It has been a long road to recovery and renewed sense of health. More than ten years of research, blood work, testing, uncertainty, pain, and trial by fire will be put to good use, as my hope is that this book will be a resource for those who are already, and those who are on their way to being, G-free. This book was made possible by a desire to channel all of those years together, the willingness to look forward, and a remarkable team of individuals around me. Thank you for reading the book, trusting that the G-free diet is right for you, and joining me as I acknowledge those who helped make this book happen.
Truly, a most special thanks to Dr. Peter Green, for taking the time to investigate what was really happening with my digestive system, for being kind enough to lend your wisdom to The G-Free Diet, both in the body of the book and in the Foreword. The community and support at the Celiac Disease Center is tremendously appreciated. Your good work is a gift to us all. Many thanks for helping so many regain health, and for putting the faith we place in you to great work.
A most meaningful thanks to my newfound friend Laura Moser—a most talented writer, soon-to-be mom, and novelist! Thank you for reading my countless midnight e-mails, for keeping me on schedule, and for your equally matched diligence and zeal while working with me. I wish you the most joyous transition into motherhood, and look forward to reading your future masterpiece!
I cannot thank Center Street Publishing and the rest of the Hachette Book Group enough for believing in me. A highlighted thanks to my most thorough and thoughtful editor, Michelle Rapkin, for understanding the passion that I have for this subject matter. My thanks to the entire team for supporting me throughout the process, for the chance to put my decade-plus of research and writing to good use, and for opening your arms to The G-Free Diet.
A great amount of appreciation goes to Dr. Kenneth Bock, Ashley Koff, and Dr. Andrew Weil for their expert advice, astuteness, information, and time spent with me throughout the course of writing this book. I value our conversations, as they were filled with the dedication you have to those who seek your help. Your work with others to make lives more whole, complete, and healthy is without a doubt a vocation that we can all be thankful for. I admire each of you for taking the road less traveled. Ashley, your meal suggestions are fantastic and delicious.
He hears me say it every time a workout session is over—but not enough as far as I am concerned: Pat Manocchia, founder of the Center for Preventative Medicine and La Palestra in NYC, I thank you for revamping my workouts, and your constant commitment to absolute integration of body, nutrition, and mind. Thank you for making my workouts hard, and my life much easier.
To the wonderfully honest, open, and warm Kathy Burger, Rose and Peter Miller, and Patrick Cole, for sharing with me your G-free journey, I thank you. I appreciate every phone call and e-mail that you made to make this book real for so many others. Those who can visualize your paths will find comfort that, for whatever reason, being G-free can work for them, too. I cannot thank you enough.
Babette Perry, my broadcasting agent of nearly a decade, thank you for being a most wonderful confidant, friend, and sounding board. Thank you for always honoring my “gut” instinct, for my calls at all hours, and for being such a wonderful role model as a working mom and wife. Your work is outstanding.
A huge thanks to my literary agent, Andrea Barzvi, for being the first to get the G-free bug, for understanding my unbridled enthusiasm, for your patience, and for your unending support throughout this process. We got there! Your guidance has been spot-on.
Applause to my sensational licensing team, Tim Rothwell, Zoe Anne Murphy, Michael Gotssegan, and Lisa Mitchell. You have been sharply instrumental in allowing my designs and products to come to life. An all-star team indeed! Thanks to my commercial agents, Karen Sellars and Jason Pinyan, for continued work on my behalf, and for great loyalty over the years.
A warm thanks to ABC Television, Bill Geddie, and Barbara Walters, for respecting my voice and offering me the chance of a lifetime. To Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sherri Shepherd, Karl Nilsson, Jordana Kalmanowitz, Karen Dupiche, Lavette Slater, Rebecca Borman, Rosa Amoedo, and our entire production staff and crew at The View—who carefully watch everything I eat, drink, wear, and use on my face and hair on and off the set to be certain that it is G-free—I thank you all! A great thanks, as well, to my colorist, Keith Bocklett, and his team for checking that every label and product that I come in contact with at the salon is G-free! (And for keeping my roots at bay!) To all of my friends who constantly look out for me when out to eat, or visiting… I love you all.
Many thanks to so many viewers who have come to the show, watched, or written to me about their battle with celiac disease—I hope that this provides comfort, strategy, and some laughs. A note of appreciation, as well, to the many companies that have recognized the importance and need for G-free facilities and food. I thank you from the bottom of my belly!
A most special thank-you to my entire family: Mom, Dad, Kenny, Betsy, Don, Matthew, Sarah, Nathanael: Thank you for being my Gluten Guards. For all that you have done for me through words, deeds, and prayer, I thank you, and I love you all.
For my husband, Tim, countless thanks for your commitment and support over the years. Thank you for wiping the pretzels off your mouth before kissing me. I love you. Always have. Always will.
Grace, my little G-free guardian: Thank you for asking me, “Mommy, is that G-free?” when I am about to eat something, because I know your little heart is concerned about me getting a hurt tummy. Thanks for baking and taste-testing my G-free treats with me, and for being the affectionate, caring, and loving big sister you are. I love you to the moon and back!
Taylor, I love you and will take your kisses full of graham cracker crumbs any day! Thank you for loving me so. You are becoming such a strong little man.
For our little one on the way, I thank you for filling my days and nights with joy and anticipation, and for letting me indulge in even more G-free treats! I love you already.