Table Tipping: Also referred to as “table turning.” A form of séance where a medium and their guests sit at a wooden table, with the palms of their hands placed on the top, to contact otherworldly entities. Questions are answered out loud, and the spirits are thought to respond by moving the table or by thumping one leg of the table. One thud often represents “yes,” two thuds “no.” This kind of spirit communication also involves tables levitating or rotating. (Chumacero, 2017.)

Taboo: An unthinkable or forbidden activity usually dependant on a person’s magical or religious convictions and ethics. Breaking a taboo is unacceptable for many cultures around the globe; however, one taboo might be prohibited in one country, whereas it is perfectly acceptable in another.

Taku He: A Bigfoot-type monster that resembles an ape who hunts small animals and screams during the night. He is usually found in the forests of South Dakota, US, where there is a small area of woodland called Sica Hollow, which means “evil” or “bad.” Members of the public have claimed to see the creature dragging its prey behind him, and he is said to have a chilling stare. (Wolfstoria, 2016.)

Talisman: (See also Amulet.) An object that has been charmed with psychic energy and holds magical properties. Often, talismans are carried by an individual to ward off evil or to bring about luck. Talismans come in many forms, from psychically charged jewelry to pebbles, keys, lucky charms, crystals, and even dried plants or flowers. People who are superstitious have been known to position charmed trinkets inside the bricks of buildings to protect properties; talismans are also placed in the car for safe travel.

Talking Board: (See Spirit Board.)

Talking Vessel: A vessel that, when filled with water, can act as a voice amplifier, enabling an individual to receive spirit communication or to speak directly to otherworldly intelligence.

Tantra: Buddhist and Hindu religions. Tantra is an ancient Indian spiritual science that dates back over seven thousand years—tan meaning “expansion” and tra meaning “liberation.” It is an intuitive knowledge that every living thing has a consciousness, so one must expand the consciousness to attain liberation. The practice aims to free the spark of light within every human.

Tantric Sex: A form of sexual interaction where the couple is mindful of each sensation. A type of breath work named the “three for thirty seconds approach” influences this practice. In the time frame during which one individual would ordinarily complete thirty caresses, they limit themself to three. The couple might also perform the “eye-gazing” technique, which puts them in a light trancelike state, raising their levels of consciousness. Undulating the body also helps move the energy flow around the couple with minimal touching to the genital area. (Tara Q, 2016.)

Tarot Cards: Pronounced taro. A pack of seventy-eight pictorial images consisting of twenty-two major arcana and fifty-six minor arcana cards. At first, tarot was contrived as a game, but nowadays, tarot is used as a form of divination. Twelve of the major arcana have a birth sign associated with them. The minor arcana is split into four suits: cups, relating to relationships and emotions; wands, connected to all things about work; swords, portraying the difficulties that face individuals in life; and pentacles, all things linked to money and finances. There are also sixteen cards included in the minor arcana called “court cards.” These cards represent people in a reading and are portrayed as kings, queens, knights, and pages. Each card has its own significance and is mostly read collectively with adjacent cards in a spread.

Tarot Cards

Tasseography: Also called “tasseomancy” or “tassology.” A psychic stares at the tea leaves in a cup to see the past, the present, and the future. A pot of loose tea is usually made and poured into a large pale cup without being strained. Once the querent has finished the drink, the remaining liquid is either swirled inside the cup or tipped into the saucer. Any leftover tea leaves may then make shapes or images inside the cup that the mystic can decipher. (Fairchild, 2015.)

Telekinesis: Also referred to as “psychokinesis” or “parakinesis.” The ability to move or manipulate objects using only the power of the mind. Numerous scientific researchers and paranormal specialists have conducted tests, yet so far there is no actual confirmation that anyone can do it.

Teleneural Influence: The transmission of emotions—be them happy, sad, depressive, excited, or fearful—to another person a distance away. This can often be achieved between siblings, such as twins, parents and children, and close friends. The act of mentally tuning in to the recipient allows them to pick up on the feelings being sent.

