Racial Memory: To recall past lives and events of one’s ancestors using hypnotic regression. For example, a person might believe they are reliving their own prior life experience when, in fact, they are tapping into the memory of their ancestor. Another theory is that each person is part of a soul group that is linked telepathically, and they retain the memories from the other souls in the group.
Radiation Burn: A noticeable flesh wound that appears when a person has been in contact with a UFO. This injury is caused by electromagnetic energy emanating from the craft that overstimulates human tissue. These wounds are usually not apparent until after the UFO has left. (Publications International, 2019.)
Radiesthesia: (See Dowsing.)
Radionic Healing: A healing strategy where people use ESP to discover underlying health issues and diseases in humans, animals, and plants.
Ragweed: Ragwort. A plant used by witches, sorcerers, and fairies to fly through the air, securing the name “fairy’s horses.” This plant would be carried at all times to break curses and hexes. Nowadays, ragweed has a bad reputation for being allergenic and is the number one cause of hay fever.
Rain Dance: A ritual dance performed in the seasons to conjure rain. The North American Pueblo, Mojave, and Hopi tribes believed that this dance was a way of gaining power over the clouds and sky and a way of communication between deities and humans, especially during a drought. In North America, colored feathers of blue and turquoise were worn to represent the rain and the wind. Other countries and continents across the world also practiced rain dancing: China, Thailand, Africa, and Europe.
Rainbow Body: It is believed that Tibetan Buddhists have accomplished “rainbow body” by relinquishing their human connections and achieving a state of fundamental enlightenment. Their corpses change into beams of light days or moments after death. (Devins, 2018.)
Rainbow Bridge: An afterlife overseen by angels designed purely for animals and pets to go once they die. This magnificent place is thought to be stunning and peaceful, where animal souls dwell and where pets wait patiently for their owners to pass over so that they can be reunited once again. (Gardener, 2018.)
Ravashis: Angelic hierarchy. A spirit guardian who has left the astral realms to reincarnate again on earth to help humans fight against evil.
Rebirthing: Breath healing. A meditative breathing technique used to transport a person’s mind back to their moment of birth, dealing with any birth traumas they have carried with them. It is thought that this kind of therapy helps improve one’s mental, physical, and emotional state, leaving the individual in a calmer, more relaxed frame of mind. Rebirthing is not linked to any specific religion, but those who have undergone the process say it is a spiritual experience. There are a few different techniques for this practice, but the most obvious is when the subject immerses themself in warm water, breathing through a snorkel while assuming the fetal position, like in the womb. (Dowling, 2014.)
Recall: The art of recollecting emotions or dreams when in the alpha state of awareness. This technique is typically done by programing oneself to remember visions or dreams after awakening. Some people can recall previous existences or occasions from a past point in time that they may have otherwise overlooked.
Recording Angel: (See Death Angel.)
Recurring Dreams: A dream that is repeated again and again in a person’s life, for the most part having some importance or significance that will need to be deciphered. It is not uncommon for people to encounter recurring dreams.
Redcap: (See also Pixie and Fairy.) An energetic nature spirit found dancing in gardens, in woodlands, and on the grounds of castles. He is dressed in green and wears a red hat that is thought to contain the blood of those he has murdered. Anglo-Saxon folklore describes him as being an evil nature spirit, whereas in other depictions he is more mischievous.
Red Rain: A strange occurrence of red rain, or blood rain, falling from the sky. In Kerrala, Southern India, red rain fell from the skies from around July 25 to September 23, 2001. It was first reported in this region in 1806 and has subsequently occurred in the area numerous times since. A physicist named Godfrey Louis wanted to rule out the theory that the rain was a different color because it had somehow carried sand and dust from a dessert. However, when the rain was scientifically analyzed, it showed no dust or sand fragments; instead, it contained red, buglike cells. Following further tests by Louis and others, it seems that the cells reproduce at temperatures around 121°C. Although it was still unclear as to how the rain turned into a crimson liquid, Louis claimed that two months was too long a time for the dust to be carried from the environment into the atmosphere and that the bacterial cells might have been swept to earth on a comet. In January 2006, he published his findings, “Astrophysics: The red rain phenomenon of Kerala and its possible extraterrestrial origin,” at Mahatma Gandhi University and suggested that the cells might be extraterrestrial in their origin. In many of the red rain cases, a UFO was spotted by different individuals at the time of the occurrence. (Science Channel, 2013.)
Reflexology: A gentle, complementary therapy based on the fact that specific points of the feet relate to different parts of the body. By applying pressure to parts of the feet, reflexologists believe their touch sends energy moving through an individual until it reaches the area that needs healing. There is limited evidence with this therapy, but reports have shown that having reflexology helps with illnesses such as depression and bacterial infections. It also benefits a person by reducing pain, and improving digestion and fertility. (Hull and Couldridge, 2011.)
Regents of the Earth: Unseen energy in the ethereal world that ranks significantly with the angelic hierarchy. In some cases, these are known as “the four kings,” serving the earth, air, fire, and water. These energy fields are reported to be responsible for a person’s karmic lessons.
