I Ching: Book of changes. One of the oldest methods of divination that has been used for thousands of years in China. Hexagrams, constructed as six horizontal lines in a block, give sixty-four different combinations of meanings. Historically, short yarrow stalks were rubbed between the hands and then cast to the floor to predict the outcome of one’s fortunes. The reader deciphered their meanings depending on how they fell. In modern times, the questioner picks several hexagrams at random, usually in the form of tiles, and consults the book of changes for the prediction. (Browne, 2003.)

Ill-Wishing: (See also Evil Eye, Hex, Curse.) Using ritual or thought projection to bring misfortune to another. To place a hex upon a person. Ill-wishing is not just characterized through magical practice. The mind is all-powerful; if a person is feeling angry or irritated, they can unknowingly invoke invisible negative energy that can manifest and transport itself to another individual. Just as a person can use physical power to thump or punch someone, the equivalent can be achieved with mental strength; it is simply not visible.

Image Memory: Reincarnation. To describe the details and layouts of a location without ever having visited the place beforehand. This strange occurrence happens when a person experiences a familiar feeling upon visiting a particular site. A sense of déjà vu occurs. One might be able to give accurate directions to buildings or areas that are not yet in view. It is believed that the person is subconsciously accessing the memories from a previous life, reminding them of a place where they may have dwelt before.

Imbolc: Pronounced im-bulk or im-bullug. Also known as Candlemas. February 1. This pagan sabbat reveres Brighid, the triple goddess of healing and the hearth. She showers fruitfulness to the land and all its people, especially to newborn children. This is a time when neopagans have an intensive spring-cleaning, gathering up the old and clearing a path for the new.

Immortality: To continue to exist. Even though the physical body eventually dies and decays, the soul is said to be immortal and lives on to maintain an everlasting existence.

Imp: A nature spirit akin to a demon that is entirely corrupt, being mischievous and liking to play pranks on humans. They are said to be small and bony, with large, pointed ears and two small horns on their heads. Its color varies from brown to magenta and purple. Certain varieties have batlike wings sprouting from the shoulder area and a long, forked tail. Folklore refers to them as being the devil’s helpers, shape-shifting into any animal they choose. They are also believed to work with those who practice the dark arts. (Geller, 2018.)


Imperator Band: A band of aliens or higher intelligence from an invisible dimension. They are helpful to earthlings and will be present at psychic gatherings, such as development circles or séances. They focus on giving enlightenment and knowledge to the selected few for human growth. (Bletzer, 1986.)

Implants: (See also Abduction.) There is a wide range of people who claim to have been abducted by aliens and had implants inserted into their bodies, possibly as a way of tracking them. When a number of these foreign bodies were surgically removed and examined, they were found to be made from a meteoric material, and some emitted radio waves. The implants also encased themselves around the nerves in the body, making them difficult to remove. Dr. Roger Leir, a podiatrist in America, has removed many of these implants from contactees and has detailed these events in his book, Casebook: Alien Implants. (Leir, 2008, and Frilom, 2014.)

Impure Spirit: Not to be mistaken with a demon. An impure spirit is a lower entity from the etheric world who is attracted to human beings, especially those who are on a lower vibration. This spirit is said to loiter around, waiting for an opportunity to cling to a human’s body. By doing this, the soul can once again experience earthly sensations. In effect, when the sinister being does this, the victim will show signs of being possessed or could have the evil spirit joined to them for the rest of their lives. (Bletzer, 1986.)

Incantation: A series of words chanted repeatedly to create a form of energy. Incantations are used in spells and rituals to gain magical power from the universe. The intonation is sung repeatedly to enter a light trance, which brings more focus and strength to the magical task at hand.

Incarnation: Relates to a life spent in the physical sense. A cycle of life and death, being reborn into different bodies, and experiencing various situations. For example, “In my last incarnation, I was a married baker with six children.”

Incense: Also called “joss stick.” A perfumed dried paste, stick, or taper that has a pungent smell once lit. Incense is burned to clear negative energies and purify the air in temples and holy places. Many people have adopted this trend and use incense in their own homes.

Incubus: An etheric male demon who is obsessed with having sex with a human woman. The incubus can approach his victims in a few ways. The first would be when a female is sleeping. He can take full control of the woman’s body, leaving her temporarily paralyzed. Another way he commits the act is by cloaking himself and becoming invisible, overpowering his prey. Science describes this unpleasant occurrence as being a form of sleep paralysis; however, others have argued that these attacks happen not just during dream sleep, but also in the cold light of day when a woman is fully awake. The incubus is also purported to have the power to transform himself into a man to fool the unsuspecting victim. The female equivalent of an incubus is a succubus. She appears in dreams and sexually seduces the man while he is sleeping. (Tales of Earth, 2019.)

Ink Scrying: Similar to other forms of scrying by using imagery. A type of prediction or divination originating from the Middle East. One technique used when ink scrying is to fill a container with water and squeeze droplets of ink into the liquid. By gently stirring the solution, patterns and images begin to form. These are interpreted by the reader to hopefully predict future events.

Inner Eye: (See also Chakra.) Third eye or ajna chakra. The sixth chakra. An invisible eye situated in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. Clairvoyants and psychics have developed the ability to see into other dimensions through the third eye. Here is where the pineal gland sits—the focal point of the five minds, which brings in a higher consciousness, psychic abilities, and a sixth sense. Some mystics possess a natural ability to access other dimensions with the third eye, but most people must practice before they can master the technique correctly. Teachers in this field will instruct a person to gently rub the index finger between the brows to activate the third eye, and after closing the eyes, one has to focus intently and wait for images, colors, and visions to appear. Those who practice this technique describe that once the third eye is opening, there is a slight sensation of pressure between the eyebrows and, sometimes, sensitivity to light. Mediums and psychics also complain of a dull ache above the bridge of the nose after performing readings. (Madison, 2018.)

Instinct: An inner knowing about a given situation rather than a logical conclusion. Often referred to as a “gut reaction.” Instinct is a common intuitive emotion—there’s the maternal instinct, where a mother will risk all for her children, or the survival instinct, where even small infants will know what to do in the event of an emergency. Probably the best-known instinctive response is fight-or-flight. When a threat appears, the options are to stay and fight, dealing with the circumstance, or flee from the problem. In nature, there is a third option when neither fight nor flight is a realistic choice; some animals “play dead” to escape the threat.

Gut feelings is another term used to describe this emotion: a definite knowing that something is about to happen or finding the answer to a difficult problem instinctively. These feelings can begin in the stomach area before engulfing the individual. One will have no doubt whatsoever that an event is about to take place, and sometimes ignoring logic and going by one’s instinct will be the better choice. Experiencing wild optimism days before something wonderful actually happens or fretting over a loved one who seems well but suddenly takes a turn for the worst is an example of a gut feeling. (Gigerenzer, 2008.)

Invocation: To call down and summon the cosmos, an otherworldly being, or a deity to ask for assistance in an earthly situation. Invocations are usually performed at the beginning of a ceremony to request help. In some cultures, the banging of drums, dancing, and chanting are invocations.
