Abduction: When individuals are temporarily kidnapped by extraterrestrials or taken away to a spacecraft and forced into painful medical examinations before being returned to earth.

Absent Caller: There have been many reports of people either making or receiving telephone calls that at the time seemed normal, but later it was found that the voice on the other end of the call was from a person who was dead. In some cases, the message came from a person who had recently had a tragic ending to their life. (Barclay, 2019.)

Absent Healing: A way of transmitting healing energy via thought projection, which is transmitted through the airwaves and passed on to the sufferer. Sometimes, a healer will focus on a photograph of the person or envision them in their mind’s eye. Restorative rays are then transferred to the recipient purely by the power of the mind. Often, many of the healer’s names will be on something called an “absent healing list,” where a group of people collectively send healing on the same day and at the same time to a specific individual. (Gordon, 2019.)

Acupressure: An Asian therapy similar to acupuncture but without the use of needles. Instead, the practitioner will use their hands, feet, and elbows, applying pressure to certain areas of the body to bring relief and comfort. This technique balances the body’s internal energies, regulating the center core of the physique. (Rodriguez, 2016.)

Acupuncture: A complementary therapy treatment where fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body believed to be lines of energy, often referred to as “meridians.” Acupuncture originates from ancient China and is practiced worldwide. Over the past twenty years, it has generally become accepted by doctors and medics alike and is used to treat a series of physical and mental disorders. There are 741 points in the body that act as transformers or transmitters. Acupuncture releases the restrictions that clog the system and helps the flow of natural energy to be readjusted. (Palermor, 2017.)

Aeromancy: Also called aarologie, aeriology,” and “aerology.” A way of predicting the future by studying cloud formations and weather patterns. In ancient times, the Greeks, Babylonians, Romans, and Hindus believed that the gods controlled the weather, and so they would gaze at the clouds and look for symbols to decide what messages the gods were trying to relay to them.

Affirmation: Practicing a positive mental attitude by channeling spoken sentences and thoughts in a positive manner. Those who believe in affirmations consider the mind to be all-powerful, so when verbalizing a positive declaration, changes take place within a person’s consciousness, altering the energy around them from dark to light. Affirmations are also used as a way of reconditioning the mind by recognizing any negative thoughts and overriding them with constructive ones. (Mind Tools Content Team, 2019.)

Afterlife: (See also Near-Death Experience.) Those people who have undergone hypnotic regression or experienced an NDE (near-death experience) reported that when a person’s life is complete, their soul transports itself to an etheric world, which is entirely in balance with the individual’s soul. Everyone’s afterlife varies in some way. If a person is incredibly religious, their soul is greeted by their chosen deities. If someone is not particularly spiritual, their experience will be different, and they could be met by their loved ones who have already passed, their pets, or their spirit helpers. The same is said for the pleasures a person enjoyed on earth. Those people who had a thirst for knowledge in life might spend a great deal of time in the spirit world at a place called “The Halls of Learning,” while someone who enjoyed the outdoors might have a beautiful garden to tend. (Newton, 1994.)

Ailuromancy: Also referred to as “felidomancy” and believed to have originated in Egypt. Ailuromancy is a form of telling the future by observing the jumps or movements of a cat and where they happen to land.

Akashic Records: A universal library of events, thoughts, and emotions from this life and past lives. The Hall of Akashic Records exists on a nonphysical plane known as the “etheric plane” and can be accessed by astral projection and meditation. The events and actions from every single person who has ever lived throughout time are thought to be stored in these archives. There is no scientific evidence that the archives exist; however, many believe that once a soul enters the spirit world, they can access these secrets and compare their experiences from their most recent life to those that they have lived before. Psychics and mediums are also able to tune in to the records when in trance or dream sleep. (Howe, 2010.)

Alchemy: A magical progression or transformation; a medieval form of chemistry where the practitioner turns basic metals into gold. Nicolas Flamel, a French scribe, became well known after his death in 1418, having gained a reputation for being an alchemist; it was said that he had found the philosopher’s stone, which enabled him to be immortal. (Bartlett, 2009.)

Alicorn: Also called a “pegacorn.” A cross between a pegasus and a unicorn. This mythical winged creature represents light, purity, and beauty.


