
ABDA Command, 215

Abdiel (British ML), 101, 131

Abruzzi (Italian CL), 139

Achilles (New Zealand CL), 117, 120

Activity (British CVE), 98

Addu Atoll, 83, 111

Aden, 134

Admiral Graf Spee (German CA): 52, 65, 69; and radar, 59

Admiral Hipper (German CA), 70, 76

Admiral Scheer (German CA): 70–71, 76, 100; and radar, 59

Adriatic Sea, 123, 146, 153

Aegean Campaign, 50

Aegean Sea, 47, 58, 147, 153

Agosta class (French SS), 19

Ainsworth, Walden L., 219

Akagi (Japanese CV), 183–84

Albatros (Italian DS), 133, 145

Alexandria: attacks on, 137, 151; as British base, 83, 111; French fleet at, 32–33

Algérie (French CA), 17, 35

Algerine class (British MS), 102

Altmark (German supply ship), 65

Ameer class (British CVE), 98

Amirauté class (French SS), 14

amphibious operations: and France, 12–13, 15; and Germany, 40, 45–49; and Great Britain 85, 92–93; and Italy, 123, 135–36; and Japan, 176–77; and U.S.A, 229–30, 245; and U.S.S.R, 260–63

Anglo–French entente, 4

Anglo–German naval treaty, 40, 54, 114, 124

antisubmarine warfare: and France, 12–13, 15, 25–26; and Germany, 40, 45–49, 62–63; and Great Britain, 91, 101, 106–7, 113–14, 121; and Italy, 133–34, 144–45, 151, 155; and Japan, 175, 187, 193, 201; and U.S.A., 227–28, 243; and U.S.S.R., 261–62, 274, 281–82

Aoba (Japanese CA), 182

Archer (British CVE), 98

Arethusa class (British CL), 99

Argus (British CV), 81, 90, 97

Arizona (U.S. BB), 189

Ark Royal (British CV), 71, 91, 98

Arkansas (U.S. BB), 232

Arkhangelsk, 282

Armidale (Australian MS), 121

Athabaskan (Canadian DD), 43

Atlanta class (U.S. CL), 234

Atlantic: Battle of, 62, 69–71, 151; and intelligence, 43, 218; and U.S. Navy, 248, 250

Attacker class (British CVE), 98

Aube, Hyacinthe, 4

Audacity (British CVE), 98

Aurore class (French SS), 20

Australia (Australian CA), 119

Australia: and British policy, 111, 116; and Japan, 199

Australian navy, 117–21

Austro–Hungarian Empire, 124, 130, 136

Avenger class (British CVE), 98

aviation, naval: and France 21–22; and Germany, 56–58; and Great Britain, 104–5; and Italy, 141–42; and Japan, 187–91; and U.S.A., 234–37; and U.S.S.R., 270–71

B class (British DD), 100

Balao class (U.S. SS), 228

Balilla class (Italian SS), 278

Baltic Fleet (U.S.S.R.): 253, 255, 261, 263, 266; and fuel shortages, 275; strength of, 266; losses suffered, 288

Baltic Sea: aerial operations in, 57, 270–71; German traffic in, 41; naval operations in, 46–48, 50–51, 76, 280–81, 284–86.

Baltimore class (U.S. CA), 234

Bangor class (British MS), 102

Bathurst class (Australian MS), 120

Bausan (Italian SS), 137

Bay class (British FF), 101

Béarn (French CV), 11, 12, 21

Benson class (U.S. DD), 234

Besposhchadnyi (U.S.S.R. DD), 282

Bismarck (German BB): 40, 54, 65, 71; and antiaircraft system, 60; and fire control, 59; and radar, 59

Bismarck Sea, 204

Bittern class (British DS), 101

Bizerte, 2, 6–7, 27–28

Black Sea: and German forces in, 46–47, 58, 68, 71; and operations in, 48, 276, 281–86.

