Lama: Buddhism. A certain type of monk thought to be superior to other kinds of monks. They dwell in lamaseries—a form of school—and most of them are considered to be great spiritual teachers. (Britannica, 2020.)

Lammas: August 1 to September 1. Also known as “Loaf Mass” and “Lughnasadh.” Lammas is a neopagan festival to thank the gods and goddesses for the harvest time. Lammas honors the first grain harvest of the year and holds both hope and fear, mainly to do with the growth of the crops. This time is additionally about embracing one’s creativity and harvesting the memories of one’s accomplishments.

Lampadomancy: A form of flame reading or oil scrying originating with the Babylonians before making its way to Egypt. The Egyptians would use a specially designed lamp filled with oasis oil, and then around midday (a popular time), they would perform a ceremony to get in touch with the benevolent spirits. The lamp would be lit in a darkened space, and the movement and shape of the flame would be studied in great detail. The user would hope to attract spirit gods and to be given information about the future. This practice is also known as “lychnomancy,” a form of pyromancy; three identical candles are lit and placed in a triangular formation. A question is asked out loud, and the reader then observes how the candles react to gain an answer. For example, if one flame burns higher than the rest, it is interpreted as a positive response. A flickering flame predicts travel, and if one or more flames go out, it is considered a bad omen. (Encyclopedia, 2019.)

Lapis Lazuli: A deep blue mineral metamorphic rock—the earthly equivalent of the philosopher’s stone. If worn, lapis is believed to increase psychic visions and bring strength and confidence. Many ancient Egyptian pharaohs revered lapis and would grind down the mineral and mix it with oil or water to use as eye makeup or to decorate objects of art. (Hall, 2009.)

Lares and Panes: Deriving from ancient Roman belief, lares and panes are etheric beings, gods, or goddesses whose purpose is to guard the inhabitants of a house. They are usually in pairs, and often a household might have a figurine to represent them; this would be placed on a table or sideboard. Other varieties of lares protect crossroads and urban intersections.

Laying Hands

Laying of Hands: Spiritual healing. A description used for healing where a person is said to transmit magnetic energy from their palms when they rest their hands on another. The healer will be capable of channeling spirit guides who have a medical background to transfer healing energy to the patient. Harry Edwards, a famous healer in Britain, was known for working in this way. (Edwards, 2006.)

Law of Attraction: (See also Affirmation.) Also called “cosmic ordering.” To ask the universe for what you want in a positive fashion (ask, believe, and receive). Meditation is usually done beforehand. Sitting in a bath of fragrant warm water in the evening is said to work. Put the light out and burn a candle. Meditate on the flame, then send out healthy thoughts for what is needed. Often, the desire is written down and then voiced repeatedly. This must be performed with good intentions and with a convincing mind; confidence is a must. If a person thinks they are worthless or their self-esteem is very low, then the process will not be successful. Start with small things, such as asking for a seat on the subway, a parking space, or the ability to pay a bill. Once you have mastered the small things, you can place an order for more significant situations, such as meeting your future mate or getting a better job. If you are performing a cosmic mandate to help another person, you must never interfere with that person’s free will. Once the order is received, you must give something back to the universe; this might be placing a few coins in a charity box or spending time with someone in need. (Byrne, 2006.)

Learned Spirits: New Age thinkers consider that learned spirits are highly evolved beings who have reincarnated thousands of times and no longer need to dwell on the earth plane. Instead, they communicate psychically with special people who have scientific minds. Often, these beings will help inspire them with new inventions and technological development.

Legarou: A hideous Haitian witch who is alleged to be able to shape-shift into many images, especially animals. She enters a home at night when the household is sleeping, chooses her victim, and sucks their blood. (Bletzer, 1986.)

Lemuria: A lost ancient continent bordering on Tibet, the Himalayas, and Mongolia. Legend says that a global disaster sank the continent into the sea. There is much mystery about where it went or how it disappeared, and some sceptics report that it never existed. (SciGraphic Show, 2019.)

Levitation: The ability to lift one’s body vertically into the air using only the power of the mind. The individual uses intense concentration when the mind is in the alpha or theta state. Inanimate objects can also be suspended for short periods using the same method. (Adey, 2017.)