Reiki: Founded by Mikao Usui, a Japanese man in the 1900s. Reiki is a form of healing and alternative therapy, where the practitioner uses universal energy for healing. Power is transferred to the sufferer through the practitioner’s hands without physical touch. The treatment is known to bring about emotional and physical well-being. Among other things, Reiki is purported to give relaxation, relieve insomnia, reduce pain and fever, and combat depression. While treatment is taking place, both the practitioner and the individual can experience cosmic sensations of tingling and empowerment.
Reincarnation: A belief that the soul is immortal and continues to be reborn in a different body after death has taken place. Those who believe in reincarnation see it as a form of spiritual evolution where they keep coming back to earth to learn and experience new lessons. Before each incarnation takes place, the spirit chooses the lessons the soul must learn. The hardest life lessons enable one to advance in the spiritual sense much quicker, and once one has fully understood the experience, they will not have to repeat the process. Souls are thought to visit earth thousands of times before their spirit reaches a point of perfection. Reports have shown that some children are born still having memories from a past life. This recollection can happen if the individual has reincarnated quickly; however, the memories tend to fade between the ages of seven and twelve. Reembodiment is another word for reincarnation, where the soul leaves the physical body and resides in the ethereal world until another physical body becomes available. Some people who have psychically channeled the spirit world say that each soul can choose the type of form they wish to reincarnate into. They are shown many in advance and advised beforehand of any ailments or impairments the human figure might have. Some might select one particular body because their soul needs to learn specific lessons, so they are guided by the higher beings to make the correct choice so that they can go on to understand the experience entirely and proceed with their spiritual evolvement. (Newton, 1994.)
Religious Cycles: Part of the cosmic cycle where, approximately every six hundred years, religions peak to such a point that hundreds of people begin to take an interest in their faiths and join their sects.
Remote Dowsing: To hold a pendulum over a map to locate a place or area where there might be some underground substance. This technique can also be used to find a missing person or pet. When the pendulum swings over a specific area of the map, this indicates that something interesting will be at the site. (Nigel, 2019.)
Remote Healing: (See also Handkerchief Healing, Absent Healing.) The ability to heal a person by looking at their photograph and transmitting mental healing thoughts to them. Sometimes the healer can even visualize the individual in their mind’s eye without the use of a picture. Many absent or remote healers will use this technique to link to the person concerned. Remote treatment is when a healer charges material objects with magnetic power by focusing their energy on the purpose and transferring healing thoughts to the object. The receiver then holds the object to receive the healing.
Remote Viewing: A method where the visionary can imagine and receive information about what is occurring at present—in a distant location or in a person’s life—without physically being able to see it. This visionary technique can also be achieved by using astral projection, where one can discharge their spirit and visit a place in the here and now. Regularly, the clairvoyant can relay circumstances and discussions that have emerged amid the astral projection with pinpoint accuracy.
Rendlesham Forest: Just after Christmas in 1980, there was an incident at a place called Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, England. The forest area is situated between two RAF bases—Bentwater and Woodbridge—and at that time the bases were being used by the US Air Force. On Boxing Day, security guards at the bases saw a series of lights in the forest and were concerned a plane may have crashed, so a search party was sent to investigate. Two US airmen, John Burroughs and Jim Penistone, claimed to have come across a large metallic triangular-shaped craft, which had landed. They spent some time looking at the ship, and one of them reached out and touched it. Sometime later, it took off. The men returned to the base to report what they had seen. They noted that each man’s wristwatch, which had been set to corresponding times at the start of their shift, now showed different times. The following night, the lights were again seen in the forest, so Lt. Colonel Charles Holt, the deputy base commander, organized a search party and went into the woods, where lights were seen moving around. Holt recorded the sounds of the search on a dictation machine, which have been played on the internet and BBC television. (MiffiokunTV2, 2012.)
The UK Ministry of Defense decided there was no threat to national security and declined to investigate further. Subsequently, sceptics have come up with theories to explain the event, such as that the lights were from the Orfordness Lighthouse, which was a few miles away. When Penistone and Burroughs retired from the service, they returned thirty years later to Rendlesham to relive their experience. One of the airmen who claimed to have touched the craft said that when he did so, images of naughts and zeros came into his mind, and he transcribed this into his notebook. His colleague pointed out that this was binary code, a basic form of computer language. It was later translated, and part of it seemed to indicate the craft was part of a monitoring program of human progress. (Suffolk Now, 2017, and History, 2018.)
Reptilian Aliens: Conspiracy theorists believe that the reptilian aliens have controlled humanity since ancient times and are behind underground societies such as the Illuminati and the Freemasons. The theory is these lizardlike beings are from the constellations Orion and Draco, and that they interbred with humanity—not in the physical sense, but by extracting and manipulating DNA. As a result of this, it is supposed that thirteen reptilian family bloodlines govern the planet. These creatures have the mentality to control everything and are thought to walk among humans on earth. They conceal their features not by shape-shifting into human form, but by manipulating and altering people’s vision so that humans see them as their familiars. The image of the all-seeing eye, which is depicted all over the world, is thought to belong to this species of alien. Reptilians are also considered to be behind some of the most successful business ventures. The McDonald’s chain was founded by Ray Croc, the name having reptilian significance. Even Superman displays a snakelike S on his chest—again, reptilian.
