n the history of Ancient Rome, which has always been the operative center of the Illuminati, there are an enormous amount of events and manifestations that can now be attributed to the UFO phenomenon. Famous is the legend of Emperor Constantine and the crucial Battle of the Milvian Bridge, that would seal the future of the Christian Faith. From Eusebius, two accounts of the battle survive. The shorter one in Ecclesiastical history promotes the belief that God helped Constantine, but does not mention a vision. Later, in Life of Constantine, Eusebius writes a detailed account of the vision and stresses that he heard the story from the Emperor himself. According to this version, Constantine and his army were marching (Eusebius does not specify the actual location of the event, but it clearly is not in the camp in Rome), when he looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek words “Ev Tύτῳ Nίκα.” The term En toutō nίka translated into Latin is in hoc signo vinces, and the literal meaning of the phrase in Greek is: “In this (sign), conquer,” while in Latin it means “In this sign, you shall conquer.” A more free translation would be: “Through this sign (you shall) conquer.” At first, he was unsure of the meaning of the apparition, but the following night he had a dream in which Christ explained to him that he should use the sign against his enemies. 1
This was a typical intervention from above, but also a clear intervention from the alien overlords to direct the future of the Empire towards Christianity, at the time still considered the faith of a minor sect. Regarding in particular, Ancient Rome, there have been a few UFO sightings reported, such as in De Prodigiis, by the Roman historian Julius Obsequens, who was believed to have lived in the middle of the 4th century AD. Obsequens tells of a series of extraordinary facts, wonders i.e. prodigi in the Latin language, which occurred in previous centuries in the territories of the Roman Empire, referring to stories narrated by Tito Livio. Three events in particular, between 216 and 90 BC, caught the attention of followers of the theory of Paleocontact, that this was a critical time in which some of these UFO sightings occurred. George C. Andrews writes about the Council of Nicea (325 AD), that decided the future of Christianity and the New World Order, and Andrews explains that all references to extraterrestrials and reincarnation were systematically deleted from the Bible. 2
The concept of life on other dimensions, planets, or universes, would confuse Christians, but it doesn’t mean that the Christian paradigm is false. According to much of my research, the existence of interdimensional aliens from other planets or planes of existence (i.e. different dimensions) doesn’t refute scripture at all. In fact, scripture seems to indicate that there is, in fact, life on other dimensions, supporting the existence of entities of various natures. The term Angels, Fallen Angels, Demons, Hosts of Heaven, Stars, Creatures, Sons of God, and the Nephilim, also known as “Rapha,” or “Rephaim,” all three of which refer to giants, must be defined. Within these terms lies the key to unlocking the mystery of what modern society calls aliens, and the modern Illuminati calls Ufonauts.
Freemasons must place their hand on The Book of Revelation, often called the Revelation to John, the Apocalypse of John, The Revelation, or simply Revelation or Apocalypse, which is a very revealing part of the New Testament, and possibly the only one still retaining some important references about the interdimensional alien overlords. The Book of Revelation teaches of three evil spirits, who are demons, who look like frogs. Frogs and grey aliens, both have large eyes, and similar facial features. It says these three frog-like demons will gather the kings of the world together for the battle of Armageddon, against Jesus Christ before His return. Some passages of note:
Rev 16:12-21: The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. Jesus says, “Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.” Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, It is done!? Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.
(Two chapters on the details of Babylon’s destruction follow, there is praise to God, and it is said that the time of the wedding of the Lamb has come, and then…)
Rev 19:11: I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great.” Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshipped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
After the fall of Babylon, Jesus will come again. It is right before this time that the three frog-like demons will deceptively lead all the kings of the world to Armageddon. So who are the three evil demon spirits that look like frogs? What we can understand is that these evil spirits gather people together to war against Jesus before he returns. The people that are preparing to war against Jesus are not Christians. Also, they are preparing to war against Him before He returns. How do they know Jesus is about to return? If they are being gathered together to war, it must mean they think they will have someone to fight—yet Jesus hasn’t returned yet. And do these people know it is Jesus they are preparing to war against? No matter what they think of Jesus, they are not Christians, and their view of Jesus must be negative.
Let’s review some facts about evil spirits, or demons. Demons don’t have bodies, and they cannot materialize physically. Bodies are something that indicate fallen angels. Yet here demons are said to look like frogs. People can’t see demons, so how could a demon look like a frog? In order for a demon to be seen, it would have to be in the body of a person or animal. In this case, the animal that they describe is a frog. So let’s say these three demons were inside of and controlling three frogs. How likely do you think it is, that people would follow three frogs to gather for war? Would an army of humans let themselves be led by three actual demon-possessed frogs? These frogs would be doing (deceptive) signs and wonders, under the power of Satan and his fallen angels, but it still seems unlikely that people would let themselves be led by three frogs into battle, no matter the circumstances. It sounds as convincing as a fairy tale, for the kings of the earth to be led to battle by three demon-possessed frogs that seem to be working (false) miracles and wonders.
But note that John doesn’t say the three evil spirits “are three frogs.” He says they “looked like frogs.” So assuming they are not frogs, what else might these demons be aside from an actual frog? Let’s say that John was shown in his Revelation vision an image of something he had never seen before. Let’s say he saw a body that was of no known animal that he was familiar with, and obviously to him was not a man either. It makes sense that if John didn’t know what this creature was, and had never seen anything like it, that he would describe it as “looking like” something he was familiar with. John chose a frog. But if John had never seen this creature before, that doesn’t mean we never have. Closer to Jesus’ return in a more linear time than John, and closer to The Book of Revelation being fulfilled, it stands to reason that we may have become familiar with this frog-like creature, even though John was not. Is there any creature today that is a familiar image to us, which John would have never seen before? Is there some creature that if we had to describe it as looking like a known animal, we would choose to say it looks like a frog? Is there perhaps something we call by another name, because we have been taught to for whatever reason, but if we had never seen or heard of it before, and we had to describe it, we would say it looks like a frog? I propose that the culturally common image of a “grey alien” looks much like a frog. 3
Interestingly enough, Crowley’s ritual of claiming the grade and role of Magus of the Aeon for the Illuminati of the A∴A∴ saw him symbolically consecrating a frog as Jesus Christ, then killing it. (And it didn’t rise again!). He said it was his formula of killing the power of Christianity and the old aeon, but it hides much more.
Crowley performed Liber L X X - The Cross of a Frog on July 17th, of 1916 during his retreat to Lake Pasquaney, (now Newfound Lake) in New Hampshire.
This is the opening of the ritual:
the Ceremonies proper to obtaining
a familiar spirit of a Mercurial
nature as described in the
Apocalypse of St. John the Divine
from a frog or toad
He had crucified a toad
In thee basilisk abode,
Muttering the Runes averse
Mad with many a mocking curse.
Aleister Crowley mentions clearly what seems to be the recipe to invoke an alien spirit of a Mercurial nature, and indicates as the basis for this weird ritual the Apocalypse of St. John the Divine. Something truly strange and alien is going on with this ritual where: The Chief Officer representeth a Snake, because of Mercury. (the proper food for snakes is frogs.) The Mystery of Conception is the catching of the frog in silence, and the affirmation of the Will to perform this ceremony.
First of all, let’s keep in mind Snake worship is typical of the devotion to serpent deities, and this tradition is present in several ancient cultures. Some Jinn in Islamic mythology are described as alternating between human and serpentine forms, and the Serpent is a character from the Genesis creation narrative, occasionally depicted with legs, and sometimes identified with Satan. Remember, when Crowley is talking to us, he is using a coded Illuminati language, that permits him to talk freely about his interdimensional Satanic beliefs and practices. These three demons we find in The Book of Revelation, who look like “grey aliens” are specified to come out of the mouth of the Beast, Dragon, and False Prophet. This is symbolic of speaking these creatures into being. When God spoke in Genesis, the universe came into being, with the words that came out of the mouth of God. In a dark parallel, it seems that Satan, the Beast from the Sea, and the False Prophet, will speak them into being, or create these animal-monsters. And then the kings of the earth will follow these three “grey aliens” to battle, and be deceived.
In fact, they will be following three demon-possessed genetically engineered animal-monsters, but it seems they will believe they are “aliens,” biological extraterrestrials from outer space. Among all the visible paranormal activities that are going on today, including ghosts, fairies, Bigfoot, orbs, and many others, it is the Alien phenomenon that stands out as unique. Out of all the activities of demons and fallen angels today, it is the alien phenomenon that is mentioned in The Book of Revelation, showing great Biblical prophetic significance. 4 Not surprisingly, “The Beast 666” became the pseudonym of Crowley, who earlier, in December 1909, with Victor Benjamin Neuberg (1883–1940), went to Bou Saada, a town and municipality in M’Sila Province, Algeria, situated 245 km south of Algiers, and from there in the middle of the desert proceeded to the call of the tenth Aethyr, called Zax, evoking Choronzon, also known as 333, Lord of Hallucinations, one of the most feared umbrood in existence:
First let the scribe be seated in the center of the circle in the desert sand, and let the circle be fortified by the Holy Names of God—Tetragrammaton and Shaddai El Chai and Ararita. And let the Demon be invoked within a triangle, wherein is inscribed the name of Choronzon, and about it let him write ANAPHAXETON—ANAPHANETON—PRIMEUMATON, and in the angles MI-CA-EL4: and at each angle the Seer shall slay a pigeon, and having done this, let him retire to a secret place, where is neither sight nor hearing, and sit within his black robe, secretly invoking the Aethyr. And let the Scribe perform the Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram, and let him call upon the Holy Names of God, and say the Exorcism of Honorius, and let him beseech protection and help of the Most High.
This magical operation was done between 2 o’clock and 4.15 in the afternoon to open the gates of the underworld. As Crowley points out in note 11 of the commentary to his magical text, The Vision and the Voice (Liber 418), in which he explains that the words in question were even used by Adam to open the gates of hell. This was the ultimate aim of Crowley’s magical operation, which seems to have achieved some success in his terrible mission.
Victor Benjamin Neuberg, who attended and assisted Frater Perdurabo (Crowley’s Initiatic Name in the A∴A∴) in his ritual, reported that Crowley put himself inside the triangle of the invocation deliberately positioning himself from any protection. Thus defying every common sense, ready to attract the deeds of the gods on himself. Neuburg had been initiated earlier by Crowley in the A∴A∴ taking the initiatic name of Frater Omnia Vincam, realizing perhaps too late the true evil intentions of his diabolical Master and lover. Crowley on that occasion wanted not only to open the gates of hell for humanity but also wanted to allow his own possession of the evoked demon. This a secret and very dangerous practice defined by the Illuminati as a controlled possession. Crowley did this so that he could fully become the 666 announced in the Book Revelation.
Neuburg never managed to describe with precision and lucid mentality the apocalyptic and scary visions to which his master had been subjected to that afternoon, and the experience in question left him scarred for life, later breaking his relationship with Crowley in 1914. On that day, in a crazy sequence of events, Crowley was possessed by the entity that Sir Edward Kelly, assistant to celebrity John Dee, defined as the first and the most dangerous of the powers of evil. Crowley apparently turned momentarily dark, assuming in the process various sullen forms during the ritual. At one point Crowley was transformed into a naked and voluptuous woman, while the demon swirled with fluid and obscene inhumanity from his mouth, he would vomit satanic anger and absolute hate towards poor Neuburg, pervading the atmosphere with shameful and brutal curses. After a period of time that probably appeared infinite, to poor Neuburg, Crowley returned to normal.
However, Crowley/Choronzon’s behavior during the ritual did not only cover the topos of the infernal ranks to which this demon traditionally belongs, but also the Jinn of the Islamic tradition. The ability to change form to seduce and deceive man as Choronzon is one of the most visible characteristics of Jinn, and more generally of the fairy trickster, but also of some specific divinities. Fairies have often been noted for their mischief and malice. Some pranks ascribed to them, such as tangling the hair of sleepers into “Elf-locks,” stealing small items, or leading a traveler astray, are generally harmless. But far more dangerous behaviors are also attributed to fairies.
Any form of sudden death might stem from a fairy kidnapping, with the apparent corpse being a wooden stand-in with the appearance of the kidnapped person.