Alien: (See also Amphibian, Arcturians, Boys from Topside, Greys, Imperator Band, Lyran Cat People, Mantis Beings, Nordics, Reptilian Aliens.) Extraterrestrials. Creatures or beings who come from different planets or galaxies in outer space. These forms of life can be small parasitic bodies or superior beings who have incredibly high levels of intelligence. Alien theorists believe that extraterrestrial beings may have something to do with the speed in which technology has advanced over the past sixty years or so. One hypothesis is that high-ranking government officials are working alongside extraterrestrial beings to learn sophisticated methods of technology to progress humanity quicker. (Mckendry, 2018, and Carlson, 2017.)

Altar: A workplace, such as a table or flat area, to place religious offerings for ceremonial purposes. Altars can be found in all churches, temples, or regions where religious practices take place.

Amethyst: A purple- or lavender-colored crystal used for healing, spiritual connection, and guarding against psychic attack. Aside from being a well-known healing stone, amethyst has powerful protective properties and is thought to help alleviate depression and suicidal thoughts. Most popes wear an amethyst ring, as it is thought to hold blessings. Amethyst can also be placed at the side of the bed for restful sleep. (Hall, 2009.)

Amphibian: An alien being that is humanoid in appearance and purported to be semiaquatic, preferring to dwell in swampland, rivers, and small lakes. Both hands and feet are webbed to aid their swimming skills. Theorists have hinted these could be the real merfolk, which have been spotted throughout time. (Rising, 2019.)

Amulet: (See also Talisman.) A small object that is thought to protect against evil and bad luck; these are seen usually in the form of pendants, stones, pebbles, teeth, claws, bones, and coins. (Britannica, 2019.)

Ancient Alien Theory: A popular concept is that the human race has been visited since ancient times by extraterrestrials. Theorists cite biblical episodes where “glowing beings” appeared from the skies in “fiery chariots.” In the Gnostic gospels, Enoch reports being taken in a craft and flown above earth before being given knowledge by higher beings. Works of art dating back to the Renaissance period show spacecrafts flying in the skies. There is a famous woodcut showing an aerial battle over Nuremberg, Germany, on April 14, 1561; this was printed as an illustrated broadsheet for the public of that time by Hans Wolff Glaser. The print is housed in the Zentralbibliothek in Zurich, Switzerland. (History, 2019.)

Angel: Messenger. A divine being of the creator, usually depicted as a tall, glowing, winged individual who oscillates light. Angels are pure, compassionate, and sent to watch over humans and protect them against life’s trials and tribulations. Angels have been part of the Abrahamic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and, more recently, Islam; however, it should be noted that the origin of angels was more likely from the much earlier Zoroastrian faith, where there is mention of guardian angels.

There are millions of celestial beings, some in charge of specific areas—healing, prosperity, love, marriage, creativity, animals, and so on. Others thought to be guardian angels are allocated to particular humans to watch and guide over them. Alien theorists believe angels to be from another planet.

Angel Hair: An alien phenomenon of a sticky, stringy substance that has been reported on several occasions throughout the world. It has the appearance of a white, spider silk material and has been viewed falling from clear skies, only to dissipate after a short period of time. In 1561 over Nuremberg, Germany, there was a mass sighting of what appeared to be an aerial battle involving spheres and cylinders. A sizeable triangular craft later crashed outside the city. In 1917 at Fatima, Portugal, local people reported seeing what appeared to be the sun or a huge orb dancing around the sky and emitting bright colors. On both occasions, angel hair fell from the skies. In 1959 in Evora, Portugal, a strange craft that was in two sections, one on top of the other, was seen floating over the city. Shortly afterward, a large amount of angel hair drifted down. When the substance was examined under a microscope, two theories were proposed. One was that it was a single-celled organism, another was that polarization might have caused airborne dust to form long filaments. Mysteriously, following this event, the only available sample was lost in a fire. (Waugh, 2016.)

Angel Numbers: A theory that angels use numbers with synchronicity to give messages of encouragement and help to humankind. The number three is classed as important, primarily as it represents the trinity in the Christian bible. The angelic vibration is said to oscillate on a very high frequency, which is hard for humans to connect with. Once the meanings of repetitive numbers and synchronicities are understood, they can reveal a wealth of new information from the angels to humans, which can go on to improve and enhance human life. Many complex books are written on this subject, with each number having its own vibration and interpretation. (Gray, 2019.)

Angelic Hierarchy: A rank of angels that appears throughout angelology in differing religions. Most angels appear as a supreme band of otherworldly beings, sometimes referred to as the “angelic or spiritual hierarchy.” The higher the angel’s rank, the more power they are said to possess. (Demonicpedia, 2019.)

