they provide editors, a book designer, and get your book distributed through all the major channels—Amazon and book stores! But they won’t do all the work to market your book. It’s in your hands to market to your community and a new audience.
  5. Book design matters. Think about how your book will look on a bookshelf or how it will look in a lineup of ten books, scrolling up or down on an Amazon app. Your cover should be designed to quickly attract attention.

I will also say that Seth Godin’s advice for authors is well worth the read.28