Black Sea Fleet (U.S.S.R.), 253, 255–56, 278; and losses, 288; and strength of, 265–66, 270–71

Black Swan class (British DS), 101

bombardments, naval, 31, 148

Bourrasque class (French DD), 3, 12–13, 19

Brest: as French base, 4, 6–7, 12, 27; as German base, 66, 68, 71; and naval school, 8–9

Bretagne (French BB): 2, 11, 16, 126; and fire control, 24; and sinking of, 32

British air force: 87, 89–90, 95, 104–105, 113; and Bomber Command, 91, 105, 107; and Coastal Command, 89–91, 105, 107–8

British Empire, 81, 116

British naval units: Eastern Fleet, 34, 83, 111; and Force H, 32, 83, 110, 113; and Force K, 84, 146, 151; and Mediterranean Fleet, 32, 83, 89, 111, 113; and Pacific Fleet, 111, 116

British navy: 54, 129 152, 156, 185; and administration, 83–85; and bases, 109–111; and construction, 112; and doctrine, 89–95; and force levels, 96–97; and personnel, 85–88; and U.S.N., 210, 250; and weapon systems, 106–08. See also amphibious operations; antisubmarine warfare; aviation, naval; fire control; intelligence; logistics; mine warfare; radar

Brooklyn class (U.S. CL), 234, 238–39

Bulgaria: 69; capitulation of, 282

C class (British CL), 100

Calabria, Action off, 131, 133, 149

Campania (British CVE), 98

Campioni, Inigo, 127, 139–40

Canberra (Australian CA), 119, 121

Cape Esperance, Battle of, 203

Cape Matapan, Battle of, 150

Cape Spartivento, Battle of, 129, 150

Capitani Romani class (Italian CL), 125

Captain class (British DE), 101

Caracciolo class (Italian SS), 125

Casablanca: as base, 6, 27, 29; Battle of, 10, 33

Castex, Raoul, 6

Castle class (British DC), 101, 120

Catherine class (British MS), 102

Cavagnari, Domenico, 126–27, 135–36, 146, 149

Cavallero, Ugo, 127

Cavour class (Italian BB), 125, 138

Cesare (Italian BB), 138

Central Pacific Campaign: 225, 230, 235–36, 250; and logistics 245, 248

Channel Dash, 71

Chatham New Zealand CL), 117

Chervona Ukraina (U.S.S.R. CL), 265

Chevalier Paul (French DL), 33

Churchill, Winston: 85, 156; and combined operations, 92; and French armistice, 31; as first sea lord, 84–85

Ciano, Costanzo, 129

Ciclone class (Italian TB), 134

Clemenceau (French BB), 17

Cleveland class (U.S. CL), 234

Colorado class (U.S. BB): 220, 232; and fire control, 238

Colossus class (British CVL), 98, 112

Commandant Teste (French CVS), 12, 21

Condottieri class (Italian CL), 124, 139

convoys: 76, 197; Arctic, 76, 282; Atlantic, 78, 93, 110, 115, 117; British, 156; French, 15; German, 46, 48, 50, 282; Italian, 150, 153. See also Indian Ocean; Malta; Mediterranean; Red Sea

Coral Sea, Battle of, 199, 236

Cossack (British DD), 65

Courageous (British CV), 91, 97, 113

Courbet class (French BB), 2, 16, 126

Crete: 46, 70, 136; Battle of, 50

Crimea: 50, 58, 263, 276; supply of, 282

CV 707 (Finish SS), 62

D class (British CL), 100

D class (Soviet SS), 268

Da Barbiano (Italian CL), 146

Dakar: 4, 9, 17; as base, 27, 29, 31–34; Battle of, 10, 15, 24, 35

Danton class (French BB), 2

Darlan, François: 5–6, 10; and armistice, 31–32

de Gaulle, Charles, 32

Decima MAS, 150–51, 155

Decoux, Jean, 7

Deutschland (German CA), 52–53, 69–70

Devastation (British ironclad), 80

Dido class (British CL), 99, 106

Diego Suarez, 27, 93

Dieppe raid, 93

Diomede (New Zealand CL), 117

Dodecanese, communicates with, 126, 136, 141

Dönitz, Karl: 40, 49, 72–73; as supreme commander, 76; strategic vision, 77

Doria class (Italian BB), 125–26, 138

Dreadnought (British BB), 80

Duca d’Aosta (Italian CL), 139

Duguay–Trouin class (French CL), 2, 17, 29

Duilio (Italian armored ship), 123

Duilio (Italian BB), 126

Duke of York (British BB), 76

Dunedin (New Zealand CL), 117

Dunkerque (French BB): 7, 24, 125, 138; construction of 29; deployment of, 10–11, 41; design of, 16, 35; and Mers el–Kebir, 32; purpose of, 3–4, 18; scuttled, 33

