Galaxial Deity: Also known as “galactic angels.” In July of 1984, three highly trained Russian cosmonauts, Oleg Atkov, Vladmir Solovoyov, and Leonid Kizim, were above the earth in the Salyut 7 space station and declared that they came across a gathering of seven eighty-foot angels floating outside their craft. The angels were smiling and exuded calm and peace. They kept pace with the spacecraft for ten minutes and then faded away. Twelve days later, three new cosmonauts, Svetlana Savitskawa, Igor Volk, and Vladimir Dzhanibekov, arrived to relieve the crew, and the apparitions reappeared, but this time, all six members of the crew witnessed the event. Upon returning to earth, all the cosmonauts were tested physically and psychologically and were found to be of sound mind and health. For many years, the Soviet government covered up these events, but after the fall of the Soviet Union, this story came to light, and Uri Gagarin, the first man in space, claimed he also saw an enormous figure floating in space outside his craft. (History, 2019.)
Garlic: Esoteric. A plant used to heal numerous health conditions and referred to as a “panacea of all ills.” In esoteric customs, garlic is thought to be all-powerful and is used to ward off evil. Bulbs are hung inside doorways or are opened and smeared around the frames to chase away any disruptive spirits. Legend tells of garlic having been used to repel vampires, devils, and werewolves. Even in some cultures today, if a person is believed to be possessed by an evil entity, a corm of garlic is suspended on a string and worn around the neck for protection. (Discover Garlic, 2013.)
Geodes: Esoteric. Quartz crystals that are naturally formed with a center cavity. These crystals are abundant in many states of America—such as Utah, Illinois, and Kentucky—and are also found in Mexico, Namibia, and Brazil. In England around the Mendip Hills, geodes are known as “potato stones.” When individual crystals are sliced in half, there can be a cavity present. Geodes range from small to extremely large, some being so tall that a person can stand upright inside of them. Many are believed to have magical healing properties, and when one hovers their hand over the crystal, an energy force can be felt. Superstitious people will write their wishes on a piece of paper and place it inside an amethyst geode to bring about their desires. (Hall, 2009.)
Ghost: (See also Poltergeist.) There are many different kinds of ghosts: poltergeist, anniversary, residual, specter, intelligent, shadow, demonic, and so on. The generic ghost is an apparition of a deceased individual who is said to haunt buildings or grounds where they might once have lived. Some spirits have an energy field that can be powerful enough to move objects, slam doors, or create noises, such as thumps or footsteps. A room’s temperature can decrease, becoming ice-cold, or mists and aromas can appear when an area is haunted. (Guiley, 2007.)
Ghost HandPrints: Handprints left by the dead. This can occur on objects such as tables or furniture or even on the sleeves of clothes.
Ghoul: Also called “ghui.” A legendary creature that is said to originate from Arabic folklore; it dwells in desolate places, such as cemeteries, graveyards, derelict buildings, and caves.
Mother Ghoul: Also called “umm ghulah.” An evil female being who lures humans to her abode before devouring them. Other legends say this ghoul lives in desert regions where she will shape-shift into different animals, such as a hyena or a fox. Folklore says the ghoul preys on young children and sucks their blood; they transform into the image of the last person they consumed. (De Aragon, 2014.)
Giants: Enormous human skeletons measuring more than ten feet in length have allegedly been excavated in places such as China, Greece, and Sardinia. At the turn of the nineteenth century, many skeletons in massive burial mounds were supposedly unearthed across America. Giants have been mentioned throughout history in many countries and cultures, most often in mythology and fairy tales such as Jack, The Giant Killer. Often, giants were depicted as being at war with the gods. Alien theorists believe that the gargantuans arrived on earth from another planet but became too powerful and disruptive to humankind, so they were wiped out. Conspiracy theorists believe that much of the evidence of giants seems to have been hidden from the media. There are photographs that can be found online; however, these are from conspiracy theory sites and cannot be proven real. (Holloway, 2015.)