Telepathy: To transfer or receive thoughts from one person to another without any verbal communication. Telepathy works in two ways: telepathic communication, which is the transmission of one’s thoughts and emotions to another person; and telepathic perception, which is the ability to read the thoughts of another. These techniques can be tested with two people sitting opposite one another, with one concentrating on a single word. This person envisions the word to see if the other individual can sense what they are thinking. Mental telepathy is a method of transporting thoughts from one person’s mind to another. This practice generally involved the domains of either sci-fi or the paranormal, the two of which are outside of conventional science.

Telesomatic: Two people who are experiencing identical thoughts or feelings at the same time, either at a separate location or in the same place. One example of this is when a husband suffers the same pains as his wife during labor.

Theosophical Society: This spiritual movement began in 1875 with Helena Blavatsky. The purpose is to explore all the unexplained, ancient, and esoteric religious practices to gain direct wisdom from God.

Third Eye: (See Inner Eye.)

Thoth: The most knowledgeable Egyptian god of the moon, magic, learning, and wisdom. Thoth played numerous essential and noticeable roles in Egyptian folklore, one being to keep the universe in balance.

Thought Control: Being mindful of one’s contemplations and speech, making a point to think and talk positively. When a person gets into the habit of taking notice of their psychological capacities, it can help raise their vibration.

Thought Projection: To concentrate and imagine the outcome of an event in one’s mind’s eye while wholeheartedly believing that it will happen. This method is used in ritual and spell casting. Some trust that this type of visualization can manifest one’s desires and wishes.

Three: (See also Synchronicity of Three.) An esoteric belief that three is the perfect number.

Throat Singing: An ancient practice originating with the Mongol tribes and later found in Tibet, Sardinia, and Viking territories. This unusual form of singing allows a person to connect both with a natural and supernatural audience. Most performers come from nomadic tribes and use the deep harmonic tones to call their animals, who are strangely drawn to the sounds. Shamans and spiritual leaders also use throat singing to enter an altered state of consciousness and engage with spirit guides. Some Buddhists used a similar sort of throat singing with the same aim to elevate the singer to a higher state of consciousness. (Folkways, 2019.)

Time Loss: A temporary kind of amnesia that occurs shortly after an alien abduction. An individual may find themself on the side of the road or in bed, not being able to account for the previous hours or, in some cases, even days. They have no recollection of what has happened.

Time Travel: The scientific theory of journeying between two points in time, either into the past or future. Scientists are presently studying wormholes, intending to find a way to travel backward and forward in time, and some even believe that humankind has already completed a time machine that the government keeps from the public. The internet is littered with “time travelers” professing to work for higher government agencies, and they report that they have traveled back from the future to this time.

Tingling Skin: Minor skin tingles or irritations felt by a person during rest, meditation, or psychic activity. This experience is a sign that an individual is tuning in to the ethereal world, and any contemplations or feelings from that moment on should not be disregarded. When the psychic experience ends, the sensation of prickliness will die down.

Titan: Greek mythology. Titan is the word for a group of related entities that existed before the gods ruled over the earth. There are twelve titans in all, born from Gaia (earth) and Uranus (sky).

Toadstone: A mineral, usually brown in color, used as an amulet or talisman to magically shield and defend an individual. These stones were believed to be found in the heads of toads and were thought to be the antidote to poison. Other cultures thought they would offer protection to newborn babies and their mothers.


Toadstool: Mushrooms and fungi have a long history in magic and folklore and are often associated with the fairy ring. There are around seventy to eighty different species of toadstools, some of which are highly poisonousness and can prove fatal if digested. In some cultures that are more familiar with the toxicity of toadstools, certain varieties are eaten as hallucinogenic drugs to bring about clairvoyance.

Total Empath: (See also Empath.) Unlike an ordinary empath, this is an oversensitive psychic individual who can completely tune in to the vibrations of people and places. This ability usually is present from birth, or it can be something that occurs purely by accident. A total empath has the skills to spontaneously sense if trauma has happened in an area or can perceive the exact details of what is bothering or upsetting an individual. This is like an acute psychic overload, which often leaves the person open to psychic assault.