Eagle (British CV), 90, 98

Edinburgh class (British CL), 100

Edison, Charles, 212

Egret class (British DS), 57, 101

El Alamein, Battle of, 151

Emden (German CL), 52

Émile Bertin (French CL), 17, 27, 34

Empress August Bay, Battle of, 240

Entente Cordiale, 1

Enterprise (U.S. CV), 226, 232

Essex class (U.S. CV), 184, 232

Estéva, Jean–Pierre, 6

Ethiopian crisis, 88, 124, 137

Fairmile D class (British MTB), 103

Farragut class (U.S. DD), 234

Fiji class (British CL), 99

fire control: and France, 24; and Germany, 58–60; and Italy 142–43; and Japan, 191; and U.S., 232, 237–41; and USSR, 272–73, 278

Fisher, Jacky, 116

Fletcher class (U.S. DD), 234

Flower class (British DC), 48, 94, 101–2, 120

Force H. See under British navy units

Formidable (British CV), 98

Forrestal, James, 212–13, 248

France: and armistice, 31–32, 35; and Vichy, 6, 35, 46. See also Free French; French navy

Franco, Francisco, 137

Fraser (Canadian DD), 119

Fraser, Bruce, 95

Free French, 10, 15, 32–33

French fleet, scuttling of, 33

French naval units: Atlantic Fleet, 7, 10, 27–29, 32; Force de Raid, 4–5, 7, 10, 21, 31; and Force X, 4, 31; and Forces de Haute Mer, 32; and Mediterranean Fleet, 7, 27–28, 31, 89

French navy (Marine Nationale): 1–38; and administration, 5–7; and bases, 27–29; construction, 2–3, 16–20, 29–30; and doctrine, 10–15; and force levels, 16, 20; and personnel, 8–9; and weapon systems, 22–27. See also amphibious operations; antisubmarine warfare; aviation, naval; fire control; intelligence; logistics; mine warfare; radar

Fricke, Kurt, 41

Fubuki class (Japanese DD), 186, 206

Furious (British CV), 81, 90, 97

Furutaka (Japanese CA), 182

Fusō (Japanese BB), 180–81

Gabbiano class (Italian DC), 47, 145

Gambia (New Zealand CL), 120

Gato class (U.S. SS), 228, 234

Gearing class (U.S. DD), 234

General Alexeiev (Russian BB), 68

General Steuben (German transport), 281

Gensoul, Marcel, 7, 32

German air force: 43, 281; and naval coordination, 45, 57–58; and lack of cooperation, 44, 48, 69, 79

German navy (Kriegsmarine): 39–79; and administration, 41–42; and bases, 66–68; construction, 41, 52–55, 69; and doctrine, 44–51; and force levels, 52, 55–56; and personnel, 42–43; and weapon systems, 58–63. See also amphibious operations; antisubmarine warfare; aviation, naval; fire control; intelligence; logistics; mine warfare; radar

Gibraltar: 41, 70, 93, 137; as British base, 83, 110; and importance of, 124, 134

Gilbert Islands, invasion of, 225, 229, 245

Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italian CL), 139

Glasgow (British CL), 133

Glorious (British CV), 70, 91, 97

Gneisenau (German BB), 31, 53–55, 68–71, 76, 100

Godfrey, John, 88

Godfroy, René, 32

Golovko, Arseny, 287

Göring, Hermann, 44

Graf Zeppelin (German CV), 54, 71

Great Britain. See under British

Grimsby class (British MS), 101

Gromkii (Soviet DD), 273

Gryf (Polish ML), 56

Guadalcanal: 199, 233, 246; and invasion of, 229, 245–46; and night actions off of, 203, 224, 239, 250

Guam: 211; in war planning 167, 229; and Washington Treaty, 244

Guépard (French DL), 33, 124

Guillemot class (British DS), 101

H class (German BB), 54

Halcyon class (British MS), 101

Halsey, William F., 251

Hart, Thomas C., 215

Hermes (British CV), 31–32, 90, 98

Hiraga, Yuzura, 182

Hiryū (Japanese CV), 184

Hitler, Adolph: 53, 69, 71, 255; and aircraft carriers, 40; and appeasement, 114; and command structure, 41; and decommissioning order, 65, 76; and French navy, 35; and Versailles, 10, 54; and war aims, 70, 77; and Z–Plan, 54