Consumption (tuberculosis) was sometimes blamed on the fairies, forcing young men and women to dance at revels every night, causing them to waste away from lack of rest. Fairies riding domestic animals, such as cows, could cause paralysis or mysterious illnesses. Due to belief in fairies as tricksters, a considerable lore developed regarding ways to protect oneself from their mischief, 5 but they are also related to the phenomenon of the dimensional portals. Humor, laughter, and irony pervade the adventures of the extra-dimensional Trickster, even the cruelest ones have at times shown an amorous appearance, from which animals or men are mumbled, even if they cause their death. Similarly, the demon Choronzon explains to Neuburg that he laughs as he kills. The demon also warns those who evoke him of his destructive fury, but he can also give certain forms of knowledge to the endearing wizard as an obvious reward.
From this contractual form, do ut des (Latin for I give that you may give) often said or written in magic for sacrifices, when one gives and expects something back from the gods. In the case of Crowley, however, there was no deception from the trickster in question, as Crowley was sent to the desert in that distant December 1909, with a specific mission by the Secret Chiefs, after rediscovering in a drawer six months earlier, in June 1909, the sacred text of the future New Age religion, the controversial writing is known as The Book of the Law, which was transmitted to him in 1904 by the alien praeter-human entity named Aiwass, a messenger of Horus that occult experts identify with Lucifer, and some of Crowley’s successors say was an extraterrestrial entity. Alexandra Owen, Professor of History and Gender Studies, and a social and cultural historian specializing in nineteenth and twentieth-century Britain explains that despite that Crowley rejected originally the teachings received in The Book of the Law in 1904, they came back dramatically years later before his trip to North Africa. Crowley stated that he found the manuscript of The Book of the Law lost in the attic in his home of Boleskine shortly before Victor Neuburg emerged from his Magical Retirement. Crowley was significantly struck by the sudden reappearance of his manuscript from 1904, almost like a lightning strike had suddenly hit him. Taking the ground under his feet and forcing him into two days of meditation. He emerged with a clear understanding that the Secret Chiefs wanted to impose on him this new mission. 6
Crowley was constrained by the clauses dictated by the entity five years earlier, to take back that pseudo-sacred text, that from then on he would start promoting within the Western Initiatic System as the basis for his new religion of Thelema, the religion of the Illuminati now so popular in Hollywood. This was done originally in Germany, where part of the O.T.O. was born, but also The Order of the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt, and earlier on the Rosicrucians. With his new religious mission, he created in the following year’s strong dissensions, and schisms within the world of the Illuminati, that even brought to life a non-Thelemic version of the O.T.O. (ie non-Crowleyan), that developed with some success in Switzerland, where it eventually died out in the first decade of the new millennium, due to a lack of funding and the increasing pressure of the O.T.O. in the USA.
Allen H. Greenfield (born 1946), is a high-level contemporary Illuminati and illuminist, who was elected to the mystical episcopate of the Neopythagorean Gnostic Assembly in both 1986, and 1994, and further consecrated within the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) by Frater Superior William Breeze in 1987, and later again by David Scriven “Sabazius,” by their mysterious Grand Master for North America. Greenfield has long parted ways with the O.T.O., in favor of what is described as a broadly-based free illuminist movement. His episcopal title “Tau” is sometimes abbreviated as “T” and prefixed to his legal name, thus he may also be referred to as T Allen Greenfield. A former member of the Ordo Templi Orientis and editor of the Eulis Lodge journal LASHTAL, Greenfield has more recently become a critic of the Order’s upper management. In February 2006, he called for their resignation and stepped down from all managerial duties in protest, issuing a strong criticism of the current Outer Head of the Order, William Breeze. 7 Allen H. Greenfield states in his official blog:
I was consecrated by Tau Silenus, William Gary Keith Breeze in Brooklyn NY on November 19, 1988. I cross consecrated with Tau Apiryon, David Forrest Scriven in Atlanta GA December 10, 1993. I was reconsecrated by Scriven, Lynn Scriven (Soror Helena) assisting at the Scriven home in Riverside, California May 25, 1997. Allen Greenfield was Elected to the Episcopate by the Holy Synod of the Neopythagorean Gnostic Church August 21, 1986, He was consecrated by Patriarch Bertiaux in Chicago IL USA December 4 1993. Please note that, as Tau Michael Bertiaux has held, since June 16, 1979, all major independent lines of the traditional apostolic succession through consecration at that time by Bishop Forest Gregory Barber, all such lines flow to me by virtue of my consecrations by Bertiaux. Bertiaux, later reconsecrated by Jorge Rodriguez, then also consecrated me. In line with MY FORMER ASSOCIATES AT “O.T.O.’s” Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, Patriarch Tau Silenus and Primate Tau Apiryon, I hold that there is a distinction between, on the one hand, Spiritual Appointment and Consecration in the lineage of Edward Alexander Crowley (Baphomet 33 * 90* 96* XI° MA&P R MM) and, on the other, the traditional Apostolic Succession. Both have their importance and validity.
The issue is the passage of egregore and empowerment, not any particular faith or creed. In my view, and, in having held both, I believe I can render a rather well informed and detached opinion on this. I held the succession of Baphomet as a Bishop “now and forever” through Consecration by both the Absolute Grand Patriarch of the Ordo Templi Orientis Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (November 19, 1988 Brooklyn NY). While I am no longer associated with E.G.C.-O.T.O., I hold with the Augustinian doctrine “once a bishop-always a bishop” though I claim—and would have—no authority within O.T.O. as of late July, 2006. As Tau Silenus recognized me in writing unconditionally as Bishop in writing prior to my becoming an O.T.O. initiate, I maintain I hold the succession of Baphomet, such as it is. Others are free to disagree; nobody questions my Full Apostolic Succession, which is what counts magically. The “Baphomet descent” doctrine peculiar to the current O.T.O. management was, in my opinion, a reaction to questions about their own Apostolic Succession, and nothing more, a silly overreaction typical of them. I also hold the Latter Day Saints succession (Restored Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ of Immaculate Latter-day Saints) through Bishop William Conway, and the Doinel Succession through various consecrations. The Honorary Title of “Rabbi” was recently also given me by the Fellowship Assembly, which I accept in the sense of being a “teacher of spirituality” in the Reform Jewish tradition.8
In Greenfield’s book Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, released for the first time in the mid-1990s, he revealed to the world what is possibly at the heart of the UFO mystery, with the discovery of hidden Secret Ciphers and Rituals used by UFOnauts, Contactees, Occult Adepts and Secret Chiefs, who have maintained communication with these mysterious Ultraterrestrial beings, who control forces almost totally beyond our comprehension, with human adepts, stretching from remote antiquity to the present moment. 9 These secrets include the infamous vampirism operated by the grey aliens, and how to resist it in their physical examinations, were developed within the Illuminati organizations inspired by Frater Achad, also known as Frater Parzifal, real name Charles Robert John Stansfeld Jones (1886–1950), one of the early leaders of the O.T.O in North America. Again, according to Greenfield, these revelations would be compatible with the secret teachings of the Theosophical “Great White Brotherhood,” in the ways of communicating with these interdimensional aliens, which, unfortunately, are seldom benevolent, and more often vampire parasites. Greenfield writes:
These terms are consistent with the inner secret teachings of the Great White Brotherhood. The terms also provide a clue, as noted, as to how to do battle with the UFOnauts. As others have remarked, UFOnauts frequently use bizarre forms of sexuality in their physical examinations or probes on humans, in order to obtain certain secretions of a physical, emotional and even spiritual nature.10
Regarding the dark forces at work, to stop you from learning the truth about the UFO phenomenon and their alien overlords, Greenfield adds:
Often when a person or institution allied with the historical Great White Brotherhood approaches success (variously defined) or comes into possession of certain aspects of transcendent wisdom, Something Intervenes. That “something” has been defined as the Man in Black, the Men In Black, the black lodges, or The Black Lodge. The latter term most nearly accommodates my own view. That they need to do this, and that they often fail in their efforts, is itself an indication that (A) the Black Lodge is opposed by Something Else, equally as strong, and (B) they are afraid of something we might find out—about them, about their opposition, about ourselves or all three. The story of our interaction with the UFOnauts begins with the Qabalistic Tree of Life and the Chakra system of the body. According to the primal occult and frequently secret and subversive view, the manifest universe emerges from an Ultimate NOT-Thing, a Consciousness or Beingness beyond words or expressions sometimes referred to as the Unmanifest or The Limitless Light. Limitless Light. This Unmanifest cannot be understood in the external sense but can be Known in the Gnostic sense by the initiate or perfected sentient being, the Ubermensch. It can be plugged into. For reasons equally inexpressible, this uniqueness unfolds itself in manifestation. Thus, the limitless light becomes a series of emanations or expressions or Intelligence that devolve increasingly toward our material form of existence and thus towards accessibility in the conventional sense. But the manifestations also increasingly become subject to subdivision into arbitrary concepts such as “good” and “evil” as these are commonly understood. And they also become closer and closer in form and content to our own mundane reality, though in the relativity of things, these Higher Intelligence may seem unspeakably powerful, mythic and divine. The Gnostic view has tended to be that what the external world of the conventional person understands as god, devil demon, angel or, more recently, extraterrestrial beings are, in fact, such emanations of the unspeakable ultimate.11
Greenfield, explains that one of the central figures in exposing this Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts was Aleister Crowley, but it was perfected by Crowley’s “magical son,” Charles Stansfeld Jones, aka Frater Achad, who partially deciphered and transmitted it to his own disciples. Frater Achad was at that time one of the highest representatives of the Illuminati of the Ordo Templi Orientis in North America. Crowley and Frater Achad (a Jesuits agent), frequently discussed entities and the importance of the Ouija board, as it is often mentioned in their unpublished letters. Throughout 1917, Achad experimented with the board as a means of summoning mainly what he described as Angels, as opposed to Elementals. Frater Achad was a high-level occultist and exemplary ceremonial magician, known also as Tantalus Leucocephalus, after reaching the Tenth Degree of the O.T.O. However, he was eventually kicked out and later expelled from the O.T.O., after holding the supreme post of Grand Master of British Columbia, considered at that time the Grand Master for the whole of North America, for the relatively small O.T.O. Crowley expelled him after he became more and more involved and absorbed by another Secret Society, that is said to be run by the infamous Jesuits, the Universal Brotherhood (U.B.).
In 1921, Jones joined the Universal Brotherhood (U.B.), also known to its members as the Integral Fellowship, or as the Mahacakra Society (or M.), depending on the level of participation. This group was actively recruiting among Theosophists for a decade or more, in a period of time when the powerful Society of Jesus took over the Theosophical Society, and Charles Stansfeld Jones was one of a number of prominent Thelemites who eventually joined them.
The methods of the U.B. involved one-to-one correspondence, with an elaborate set of rules regarding strict secrecy of instructions, envelopes-within-envelopes, purple typewriter ribbons, and special paperclips. It is said that aspirants were provided with typescript lectures (“sutras”) on metaphysical topics, using idiosyncratic terms like “integrality” and “partitivity.” A system of alms provided for funds to be remitted back up the same chain from which these instructions descended. Organizational titles and pseudonyms in the U.B. were generally taken from Sanskrit. To this day, few if any of the U.B. writings have become accessible to non-members, and suggest that their doctrines involved a baroquely intellectualized form of sentimental monotheism.
In 1924, Charles Stansfeld Jones was superintending about 70 members of U.B., and formed a plan for subsuming Thelema into the U.B. as a Grama or Integral Body, which would perpetuate some O.T.O. and A∴A∴ materials in their pure form. He communicated this idea to O.T.O. member Wilfred T. Smith (1885–1957) Frater Velle Omnia Velle Nihil (aka Fra. 132), who was at that time his subordinate in both the U.B. and A∴A∴ but Smith’s interest in the U.B. was slight and waning, he was more interested in launching the O.T.O. in Hollywood, as he eventually did after renting 1746 Winona Boulevard. His marketing choice was indeed the right one in light of today’s O.T.O success in Hollywood. In the meantime, Annie Besant, as head of the Theosophical Society, strictly forbade cross-membership in the U.B., knowing of the Jesuit involvement, and as Crowley became aware of the involvement of his followers with this Catholic Order, he likewise denounced the U.B., calling it a “swindle” in correspondence with Charles Stansfeld Jones. Confirming the Jesuit nature of this operation is the fact that many of those who left the Theosophical Society for the U.B. under pressure from Besant, converted later to Roman Catholicism. In 1928, Jones himself, Frater Achad, became a staunch Roman Catholic, undergoing baptism and confirmation into the laity of the Church. At roughly the same time, he succeeded to the U.B. office of Mahaguru, thus becoming the Grand Master of this Illuminati Jesuit controlled organization. Jones continued to hold that office, apparently until his death. Jones was succeeded as Mahaguru by John P. Kowal (1900–1978).