Reptilians are the most feared scaled lizard creatures, sometimes seven to eight feet tall, and their faces resemble a snake. Their hands are said to be webbed, with three fingers tipped with menacing talons that cannot be broken. Their colors vary between white, brown, black, and red—white being the favored shade for status. Their nature is cunning and cruel. Many reports of them have come up through the centuries, and they have also been mentioned in religions such as Islam, Chinese mythology, and Christianity. Alienists believe the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve in the Christian bible and bribed them with promised knowledge was a reptilian. Demonic entities were said to be of the same breed and are linked to the star system Draco. Reptilians elicit terror in humans and will feed on that emotion to gain more power, so they relish wars, earthquakes, and world dramas. When forcefully abducting a humanoid, they are said to show no mercy and use earthlings for breeding programs and hybridization. (Rising, 2019.)
Rescue Circles: A committed group of psychics and mediums who regularly assemble to help earthbound spirits pass over into the light.
Resonant Breathing: A breathing technique utilized to calm and accomplish complete relaxation. This technique is done by taking no more than five deep breaths per minute, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Those who do this describe hearing hissing noises in the head and can see patterns of luminous light behind their closed eyes.
Restful Alertness: A meditative technique one can accomplish by keeping the mind and thoughts fully awake while the body is still in the passive, sleepy state. During this practice, the individual can be more receptive to psychic episodes.
Ribbon Reading: Ribbon clairvoyance. One of the oldest forms of divination. Before conducting one of these readings, many will first assign a meaning to each of the colored ribbons in their collection. Some prefer to use chakra colors and correspondences, whereas others favor some of the more traditional interpretations. Querents choose ribbons, one at a time, before the psychic interprets them either individually or as a whole.
Black: Secrecy, soaking up negativity, and removal of dark emotions and feelings.
Brown: Emotional grounding, levelheadedness, and
Green: Nature and positivity.
Orange: All things to do with relationships, creativity, and emotions.
Pale Blue: Protection and security, communication, and ideas.
Peach: Dealing with indecisions.
Pink: Happiness, love, and friendships.
Purple: Pertaining to all things psychic and using one’s clairvoyant gifts.
Red: Passion, wealth, and success.
Turquoise: Recovering from illness or having to deal with health matters.
White: Represents all things relating to wisdom and the spiritual.
Yellow: Travel and the undertaking of journeys. (Psychic Today, 2017.)
Rim Auras: Cloudy or hazy light radiating and surrounding inanimate objects. Some believe this is leftover energy from people who may have had contact with or touched the object. Others trust that it is leftover residual energy from its source or production.
Ritual Magic: Can be both white and black (positive or negative). A magician conjures supernatural forces to bring about a change of events. Repetition, chanting, and mantras are sometimes used in ceremonial magic, which alters the energies surrounding a person or situation and will eventually make some change.
River of Light: (See Kundalini.)
Robin: A garden bird that is present in many superstitions. The red breast is associated with blood and demise. In some parts of the UK, these birds are thought to be messengers, and to have one fly into the house is an omen that death within the family might follow. They are charming in the garden, but not such a pleasant sight to see in the home.
Rock Crystal: (See also Quartz.) A mineral that has associations with the moon. Holding this stone is believed to connect an individual to a higher power. They might go on to psychically receive information about their life and their future.
Root Chakra: (See also Chakra.) A mass of energy situated at the base of the spine.
Rosemary: An ancient sacred herb used in ritual to ward off evil spirits or negative energy. This plant is sometimes present at funerals to supposedly help the deceased pass over peacefully to the other side.
Roswell: (See UFO.)
Rowan Tree: (See Mountain Ash.)
RSPK: (See also Poltergeist.) Repeated, spontaneous psychokinesis. A belief that poltergeist activity is not caused by a spirit entity but conjured in the psyche of a young person or a pubescent teenager.
Rune Stones: Letters of the runic alphabet dating back to around 150 BCE. These letters were used to write Germanic dialects before the implementation of the Latin alphabet. There are various kinds of rune stones, depending on which alphabet one uses. Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, Cirth, Elder Futhark, Gothic, Hungarian, and Turik, to name some. Generally, there are twenty-four runes that are used primarily as a tool for divination. They are made from all types of materials—slate, wood, crystal, and glass—and housed in a cloth bag or wooden box. Each rune has its specific meaning, which the practitioner usually learns from studying books on the subject. Ideally, runes are cast on a surface facing east to west or in the direction of the sun. The querent will ask a question, and once the stones have been thrown, only the right-side-up runes are read. There are also readings called “three-stone spreads,” where the querent will choose three stones for a daily reading. (Chamberlain, 2018.)