Hong Kong, 83, 108

Hōshō (Japanese CV), 183–84

Hobart (Australian CL), 119

Hood (British BC), 62, 71, 96

Hornet (U.S. CV), 226, 232

Hunt class (British DE), 101, 106

Hunt class (British MS), 102

I–1 (Japanese SS), 120

Illustrious (British CV), 91, 98, 111, 184

Implacable (British CV), 98

Independence class (U.S. CVL), 232

Indian navy, 81, 111–18, 121–22

Indian Ocean: 27, 34, 183; and British operations in, 83, 111, 121–22; and convoys in, 93–94; and German operations in, 70, 73; and Italy, 125–26, 134

Indianapolis (U.S. CA), 175

Indomitable (British CV), 98

Indus (Indian DS), 122

Inflexible (British armored ship), 80

Ingersoll, Royal E., 214–15

Inskip Award, 82

intelligence: and France, 6, 9–10; and Germany, 43; and Great Britain, 84, 88; and Italy, 131; and Japan, 168, 172–73, 178; and operational use of, 50, 150, 154; and ULTRA, 156; and U.S.A., 218–19, 237; and U.S.S.R., 259–60

Ionian Sea, 149

Iowa class (U.S. BB), 232

Italia (Italian armored ship), 123

Italian air force 133, 142

Italian navy (Regia Marina), 123–156; and administration, 127–28; and bases, 146–47; construction, 124–25, 138, 148; and doctrine, 132–36; and force levels, 138, 141; and personnel, 129–31; and weapon systems, 142–46. See also amphibious operations; antisubmarine warfare; aviation, naval; fire control; intelligence; logistics; mine warfare; radar

Italy, armistice, 130, 142, 151–53, 155

Jaguar class (French DL), 2, 12, 18

Japanese navy (Teikoku Kaigun): 157–208; and administration, 168–70; and bases, 194–96; and construction, 163–67, 196–97; and doctrine, 173–78; and force levels, 180; and reaction to U.S. Navy expansion, 166; and personnel, 170–72; and weapon systems, 191–93. See also amphibious operations; antisubmarine warfare; aviation, naval; fire control; intelligence; logistics; mine warfare; radar

Jean Bart (French BB), 17, 23, 30, 33

Jeanne d’Arc (French CL), 8–9, 17

Jervis Bay (British AMC), 100

Jeune Ecole, 1, 158

Joffre (French CV), 12, 21

Jutland, Battle of: 39, 58; influence of, 163, 207, 223; lessons of, 84

K class (Soviet SS), 270

K–21 (Soviet SS), 284

Kaga (Japanese CV), 183–84

Kaiserliche Marine, 44, 52

Kako (Japanese CA), 182

Kent (British CA), 99, 133

Kerch, landing on, 50, 263, 281. See also amphibious operations

Kharkov (Soviet DD), 282

Kiev class (Soviet DD), 267

Kimmel, Husband E., 213, 222–23

King George IV, 5

King George V class (British BB), 96

King, Ernest J., 213–14, 224, 230

Kingfisher class (British DS), 101

Kinkaid, Thomas C., 225

Kinugawa (Japanese CA), 182

Kirov (Soviet CA), 261, 267, 272, 278

Kiwi (New Zealand DS), 120

Knox, Frank, 212–14

Koh–Chang, Battle of, 33, 35

Kolombangara, Battle of, 120

Kongō (Japanese BB), 162, 179

Königsberg (German CL), 113

Krasnyi Kavkaz (Soviet CL), 265, 267, 271–72

Krasnyi Krym (Soviet CL), 265

Kronshtadt Harbor, attack on, 268

Kronshtadt class (Soviet BC), 264

Kula Gulf, Battle of, 219

Kuma class (Japanese CL), 182

Kuznetsov, Nikolai Gerasimovich, 256, 259, 283, 285

L class (British DD), 106

L class (British SS), 102

L class (Soviet SS), 275

L–55 (British SS), 268

La Galissonnière (French CL), 17

Laborde, Jean de, 6, 32

L’Adroit class (French DD), 13, 19

Lamotte–Piquet (French CL), 33

Land, Emory S., 248

Le Fantasque class (French DL), 10, 18, 22, 24, 37

Le Hardi class (French DD), 19

Le Luc, Maurice, 6

Le Terrible (French DL), 18

Leander (New Zealand CL), 99, 117, 119, 146

Leipzig (German CL), 52, 76

Lend Lease, 101–2, 105, 115, 263, 276

Leningrad, defense of, 275, 280–81

Leningrad class (Soviet DD), 267, 272, 278

Léopard (French DL), 37

Lexington (U.S. CV), 226, 232

Leygues, Georges, 16

Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 181, 200, 219, 225, 228, 251