The true aim of the U.B. remains obscure, but it has been accused by Wilfred T. Smith, of acting as a front for Roman Catholic infiltration of occult groups, and by former member Paul Foster Case, the founder of the B.O.T.A. (Builders of the Adytum) of being inspired by the Bavarian Illuminati. Mahaguru John P. Kowal told Martin Starr that its purpose was “to make men think.” 12
But in reality, it was a Secret Society created and financed by the Catholic Church and its Jesuits, to infiltrate and manipulate the increasingly influential Theosophical Society and other occult groups of the Anglo-Saxon world, such as the Crowleyan O.T.O. or the Golden Dawn. Reality is much better than any so-called “Conspiracy Theory.” The Jesuits, during their infiltration of the theosophical world, had obviously seen the potential of Frater Achad, and his vast knowledge of the occult was considered powerful, and at the same time dangerous.
Crowley was not the first responsible for the decryption of this ancestral Secret Cipher created for the defense of the initiates, but his disciple who was one of the greatest Kabbalah experts of the time outside of the Jewish world, developed it further, creating waves in the occult world. Frater Achad understood, like his disciples after him, the importance of a specific passage to be found in Chapter II, verse 76, of The Book of the Law. This is the passage in question composed of the following alpha-numeric glyphs:
In this formula, there is a hidden and secret formula for alien contact devised by the Illuminati.
However the use of this mysterious alpha-numerical cipher, found in The Book of the Law, was never specified by Crowley, who allowed Frater Achad, he once considered his Magical Child, to find and unveil the mysteries behind this secret cipher in relation to the mysterious supernatural entity or “praeterhuman” named Aiwass. In Magick in Theory and Practice, Aiwass is firmly identified by Crowley as; The Devil, Satan, and Lucifer, whose emblem is Baphomet. Greenfield asserts that:
The Cipher contained in Liber AL is indeed the secret code of the initiates of 19th century magick and occultism, and the Cipher of the UFOnauts themselves. Much is to be said for the revisionist historical notion, best expounded by Paul Johnson (In Search of the Masters), that Theosophical “Mahatmas” and magical “Secret Chiefs” are very human Adepts deeply enmeshed in the spiritual and political revolutions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Madame Blavatsky may indeed have been the first to change the names to protect the adept, but the fact that they can be decoded via the Ciphers of AL—revealed by Aiwass years after Blavatsky’s death—indicates perhaps a secret code known to Blavatsky and later to Crowley and his heirs. As I have pointed out, the basic documents of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, for example, were written in a cipher, the originals still being readily available. I have also pointed out that all Royal Arch Masons were (and are) taught a cipher, since frequently reprinted. If there was a common occult cipher, it seems to have emerged in the world of mediumship. The cipher continues in the similar world of UFO contacteeism and trance channeling, which resembles mediumship as well as extraterrestrialism.13
As written in Volume I of my Confessions, the UFO contactees emerged as a distinct branch of mediumship in the 1940s, 14 initially in Meade Layne’s Borderland Sciences Research FOUNDATION (BSRF), and later all over the occult world, but don’t forget, Layne is another product of Theosophy and the O.T.O. Layne is in fact, described by Greenfield as: “An exemplary person, a student of Aleister Crowley’s prodigal son Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad), and, from the 1940s, one of the saner, more decent sorts that occupied the more esoteric side of UFOlogy.”
A MEMORANDUM OF IMPORTANCE was generated within Borderland Sciences Research Associates (BSRA), in San Diego, that eventually became one of the infamous UFO documents buried in The Vault, which is the new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) library launched by the FBI in 2011, featuring searchable dossiers on characters and topics wide-ranging from the 9/11 hijackers to Al Capone, and Marilyn Monroe, all the way to alleged UFO sightings.
Returning to the Secret Cipher, Greenfield says that despite being accurately concealed by Crowley’s “Magickal Childe,” it was rediscovered and fully understood by his disciples in the early 70s. Greenfield describes the events that lead to the full disclosure of the Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts:
Crowley was a master occultist, though, is certainly true. Central to our premise is a single occult event in which Crowley, then on an extended honeymoon with his wife Rose in Cairo, acted as a scribe in the transcription of what purports to be a Holy Book for the New Aeon, known as Liber AL vel Legis, or The Book of the Law. Liber AL in some ways follows the same pattern as Newborough’s Oahspe or The Book of Mormon. It differs in its outlook, the richness of its poetry, and, for our purposes, in one other way. It refers to an internal cipher or secret code which, it predicts, Crowley himself would never transcribe. Predicted, however, is its deciphering by another, who turned out to be Crowley’s magical child and one-time heir-apparent, Charles Stansfeld Jones a.k.a. Frater Achad. Achad, in his Book 31, does indeed find the key to the code, but 70 years passed before a full transcription of the code was made. In the original handwritten manuscript of The Book of the Law, a single page is inexplicably overlaid with a grid, a line, and an enigmatic mark sometimes referred to as a “Rose Cross,” although it looks much like one of the four keys to the Royal Arch Masonic Cipher. Liber AL was dictated in 1904, according to Crowley, by a præterhuman—some of his successors say extraterrestrial—intelligence calling itself Aiwass. Long after both Achad and Crowley were dead, one Carol Smith and a group in England calling itself the OAA fully deciphered the code. Another 10 years were to pass before a member of OAA’s American counterpart, Frater Lamed of QBLH, was to apply computer technology to the cipher solution and produce Lexicon, a computer program that provides a vast, powerful tool for deciphering the code of Liber AL, as well as many variants.15
In 1974, after 70 years from the reception of The Book of the Law, a cipher solution consistent with all the clues in The Book of the Law was actually discovered: “A key has been left by Crowley, under the direction of Aiwass,” wrote Carol Smith in 1980, “in order that Thou shalt obtain the Order and Value of the English Alphabet (Ch.1 V.55) The instruction is in Ch.1lI V.47, This shall be translated into all tongues but always with the originals in the writing of the beast; for in the chance shape of the letters and their position to one another; in these are mysteries no beast shall divine.” 16
Allen H. Greenfield sums up the importance of this discovery in the last four points outlined in the basic premise of his book, (consisting of a total of eleven points):
8) Crowley’s “magical son” Frater Achad did partially decipher the code, but it remained for Carol Smith in 1974 to solve it, and for software programmer, Frater Lamed to make it readily accessible to investigators in the 1980s.
9) The UFOnauts themselves use the cipher when they gve names to themselves, their home planets, etc. They know the case will be reported, and the keywords will be communicated to the Illuminati.
10) Since I applied the cipher to such keywords, the code is now completely accessible to UFOlogists and others. The cipher can help analyze cases, predict manifestations and trace the UFOnauts to their very doorsteps, and yes, they DO have doorsteps.
11) As soon as the UFOnauts and Illuminati know the knowledge of the cipher is widespread, the code will change again. Evidence shows it is already changing.17
A secret cipher of the Illuminati would transform one from the status of “abductee” into potential “contactist,” ready to collaborate with such entities, thus eliminating the dangers of any possible contact with interdimensional entities we commonly refer to as aliens. You may have noticed from the words above, Greenfield also warns that as soon as the secret is publicly revealed, the code may be subject to immediate change: “Evidence shows it is already changing.” Regarding the importance of Jesuit agent Frater Achad and his present role in the pseudo-religion of Thelema, Greenfield writes: “The present O.T.O. Grand Master, Hymenaeus Beta, for example, acknowledges that … his Liber XXXI held the key to The Book of the Law … While his Qabalistic teachings are sometimes ‘unorthodox’ … they are unfailingly self-consistent.” Indeed, in recent years, there has been some effort by orthodox Thelemites to posthumously rehabilitate Achad whose decidedly unorthodox views led to a permanent break with Crowley in 1919. In 1948, Achad further alienated conservative Thelemites—and endeared himself to radicals—by proclaiming the Aeon of Ma, which superseded the Aeon of Horus proclaimed by Crowley in 1904. 18
Clearing the way of understanding on a subject like the possible interdimensional contact of certain Secret Societies we commonly refer to as the Illuminati, is a difficult task, but worth beginning, especially with the study of Greenfield’s work. He is a high-level illuminist of various Secret Societies that deal with the contemporary mystery schools devoted to magic. Greenfield is an advocate of what he calls, Congregational Illuminism, a term he created to describe: “pre-existing and emergent phenomena of a decentralized network of groups and individuals interested in illumination working together in free association. Use of the term was not made without also being mindful of the Congregationalist movement, Protestant Christian churches practicing Congregationalist church governance, in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs. The decentralized bottom-up nature is said to be traced back to anarcho-syndicalism, to certain Protestant Sects such as the Levelers and True Levelers in Britain at the time of the English Civil War, and denominations such as the Society of Friends. Other influences on the structure include the democracy of Freemasonry as practiced in the USA, the ‘Golden Path’ described in the Dune series by Frank Herbert, the decentralism of the egregore in the Gnostic community and the independent lines of Apostolic Succession.”
It might seem a bit too New Age and liberal, but of course, the dark side of the Illuminati is made up of demented beliefs such as; anarco-syndacalism or the supposed decentralism of the egregore in the Gnostic community; values of the Satanic New Age that illuminist Greenfield is willing to promote worldwide with his Congregational Illuminist Movement (Free Illuminati Bodies). They are physically based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, thanks to a new alliance officially sealed on May 18th, 2016, with the powerful and dark Illuminati of the United Traditionalist Grand Sanctuaries of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis & Misraim (U.T.G.S.). This is a group controlled by Most Illustrious Brother Dr. Nicolas Laos, 33° 95° 97° Grand Hierophant-General (also Grand Master the Societas Masonica Illuminatorum), that describes his organization operating internationally from Greece, in the following way, confirming his relationship to the infamous Bavarian Illuminati: “The United Traditionalist Grand Sanctuaries of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis & Misraim (U.T.G.S.) is intimately related to the legacy of the Bavarian Illuminati. The term ‘Illuminati’ (plural of Latin ‘Illuminatus,’ enlightened) usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an esoteric society founded on 1 May, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, who was the first lay professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt. The Order of the Illuminati was modeled on Freemasonry, and it was made up of freethinkers. Given that, by the middle of the eighteenth century, many Freemasonic Orders had been placed under the control of authoritarian social elites and Royal Houses and many Freemasons had developed a petit-bourgeois mentality, Adam Weishaupt attempted to politicize the humanist ethos of Freemasonry by creating a new esoteric society whose members would be capable of contemplating the political ramifications of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism and of promoting humanism and freedom. According to the instructions for the Degree of Regent, if the Order of the Illuminati cannot establish itself in any particular place with all the forms and regular progress of its degree system, it must operate under a cloak of secrecy, and ‘the inferior Lodges of Freemasonry are the most convenient cloaks’ for the Illuminati’s grand object.”19
We should pay attention to the recent involvement of Rev. T Allen Bar Kohenim Greenfield, D.D. 33° 95° 97°, with Dr. Nicolas Laos, who is a controversial and influential figure in the Masonic world, connected with the New World Order political arena, as well as British Intelligence, whose primary areas of expertise are: ontology, epistemology, ethics, philosophical theology, political philosophy, noo-politics, netwar, and cultural diplomacy; his secondary areas of expertise are geopolitics, geoeconomics, political economy, organizational behavior, hypergame theory, monotonic and non-monotonic logics, and history of intelligence.20 Dr. Nicolas Laos is an expert in esotericism, but also in political economy and the history of intelligence, and lives in a citadel of just under thirty people on the outskirts of Athens. His previous office in London, was at Wilton Road 95 (SW1V 1 BZ), suite number 3, a place frequented by numerous Freemasons and members of British Intelligence. Dr. Nicolas Laos makes this shocking statement on his official treaty with Greenfield citing along the way, The Secret Rituals of the Men in Black: “Apart from being an internationally acknowledged authority on the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis & Misraim, T Allen Greenfield is an authoritative researcher in the ‘occult.’ Some of his conclusions, formulated in his eloquent and metaphorical language, are the following: ‘All serious magical rituals are a hidden advanced technology, concealed in a cipher now revealed … UFOlogy … has taught me that we humans are, in potential, the most advanced, developed beings in the galaxy … The Greys, insectoids and other vampiric nightmares from dying stars are here to suck out a little of the life energy that they themselves have so little of, and to delay the inevitable evolution of humanity … We, as they tell us, and as intercepted cipher messages have told me and all with eyes to see, will someday be the Coming Guardians ourselves.’”21
Now my dear readers you finally have the evidence of an official Masonic document that seems to prove the existence of Greys, insectoids, and other vampiric nightmares from dying stars. You can double check for yourself among the documents listed at http://nicolaslaos.com
Greenfield is indeed a lifelong student of esoteric spirituality and Gnosticism, he began studying as far back as 1960. He also had very intense activity as a Ufologist, becoming past (elected) member of the British Society for Psychical Research, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) (from 1960), etc., and he has twice been the recipient of the Ufologist of the Year Award of the National UFO Conference (1972 and 1992), which has run continuously on an annual basis for 41 years. He is a Borderland Science Research Associate (BSRA), and he has personally conducted on-site UFO abduction investigations in Brooksville, FL; Pascagoula, MS, and Brown Mountain, NC. 22 Greensfield considers the UFO phenomenon to be a “signal” from the Collective Unconscious that the neglect of a magical spirituality by society as a whole, is a cause for emotional plague and social disaster.