Angel of Destiny: The highest-ranking angel who oversees all destinies on earth, maintaining the balance and making sure the overall grand design is not thwarted. In Christianity, he is referred to as Auriel, and in Judaism, Oriel. (Guardian Angel Guide, 2017.)

Angelic Sentries: Islamic. Three higher-world intelligences who protect a chosen individual’s path in life. Two of these beings guard the person during the daytime, and the third is present throughout the night.

Angelic Wicca: A modern neopagan movement of Wicca where witches worship the angelic vibration rather than relying on the traditional gods and goddesses.

Angelic Witch: Modern movement. These witches substitute the customary gods and goddesses with angels. Their altars are embellished with celestial portrayals—such as feathers and angel cards—and they invoke the angelic vibration when spell casting.

Animal Communication: Communication with animals through psychic telepathy. Often people with this power can change the behavior of the animal by merely speaking quietly to them or using telepathic communication. (Sisgold, 2014.)

Animal Instinct: It is widely believed that animals have some form of psychic ability and are able to foresee future events, especially when danger is imminent. For instance, if there is a forest fire, the creatures will start to leave a place well before the blaze starts; the same can be said if there is a flood, tsunami, or earthquake. Most will flee, sometimes days before the tragedy. Domesticated pets will be aware when their owner is coming home and will wait at a window or gate for their return. Some will recognize the noise of the car, even if it is a mile away. They also have an internal clock and can judge when it is meal or cuddle time. Some pets can pick up on the energy of individuals, and if they sense that someone is unpleasant, they might act out of character, growling or snarling at them. More sensitive breeds will have their hackles go up if there is a spirit or ghost in the house. Long periods of staring can ensue, especially in the corners of a room. When a pet dies, many owners get the sensation that their companions are around—a feeling of something brushing past their leg, or perhaps a dream of their pet. Occasionally, one might hear a bark or meow in the daytime.

Animal Mutilations: Animal mutilation traces as far back as 1606 in England and was documented in the official records at the court of King James II. There are more records reported in 1966 and 1967 in the Upper Ohio River Valley and in Colorado. In most cases of mutilation, the incisions on the animal are exact, similar to that of a laser cut, with no blood or entrails around the carcasses. Most of the creatures are drained of their blood. Tongues, sexual organs, and eyes have been removed with meticulous precision. George E. Onet, a veterinary doctor of microbiology, remarked that scavenger animals avoid contact with the mutilated cows, horses, or sheep, as there is a smell of antiseptic around the site. Many people think this procedure has been perpetrated by visiting aliens who are experimenting on the creatures for scientific purposes. It has been noted that around the scene of the mutilations, strange marks and flattened trees and bushes are quite common. Other theories on animal mutilations range from general animal cruelty perpetrated by humans to chupacabra attacks, cult sacrifices, Bigfoot, and natural decomposition. (Griffin, 2019.)

Animal Oversoul: In Hinduism and other spiritual teachings, when an animal lives on earth, its actions are scrutinized by the spiritual hierarchy to judge the creature’s karma. To give an example of dogs, when the karma of the canine vibration is collected, it is said to be added to the collective consciousness of that species to improve their souls. However, there are contradictions on this point of view, as some people believe that animals do not have a soul and therefore have no karma.


Ankh: A sacred, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol meaning “breath of life” or “life.” It consists of a cross with a loop at the top. In ancient burial tombs, paintings of the gods and goddesses often show the ankh placed at the tip of the fingers as the gods give the departed the gift of life after death. The hole represents life. Many of these symbols were found in Egyptian tombs as they represent eternal life after death and protection. (Britannica, 2019.)

Anomaly: Something that cannot always be explained or is different from what is typical on earth. A UFO is often referred to as an anomaly, as is the Loch Ness Monster, a ghost, time shifting, and so on.

Anubis: An Egyptian deity whose purpose is to guide the soul of a dying person to an etheric world, thus making the process more comfortable for them.

Apport: A gift from the spirit world that materializes out of thin air. It could be a tiny piece of jewelry, beads, charms, a feather, crystals, coins, flowers, or an arrowhead. The object may or may not have significance to the finder. When found, apports can often disappear just as mysteriously as they appeared. Mediums and psychics will photograph the objects to keep as a souvenir, just in case they vanish. (Britannica, 2019.)

