Count the Costs of the war on drugs
Global coalition of international NGOs highlighting the costs of the war on drugs and the need to explore alternative approaches.
Drug Policy Alliance
Leading US-based drug-policy reform advocacy organization.
Global Commission on Drug Policy
High-powered commission producing publications and campaigns on drug policy and law reform around the world.
International Drug Policy Consortium
A global network promoting objective and open debate on drug policy, with an extensive library of resources.
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Non-profit organization in which current and former members of the law-enforcement and criminal-justice communities speak out about the failures of current drug policies.
OSF Global Drug Policy Program
Supporting umbrella body for a global network of NGOs working to reform drug policy.
Transform Drug Policy Foundation
UK-based policy analysis and advocacy organization focusing on ending the war on drugs and replacing it with a just and effective model of legal regulation.
Transnational Institute drugs and democracy program
Center of expertise on international drug-policy reform, this has an extensive library of resources.