In 2006, after twenty years, Greenfield finally resigned his position as a high-level officer of the O.T.O. Caliphate in the United States, declaring in his official statement regarding the Ordo Templi Orientis: “At the end of February 2006, after much consideration and ample notification of the present management of U.S. Grand Lodge, I resigned from all positions of management held by me at that time in Ordo Templi Orientis.” He also added that: “The O.T.O. has always been rather blasé about its top-heavy autocratic structure, and has gradually moved from the Scientific Illuminism that informed its initiation rituals, and its celebratory ritual, The Gnostic Mass, towards a set of what I see as superstitious beliefs and tendencies. Was this something I could support in the wake of 9/11? I had had doubts before, but now it seemed a legitimate question in the context of what has been called—rightly, in my view—a clash of civilizations.”23
Greenfield publicly denounced William Breeze, the Supreme Grand Master of the O.T.O., known as Hymenaeus Beta, in his public statement, basically, accusing him of manipulating rituals, centralizing power, and transforming the once glorious Freemasonic School of the O.T.O., into his own personal machine to make money.
Here’s another little excerpt to give you a general idea of what the Ordo Templi Orientis is really becoming in the hands of the mondialists that control it, not simply as another business venture for their Illuminati empire, but also as the key to their new and perverse religion of Thelema, spreading like a virus, and popular with V.I.P.’s:
I had already served the O.T.O. in its current incarnation for nearly twenty years at the time of the attack (Note by author: referring to 9/11), first as a private individual invited by the local body master to organize the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica in the Southern United States, virtually from scratch, then as a Lodge Secretary, sole consecrated resident bishop for many hundreds of miles around, then as Lodge Master, and eventually, for the past decade, as Sovereign Grand Inspector General and Most Wise Sovereign of one of a handful of Chapters of Rose Croix in the world. When the individual elevated to the office of U.S. Grand Master General, Sabazius, chose to make his first VII° full tripartite member, I was the member he chose. I was for some time on good—even intimate—social terms with the Acting Outer Head of the Order, known as Hymenaeus Beta. I have been a guest in the homes of both of these men, as they have been guests in mine.
It is thus not without hesitation that I have come to view their efforts at doing the particular Work uniquely charged to the O.T.O. in its founding and most basic documents, as being a dismal, ill-conceived and ill-executed effort that has brought, under their leadership, the sort of near total failure that has characterized many marginalized societies with pretensions to occult knowledge. The decision to transform an eccentric and radical form of Freemasonic School in the very heart of the authentic esoteric tradition into a rather conventional religious society with an extremely narrow base and zero societal impact was a gradual one, and has had its critics at each level of its deviation from the core program of the society.24
It also seems the O.T.O. did not appreciate his new revelations on Ufology in relation to the Illuminati and the disclosing of secret rituals made in the book following his Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, the one entitled Secret Rituals of the Men in Black, published in 2005, just a few months before leaving the O.T.O. In this newer book, which obviously annoyed the O.T.O., Greenfield makes new disconcerting revelations about the practical application of this mysterious secret cipher of the UFOnauts, which is further deepened not only from a historical point of view but also from the ritualistic point of view. Crowley in his channeled interdimensional transmission known as The Book of the Law proposes perhaps the most sophisticated version of the cipher and the most elaborated code.
But according to Greenfield, this cipher in various forms, already existed since antiquity, and was secretly transmitted by various mystery schools of the Illuminati network and Freemasonry, especially in the Royal Arch, and in Cryptic Freemasonry, as well as the so-called Egyptian Rituals to which he is particularly linked as a fringe Mason himself. For Greenfield, human beings and adepts have been communicating for a long time with a secret code that we are just beginning to decipher, and because of this all the previous bets on the true nature of our planet’s history are now pending. Greenfield writes:
In Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, I disclosed how the ancient Qabala of Nine Chambers had been employed to develop the English-language Cipher communicated to Royal Arch Masons in the York Rite down to modern times. Looking again into the Ark, the High Priest takes out four pieces of paper, which he examines closely, consults with the King and Scribe, and then puts together, so as to show a KEY to the ineffable characters of this Degree … The key to the ineffable characters, or Royal Arch Cipher … consists of right angles, in various situations, with the addition of a dot. By transposition, it forms twenty six distinct characters, corresponding with the twenty six letters of the English Alphabet. That this is built on a structure based on a Qabalistic code formed out of the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet is both extremely clever and indicative of a very long history. The pattern is repeated with other Ciphers in the Masonic System. In the 34th Degree of the Rite of Memphis, The newly made “Knight of Scandinavia” is given a “Runic” cipher. As we show elsewhere in this volume, this Degree is itself built around the Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts and is an allegory for the Visitation of Ultraterrestrial teachers from Sirius in ancient times. Another Cipher is given in the 64°, “Sage of Mythras” one of the oldest and most elaborate of Masonic Degrees. This cipher is similar to the Royal Arch Cipher, and is called the “Ammanian Alphabet.” This Degree not only refers to the origins of the Mysteries in the Ultraterrestrial interventions here, but it contains internal evidence that the ritual itself may be of Ultraterrestrial origin! Part of the ritual is conducted in the blue-white light of Sirius, and the “setting” is as in the Tarot Card “The Star” which, as we demonstrate elsewhere, is not our Sun, but a world beneath the Sun-star Sirius. In the Memphis System, there are also ciphers for the 75th Degree and the 90th Degree. The latter alludes to an ancient War between Ultraterrestrial forces for control of the Earth. The cipher is much like that which generated the rituals of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the last century.25
Greenfield then explains how the secret cipher serves to understand how to disentangle the Matrix of the well-known Men in Black, the dangerous “MIBs,” and in his Secret Rituals of the Men in Black, he writes a lot about the various Masonic rituals he himself knows very well, being a high dignitary of Occult Masonry, and from the pages of this book he speaks of the thesis of the alien origin of the Craft. Greenfield also states that the MIBs are related to what Crowley also called the Black Lodge, that Crowley said has among its bases the Vatican itself. This isn’t surprising considering the actual role of the Vatican is at the top of the New World Order, with a Jesuit Pope. It was precisely the infiltration the Jesuits that damaged in the eyes of other occultists, the Ordo Templi Orientis of today. Greenfield, who has now joined forces with another side of the diabolical illuminist philosophical and political program of the dark side of the Illuminati, in this latest case based on methexiology, or the philosophy of methexis created by Illuminati Grand Master Nicolas Laos. 26
FIG. 19 In the center of the photo is Dr. Nicolas Laos, between two representatives of the English nobility (photo taken in England in 2009 by an anonymous source).
The Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts was delivered to mankind from time immemorial through ritual, the transmission of such knowledge reserved only to a few selected high priests operating within the occult elite since ancient times. Greenfield explains that the highest-ranking public initiate-adept of today was initiated a few years ago in Oslo into his Rite of Memphis Misraïm and his OTO-Version (O.T.O.A.). 27 Michael Paul Bertiaux (b. 1935), an American occultist and Old Catholic Bishop, known for his book, Voudon Gnostic Workbook (1988), has long maintained: “that the (Egyptian) Rite of Memphis-Misraïm was a ‘front’ (in a sense) for Ultraterrestrial technology. As a Conservator and Hierophant of a distinct branch of these rites, he would surely know, and our findings, reinforced by extensive ‘hands on’ knowledge of Masonic and Cryptomasonic ritual as well as the Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts itself, clearly demonstrates that Bishop Bertiaux’s assertion is nothing less than the straightforward truth.”
In Volume I of my Confessions series 28 I focus on Sirius, and Greenfield confirms its sacred technology for interdimensional travel. He states: “Legends and lore surrounding the Star Sirius figure heavily into our premise. In distant times, in the days of ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia, predynastic Egypt in Africa, Dravidian India and in Mexico long before the Mayans, there is a fairly consistent account of God-like and perhaps amphibious beings from the sky sometimes associated with the Constellations Cancer and Orion, and with the Star Sirius in the constellation Canis Major, or ‘The Great Dog.’ They visited Earth, establishing a nucleus of priest-kings and scientists who have carried forth a secret tradition of contact, communication and Ultraterrestrial overlordship—and rebellion against that overlordship. This tradition is displayed in various rituals through myth and cipher, but, in addition, certain ‘sacred technologies’ are conveyed for reestablishing communication (should a link be broken), for actual travel to and from Ultraterrestrial realms, and even indicate in minute detail how to effectively resist alien influence.”29
For Greenfield, the infamous Men in Black are human only in appearance, while in reality there would also be present the shadow of deadly entities, guarding the system, such as Agent Smith, gatekeeper in the movie The Matrix, and Guardian of the Threshold, a menacing figure that is described by a number of esoteric teachers.
When it comes to Satan or Lucifer, there is no moral implication, but only an objective reality. The Secret Code of the UFOnauts serves to grant awareness for those who can understand it, and turn off its negative potential. Greenfield finds the secret cipher in the modern Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis, conferring a secret Degree called ADEPT OF SIRIUS, the name of which, decoded using the eleven-fold cipher encrypted in The Book of the Law, means SECRET CHIEFS and, also, SECRET MASTER. For Greenfield, the ADEPT OF SIRIUS Degree contains a clue to the great arcane connection between Adepts and Ultraterrestrials. He writes that: “In the New Aeon Cipher, we discover that ADEPT OF SIRIUS carries the significant cipher value of 192. Scanning our personal cipher directory, The Book of the Law and other New Aeon Holy Texts, we find that 192 = FOR THE STARS AND TWO. Sirius is a double star, the smaller white dwarf twin invisible to the ancients but known to the Bambera, Dogon, Bozo, Bandiagara and perhaps other North African tribal peoples even today.”30
Returning to the phenomenon of alien vampirism and responsible demonic possession, remember that most channeled beings will claim to be affiliated with the false and so-called light-based Spiritual Hierarchy, which includes archangels, the typical New Age ascended masters, and a wide range of positive ETs. These channeled messages are a dime-a-dozen, and more keep pouring out every day, but it’s all New Age rubbish, most of the time. The dirty little secret is that these beings are beholden to the corrupt demiurge, and are waging a psychological battle on humanity who don’t embrace God. These are incredibly deceptive beings that are playing a game in order to garner the energy of worship. Attempting to deal with them with a secret cipher might, in the end, work for one in a million, but the rest, in reality, will be vampirized and trapped.
FIG. 20 Extract from Greenfield’s Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts pages, showing an original document from the early 1970s created by a group called O.A.A. (Ordo Argentium Astrum), a British division of Illuminati linked to the Hermetic Alchemical Order of QBLH, a kind of Church of Alchemists led by Carol Smith.
FIG. 21 Extract from Greenfield’s Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts pages, showing an original document from the early 1970s created by a group called O.A.A. (Ordo Argentium Astrum), a British division of Illuminati linked to the Hermetic Alchemical Order of QBLH, a kind of Church of Alchemists led by Carol Smith.
How can a physical spaceship change shape? They use interdimensional magic that obviously defies our present science. How can they vanish right in front of our eyes? Using interdimensional portals. Where are they hiding? In parallel dimensions and distant worlds. But most of all, why do they move about quietly to abduct people and destroy their lives? Whether abductions are real or not for you, the abductees are never the same afterward, because they might have been the subject of an attempted possession by a vampiric alien being. Now the secret cipher might help the skilled magician or the Illuminati, but most succumb to the alien overlords and lose their soul. Beware of any involvement with so-called magick, because you could end up in the hands of the Black Brotherhood.