Archangels: High-ranking Christian angels who are present in several religions. The seven archangels (plus the fallen angels) follow.

Michael: The head of the angels and the supreme guardian; also the protector of police forces.

Uriel: Known as the angel of creativity, music, and psychic vision.

Gabriel: Androgynous. This angel is linked to fertility and birth.

Raphael: Oversees all things pertaining to healing and travel.

Hanael: Androgynous. Brings love, harmony, and friendships to the home.

Zadkiel: Guards the planet Jupiter and assists Michael.

Raguel: Calls forth the other angels on Judgment Day.

Fallen Angels: Chemosh, Dagon, Beelzebub, Belial, Molosch, and Satan. Fallen angels were claimed in the Christian bible to be angels who rebelled against God and so were cast out of heaven. Satan turned the other fallen angels against the laws of the creator and promised them the freedom to live and think as they wanted. (Bauer, 2015.)

Arcturians: Professed to be the highest and most loving of all alien species. They dwell on the planet Arcturus in the Boötes constellation, which is supposedly a place of exquisite beauty and approximately thirty-six light-years from earth. Their height ranges from four to five feet, and their skin tone is a luminous blue-turquoise color. The head, in proportion to the rest of the body, is large and dome-shaped, and there are three long fingers on each hand. As a race, their purpose is to protect human life from negative aliens who wish to take over the planet earth. Their agenda is to raise the human consciousness to a higher, more loving and spiritual level so that earthlings can ascend to a different place without war and hardship. The Arcturians allegedly built bases on earth near mountainous regions that are not easily found. They are also thought to have stations on the dark side of the moon. (Brewer, 2012.)

Area 51: Located in Homey Airport or Groom Lake. A USAF landing strip and test facility in the Nevada desert. For many years, UFO theorists have claimed that Area 51 is the place where the remains of the Roswell crash and other downed UFOs were taken. The US government consistently denies all alien-related reports despite accounts from people claiming to have worked there in the 1980s. However, in 2013, the CIA released documents showing that Area 51 had been used as a test facility for secret aircraft, such as the U2 spy plane in the 1950s, the SR71 Blackbird (capable of flying at three times the speed of sound), and the stealth fighter and bomber.

Whistleblower: In 1989, Bob Lazar gave an interview to a Las Vegas TV station, claiming that he had been a scientist working at Area 51. His job was to reverse engineer technology from crashed UFOs. He said the propulsion system was fueled by the atomic element 115, which was used to create a gravity wave. He claimed he was shown documents that confirmed aliens had been visiting earth for thousands of years and that the “grey” aliens came from a star system called Zeta Reticuli. At that time, the US government denied that the base had anything to do with aliens and claimed that Lazar had never worked for the government and that there were no records of his education at MIT or Caltech. Lazar claimed the government deleted the files to discredit him. An investigative journalist found a document in a newspaper showing Lazar working at the Los Alamos National Security Science Laboratory in the early 1980s. Also, a Freedom of Information Act request to the IRS provided a tax record of Lazar working for an unspecified US government department. (BBC News, 2019.)

Ariel School Phenomenon: In 1994, a school called Ariel in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, was shocked when sixty-two children from the ages of five to thirteen witnessed two silver UFO crafts land in their playing field. At the time, the children were having their morning break, so no teachers were present to see the spectacle. The children reported seeing two alien beings—one standing on the top of a craft, the other running over it. The descriptions they gave of these creatures resembled the features of the well-known “grey” aliens: black wraparound eyes, large heads, and spindly bodies. One was reported to have long hair. The kids said the aliens spoke to their minds and told them about the state of the planet—that the trees would die and there would be little air to breathe in the future. Later, when the children were interviewed by a Harvard psychiatrist named Doctor John Mack, they were asked to make drawings of what they had seen. Their sketches and thoughts were all very similar. Following the interviews, the doctor concluded that the children were not fabricating the events they had witnessed. (Dan Aykroyd, 2017.)


Ark of the Covenant: A large wooden chest covered in gold, containing stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were etched. The Israelites are said to have carried this with them while they were in the wilderness for forty years. Later, it was kept in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, but when the Babylonians ransacked the city in 587 BCE and destroyed the temple, no mention was made of its discovery, and so it was assumed that the Israelites took it away for safekeeping. After centuries of searching, the Ark has never been found. (Jarus, 2019.)