Gong: (See also Sound Healing.) A healing instrument in the shape of a large brass or metal disk that emits sound when struck with a hammer. Usually, the person who is going to receive a gong bath will lie down on a mat on the floor with a pillow to support the head. Initially, the gong will be played gently, and as the session progresses, the volume will be gradually increased. The therapist will lead the person through a guided meditation, adjusting the tone of the gong. The vibrational sounds of the gong are believed to bring healing and restoration to the soul. (Mindworks, 2019.)
Gorgon: (See also Medusa.) From the Greek word gorgos, which translates to “awful, terrible, and dreadful.” A gorgon is a mythical creature said to have the body of a human and the head of an animal, with hypnotic eyes that can turn a person into stone. (Mythology & Fiction Explained, 2018.)
Graphology: Pseudoscience. To study a person’s handwriting to determine their characteristics and personality traits. Some psychics can also use this method to predict past and future events. (Bache, 2019.)
Great Pyramid of Giza: (See also Sphinx.) One of the three pyramids on the Giza plateau, accompanying the Sphinx. It was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu. The outstanding feature of the monument is its construction—it’s over four hundred eighty feet high and consists of 2.3 million limestone and granite blocks, each weighing between twenty to eighty tons. It was built in just twenty years, which means they were laying, on average, twelve bricks every hour, during both the day and the night. More remarkable is the accuracy of the construction, with the finished pyramid’s base dimensions only varying by around half an inch.
When completed, it had a capstone of polished limestone, which would have glistened in the sunlight; some say that the stone was also covered in a gold alloy to make it shine even more. Alien theorists say the capstone could have acted as an antenna to aid either communication or the transmission of power created within the pyramid. (History, 2018.)
Green Man: Many of Britain’s imposing cathedrals and churches will have the face of the green man gazing down from on high. The man’s face is decorated with leaves and branches protruding from around the head and mouth. He is often associated with nature deities and is believed to protect the vegetation and the animals, watching over all things pertaining to nature. His role is famous today in neopagan faiths, with his figure being present in gardens across the world. Many of Britain’s pubs are named after the green man. In witchcraft, if an animal belonging to a witch goes missing, they will summon the spirit of the green man to bring the pet safely home. Psychics are known to gaze into the branches of trees or foliage to see his face. Later depictions also include the green lady. Plaques of the green man are placed on the outer walls of houses and homes to watch over the birds, insects, and any other wildlife visitors. Lady Raglan first mentioned the green man in March 1939 in an article she had written called “The Green Man in Church Architecture” for the Folklore journal. Prior to this, the green man was referred to as a “foliate head,” and no one gave him any particular attention. Lady Raglan suggested that in ancient times, the green man was “the central figure” in the May Day celebrations in Northern and Central Europe. (Doel and Doel, 2001.)
Green Witchcraft: An earth-based form of witchcraft where the practitioner honors nature spirits and Mother Earth.
Gremlin: A mythical creature with back hair that is coarse and spiky. Its eyes are red and piercing, and it has sharp, pointed teeth. In ancient folklore, a gremlin is a disruptive nature spirit that is said to cause havoc to humanity. The size of the gremlin varies from six inches to three feet in height. Numerous RAF pilots of the last two World Wars have mentioned them, especially in The Battle of Britain 1940. The British Air Ministry made an attempt to investigate the phenomenon of these creatures, which were said to hex the aircraft and cause mechanical faults. The German Air Force also encountered the meddling of the gremlins, which had no preference as to which side they annoyed. They were allegedly seen dancing on the wings of the planes, tearing parts off the fuselage and throwing them into the sky and puncturing the wheel tires. Often, they were seen peering through the windows at the pilots, grinning in a sinister way to distract them. Witty ditties were written about them, and posters circulated to aircrews on how to placate them. (Brent, 2015.)
Greys: (See also Alien.) Also “grays.” Small grey-brown alien creatures around two to four feet tall with no hair, large black wraparound eyes, and a slit for a nose and a mouth. The head is more significant and dome-shaped in comparison to the spindly arms, legs, and body, which seems to lack vital organs. Alien theorists believe the greys are androidian and created by superior aliens to be used as slaves. Their mission is said to involve the abduction of human beings for experiments and harvesting. (Kerner, 2010.)