Lissa, Battle of, 123

Littorio (Italian BB), 17, 125–26, 138

Livermore class (U.S. DD), 234

Liverpool (British CL), 133

Loch class (British FF), 101

logistics: and France, 27; and Germany, 63–64; and Great Britain, 108; and Italy, 146; and Japan, 193–94; and U.S.A., 244–48; and U.S.S.R., 275–76

London Treaty: 210, 231; and battleships, 106; and France, 17; and Great Britain, 81; and Japan, 164–65, 193; and submarines, 92

London class (British CA), 99

Luftwaffe. See under German air force

Lunin, N. A., 284

Lützow (German CA), 59, 70–71, 76

M class (Soviet SS), 268

MacArthur, Douglas, 225, 230

Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 156, 209–10, 252

Mahanian doctrine, 31, 126

Maksim Gorkii (Soviet CA), 261, 267, 272

Malta: 115, 151; as British base, 83–84, 92, 110–11; and convoys to, 94, 102, 154; and damage to, 145; and shortages on, 108, 151; and threat to, 70, 126, 135, 137. See also convoys; Mediterranean

Manxman (British ML), 131

Marat (Soviet BB), 264, 272, 281

Marquis, André, 7

Marschall, Wilhelm, 70

Marshall Islands, 211, 222, 248

MAS 15 (Italian MTB), 124

Massawa, defenses of, 148

Matteucci, Pellegrino, 129

Mediterranean: and British deployments, 83, 92, 111; and carriers, 11, 21, 94; and France, 2–4, 6, 28; and Germany, 47, 58, 70; and Italian planning, 126; and operations in, 5, 31–32, 76, 120, 151–56; and shipping 93, 135; and submarines, 103, 134–35, 145. See also convoys; Malta

Mediterranean Fleet. See under British navy; French navy

Mers el–Kebir: 137; attack on, 10, 32; as base, 5, 28; and defenses of, 29; and mutiny at, 9

Michelier, François, 6

Micronesia, 164, 195, 199

Midway, Battle of: 204, 226, 235, 242; and intelligence, 218, 250; and losses at, 175, 199

Miles, Geoffrey, 286

mine warfare: 120, 131; and France, 26–27; and Germany, 41, 46–48, 51, 63, 70; and Great Britain, 91, 101, 105, 107–8; and Italy, 145–46, 151; and Japan, 193; and U.S.A., 244; and U.S.S.R., 274–75, 281

Minekaze class (Japanese DD), 186

Minsk class (Soviet DD), 267

Mirus German coastal battery), 68

Missouri (U.S. BB), 200

Moa (New Zealand DC), 120

Mogador (French DL), 10, 18, 22, 24, 37

Molotov (Soviet CA), 267, 273

Montecuccoli (Italian CL), 139, 267

Morison, Samuel E., 153

Möwe (German TB), 52

Murmansk: 57, 282, 284; as British base, 282; as German base, 69; as Soviet base, 276

Musashi (Japanese BB), 167, 179, 184, 201, 206

Mussolini, Benito: 146, 148–49; and armed forces, 127–29; and declaration of war, 126–27; and French navy; 35; and march on Rome; 124; and separate peace with Soviet Union, 151

Mutsu (Japanese BB), 220

Myōkō (Japanese CA), 182

N class (Australian DD), 120

Nachi (Japanese CA), 219

Nagato class (Japanese BB), 180, 220

Nairana (British CVE), 98

Narvik, 50, 68, 76, 113

Natal (South African FF), 122

naval aviation. See under aviation, naval

naval evacuations from: East Prussia, 77; Odessa, 281; Sicily, 50; Tallinn, 276, 280

