
Many of these columns, or versions of them, were originally printed in the Daily Record newspaper.

My sincere thanks to Allan Rennie, Managing Director and Editor in Chief of Media Scotland, and the Daily Record editors past and present for letting me share my stories of family life.

Thanks too to the fantastic publishing team at Head Of Zeus, and especially to the three wonderful women who made this book happen. Caroline Ridding, for loving the original idea. Amanda Ridout for supporting the project from the start. And Ellen Parnavelas, who took it on board, made it happen and shaped it into the book it is today. I feel incredibly lucky to be part of the Head Of Zeus / Aria / Anima family.

Endless gratitude to my sons, Callan and Brad, for allowing me to publish embarrassing tales of their childhood. Boys, please don’t worry that I’ve spilled all of the excruciating ones… I’ve kept a couple of corkers for your 21st birthday parties and your wedding days.

And finally, thanks to everyone who has read my columns, features and novels over the years. I hope you love this book as much as I enjoyed writing every single story in it.

Love, Shari x