Ley LInes

Ley Lines: Powerful energy lines that run over the earth’s surface. In ancient times, people would dowse for these points of energy and then build places of worship on top of them. It was also said that crops would double in size if the field or growing space was situated on one. Ley lines are also reported to be on ancient megalithic sites, such as Stonehenge, the pyramids of Egypt, and Easter Island. (Cowan and Arnold, 2003.)

Light Beings: Otherworldly figures who are revered in the angelic realms. A light being is said to have reincarnated to such an extent that it holds the knowledge of all things, having such a pure soul that it discards its earthly human form and appears as a magnificent ray of light.

Liquorice: Contains properties that are believed to enhance psychic abilities when ingested. In China around 3000 BCE, liquorice was used in many religious ceremonies. It was placed into the tombs of pharaohs and nobles in Egypt to bring protection from evil spirits. Tutankhamen had this magical root placed close to him in his death casket. Nowadays, people will use liquorice as candy or to brew tea, which is said to be invigorating and health-giving.

Litha: Litha is the time of the summer solstice when the longest day and the shortest night of the year occur. The plants should be prolific—with crops growing and wildlife breeding, everything should be at its peak.

Lost Property: In the frustrating event that items and objects mysteriously disappear from a home, some believe that it isn’t necessarily the case that the owner has misplaced them. Otherworldly beings such as ghosts, spirits, fairies, and borrowers can often move items or squirrel them away to make their presence known. Fairies are renowned for being attracted to jewelry and will often steal earrings, rings, or any other shiny trinkets straight out of the jewelry box. When they get bored with the item, they will often return it, but not always where they found it. In ancient folklore, owners of the property would sternly admonish the spirits to return the item. Other more religious folks will summon Saint Anthony, the patron saint of lost property, to assist.

Lost Soul Rescue: A group of psychically gifted people who sit in a circle to help the dead cross over to the spirit world. When a person dies, they can be confused as to where they are, especially if the death was unexpected. If they have no faith or knowledge of a spiritual world, they will be inclined to hang around the earth plane, visiting places where they once lived. They might continually watch their family and friends but feel distressed because they cannot communicate with them. Certain groups of people, usually healers or spiritualists, will try to intervene and help the individual journey to the spirit realm. The assembly will sit in a circle, sometimes holding hands, and ask an angel to assist. As Michael is known to be the archangel of protection, he is often summoned to lead the soul into the light. Other soul rescuers might evoke their guides to assist.

Lotus Position: Buddhism. A position of the body used in meditation and yoga. The hands are arranged on a dimension with the heart, left hand turned inward, right hand turned outward, symbolizing a joining of the external and inner worlds. In a seated position, the legs are arranged in a specific way. Most people look for an instructor for the correct procedure, as injuries could occur. (Purple Valley, 2018.)

Lucid Dreaming: The sleeper is fully aware that they are having a dream. Lucid dreaming has been practiced for many years and is mentioned in writings from ancient Greece; similarly, Tibetan Buddhists have used dream yoga throughout time. Lucid dreaming has been much studied, particularly in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to investigate potential therapeutic possibilities. Interestingly, while in conventional dreams, time will pass slowly in relation to the amount of time the person is dreaming; during lucid dreaming, real time and dreamtime is quite similar. In some instances, a person can control the characters within the dream and the environment in which they appear. Many people practice lucid dreaming as a means of entering an altered state of consciousness or to achieve an out-of-body experience. (Lamarca, 2019.)

Lunar Witch: A person who casts spells and works magic by the phases of the moon. Often, they will grow their vegetables and plants using the Farmers’ Almanac.

Lychnomancy: (See Lampadomancy.)

Lyran Cat People: Alien beings who are purported to come from the Lyra constellation. They have a humanlike, hairless body but feline faces. The face has a light growth of fur to protect from ultraviolet radiation, which is said to be on their planet. The Lyrans are incredibly robust, psychic, and agile, with eyes that are large and catlike and vary in color. Allegedly, they have interconnected with humans in the distant past and were on this planet over a million years ago. Their temperament is kind and nonthreatening, but they have angst with the reptilian aliens. (Beyond the Stars, 2018.)