Nelson, Horatio, 80

Nelson (British BB), 96, 106

Neptune (British CL), 120

Nevada class (U.S. BB), 232

New Mexico class (U.S. BB), 232

New Orleans class (U.S. CA), 234

New York (U.S. BB), 232

Nimitz, Chester W., 214, 218, 224, 250–52

Niobe (German auxiliary), 287

Norfolk class (British CA), 99

Normandie class (French BB), 2, 11, 29

North Cape, Battle of, 95

North Carolina class (U.S. BB), 232

Northampton class (U.S. CA), 233

Norwegian campaign, 50, 61

Novik class (Soviet DD), 261, 267

Nürnberg (German CL), 52, 59, 76

O class (British SS), 102

Oktiabrskaia revoliutsiia (Soviet BB), 264, 272–73

Oldendorf, Jesse B., 225

Ollive, Emmanuel, 6–7

Operation Collar, 156

Operation Drumbeat, 230

Operation Excess, 156

Operation Ironclad, 93

Operation Rheinübung, 60

Operation Tiger, 156

Operation Torch, 33, 151, 230

Operation Weserübung, 70

Ottawa (Canadian DD), 119

Ottoman Empire, 123

P 611 class (British SS), 103

P class (British SS), 102

P class (Soviet SS), 268

Paladini, Vittorio, 139

Paris naval school, 8

Parizhskaia kommuna (Soviet BB), 265, 272

Pathan (Indian PB), 122

P class (British DD), 106

Pegasus (British CVS), 91

Pearl Harbor: 214, 232; and attack on, 189, 199, 212, 250; and impact of, 201, 204, 213, 228; and Japanese planning for, 184; and logistics, 245–47

Pegaso class (Italian DE), 133, 145

Pennsylvania class (U.S. BB), 232

Pensacola class (U.S. CA), 233, 238

Perth (Australian CL), 119, 121

Pétain, Henri, 6

Philippine Sea, Battle of, 200, 219, 226, 228, 251

Philippines: 211; and defense of, 215, 244; and Japan, 163; and conquest of, 230; and war plans, 167, 211, 229

Phillips, Thomas, 95, 115

Pluton (French CM), 17, 26–27

Poland, invasion of, 69, 254

Porpoise class (British SS), 102, 108

Porpoise class (U.S. SS), 228

Port Arthur, 159

Port Darwin Raid, 190

Portland class (U.S. CA), 234, 238

Pratt, William V., 225

Prince of Wales (British BB), 95, 190

Prinz Eugen (German CA), 62, 71, 76

Project 7 class (Soviet DD), 267, 272

Provence (French BB), 32–33

Queen Elizabeth (British liner), 93, 115

Queen Elizabeth (British BB), 96

Queen Mary (British liner), 93, 115

R class (British SS), 102

radar: and France, 24–25, 32, 38; and Germany, 44, 59; and Britain, 91, 105; and Italy, 143; and Japan, 192; and U.S.A., 239–41; and U.S.S.R., 273

Raeder, Erich: 41; and resignation, 76; and strategic concepts; 40, 70–71, 79, 91

Raleigh class (U.S. CL), 100

Ramillies (British BB), 93

Rawalpindi (British AMC), 100

Razumnyi (Soviet DD), 267

Red Army. See under U.S.S.R. army

Red Sea: and British navies, 121–22, 152; convoys in, 93–94, 135; and Italy, 147, 153

Regia Aeronautica. See under Italian air force

Renown (British BC), 96

Repulse (British BC), 95–96, 190

Requin class (French SS), 3, 14, 19

Restigouche (Canadian DD), 119

Rianyi (Soviet SS), 273

Riccardi, Arturo, 127, 140

Richelieu (French BB): 29, 33, 35, 38, 125; at Dakar, 24, 32–33; joins Allies, 34; and weapons, 17, 23