Aromatherapy: A therapy or treatment based on scents and aromas to assist the healing of ailments. Aromatherapy is thought to be particularly helpful in treating anxiety, depression, headaches, cognitive performance, sleep problems, and digestion. Some aromatherapy techniques involve massage with essential oils. (WebMD, 2019.)

Astral Plane: An esoteric world or alternate vibration that is on a higher frequency than earth’s. It is populated with souls and has many contrasts to our world. Earthly pleasures such as eating and drinking do not exist, and no physical acts of affection like sexual intercourse are present. There is a deep sense of love on the astral plane, and everything is in perfect balance. There are many levels of awareness, but primarily it is a place of learning and improving one’s karma. Humans can astral travel to this place and connect with higher souls who are thought to inspire and give new knowledge. (Burke, 2008.)

Astral Projection/Travel: An out-of-body experience that can happen when a person is fully awake or during the onset of sleep. This is a perfectly natural incident that can occur unexpectedly at first. Some people will practice this art in the form of meditation. When you achieve astral travel, the soul of the individual rises out of the earthly body and travels at high speed around the spiritual planes, giving a feeling of flying or lightness. Many people who are skilled in astral projection have described that the soul is attached to the body by a semitransparent, silver umbilical cord, allowing one’s spirit to return upon awakening or ensuring that it doesn’t get lost in the ether. Some individuals say a prayer of protection before any astral attempt to thwart a walk-in (other souls entering the body).

Involuntary Astral Projection: An out-of-body experience occurring unexpectedly when an accident strikes or a person faints or is under anaesthesia. The spirit abandons the body to relieve itself from any pain that it might be experiencing. It is said that the soul hovers above the body until it is out of physical danger and then reenters. (Crystalinks, 2019.)

True Dreaming: A form of astral projection. One might experience dreams of flying, diving, running, jumping, and falling. This occurs when the soul leaves the body either just before sleep or during a deep slumber.

Astrology: The study and movement of the stars and the practice of allying that to prophecy. This is done by drawing a chart based on the individual’s birthday and place of birth. This chart reflects the location of the planets in relation to the person at their location and time of birth. The planets are then segmented into zodiac houses. It has long been believed that the influence of the sun, moon, and planets and their position in the cosmos can affect the lives of the living. This is typically portrayed by horoscopes (the twelve signs of the zodiac) foretelling a person’s personality type and future events. (Steyson, 2019.)

Athame: A ceremonial knife, traditionally with a black handle and double-edged blade, used in the practice of witchcraft. The knife is never used for cutting but merely as a tool to direct positive energy. Often, the tip of the blade is ground down so as not to cause any accidental injury during ceremonial practices. Wiccans today often cast a circle in the air at the beginning of a ritual using the blade. Athames come in a range of designs, some of which are engraved with symbols from the witch’s chosen traditions. Athames can be made from bone, wood, or any other material and bejeweled or plain in appearance.


Atlantis: A mythical island first documented by Plato in ancient Greece. Plato described a war between Atlantis and Athens during which the Greeks repelled the enemy. Plato said the events took place around nine thousand years before his time. He described the location of the island as being beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the entrance to the Mediterranean) in what is now the Atlantic Ocean. He described the island as being overwhelmed by a cataclysmic tidal wave that sunk it beneath the sea.

Later scholars built upon Plato’s story to increase the importance of this lost city and augment the description of Atlantis. Despite the mythical nature of Atlantis, there have been endless discussions and searches for its location in recent times. (Drye, 2019, and Gill, 2018.)

Attachment of Fear: When a person who has no religious or spiritual faith is terrified of dying and is at the point of passing over, they can be traumatized to such an extent that their soul will leave their body and attach to a friend or family member for comfort. The sleeping person who receives this unpleasant visit will feel heaviness on their chest and experience a sensation of being smothered all over. Usually, the individual will know who has created this feeling. Once awake, the host will be free of the sensation, but when falling back to sleep, it may occur again. Sometimes, even when a person has died, they may still feel lost and haunt a chosen individual.

Aura: An invisible electromagnetic frequency that encircles a being or an object. Some gifted people can read the color vibrations of an aura on individual humans, and from the different hues they can tell if the person is disturbed, unwell, or enlightened and on a higher vibration. An aura is a person’s spiritual overcoat. Aura readings have gained popularity over the last few years within the esoteric and holistic movements.

The Physical Aura: This layer is nearest to the body; it diminishes when a person rests and expands upon awakening. For this layer to be in a state of harmony with the characteristics of one’s physique, a person has to look for enjoyment and flawlessness in their everyday lives. Increasingly, adverse individuals will, in general, have a darker physical layer.

