Zen: A form of Buddhism originating in the time of the Tang Dynasty, known then as “Chan Buddhism.” Zen is the Japanese pronunciation of Chan. Zen focuses on strict meditation practices and recognizing “true nature,” using spiritual practice—rather than relying purely on established doctrines—to get insight into participants’ personal lives and create beneficial interaction with others. Zen utilizes many meditative techniques; the primary level is a seated meditation with mindful breathing. At a higher level, Zen masters would give students a single word or phrase on which they would focus. Zen monks also incorporate chanting into their meditation. Later, Zen practice was brought into many artistic forms, such as painting, flower arranging, and calligraphy. The essence of Zen is to focus on elements from nature and simplicity. (Tuhovsky, 2014.)
Zener Cards: A pack of twenty-five cards, five of each design. They are used in experiments regarding mind reading and clairvoyance. The five models are a circle, a plus sign, three parallel wavy lines, a square, and a five-pointed star. In the experiment, the tester will shuffle the pack to randomize distribution, then select a card without showing the person being tested, who then has to name the correct design on the card. (Abercrombie, 2015.)
The methodology of this test has been criticized for the limitations of a deck of only twenty-five cards. Skilled card players, called “card counters,” can easily remember what has been played and can guess upcoming cards. Furthermore, a person can correctly guess around five out of twenty-five cards. To accurately identify more than fifteen out of twenty-five, the odds are around ninety thousand to one, and identifying above fifteen is even more against the odds. (Lucia, 2019.)
Zero Point: A heightened state of awareness—achieved through meditation and hypnotherapy—where the subject feels complete darkness and silence. This enables them to experience other levels of the mind above practical reality. (Daily Life, 2018.)
Zone of Irritation: Negative ley lines. An area where two underground streams unite. Thought to affect people negatively if they spend too much time at the spot. Energies that manifest illness and misfortune can attach themselves to an individual, and if a person’s place of residence is directly over the zone of irritation, they are sometimes afflicted with bad luck. Dowsers can locate these vicinities with rods, and once a person relocates, all traces of misfortune or illness should disappear.
Zone Therapy: (See Reflexology.)
Zoroastrianism: One of the oldest religions. Zoroastrianism is based on the teachings of Zoroaster (or Zarathustra), a Persian thinker and teacher. The faith’s basis is monotheistic, with just one god called Ahura Mazda, who rules a universe divided into good and evil. Followers of this faith believe adherence to their values will result in the eradication of corruption. Later, the Bahá’í faith acknowledged Zoroaster as a prophet. The late performer Freddie Mercury was a practicing Zoroastrian.