Ritter, Hans, 57

River class (British FF), 101

River Plate, Battle of, 115

Robert, Georges, 7

Rochefort, Joseph, 218

Rodney (British BB), 96, 106

Roland–Morillot class (French SS), 20

Roma (Italian BB), 57, 142

Romania: capitulation of, 282; and Germany, 58, 68, 281; and oil 65, 146, 276

Romanian navy, 71, 255

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 211–15

Rorqual (British SS), 108

Royal Air Force. See under British air force

Royal Indian Navy. See under Indian navy

Royal Navy. See under British navy

Royal Sovereign class (British BB), 96

Russo–Japanese War, 161–62, 164, 191, 193, 200

Ryūjō (Japanese CVL), 184

S class (British SS), 102

S class (Soviet SS), 268

Sagittario (Italian TB), 131

Saguenay (Canadian DD), 119

Saigon: fuel stocks at, 27

Sansonetti, Luigi, 127

Saphir class (French SS), 19–20, 26

Saratoga (U.S. CV), 226, 232

Satō, Tetsutarō, 161

Savo Island, Battle of, 203, 229, 250

Scharnhorst (German BB): 31; development of, 53–54: and operations, 69–71, 76, 95, 100; and radar, 59

Schlesien (German BB), 42, 58

Schniewind, Otto, 41

Sealion (British SS), 283

Seawolf (British SS), 283

Sendai class (Japanese CL), 182

Sevastopol: 258; battle for, 276, 281–82; batteries at, 68; facilities at, 278–79

Seydlitz (German CA), 68

Shch class (Soviet SS), 268

Shima, Kiyohide, 219

Shinano (Japanese CV), 184

Shōkaku (Japanese CV), 184–85

Sicilian Channel, blockade of, 126, 145, 156

Sicily: 123, 156; bases in, 146–47; evacuation of, 50; invasion of, 93, 148, 153, 230

Sims class (U.S. DD), 234

Singapore: attacks on, 103; bases at 83, 108, 110; importance of, 117–18; neglect of, 111

Sino–Japanese War, 170, 173, 192, 200

Sirte, First Battle of, 151

Skeena (Canadian DD), 119

Sōryū (Japanese CV), 184

Sokrushitelnyi (Soviet DD), 267

Soldati class (Italian DD), 124, 139, 146

Solomon Islands: 120, 122; campaign in, 199–200, 203

Somerville, James, 83

Somigli, Odoardo, 127

South African Naval Service, 81, 118, 120, 122

South Dakota class (U.S. BB), 232, 239

Southampton class (British CL), 99

Sovetskaia Belorussiia (Soviet BB), 278

Sovetskii Soiuz (Soviet BB), 264

Soviet–German Non–Aggression Pact, 254

Spain: 137; and Germany, 69; and Gibraltar, 110; Italian communications with, 126, 136, 140

Spanish–American War, 209

Spanish Civil War, 133, 268

Speer, Albert, 69

Spica class (Italian TB), 124

Sposobnyi (Soviet DD), 282

St. Nazaire: batteries at, 68; raid on, 93

St. Laurent (Canadian DD), 119

Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich: 207, 256–57, 287; and naval construction, 254, 278, 283; and war aims, 255

Strasbourg (French BB), 7, 10–11, 18, 24, 31: and construction of, 3, 16, 30; and intended use of, 4; and Mers el–Kebir, 32; and radar, 25; scuttling of, 33

Strogii (Soviet DD), 273

Suez Canal: 94; and Great Britain, 41; importance of, 124, 156; and Italy, 145, 149

Suffren class (French CA), 17, 35

Sumner class (U.S. DD), 234

Surcouf (French SS), 7, 14, 19

Surigao Strait, Battle of, 225

Sutlej class (British DS), 101

Sweden: and German construction for, 69; and iron ore traffic, 41, 50, 92

Swiftsure class (British CL), 99

Sydney (Australian CL), 119, 121

Szent István (Austro–Hungarian BB), 124

T class (British SS), 102

Taiho (Japanese CV), 184

Takao class (Japanese CA), 182

Taranto, attack on, 90 113, 138, 147, 150

Tarawa, Invasion of, 229, 244

Tashkent (Soviet DD), 267

Tassafaronga, Battle of, 203

Tatsuta class (Japanese CL), 182

Tench class (U.S. SS), 228

Tennessee class (U.S. BB), 220, 232

Texas (U.S. BB), 232

Thames class (British SS), 102

Tigris (British SS), 283

Tirpitz (German BB): 40, 54, 71, 93; attacks on, 103, 284; operations of, 76

Tirpitz, Alfred, 39

Tōgō, Heihachiro, 160, 178, 191

Tomozuru (Japanese CL), 166

Toulon: 32, 35; as base, 2, 6–7, 27–28, 31; defenses of, 29; facilities at, 8–9, 30; scuttling of fleet at, 33–34