In Blavatsky’s discussion: “The conditions under which alone the study of Divine Wisdom can be pursued with safety, that is without danger that Divine (Magic) will give place to Black Magic, it is the motive, and the motive alone, which makes any exercise of power become black, malignant, or white, benevolent Magic.” Remember what Frater Achad stated: “we are dealing with a full-size world-mystery and a real fight between the Black and White Brotherhoods.” The only problem is that Achad probably thought he was on the right side when he converted to Catholicism and Jesuitry.
Do you think you have been abducted by aliens? It was probably just sleep paralysis says modern science these days, but we know that’s not the entire truth. Jacques Vallee wrote in Passport to Magonia: ”Throughout medieval times, a major current of thought distinct from official religion existed, culminating in the works of the alchemists and hermetics. Among such groups were to be found some of the early modern scientists and men remarkable for the strength of their independent thinking and their adventurous life, such as Paracelsus. The nature of the beings who mysteriously appeared, dressed in shiny garments or covered with dark hair, and with whom communication was so hard to establish intrigued these men intensely.” But what is their real nature, and how can we distinguish the good beings from the bad ones? Negative Alien Technology is said to exist and some alchemists ended their lives in a bad way because of their close relationship with such beings. Some of you have probably heard of Dr. John Dee (1527–1608, or 1609 depending on the source). He was an Advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, and, according to Wikipedia, “Dee immersed himself in the worlds of magic, astrology and Hermetic philosophy. He devoted much time and effort in the last thirty years or so of his life to attempting to commune with angels in order to learn the universal language of creation and bring about the pre-apocalyptic unity of mankind. However, Robert Hooke suggested in the chapter Of Dr. Dee’s Book of Spirits, that John Dee made use of Trithemian steganography, to conceal his communication with Elizabeth I.”31 I wrote a detailed exposition on Dee’s espionage activities as the original 007 in Volume I of my Confessions.32
FIG. 22 Certificate of Appreciation by Ordo Templi Orientis Caliphate to Allen H. Greenfield as Most Wise Sovereign of the Hagia Sophia Chapter Rose Croix for services provided from February 8, 1998 to March 5, 2006.
FIG. 23 An image from a few years ago of well-known UFOologist T. Allen Bar Kohenim Greenfield, Grand Hierophant of Egyptian Freemasonry and a member of the Illuminati, while showing his past credentials in the Ordo Templi Orientis as Gnostic Bishop.
A student of Renaissance Neo-Platonism of Marsilio Ficino, Dee did not draw distinctions between his mathematics research and his investigations into Hermetic magic, angel summoning and divination. Instead, he considered all of his activities to constitute different facets of the same quest: the search for a transcendent understanding of the divine forms which underlie the visible world, which Dee called pure verities. Dee, although a genius in his own right, and one of the most educated and learned men of his day, sought after knowledge in the wrong way. He tried to gain insight into the secrets of the creation apart from God, and instead sought out knowledge from angelic beings. In reality, the angelic beings Dee communed with were fallen angels. In fact, the knowledge Dee and his colleague Edward Kelly gained from the angels is still used even today by occultists and members of secret societies of the Illuminati network like the O.T.O. Clearly the beings Dee and Kelly communed with were not from God. Dee and Kelly developed a special language they called Enochian, which they claimed was revealed to them by angels. It is very telling that the methods they used to contact angels were occult to the core, and developed a complex system of ceremonial magic called Enochian Magic which later influenced The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and legendary occultist Aleister Crowley. The methods used by these occultists are still influencing practitioners of ritual and ceremonial magic today. As a result of his contact with spirits, Dee and Edward Kelly ended up swapping wives for a short time—and this immoral activity was done because the angels commanded them to do it. Later in his life Dee became a disillusioned and broken man. He died at the age of 82, attended only by his daughter Katherine. I hope you can see from this example that Dee and Kelly were not in communication with godly spirits, but fallen beings. While the life of John Dee is very fascinating, it should serve as a reminder that traffic with fallen angels is costly, both in this life and the lives to come. 33
Today the Illuminati are pushing for the general acceptance of Ultraterrestrial or Extraterrestrial technology, but “Grey Alien technology” as some call it, is not our friend, but it is designed to irresponsibly warp and rip our time fields, through black hole technology, while promoting rapid use of forced artificial technology, like EMP pulsing, that can destroy our planet, and instigates war between the humans of our own global race. They also promote use of supposed healing technologies (“inorganic and artificial replicant matrices”) that are designed to remove pain physically, or have physical results in others, however, the technology is intended to enslave the soul or implant the human body. They also project mirages and pretty holographic inserts, to keep an abductee calm while they gain control of the person’s aura. In short, this is externalized black magic and is ultimately harmful to the organic spiritual bodies and organic auric field. This creates interference with the person’s ability to connect with their own spiritual source directly. It is this specific reason of spiritual interference, that there is a Founder Guardian intervention on planet earth.
They were not born on this planet, and there is a reason for that. Once a system is infiltrated with base desires as described in Archontic Deception Behavior or selfish ego, the system is not sustainable, as it only collects energies from one group to steal from another group in order to achieve a temporary result, (like a Ponzi or pyramid scheme), or give a small percentage of people who manipulate the energies the energetic advantage over others. This is called Consumptive Modeling. This is the abuse of consciousness technology and is known as Black Magic (i.e. many of the world leaders and their families that own the resources of the planet have been directly given this knowledge or parts of it by the demonic interdimensional entities, also referred to as Negative Aliens Archon Group. to maintain the dominant power, economy, and influence over controlling others). 34
Giambattista della Porta (1535?-1615) who lived in Naples at the time of the Scientific Revolution and reformation, makes a clear distinction between “two sorts of Magick; the one is infamous … because it hath to do with soul spirits and … enchantments … and is called Sorcery … The other Magick is natural … The noblest Philosophers … call this knowledge the very … perfection of the Natural Sciences.” Concerns about sorcery, Black Magic, the dark arts, and the left-hand path, continue with modern occultism, emanating from a variety of secret societies of the dark side of the Illuminati network. However, for thousands of years, the rulers, and later the governments of this planet have been determined and controlled by a powerful hidden few ruling on most of humanity, thanks to their privileged link to the interdimensional world. It is time to study these ancient ciphers, and the secret rituals of the Illuminati, to understand who really manages the show. Are we really sure alien abduction is just modern sleep paralysis? Remember dear skeptic, it is not uncommon to describe these kinds of experiences as demonic possession, and Jean Bastide, in La memoire des OVNI (1978) wrote: “The modern contacts established with extraterrestrials respect precisely the same rules as contacts in the past with beings more or less human in form.”
The point is that there is a tradition stretching back thousands of years, of beings abducting humans and their offspring; these beings fly in globes of light, can paralyze their victims, induce amnesia about the event, force strange drinks on their victims, have sex with them and, in many cases, ultimately drive them to madness, physical ruin, or even take over their bodies for their own use. This possession can be permanent or semi-permanent. (Possession takes place after a long period of wearing down of the will through repeated forced encounters, which generally include draining of energy through sexual contact.) Some occultists see any sexual activity as part of man’s lower nature. Others see it as a sacrament. 35
Cornelius Agrippa described copulation as: “full of magical endowment,” and Aratus said that: “As the physical union of man and woman leads to the fruit from the composition of each, in the same way the interior and secret association of man and woman is the copulation of the male and female soul, and is appointed for the production of fitting fruit of the divine life.”
The Illuminati believe that the mysterious psychic energy producing all phenomena is sexual in nature. As a matter of fact, Poltergeist activity is usually associated with a disturbed adolescent who is unable to “ground” their sexual energy. It is asserted that sexual currents of the libido are manifestations of an energy that can be transferred from one person to another. In this way, it is suggested, the old can draw the life force from the young. For example, King David regularly slept with young virgins when he became old. The same technique was used in classical Greece and Rome with some success, and also by contemporary politician Silvio Berlusconi at his infamous “Bunga Bunga” parties. This practice is, unfortunately, connected to the love for pedophilia, witnessed over and over again by the occult elite and the dark side of the Illuminati.
The Emperor Barbarossa for example was reported to have held young boys against his stomach and genitals in order to “savor and absorb their energy” and Pope Innocent VIII, employed healthy young children to stroke him, thereby transferring their energy to him. We hear over and over again about the practice of pedophilia by the deviant clergy of the Catholic Church and other religions like Islam. One of the most disturbing things about Islam is that it does not categorically condemn pedophilia. Indeed, it cannot, for to do so would draw attention to the pedophilia of Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Muslims cannot categorically condemn pedophilia without denouncing him as a false prophet. In addition to Aisha (a nine-year-old girl!) 36 he planned to marry a baby, but it died as a result of a poisoning before he could do so. 37
Interestingly, scientists have confirmed that sleep paralysis occurs more often in adults reporting repressed, recovered, or continuous memories of childhood sexual abuse. In any case of psychic vampirism or actual possession, there is usually an actual entry point, the point at which the spirit enters into a relationship with the individual, and a decision is made by the victim to allow that contact. This often occurs simply because the victim is not aware of the significance of the event. It can be a minor event and may come as the result of tiredness, mental excitation, frustration, pain and other psychological factors predetermining a weakened psychic constitution or as a trauma-induced event like child abuse that includes sexual, emotional and physical abuse, as well as living with domestic violence in childhood. These beings, be they demons, psychic vampires or malevolent aliens, have the ability to control our thoughts to a certain extent, our physical bodies to the point that we can be worn down under such attack and give in to their demonic control.
In October 1969, in the town San Leo, in the province of Rimini, in Emilia Romagna, a northern region of Italy, in a place full of mystery, in which Count Cagliostro spent the last years of life in a cell (a place that still today sees a continual pilgrimage of curious Freemasons, alchemists, and fragmentary pilgrims), there was a very important and historical meeting of real Illuminati known as the 3rd Convent of the Unknown Superiors of Martinism. At the Convent of San Leo, numerous initiates were present; there where various high level initiates known as Sirius, Lucius, Galahad, Zorobabel, Immanuel and Spartacus, headed by the aforementioned Count Gastone Ventura, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order known with the initiatic name of Aldeberan. Inside the event, they discussed the theme of the Egregore, as well as the power of Occult Chains, which was discussed in great depth, in addition to the present crisis of the Western Initiatic System. Some eyewitnesses to the meeting, said that in San Leo the imminent advent of the Messiah was being prepared behind the scenes, others, who perhaps disagreed with Count Ventura’s policies or decisions, say exactly the opposite in regards to what was going on, claiming that it was simply a meeting of witches tied to the black wing of Martinism, who are preparing for the arrival of the Antichrist.
I don’t know which of these two stories could be the correct one, unfortunately, I wasn’t born yet, but in the two years following this important event, a conspiracy against Grand Master Gastone Ventura was organized within the Italian Martinist Order by Ventura’s Deputy Grand Master Francesco Brunelli aka Nebo (formerly known as Mercurius), who was linked to the French branch of this tradition and the famous French Illuminati and magus Robert Ambelain. Now, after many years, thanks to a faithful reproduction of a very rare typewritten version of the main topics discussed in San Leo, I am able to offer you an important testimony that leads us to further understand, both the nature of this mysterious encounter, and also the reality of the Egregore, and the true nature of the Occult Chains operating within the Illuminati from an Illuminati point of view. An initiatic reality, the Martinist Order, which has certainly undergone an inevitable decline in quality in the last decades, in an era where the political and religious games, as well as the economic and marketing interest, often ruin, the genuine esoteric work once undergone in these kinds of orders, as the late Count Gastone Ventura himself strongly denounced during the event in question, the take over orchestrated by the dark materialistic force of the New World Order. Ventura apparently said off-the-record that certain practices were based on a modern version of Satan’s original lie, and rightly had no place within the heart of a true initiate.
Ventura, an aristocrat with a truly noble spirit, had surely realized the materialistic deviant direction undergone by certain prominent Masonic figures of the time, as the future Grand Master of the International Academy of the Illuminati Giuliano Di Bernardo still operating today within the cabal of the New World Order. The following is a document of tremendous importance, if fully understood:
On the Egregor and the Occult Chain (themes and notes from the Third Convent of the Unknown Superiors—San Leo 1969), reproduction of the original text typed by Arturus S.I.I:
Before considering this topic, I have been thinking for a long time: and pose the question on motives, on whether or not to face, operationally—even if Elementary—lesser-known forces that can create abnormal situations and can lead to counter-initiation.