The Astral Aura: Also referred to as the “emotional layer” as it stores all the emotional history a person has encountered throughout life. If this layer is out of sync, one may feel overly sensitive or nonsensical. Aura experts believe that trees can recuperate this layer, so if an individual is excessively emotional or weepy, they could sit beneath a large tree to reestablish their feelings.

The Lower Mental Aura: This plane is linked with thought patterns and expands when minds are occupied—for example, when studying or focusing on a particular task. One’s belief systems are also stored on this plane along with ideas, opinions, and personal values. If this plane is out of alignment, an individual might feel depressed, agitated, or judgmental.

The Higher Mental Aura: This is where a person’s higher mental beliefs and vibrations are stored. This plane is made of self-love, self-awareness, and unconditional love.

The Spiritual Aura: Connects not only to the physical world but also to the universe. This plane houses everything to do with otherworldliness and one’s higher self. For people who don’t have an understanding of spiritual matters or those who choose to be dismissive and closed-minded, they might inadvertently become disconnected from their spiritual aura and may be inclined toward negativity or cynicism.

The Celestial Aura Plane: Also known as the “intuitional aura plane.” This is where one stores dreams, forgiveness, patience, and general spiritual well-being. Individuals who have a solid association with their celestial aura will, in general, be illuminated people who are delicate, kind, and skilled in communication.

The Absolute Aura Plane: This layer adjusts and balances all the different layers and holds on to a person’s life experiences; this is like a blueprint of life’s encounters and shapes the fate and destiny of the individual. (Eason, 2018.)

Aura Healing: The art of healing a person’s aura by changing the colors and patterns to attain better health and well-being. A healer will hover their hands about four inches from the person’s head to draw out the negative energies in the aura.

Aurora Spaceship Crash of 1897: In April 1897, the Dallas Morning News reported that an unidentified flying craft had struck a windmill in Aurora, Texas. The report continued that the pilot of the craft had died and was “not of this world”; nevertheless, the townsfolk of Aurora buried the small body in their cemetery with Christian rites. It is said that a gravestone was made to mark the grave but later was mysteriously removed. To this day, the Texas Historical Commission has a plaque at the graveyard commemorating the event. However, in the 1980s, an elderly resident claimed the episode was a hoax; she also stated there hadn’t even been a windmill on the land, but subsequent investigators did find the remains of a water tower on the property. (Texas UFO Museum & Research Library, 2019.)

Automatic Writing/Psychography: Channeling writing and messages through a psychic ability, allowing a person to write words from a supernatural force onto paper. The writer may enter a higher vibrational consciousness (a trancelike state) to report messages from beyond. It is unclear how this takes place, but some believe that when a person does this, they are allowing a spiritual entity to move their hand to write a message. The medium will hold the pen over the paper, and the words will be written very quickly and usually all joined up into one long sentence without spaces. Later, this will have to be deciphered to make sense of the information. The psychic can also ask questions, and the answers will be jotted down to help them solve problems. (Richardson, 2008.)

Automatism: A mystic or medium receiving otherworldly messages through psychic channeling or through the use of items such as the ouija or spirit board. (Bletzer, 1986.)

Avatar: In Hinduism, avatara is a Sanskrit word meaning “to descend,” referring to the reappearance or reincarnation of a deity on earth in the form of an animal or a human. These beings are often revered. Earth avatars are a selected band of highly evolved souls who reincarnate and dwell among the living to help others. Often, they will choose a profession that will make a real difference to humanity, thus improving their karma and allowing them to ascend to a higher level of consciousness. Their chosen career can be referred to as “a calling,” so they may become firefighters, work for disaster rescue teams, or take on more unpleasant roles that others might shy away from, such as cleaning out sewers. They might also go into caring professions such as nursing, doctoring, counseling, or surgery. It is believed that those who select more stimulating careers are much younger souls who enjoy the kicks and highs in life and feed on adrenaline. Earth avatars think only of others and will often endanger their own lives to help in any way they can. They are said to be the glue that keeps humanity functioning. (Bletzer, 1986.)

Aventurine: A type of quartz crystal that is commonly green in color but can be found in other shades of blue, green, and grey. Aventurine is often placed in the pockets of gamblers as it brings good luck and prosperity. It is also considered to bring harmony and well-being. (Hall, 2009.)