Griffin: Also “gryphon, griffon.” A mythological animal; an offspring of an eagle and a lion. It is depicted with a bird’s head and beak, the claws of an eagle, and the hindquarters of a lion. It is said to guard against attack, theft, and violence. Because of its strength and tenacity and great sense of justice, it is formidable in a fight, having the strength of a lion and the swiftness of aerial avian attacks. (Geller, 2017.)
Grim Reaper: A hooded skeletal being with a prominent place in folklore history around the world. He is represented as the specter of death and is believed to collect a person who is in the last stages of dying. Using his scythe, he severs the soul from the body, removing all previous links to human life. In all decks of traditional tarot, the reaper’s image is depicted with the number thirteen, a so-called unlucky number. (Geller, 2017.)
Grimoire: (See also Book of Shadows.) A handbook or journal containing spells, potion recipes, symbols, and other knowledge about magical practices.
Grotesques: Ugly, evil, and sometimes disfigured faces that materialize into one’s mind before sleeping. Spirit entities that reside on the lower astral planes become attracted to psychic people, and so they present themselves in a sinister way to instil fear in the receiver. Telling the entity to leave in a matter-of-fact way, or even using profanity to dismiss them, often works. These spirits thrive on the anxiety of the living, so showing any form of distress will make it stronger.
Guardian Angel: A celestial protector and messenger described as a winged being with shining spiritual beauty. Some have a gender, whereas others are androgynous. Over the centuries, guardian angels have been mostly linked with religion. Most faiths mention them in some way. They cannot interfere with the karma of a person but can and often appear at the eleventh hour to save lives or bring about a change of circumstances. These otherworldly beings are on a much higher vibration to that of humans, with their only purpose being to support humankind in perfecting their souls. This deity can stay with a child from the moment of birth, watching and defending them throughout their life. They not only look after a person’s physical safety, but also help with any psychic abilities. They are available when healing is needed or when any decisions need to be made. A tutelary guide can also be described as a guardian angel figure and is a spirit who might protect a place or person.
Guide: A soul who has reincarnated so many times that it has reached a point of perfection and doesn’t need to continue with the reincarnation process. A guide is usually assigned to one individual, is present at the birth, and then stays throughout the entirety of their life. One must not confuse guides with angels, who are said to dwell on higher vibrations. A guide can be any gender and dispense great wisdom to the human they have been assigned to. When they wish to communicate with their charge, the charge could have a sensation of being touched somewhere on the body. These experiences come in many different forms, from being kissed lightly on the cheek, to a slight cool air blowing in the ear, to cobweb sensations over the face, to a breeze in the hair. The most common sensation is goose bumps on the arms and a lowering of temperatures in the room. Often, guides will give strength to a person who is suffering or give messages of encouragement in dream sleep. These higher beings can warn the person of someone who could have ill intent toward them, or guide them away from dangerous situations. In meditation, a person can ask their guide’s name, and often a name will just emerge in their head, especially during the first moments of waking.
Guided Meditation: A meditation can be led by just one person to direct the recipient through relaxation techniques. Whether for yoga, healing, or meditation, a leader will also instruct a group, often in a darkened room, by using relaxing or uplifting imagery and music to achieve an altered state of consciousness. Individuals can also use a recorded discourse for the same effect. (Jones, 2015.)
Guru: A person or teacher with vast spiritual knowledge who is said to have reincarnated many times. Some would say they are an earth avatar or a spiritual mentor. Usually, gurus work on a one-to-one basis with a student, helping them develop their lives in a better way. They can show an individual how to discover their inner truth and connect to their soul knowledge. The guru aims to assist the student in looking at the world differently, understanding the lessons they have to learn, ridding themself of bad habits, and thinking more profoundly, thus making themself wiser and more mature. (Spiritual Science Research Foundation, 2019.)