However, since our ceremonies are rituals and each ritual involves actions that determine the creation of frequencies, and since chain or group work or several groups simultaneously would be willing to do it in various degrees, I decided to deal with this topic.
The word comes from Greek and indicates a thought form, created by a group of people tied to common feelings, ideals, uses, and customs. A family is already a powerful Egregore, a rule based on well-defined rules, precise doctrines followed by all its components, rules, beliefs, practices, etc. Just as there are Egregores that we call physical (formed by men or by living beings), there are spiritual Egregore that generally derives from physical ones. And as there are physical Egregores who profess ideas, uses, good, moral, altruistic, social, spiritual elevation, initiation to the Creator, and others who follow opposing directions, there are good or bad spiritual Egregores, Positive or Negative depending on the point of view from which they are observed. Each physical Egregore, therefore, produces, with its actions, invisible forces when of a magnetic nature, when of electrical character, when of a vital nature, which are the spiritual Egregore produced by the physical Egregore. For example, a crowd of faithful in prayer is a physical Egregore: its action, of course, is as effective as the prayer is heard, and even more so if prayer is for everyone, and if it is guided, conveyed by those who it has the power to achieve a certain goal, it produces the spiritual Egregore.
Another example is on a battlefield, where a body to body fight or one with a cold weapon takes away all limitations, the only desire is to kill the opponent or at least to save one’s life by extinguishing that of others, this is a physical Egregore. The action produces a magnetic or electromagnetic field when it is vital, which slowly detaches from the physical plane that generates it (in the form of vibrations with certain frequency) and forms a spiritual Egregore with characteristics of hatred, selfishness, and awful will. I limit myself to these two examples by pointing out, then, that in order to compose a physical Egregore capable of producing a spiritual Egregore, two people can suffice, as there is no limit to their number. The stronger the personality of the participants in the physical Egregore, the greater the powers of the one who directs it, the stronger the Egregore is, the spiritual Egregore, which spreads it in continuous waves, one behind the other, and the Action continues. In this regard, I recommend for a more in-depth discussion of the subject what Aurifer (Robert Ambelain) says in his Egregores.38
While I don’t agree completely with all that Ambelain says in his proposition, it seems to me that the essay mentioned is among the most complete and eloquent so far written on the subject. I will try to illustrate how the spiritual Egregore is created and behaves from my own experiences and the teachings I received. Much of what Egregore refers to is the theory of space, considered as a series of intense fields saturated with unknown living, energies, so the idea of space can be confused with that of the Ethereal life (i.e. Mana the ethereal energy source), an impalpable, invisible and non-perceptible substance (more psychic than physical) which is, however, ubiquitous and found everywhere, distributed with a greater or lesser density (obviously, all the terms used herein are only means borrowed from language to express ourselves and not to define), so that one place or another may be more conducive to a particular vice or certain virtue. In other words, this substance is the result of vibrations, which can also be conceived as light, distributed throughout, but not in the same quantity, and not with the same density or power. It follows that it can be more or less influenced, strengthened or diminished, even eradicated, think of the cases of holy lands and cities, magical places that are strengthened with certain rituals, that can also collapse with a single sacrilege capable of provoking the disintegration of the substance. Traditionally, therefore, space is an almost metaphysical, vivid, magical, magnetic or electromagnetic space, where every gesture made, each traced sign, every word pronounced, each operation performed, has an absolute, decisive, positive or negative. Here comes a key factor. It is that of race, and the degree of influence in that race.
That is why in the ordered Orders, the choice of those present must be accurate. Race or race differences are canceled with Initiation or the Conquest of a Grade. Those who belong to an Initial Order—if it really has not been deceived—belong to one and only one race. Admission to the Order through the Initiative Rite represents a new birth in a single lineage: the conquest of grace in the Order, is the refinement of the lineage, and its reunion with the Hands of that lineage. So in every degree there is a Rite that you should never forget. From these brief and concise indications, one can easily commit a mistake or cause reactions other than those that were prefigured.
This is why in initiating rites, when initiation attempts to obtain the benefit of the “influences” (Egregores) in order to acquire them (i.e. possess their glory) in order to be able to transfer them in part with his gestures and His words on the postulant, the New Venerable Order suggests (and always prefer) the direct, individual, group initiative. One wrong gesture by one of the participants in the Rite, one more word spoken by the initiator or his assistant (a word that goes to a higher ceremony or other Rite, or even alien to Rite, if Not contrary to it) can render it all in vain and even dangerous. Because the Rite is action.
It is not possible to give a true explanation of the Egregores bearing, but remember the saying:
“The top way is moved from the bottom, and this from that.”39
Keep in mind that any energy of any kind or character is generated and bound by and at a frequency and this is amplitude.
In this respect the following should be said:
A) The frequency of an energy is represented by the number of vibrations, the unit of time, the matter or substance that the energy enters. If the substance or matter were devoid of energy, the energy would only exist in power.
B) The frequency of a spiritual Egregore is given by the composition (algebraic sum) of the frequencies of the various participants in the physical Egregore in action (act). If the physical Egregore is rested, its vibrations produce an “egregoric field” that expands around the physical Egregore, but does not break away from it. This field has a direct action on the living bodies that are introduced to it, but these bodies, if nourished by opposing principles, may also diminish their power. When the physical Egregor enters into action (in other words directs its power to a definite purpose, with the Rite, passing from the state of power to the act) the egregore field enters into frequency and leaves itself from Body, that generates it in waves that propagate and add to each other to form the spiritual Egregore, alive until the given frequency goes out slowly because of a lack of impulse.
C) Frequency has maximum amplitude points in one direction to another.
D) The frequency is much higher, and as a result the spiritual Egregore is much more compact, the greater the synchrony of the components of the Egregore.
(A) The amplitude is given by the range of egregore field, and is the greater complexity of the physical Egregore.
(B) The amplitude tends to decrease (i.e. it’s dimmed) as the Egregore spirits away from the physical one that generated it.
Bearing in mind these indications, one might think that an Egregore, once in space, has the form—more or less—of a circle or an elixir, and that it is composed of something denser than air, but at the same time impalpable and invisible. The behavior of the Egregore, for personal experiences, study, and teaching, should be roughly the following:
1st) The encounter between Egregores of the same frequency in the same sense and of different amplitude resonates them, resulting in a reaction that results in an energy that strengthens the breadth of the weaker Egregore by giving it power.
2°) The encounter between Egregores of the same frequency in the same sense and of the same amplitude causes an Egregore of the same frequency with a double width. This is the case mentioned in the previous n. 1°) when the weaker Egregore resonating with the strongest one, acquires the same amplitude. However, it may (and almost always occurs) that the weaker Egregore resonated does not come to the same amplitude as the strongest because of the lack of impulses from this (impulses from the physical Egregore that generated it).
3°) The encounter between Egregores of different frequency causes the creation of a new Egregore which has frequency the sum of the two original frequencies. The resulting egregore may fall under the control (with the occurrence of the resonance phenomenon), of a physical or even spiritual Egregore of the same frequency.
If, then, the frequency of the Egregore that has to control it had the same amplitude, it would flood it by doubling its amplitude. Of course, the two Egregores who have made up the new one are, in any case, lost for those who have generated them.
4°) If the sense of the frequency of two Egregores of the same frequency but of different amplitude is in opposition, the phenomenon of disturbance is generated, which causes the production of an Egregore of the same frequency with a smaller amplitude. This undoes the efforts of those who try to strengthen their spiritual Egregore with continuous deliveries and impulses.
5°) If the two Egregores mentioned in the previous n. 4) have the same amplitude, the phenomenon of interference occurs: they are canceled.
6°) Different effects that give rise to different Egregores in the composition of frequencies, amplitudes, and sense are when senses are not entirely opposed but intermediate. Cases are multiple and this is not the place to take them into consideration. It is, however, relatively easy to imagine them roughly.
The Composition of frequencies, amplitudes and sense are when senses are not entirely opposed but intermediate. Cases are multiple and this is not the place to take them into consideration. It is, however, relatively easy to imagine them roughly.
From what has been said, one can conclude that it is very difficult if it is not entirely impossible to keep control of a spirited Egregore that has arisen, if you are not sure to be able to produce, each time it comes into action (with the Rite) the egregore field, such frequency as to generate resonance. But even if this is possible through certain precautions, with the will of the members of the physical Egregore, and with the capacity of the Rite to direct, it may always be that the already formed Spiritual Egregore has been absorbed, captured, modified and canceled by the other Egregore.
In Antiquity, the Manes, a Family of chthonic deities sometimes thought to represent souls of deceased loved ones (the Egregore base) could only be summoned by the head of the family who had real and priestly powers within the family (obstat uetustus). He was the only one that knew how to generate the frequency (through the Rite) to produce the spiritual Egregore that created the resonance with the Hands of the family, capturing and acquiring glory. A mistake, or the Rite performed by those who did not have the power, caused sacrilege, that is, the loss of the spiritual Egregore. Such traditions are still found among peoples who base their metaphysics on the Totem.
Certainly, an egregoric center (such as a Church, Order, Brotherhood, a military group) can establish a very strong egregoric field, and retain the spiritual Egregore. Is it necessary that the action (the transition from power to act) is carried out continuously? This is the case of a sanctuary, the headquarters of an Order, Domus of a family, the center of a large industrial or commercial community, a military command. To think that the Church for centuries has continued to pray the same prayers, the same formulas, taught the same catechism, performed its functions for certain hours, played the bells in certain ways at the same hour; That in a barracks they always carry out the same military exercises; Everything is governed by a rhythm that is well-known by the officers and sergeants: the gestures are the same, and the commands themselves. In modern times, and the continuous shift of families from their Domus (family diaspora), directional centers, mini-commands, and the desire to change everything according to a pretended social civilization, there are still few sanctuaries left.
But for Westerners, imbued with social ideas, victims, even if indirectly, of rationalism and atheism, conditioned by democratic ideas of equality, the question is very unlucky. It is another task of the Martinist to study and apply—if possible—the above-mentioned tradition. Regarding everything else, we can talk about current or temporal egregore formats, useful as forces directed for a particular purpose. This long premise was necessary to examine the egregore possibilities of Martinism and to determine how and when chain and group experiments could be carried out for egregore purposes. I must say, my dear brothers that the New Venerable Order has been through so many tricks in recent years so that I find it difficult at present to believe that a chain rite can produce positive effects.
The poor homogeneity of the Order’s components, the lack of uniqueness of ideas and trends arising from the application of different rites, the uncertainty so far caused by the plurality of doctrines considered Martinist, infiltrations of a humanistic, social, Political, religious etc. That although noble and contingent have nothing to do with an esoteric order that is interested in metaphysics, although they can be taken into account in the outside life of the Order, but never in the inner one, they have created among themselves the diversity that is to produce different frequencies, and very rarely they amalgamate in a single frequency, with the amplitude, direction, and direction needed to produce a strong Egregore. Whatever, in any case, comes from our chain, and even the only eregoric field that we produce is already a positive fact, it is certain: but this can be considered as an experimental, purely mechanical result. What will be the frequency that will come from it? It may, contrary to the aims and the doctrines of Martinist, for the diversity of the ideas of the participants in the chain.
It could also be an Egregore that would easily be “catwalked” by another stronger Egregore, although negative. I have vaguely heard about the Wizards of the West and the Wizards of the East with someone mentioning Mao Zedong, H Chí Minh, and other left-wing heroes. I have also heard proposals for ambitious plans to push the Order in the political and social spheres of the New World Order. Undoubtedly, all those who believe, think and propose such theories (I speak of those who are part of the New Venerable Order and truly understand the purpose of the Martinist Egregore) if in good faith, deserve respect. But they should remove the political side from Martinism, they are wrong in involving Martinism. I will never be tired of arguing that Martinism (and you can believe me, because nearly forty years of this activity, carried out alongside the last three Grand Masters, and with the advice of other true Masters, even if they did not care about such title, allow me to say it) can not and should not be interested in extremely noble matters as long as it is desirable, but profane but as a matter of study for esoteric purposes. Martinism is not a gym of humanitarian proposals and resolutions, it does not have to solve problems of progress or of economic or social well-being; Martinism is an Initiatic Order, I repeat and underline: An Initiatic ORDER that with the initiation by degrees it annuls the social, economic, racial differences and creates an aristocracy of the mind for men who want and must reach inner tranquility and pass on the torch of real illumination and tradition. We are the real Illuminati. Those who do not understand this, who do not realize the significance of the three fundamental symbols of Martinism (the Mask, the Cloak, the Cordelier), make an effort, study, apply to understand it and see that everything will be clear. That is why we say to the Unknown Superior who is preparing to receive the initiatory powers: “Now that you are going to take on the initiatic powers and become the guide of your brothers, you are to reach the full possession of the mask and mantle that they have Made of you a Martinist. If the Great Secret has come to you, loneliness will be for you the UNITY that will love all Beings, ALL; but if you do not understand our Anointed, it will be a terrible condemnation that will weigh on you as a Curse because you will send it to those who believe in you.”