Total Recall: To retain information gained from an altered state of consciousness. The conscious mind is usually passive, and an individual will ordinarily have to program their intention to access those memories after an experience has taken place. This technique is generally carried out during deep hypnotic meditation before astral projection takes place.

Total Regression: To reexperience ordeals or trials that have occurred in a previous existence and that may be influencing the individual in the present. Total regression takes place during a deep trance and allows a person to completely relive those emotions that might have been suppressed for many lifetimes. A trance specialist or hypnotherapist will help the person in managing those upsetting experiences so that they can at last draw a line under what is disturbing them. In some cases, if a person’s past life was in a different country, they can speak in their previous native tongue. It has even been reported that while this deep hypnosis is in progress, they might not even understand the language of the therapist. (Newton, 1994.)

Trance: The mind reaches a semiconscious state. Although most trances are brought about with the use of hypnosis, one doesn’t need to visit a hypnotherapist to achieve it. Meditation is often the key to accomplishing this skill. During a trance, every person might experience something different. Some people might have a sensation of floating and be unaware of their physical body. Numbness and tingling in the hands, feet, and legs are also common, along with a heavy sensation in the body. One might also feel an adjustment in the brain. This may include a calm feeling where a person is detached from their mind’s typical babble, leaving them to concentrate on what is essential. Feelings of euphoria or deep, contented relaxation are often present during a trance, and time can either drag on or pass very quickly when the person awakes.

Transcend: This relates to the core of the soul, which, through meditation, can transcend and transform to a higher vibration so that one can experience the purpose of life.

Transcendence is a form of out-of-body experience where the soul steps out of the body to avoid a painful incident or event. There are many reports of people who have had an out-of-body experience and watched their physical self go through some violent accident, like being hit by a car. The spirit hovers over the body and then returns minutes or hours later when the seriousness of the incident has passed. This is reported to be more frequent with young children in dangerous situations, as the guides or helpers will remove the child’s spirit immediately before the event.

Transcendent Spheres: Exceptionally high domains in the spirit world where angels and transcendental beings dwell. These places can be reached by expanding the mind and connecting with the divine essence. Those who have visited these realms on the astral planes report them to be extreme places of beauty where the colors are indescribable and beams of lights shower everything with peace.

Transfix: To penetrate a person’s soul with a stare, leaving the individual motionless or experiencing feelings of fear, horror, love, or complete happiness.

Transformation: Using astral projection to, for a short time, transform one’s soul into the form of an animal. Transformation can also occur during the transmigration of souls when, upon death, the spirit enters another body, which can be human, animal, or plant, depending on the soul’s spiritual needs.

Tree Magic: For centuries, people believed that trees possessed magical properties and could transport psychic information to people from an otherworldly intelligence. Tree huggers, or those individuals who think they can connect with a tree on a magical or spiritual level, assume that the source of ancient wisdom and knowledge is buried within the tree’s long and ancient roots. Sacred trees include oak, willow, bay, laurel, cypress, ash, hawthorn, and rowan.

Tribal Dancing: Rhythmic dancing that is repetitious in sound and usually accompanied by drumming. This kind of dancing is performed by numerous cultures across the globe with the objective being to enter a trancelike state and to summon the ancestral spirits.

Trip Out: One who might astral project or enter profound meditation. This experience is reported to be so enjoyable and euphoric that the individual gets to the point of not wanting to return to their body. When they do return to their body, they can take a long time to wake up.


Triquetra: The trinity knot. A triple or trinity knot that has interconnecting circles that form the triquetra. This ancient Celtic symbol is commonly used in many cultures, and in each society it implies different things. The emblem is present on some rune stones, and in modern-day Ireland, it is given in jewelry form as a token of devotion from one lover to another. In neopagan practices, the triquetra represents the triple goddess and is used as a protective amulet.

Troll: Scandinavian folklore. One of the many nature spirits that dwell under bridges or roam the woodlands and mountains. They can be very small or giant and can shape-shift. Trolls are not friendly and often present themselves as being hostile.

Trow: In the Shetland islands and Orkney folklore, the trow holds similar characteristics to the Scandinavian troll. Trows appear as short, playful, impish creatures who can sometimes be ugly and shy. Psychics portray them as nature spirits who like to weave their way into the mind of humans.