Tourville class (French CL), 35

Town class (British DD), 100, 115

Trafalgar, battle of, 80, 123

Treaty of Versailles: 45, 125; German renunciation of 10, 54; and impact of, 3, 40, 44, 52

Trento (Italian CA), 138–39

Tribal class (British DD), 119–20, 146

Trident (British SS), 283

Trieste (Italian CA), 138

Tripoli, defenses of, 146, 148

Tsushima, Battle of, 123, 160–61, 178, 191

Tui (New Zealand DC), 120

Tunisia: 129; campaign in, 151, 153; French bases in, 2, 27; landings in, 136

U 505 (German SS), 219

U 570 (German SS), 113

U class (British SS), 103

Uganda class (British CL), 99

ULTRA. See under intelligence

Unicorn (British CVL), 98

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) army: and control over navy, 253, 256; naval support of, 254–55, 260, 272, 283; and Winter War, 257, 280

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics naval units: Northern Fleet, 255, 276, 282–83; and Pacific Fleet, 255–56, 263, 277, 283. See also Baltic Fleet; Black Sea Fleet

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics navy (Voenno–morskoi Flot SSSR): 253–288; and administration 256–57; and bases, 276–77; and construction, 266, 277–80; and doctrine, 260–64; and force levels, 265–66; and personnel, 257–59; and weapon systems, 271–75. See also amphibious operations; antisubmarine warfare; aviation, naval; fire control; intelligence; logistics; mine warfare; radar

United States (U.S.) naval units: Asiatic Fleet, 212, 215, 227, 244; and Atlantic Fleet, 212, 214, 230; and Pacific Fleet, 167, 199, 211–15, 224, 242, 250

United States Navy: 209–252; and administration, 211–15; and bases, 246–48; construction, 248; and doctrine, 219–231; and force levels, 233; and personnel, 215–18, 249; and war preparations, 250; and weapon systems, 237–44. See also amphibious operations; antisubmarine warfare; aviation, naval; fire control; intelligence; logistics; mine warfare; radar

Uragan class (Soviet GS), 278

Urge (British SS), 145

V class (British DD), 100

V class (British SS), 103

Valiant (British BB), 96

Valmy (French DL), 33

Vampire (Australian DD), 121

Vanguard (British BB), 96

Variable Time or proximity fuze, 206, 241, 251

Vauquelin (French DL), 33

Vian, Philip, 287

Vichy. See under France

Vindex (British CVE), 98

Vinson, Carl, 215

Viribus Unitis (Austro–Hungarian BB), 136

Vittorio Veneto (Italian BB), 126

Volta (French DL), 18

W class (British DD), 100

Warspite (British BB), 96

Washington class (U.S. BB), 239

Washington Treaty: and abrogation of, 167; and France, 2, 11, 17; and general effects of, 124, 138, 176, 210; and Great Britain, 81, 99; and Japan, 162–63, 67, 181, 184; and U.S.A., 211, 231, 244

Wasp (U.S. CV), 115, 232

Weichold, Eberhard, 129

White Sea Canal, 255, 282

Wicher (Polish DD), 56

Wichita (U.S. CA), 234

Wilhelm Gustloff (German transport), 281

Wilhelm I, 39

Wilhelm II, 39

Winter War: 283; impact of, 257; Soviet performance in, 255, 271, 280

World War I: 130, 174; and amphibious operations, 49, 92, 176; and British navy, 80, 89, 103, 117; and France, 9, 29; and German navy, 39, 44, 58; innovations of, 81; and Italian navy, 123, 133–34, 136; and Japan, 186–87, 191; lessons of, 101, 112–13, 144, 163, 207, 210. See also Jutland, Battle of

Yalu River, Battle of, 159

Yamamoto, Gombei, 158–59, 161

Yamamoto, Isoroku, 167, 190, 218

Yamashiro (Japanese BB), 181

Yamato (Japanese BB): 184, 203, 206; assessment of, 179; loss of, 201; rationale for, 167

Yarra (Australian DS), 121

York class (British CA), 99

Yorktown (U.S. CV), 175, 226, 232

Zara class (Italian CA), 139

Z–Plan, 40–41, 54. See also German navy

Zuikaku (Japanese CV), 184