I think a chain capable of producing a positive and strong Egregore should be done: it is crucial that our Egregore be launched into space reaching our Ultraterrestrial friends. But it must be a strong, compact Egregore: the impulses that strengthen it must be continuous. It must also be an Egregore devoid of profane purposes: in other words the Egregore of those who, having gained inner tranquility, know that the things of this world, the struggles that characterize evolution or involution, namely the economic problems, social, political, religious and so on, are the only contingent, and therefore, metaphysically unrealistic issues because not stable but variable. But what matters is the balance, the law of opposites that support each other, and allow the development of human activities as well as of the cosmic and universal ones. If, then, we want to exploit our egregoric field for physical reasons, for beneficial purposes, mutualists and therefore, material, related to profane problems, then the question is easier: let us also say that we ourselves gathered here, that with our presence alone for a common purpose we form an egregoric field, we concentrate and we engage to send a thought, a help, a wave of greetings to someone who interests us. We will produce, with the appropriate Rite a strong and pure Egregore, created by real Martinists (because we are or we believe we are true Martinists) but not the Martinist Egregore. Needless to give you suggestions and advice: they derive from what I have said: Martinist doctrine, Martinism soul, common rites, common will. If there are no such premises, there is not even a Martinist Initiatic Order, and consequently there can be no Martinist Egregore.
We hope you enjoy these discourses and are inspired to further meditate upon the symbolism within our mystical tradition.
May you ever dwell in the Eternal Light of Cosmic Wisdom!
(Gastone Ventura-Aldebaran)
Aleister Crowley in a letter to a disciple—later included in the collection eventually published as Magick Without Tears—the following statement of position: “My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know, and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such Beings.”
Throughout Crowley’s years as a magus of the Illuminati, and his many unorthodox magical experiments, he seems to have often attempted to contact interdimensional entities. Through magickal incantations and the regurgitation of ancient inscriptions and veiled verses written in obscure text circulated amongst the Illuminati, Crowley called forward all manner of spirits, demons and Invisible Masters from which he sought advice and guidance. One particular entity that draws an intense amount of interest is the character known as LAM. Around 1917, in New York, Crowley drew the image of this praeter-human intelligence, after performing a ritual now known as The Alamantrah Working. During this experiment, a discarnate entity urged Crowley to “find the egg,” and it seems, at some point, Crowley experienced contact with this large headed entity we have come to know as LAM. Described by Crowley in the inscription accompanying the frontispiece, which was entitled The Way:
LAM is the Tibetan word for Way or Path, and LAMA is He who Goeth, the specific title of the Gods of Egypt, the Treader of the Path, in Buddhistic phraseology. Its numerical value is 71, the number of this book.
What is fascinating about LAM, or, at least, Crowley’s drawing of LAM, is the stark resemblance it bears to the popular image of Grey aliens we have come to know since the Roswell incident in 1947. Although we now have witnesses claiming to have encountered a whole multitude of different alien visitors, the most popular is still that of the typical Grey, a large-headed, small featured alien that bears a striking resemblance to the figure Crowley apparently channeled during his Alamantrah Working. Yet as even some journalists have pointed out: “Crowley’s image obviously far predates the UFO mania that followed the alleged alien crash and subsequent, apparent, alien visitations that followed.” 40
Crowley included Lam’s portrait in his Dead Souls Exhibition held in Greenwich Village, New York, in 1919, something explained in detail also in the Foreword of the Statement Concerning the Cult of the Lam issued by the late Kenneth Grant (1924–2011), in 1987, while Grand Master of the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis, a Illuminati sect now known as Typhonian Order: “Crowley’s portrait of Lam is a curious drawing which he included in his Dead Souls exhibition held in Greenwich Village, New York, in 1919. In that same year, it was published as a frontispiece to Crowley’s Commentary to Blavatsky’s The Voice of the Silence.” The foreword in question also specifies that:
Crowley left no record as to the origin of this portrait, although he remarked many years later that it was drawn from life.
It is certain, however, that the drawing arose from the Amalantrah Working, a series of magical visions and communications received in 1918 through the mediumship of The Camel, Roddie Minor. This was in many ways a continuation of the Abuldiz Working of several years previous. In both of these Workings, the symbolism of the egg featured prominently. One of the earlier visions of the Amalantrah Working ended with the sentence “It’s all in the egg.” During the final surviving vision of this Working, in reference to a question about the egg, Crowley was told that Thou art to go this Way. Examining the portrait, we can see the connections. The head of Lam is egg-shaped, and of course, the drawing is called The Way. In the whorlings of the face can clearly be seen a stylized ankh, the Egyptian symbol for Going; as a matter of interest, ankh can best be transliterated into Hebrew as kaph nun aleph, 71. The main theme of The Voice of the Silence clearly brought out by Crowley, is the need to establish contact with the Silent Self. That corresponds to the Dwarf Self, the phallic consciousness, Harpocrates, Hadit, and this theme runs through much of Crowley’s writing. It is noteworthy in this context that ALIL, the image of Nothingness and Silence, enumerates as 71. Crowley gave the drawing to Kenneth Grant in May 1945, following an astral working in which they were both involved. Since then it has become apparent that Lam is, in fact, a transmundane or extraterrestrial entity, with whom several groups of magicians have established contact, most notably Michael Bertiaux in the 1960s and a group of O.T.O. initiates in the 1970s.
Much remains unclear, however, hence the need for further investigation of this entity. The idea of extraterrestrial entities seems to cause difficulties with some people, associating it as they may, with the wilder shores of science-fiction. There is however, a wealth of material on this matter to suggest the old cliché that truth is stranger than fiction. See, for instance, Robert Temple’s The Sirius Mystery. Whether these visitors are regarded as visitors from outer space, or as welling up from the depths of some inner space, is neither here nor there. The dichotomy of inner and outer is purely conceptual, arising from the dualist notion of an individual being somehow separate from the rest of the universe, which is somehow out there. There is, in fact, nothing outside consciousness, which is a continuum. This position is explored in the article Going Beyond, which appeared in the first issue of Starfire. Lam is discussed in many places in the works of Kenneth Grant, most notably Cults of the Shadow and Outside the Circles of Time, and the interested reader is referred to these. A more lengthy account of Lam is planned for a future issue of Starfire. In the meantime, the following paper issued by the O.T.O. will be of interest, giving as it does a method of attempting rapport with Lam by using the portrait as a gateway.41
FIG. 24 The drawing commonly referred to as “LAM” that appeared in Blavatsky’s The Voice of the Silence with a short description by Crowley before his prefatory note.
Researcher Daniel V. Boudillion writes: “Since Crowley’s time, several occult groups and individuals following in his footsteps have claimed to have intentionally and successfully contacted ‘Lam.’ Most notably, Michael Bertiaux in the 1960s followed by a group of O.T.O initiates in the 1970s. (The O.T.O. is the Ordo Templi Orientis, a Magickal order run by Crowley.) These individuals consider ‘Lam’ to be a trans-mundane or extraterrestrial entity and claimed remarkable success in their invocations—if they are to be believed. Following the success of these contacts, interest in occult circles, especially Crowleyian ones, gathered considerable steam. In 1987, Kenneth Grant, the generally acknowledged successor to Crowley, went so far as to formalize the Lam Workings into something called the Cult of Lam.” Boudillion also says that: “It is generally agreed within occult circles that Crowley intentionally opened a portal of entry via magick ritual in the Amalantrah Workings which allowed the likes of Lam and other similar entities a passageway onto the earth-world. The rift ‘in-between the spaces of the stars,’ created by the Amalantrah Working, created a gateway through which Lam and other extra-cosmic influences could enter the known universe, and most particularly, our earth-world. According to occultists involved in such things, the Portal has since widened.”42
Quoting from the late Grant Typhonian O.T.O. website:
The Cult (of Lam) has been founded because very strong intimations have been received by Aossic Aiwass, 718’.’ to the effect that the portrait of Lam (the original drawing of which was given by 666’.’ to 718’.’ under curious circumstances) is the present focus of an extraterrestrial—and perhaps trans-plutonic—Energy which the O.T.O. is required to communicate at this critical period, for we have now entered the Eighties mentioned in The Book of the Law. It is Our aim to obtain some insight not only into the nature of Lam, but also into the possibilities of using the Egg as an astral space-capsule for traveling to Lam’s domain, or for exploring extraterrestrial spaces in the sense in which O.T.O. Tantric Time-Travelers are exploring the Tunnels of Set in intra-cosmic and chthonian capsules. Members of the O.T.O. who feel strongly attracted to this Cult of Lam are invited to apply for participation therein. It is open only to Order members. They should contact Frater Ani Asig, 375’.’ of the Sovereign Sanctuary, O.T.O. and submit a formal, typewritten and signed acceptance of the conditions of Working outlined here. It should be understood that proficiency in the magical formulae of this Cult does not necessarily comport eligibility for advancement in the O.T.O., its parent Order.
Crowley called Kenneth Grant, “a definite gift from the Gods” and wrote in a Memorandum in his diary dated February 7, 1945: “Value of Grant: if I die or go to the U.S.A., there must be a trained man to take care of the English O.T.O.”—but the U.S. Intelligence and their O.T.O. had other plans.
FIG. 25 The image is said to portray some of the London followers of the Typhonian Order. Note the image of Lam positioned above the participants of the ritual, and also the Master of Ceremonies with his Magickal wand who is apparently Rob Curley, former Albion O.T.O. (known as Fr ∴ Phaeton X). Curley who was also an ex-member of the Caliphate O.T.O. and the F.R.A. was involved for five years in a bitter legal dispute for the use of the name O.T.O in the UK, a case he eventually lost in 2008. After that Rob and his followers joined forces with Kenneth Grant’s Order, who omitted for this reason in 2009, the use of the name Ordo Templi Orientis.
The name Aleister Crowley is synonymous with Secret Societies and magickal operations. Considered in occult circles as a master of hidden Magic and occult materials, his name still evokes horrors in the minds of some who see Crowley as the personification of the Antichrist. Certainly, he was a master in publicizing himself and his anti-establishment positions, he adopted 666 as his own magic number and took on the Greek epithet of Mega Therion, the term used to define The Great Beast, used also in his infancy by his mother, a member of the Plymouth Brethren, an English sect of fundamentalist Christians, who used it to describe her deceiving son. There is a considerable discussion in contemporary ufology on Lam, the being Crowley designed, which seems to be one of those interdimensional alien beings that will be later described in modern cases of close encounters with extraterrestrials. It seems that Aleister Crowley’s first close encounter was with two “little men” in the Swiss Alps, and dates back to 1896, and was mentioned for the first time in the Jacques Vallee book entitled, Passport to Magonia: On UFOs, Folklore, and Parallel Worlds.
The “Magical Mountain,” of Crowley’s saga, which was Mt. Meal Fuorvonie near Loch Ness, that according to Greenfield is a base of UFOnauts. This could explain the famous mystery of the so-called Loch Ness Monster. The first picture of the alleged monster of Loch Ness was made on the eastern shore of Loch Ness near the Boleskine House where Aleister Crowley began the ritual of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin. Boleskine House, that is described and very recognizable in W. Somerset Maugham’s The Magician, where it is named Skene. Lam’s image was entrusted to Kenneth Grant in 1945, which for years was considered one of Crowley’s best and brightest students in Europe. Kenneth Grant had a long interest in the C.E.T.I. (Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) organization. The phenomenon had been long-lasting he felt, and its position was advanced to the head of what was regarded as one of the main factions of the O.T.O., until 2009, when it made him an international occult star for sure.
In 1955, when Grant was in conflict with the USA O.T.O., he announced the birth of the New Isis Lodge in London that became operational in April 1955, when Grant issued a Manifesto announcing his discovery of an extraterrestrial “Sirius/Set current” upon which the lodge was to be based on. The lodge closed down in 1962 and was based in Melcombe Street, near Baker Street in central London, next to where I lived for a number of years. This is where I created the Cagliostro Lodge of the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (FRA) in the early 2000s, whose most prominent members later began the Albion O.T.O., and after failing with that project, finally joined Kenneth Grant’s Typhonian Order, becoming in a short time, the driving force of the newly named Typhonian Order.