True Communications: Information given to a person from an otherworldly intelligence. True communication can transpire at any time and in various ways. An individual might physically hear a message from a spiritual being or have a profound feeling of “inner knowing” that someone is trying to communicate with them. The information given often proves to be necessary, such as a warning that a loved one is about to die or some form of direct guidance about an action that must be undertaken.

Tuned In: (See also Telepathy.) The ability to perceive and read the energies and vibrations around others and to mystically connect to them on a different dimension. To tune in empowers one to see the subtleties of an individual—their preferences, fears, and delights. Occasionally, one can even connect to another person without even realizing. One might take an instant aversion to someone or like them on sight without knowing anything about them; this happens when a person picks up on the energy of the other. Tuning in could also be when the individual unites with the vibrations of a place and will feel a sensation around a spot that might have some significant history. Anyone can master the art of tuning in with practice and patience.

Turquoise: A stone thought to possess magical properties of protection and healing that can ward off the evil eye. Superstitious types will keep a small stone in their car to keep them safe on the road or carry a piece of turquoise to ensure a safe journey when traveling.

Twelve: The spiritual number of completion believed to be a master number that conveys a message from the divine. Twelve has symbolism in many cultures and faiths. Christ had twelve disciples. There are twelve signs of the zodiac and twelve months in a year. In neopagan rituals, many spells and incantations are recited over a lit candle twelve times. In angelic numerology, twelve is a sign from the spirit world that all things good will follow. It is also thought that a child’s real personality arrives when they reach twelve years of age. At this point, one will get an accurate idea of what the youngster’s character and nature will be.

Twilight Zone: A dimension where two different states exist at the same time between both fantasy and reality. An example is when people in the last stages of life become aware of the spirit world and those who have passed over previously but are still mindful of their earthly surroundings. Halloween is said to be a time when the veil between the earth realm and the spirit world is lifted and awareness is highlighted. This is a typical example of the twilight zone.

Twin Phenomena: Twins who are linked to each other on a mental level, often having the same life experiences. One of the most celebrated instances of twin clairvoyance was that of the Jim twins. Shortly after they were born in 1940, identical twins Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were adopted by two different families, neither knowing about the other’s existence. Thirty-nine years later, they were reunited, and the similarities between the two men’s lives were astounding. Both were named Jim by their adoptive parents, both married first to women named Linda, and both married second to women named Betty. Both had sons called James Allen (Alan) and dogs named Toy. The similarities kept coming, with both men smoking the same brand of cigarette, liking the same beer, and driving the same type of car—a Chevrolet. (Ripley’s Believe It or Not, 2018.)

Twin Soul: Also called “twin flame” and “mirror soul.” It is believed that a soul can divide into two when it has reached a higher vibrational point in its spiritual development. Therefore, a twin soul or twin flame is the other half of one’s spirit that has reincarnated into a different body. Twin souls have a much deeper connection than soul mates. Twin souls will possess precisely the same energy and have the same characteristics, likes, dislikes, and moral values. When twin souls meet on the earth plane, they can become captivated entirely with each other, which often leads to romance; however, other accounts of twin flames meeting on earth describe long, deep, meaningful friendships. As similar as these souls are, there will be differences in the personalities, which might have resulted in them spending time apart throughout a few or many lifetimes.

Signs one has met their twin soul include the following:

• Instinctively knowing what the other is thinking or feeling and experiencing the same thoughts or emotions at precisely the same time.

• Enjoying the same hobbies and interests; for example, reading the same books or visiting the same locations throughout life.

• Experiencing similar dreams or waking up at the same time as the other in the middle of the night or finishing each other’s sentences.

• Not needing to communicate out loud; being content solely in the company of the other. There is no need for words because one can establish at a glance what the other is thinking about.

• Having the same flaws of character or the same strengths and weaknesses. Feelings of empowerment when together; always encouraging, urging, and spurring the other on.

Typtology: A spirit tapping or banging on tables or walls; this usually transpires during a séance and is thought to be the spirits wishing to converse with the living.