The aim of Grant’s original lodge founded in 1955, was contacting the highest non-human intelligence forms, but he also worked a lot in the literary field in the following years. In 1969, Grant co-edited The Confessions of Aleister Crowley for publication with Crowley’s literary executor John Symonds. Over the next years he edited—often with Symonds—a range of Crowley writings for republication, resulting in the release of The Magical Record of the Beast 666 (1972), Diary of a Drug Fiend (1972), Moonchild (1972), Magick (1973), Magical and Philosophical Commentaries on The Book of the Law (1974) and The Complete Astrological Writings (1974). The release of these publications has been described as being “instrumental in the revival of interest in Crowley.”43
The problem is that at this point, Grant began describing himself as the O.H.O. (Outer Head of the Order) of the O.T.O., claiming that he deserved this title, not by direct succession from Crowley, but because he displayed the inspiration and innovation that Germer lacked, something the USA O.T.O. never accepted. Later on, a document purportedly by Crowley naming Grant as his successor, was subsequently exposed as a hoax created by Robert Taylor, a Typhonian O.T.O. member who was clearly trying to support his Grand Master. However, in the early 1970s, Grant established his own Thelemic organization, the Typhonian Order, previously known as the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis (T.O.T.O.), which produced, its first official announcement in 1973. Although adopting the O.T.O. degree system used by Crowley, Grant removed the rituals of initiation designed to allow a member to enter a higher degree; instead, he personally promoted them through the degrees according to what he believed were their own personal spiritual development.
The story goes that in 1980, Grant claimed to have received messages that led him to conclude that Lam’s portrait of Crowley could be used to provide a focal point for the extraterrestrial energy originally invoked in 1918. That’s how Grant eventually arrived to his previously described LAM Statement. The purpose was basically to regularize the type of relationship and build a magic formula for establishing a new communication with the alien interdimensional reality being referred to as Lam. The invocation of Lam or the beings we know of as Greys was thus officially approved by the T.O.T.O., and also accepted by Michael Bertiaux of the O.T.O.A. In the end, the Amalantrah Working allowed the likes of Lam and other alien greys a passageway onto the Earth plane.
Furthermore, this portal may have been further enlarged by Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard in 1946, with the commencement of the Babylon Working, thus facilitating a monumental paradigm shift in human consciousness. This experiment continues to expand to this day, also thanks to the work conducted in secret by certain Intelligence agencies with occultists like Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, and a variety of Secret Societies of the Illuminati network on both sides of the Atlantic, that include of course, Grant’s T.O.T.O., that have also collaborated with Aquino in secret. Michael Aquino and the late Kenneth Grant, have both been members of another rather secretive Illuminati Order called The Esoteric Order of Dagon, named after a secret society in Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth. This is is a degreed occult system influenced by Thelema, tantra, paganism, Setianism, and, of course, Lovecraft. Members have included Grant, Aquino, Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold (who was behind the failed launch of the Albion O.T.O. in the UK in the first decade of the new millenium), and the late John Balance from the band Coil, among other notable authors, artists, and occultists. 44
The Esoteric Order of Dagon (E.’.O.’.D.’.) describe their Order as: “a serious occult Order which has been working Lovecraftian magick for nearly 30 years. The E.’.O.’.D.’. utilizes the so-called Cthulhu Mythos of the horror and fantasy writer H. P. Lovecraft as a magickal method of exploring the Collective Unconscious. The Order claims descent from the traditions of the Sirius mystery cults of ancient Egypt and Sumeria. Other influences include Kenneth Grant, the British occultist, disciple of Aleister Crowley, and head of the Typhonian Order, who also attaches great occult significance to the writings of Lovecraft.”45
It is fact, and not a conspiracy, that from Grant’s Typhonian brand of Thelema and Aquino’s Setianism has arisen an entire Illuminati current of occult practice that relies on or incorporates Crowley’s Lam alien approach, and Lovecraft’s Satanic mythos. So Grant’s Illuminati Order, even if considered by some a minor occult group, compared to the present-day O.T.O. or Temple of Set, has been very influential in the occult world thanks to the many publications and books of the late Kenneth Grant, and also thanks to his alliance and close collaboration with Michael Paul Bertiaux, a key figure in contemporary USA Satanism. So according to the face value of the evidence, one could also theorize that the Magickal Portal that Crowley created in the Amalantrah Working, brought forth the first of these mysterious beings. However, the Portal constructed was also properly closed by Crowley.
In contrast, like Daniel V. Boudillion also points out: “When Parsons and Hubbard did their similarly constructed Babylon Working involving the opening of the same Portal, either they ripped the portal beyond the ability to be repaired and closed, or it was enlarged beyond their ability to close it. In either case, the Portal—according to the evidence—has remained open ever since to all manner of interdimensional entities to ingress upon the earth-world at will. The Parsons/Hubbard working effectively opened the world to the modern UFO entity situation. And, based on the Lucifer-Gnosis construct, O.T.O.-style occultists have continued to pull further interdimensional entities through this rip or unclosable portal.” 46
In short, according to the late Kenneth Grant:
In a lecture, given in 1994, Michael Staley, who is considered Grant’s heir, and is the present Grand Master of the Typhonian Order, made the following statement:
Extraterrestrialism emerges increasingly as the core of Grant’s Typhonian Trilogies. And with it an awareness that rather more is indicated that the appearance of little green men from the galaxy 10,000 million light years around the corner, or the old “Was God an astronaut?” thesis from authors such as von Daniken twenty or thirty years ago. All the same, what the extraterrestrial gnosis means in a magical context is not entirely unconnected, though it goes further and has a much wider, deeper and more profound sweep. Firstly, what do we mean by “terrestrial?”
The term “terrestrial” denotes simply that which is earth-bound, or human. The terrestrial vehicle is a mask, an incarnation of a consciousness, the veils of which dissolve in the course of initiation. “Extraterrestrial,” therefore, indicates that which is beyond the comparatively narrow range of human, earth-bound, terrestrial consciousness. “Beyond” or “Outside” is often used in a similar fashion—that which lies beyond the confines of the terrestrial vehicle. What, then, is it that lies beyond these confines, and of which the terrestrial is a facet? The answer may have become a cliché, but it is potent nonetheless—cosmic consciousness. Just as over recent years we have become more aware of the vast gulfs and abysses of stellar space which stretch beyond Earth, and of which Earth is a part, so there is a growing awareness of vast, unsounded reaches of consciousness, the human facet of which is a tiny portion. Extraterrestrial entities are areas within those reaches, and the Magick of real interest and worth is that which facilitates traffic with such entitles. These entities are, ultimately, not something separate from the magician: not something “out there,” but equally an aspect of the continuum of consciousness as is the magician. To explore these reaches of consciousness, traffic is had with such entities; thereby, more and more of the continuum is thrown into relief. This may seem at first sight to be a solipsist conception, the universe as nothing more than an extension of the magician. In fact, the converse is the case: the magician is an aspect of the universe, and initiation is the unfolding realization of this, much as a temple emerges from darkness into the light of day.
An example of the use of the term “terrestrial” in this context occurs in the first paragraph of Lovecraft’s story Beyond the Wall of Sleep:
From my experience, I cannot doubt but that man, when lost to terrestrial consciousness, is indeed sojourning in another and uncorporeal life of far different nature from the life we know, and of which only the slightest and most indistinct memories exist after waking … We may guess that in dreams life, matter, and vitality, as the earth knows such things, are not necessarily constant, and that time and space do not exist as our waking selves comprehend them. Sometimes I believe that this less material life is our truer life and that our vain presence on this terraqueous globe is itself the secondary or merely virtual phenomenon.
There is a continuum of consciousness, an ocean of awareness, in which we are at once parts and the whole. This is essentially advaita, a sanskrit term meaning “not divided.” Many people in the West, Thelemites included, seem to find advaita repugnant.
And yet, Thelema has its roots in advaita and similar doctrines such as the sunyavada, the “emptiness at the heart of the matter,” articulated so beautifully in Prajnaparamita Buddhism and later in Ch’an. Traditions such as these attempt to guide the intuition of the aspirant towards the apprehension of a non-dual reality
by means of paradox. This is not indulgence in mental gymnastics, but because reality is beyond the dualist categories of subject and object, existence and non-existence, emptiness and manifestation, and hence ultimately inexpressible in terms of reason. This does not mean that we need to abandon reason or give up trying to express mystical insight in language—far from it. We just need to be aware of the limitations of language and reason, that is all.47
FIG. 26 Kenneth Grant (1924–2011).
I found what Staley wrote very interesting, in this very elaborate disquisition, as there is definitely a lot of limitations in our understanding of certain realities in our present human condition. However, trafficking with such entities is not the solution to all our problems, and many times the magician becomes possessed and loses his mind, as these beings can often be messengers of deception.
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Milvian_Bridge ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
2 See George C. Andrews, Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes, Ibid., p.100.
3 See http://paradoxbrown.com/aliensinthebookofrevelation.htm/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
4 Ibid.
5 See http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Fairy ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
6 See Alex Owen, The book The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern, (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2004), p. 213.
7 See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_H._Greenfield ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
8 See https://allengreenfield.wordpress.com/2016/01/29/masonic-dignities-egregoric-successions-updated-january-29-2016-ce/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
9 See http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/2016/07/complete-secret-cipher-ufonauts/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
10 Allen H. Greenfield, Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts (Los Angeles, CA: IllumiNet Press, 1994), p. 55.
11 Ibid., pp. 58-59.
12 See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Stansfeld_Jones ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
13 Allen Greenfield Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, Ibid. p. 36, [emphasis added].
14 See Leo Lyon Zagami, Confessions of an Illuminati Volume I, (San Francisco, CA: CCCPublishing) pp. 256-257.
15 Allen Greenfield, Ibid., p. 21, [emphasis added].
16 Ibid., p. 28.
17 Ibid., p. 4.
18 Ibid., p. 53
19 http://nicolaslaos.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Founding-International-Treaties-of-the-United-Traditionalist-Grand-Sanctuaries-of-the-Ancient-and-Primitive-Rite-Memphis-Misraim.pdf ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
20 http://nicolaslaos.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Nicolas-Laos-C.V.1.pdf ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
21 Treaties of the U.T.G.S., Ibid.
22 http://www.mindspring.com/~hellfire/bishop/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
23 http://www.mindspring.com/~hellfire/bishop/statement.htm ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
24 http://www.mindspring.com/~hellfire/bishop/statement.htm ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
25 See Allen Greenfield, Secret Rituals of the Men in Black, Manutius Press, lulu.com 2005.
26 See Nicola Laos, Methexiology: Philosophical Theology and Theological Philosophy for the Deification of Humanity, (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers/Pickwick Publications, 2016).
27 See Leo Lyon Zagami, Confessions of an Illuminati vol.1, Ibid., pp. 32, 97.
28 See Ibid., pp. 30, 33, 35, 66, 67, 232, 233, 234.
29 Ibid.
30 See Allen H. Greenfield, The Compleat Rite of Memphis, (Minneapolis, MN: Luxor Press, 1998), and THE ULTRATERRESTRIAL ORIGIN OF THE MASONIC FRATERNITY in The Secret Rituals of the Men in Black.
31 See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
32 L.L.Zagami, Ibid., pp. 196–201.
33 Cf. https://alienantichrist.net/tag/john-dee/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
34 http://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Black_Magic#Negative_Alien_Technology ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
35 https://www.sott.net/article/142793-Alien-Abduction-Demonic-Possession-and-The-Legend-of-The-Vampire ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
36 http://www.answering-islam.org/Authors/Wood/pedophile.htm ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
37 https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Was_Muhammad_a_Pedophile%3F ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
38 See Nebo S.I.I., Book of the Initiate, (Manuscript), pp. 17, 18, 20, 21 (19 missing for a numbering error).
39 Cf. The Emerald Tablet, The Ruby Tablet.
40 See http://weekinweird.com/2012/12/01/sirius-business-aleister-crowley-extraterrestrial-medium/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
41 http://www.parareligion.ch/lam-stat.htm, [emphasis added].
42 http://www.boudillion.com/lam/lam.htm ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
43 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Grant ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
44 See http://www.cvltnation.com/h-p-lovecraft-occult/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
45 http://www.esotericorderofdagon.org/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
46 boudillion.com, Ibid.
47 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/cienciareal02.htm [emphasis added]