Chapter 8

Feed Your Fertility: Bringing It All Together

WE’VE TAKEN YOU THROUGH THE BASICS OF CLEAN EATING and Chinese medicine when it comes to optimizing your fertility. Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty—an action plan to protect and optimize your body’s ability to get pregnant and have healthy babies.

image Ditch the Junk image

By removing processed, junky foods from your diet, you will make room for food to nourish your fertility, while protecting your Jing in the process.

By junk, we mean most things that come in a package or don’t spoil in a normal amount of time. Junk foods tax the liver and kidneys and generally put additional strain on the body that requires energy to process. When you’re trying to conceive, this energy is not worth squandering.

When it comes to trying to get pregnant, these “foods” definitely must go:

image SOY—contains phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen and can throw your hormones off balance

image REDUCED-FAT FOODS—often contain weird stabilizers to maintain desired consistency or—in the case of low-fat dairy—oxidized cholesterol (the bad kind)

image INDUSTRIAL OILS—Despite what anyone tells you, canola oil is not healthy. It falls in the same trash bin as corn, soy, cottonseed, and grape seed oils and should be avoided. These oils contain very unstable polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFAs.

image FACTORY-RAISED MEAT, poultry, eggs, and dairy products

image CHEMICAL PRESERVATIVES, ADDITIVES, ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS, AND COLORING—This should go without saying, but chemicals will put more strain on your already taxed system. Eat real food, read labels, and think before you bite.

This may seem like a big task, and we don’t suggest trying to fully incorporate these changes overnight. But, little by little, you can morph your diet from one that is full of empty calories to one that is packed with nutrient-dense goodness. We have found that once you begin to acclimate to a diet of real food, your junk food choices will gradually fall away.

image Eat More Fat image

We’ve already discussed the important role that saturated fat and cholesterol play in supporting many of your body’s critical functions. Healthy saturated fats help to build Yin and Blood, which translates to having adequate cholesterol for producing hormones, supporting nerve function, and making sure the membranes around all of our cells are working properly.

Saturated fat is essential to fertility because it does the following:

image PROVIDES FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS (A, D, and K2)—These are essential for health but are deficient in most modern diets. These vitamins are important to immunity, gene expression, bone production, and many other critical functions for reproduction.

image STRENGTHENS CELL MEMBRANES—This includes those of the sperm and eggs.

image PROTECTS AGAINST TOXINS—Because saturated fats produce fewer free radicals, they don’t cause liver damage or impair the body’s detoxification capabilities. When the body is overloaded with toxins, inflammation (endometriosis, PCOS, etc.) abounds.

image FORTIFIES THE IMMUNE SYSTEM—Short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids, particularly the lauric acid found in coconut oil and palm kernel oil, have natural antimicrobial properties that provide protection against undesirable microorganisms in the intestines. This promotes a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria, which you now know is the basis for optimal health, including fertility.

Begin to introduce saturated fats as part of a nutrient-dense, junk-free diet. Include the following foods:

image RED MEAT, including beef, lamb, and bison that were raised on pasture

image PORK from pigs that are raised outdoors—look for organic and forage-fed. Yes, this includes bacon—but be sure to buy bacon that is nitrate-free. Save bacon fat to use as a healthy fat for cooking.

image WHOLE EGGS (not just the whites) from hens that have been raised on pasture—the next best choice would be free-range organic, not cage-free eggs.

image COCONUT OIL AND SUSTAINABLE PALM KERNEL OIL are great for cooking and baking.

image BUTTER from cows that have been raised on pasture (such as the commonly available Kerrygold brand)—this butter will naturally be a deeper yellow color than conventional butter and rich in important fat-soluble vitamins. Coconut butter, milk, and cream are excellent alternatives for those who cannot tolerate dairy products.


Made with unhealthy soybean oil, canola, or other PUFA-laden vegetable oils, store-bought mayonnaise is the opposite of a health food. Homemade mayo, on the other hand, is packed with fertility-promoting fats and tastes absolutely divine.

Our version is made with eggs from pasture-raised hens, extra-virgin olive oil, and coconut oil. We opt for refined coconut oil for a more neutral taste, and because of the stable quality of this fat, it is not damaged in the refining process.

2 eggs, room temperature

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

2 tablespoons (28 ml) lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1 tablespoon (15 ml) whey, from draining yogurt (optional)

3/4 cup (168 g) refined coconut oil, melted and cooled

1/4 cup (60 ml) extra-virgin olive oil

Separate one egg, discarding or saving the white for another use. Add the yolk to a food processor with the other egg (yolk and white), mustard, lemon juice, salt, and whey (if using) and blend for 20 seconds.

Using the drip feature on your food processor (there should be a small hole in the food pusher piece—add oil through there), slowly—drip by drip—add the cooled coconut oil and olive oil as the food processor continues to run.

When completely combined, the consistency will be thinner than conventional mayo, but not runny. It should firm up in the refrigerator. Adjust the seasonings with additional salt and lemon juice, as desired. With whey, mayonnaise will impart additional probiotic benefits and will last several weeks in the fridge.

Yield: About 2 cups (450 g)


Check out the ingredient list on this popular store-bought brand of ranch dressing: vegetable oil (soybean and/or canola), nonfat buttermilk (milk solids, salt, bacterial culture), water, egg yolks, vinegar, sugar, salt, garlic juice, natural flavors, xanthan gum, phosphoric acid, spices, yeast extract, dried parsley, lemon juice concentrate, silicon dioxide.

By contrast, your homemade version is packed with nutrient dense fats and fat-soluble vitamins from coconut and olive oils, egg yolks, and full-fat yogurt. The yogurt also imparts probiotic benefits. Rather than over-processed herbs, lemon juice, and preservatives, you’ll benefit from enzymes and vitamins found in fresh, organic herbs and lemon juice.

We opt to use dried, organic onion and garlic powder to give the recipe a more classic ranch taste, but if you prefer more punch, you can use fresh minced onion and garlic for their added nutritional benefits as well.

Juice from 1 lemon

1/3 cup (20 g) chopped fresh parsley

1/3 cup (21 g) chopped fresh dill

1/3 cup (16 g) chopped fresh chives

1 cup (225 g) Homemade Mayonnaise (See recipe on page 75.)

11/2 cups (345 g) full-fat yogurt, strained

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder

Sea salt and pepper to taste

Juice the lemon and chop up the parsley, dill, and chives. Combine all the ingredients in a quart-sized (946 ml) jar. Shake well to combine. Add sea salt and pepper to your taste.

Yield: 3 cups (720 g)


Whether for breakfast, dessert, or an afternoon snack, this smoothie is delightful for your taste buds and is full of great fats to support and protect your fertility.

1 cup (235 ml) full-fat raw milk or coconut milk

2 tablespoons (10 g) cocoa powder

2 egg yolks from pastured hens

1 tablespoon (20 g) raw honey

1 tablespoon (14 g) coconut oil melted and cooled or (15 ml) cream from grass-fed cows

Place the milk, cocoa, egg yolks, honey, and coconut oil in a blender. Combine well and enjoy.

Yield: 1 smoothie


This traditional Mexican dish is often made in modern times in a massive vat of over-processed, hydrogenated lard or vegetable oil, which are both horrible for your health. Conversely, carnitas made the old-fashioned way with forage-fed pork and lard is a nourishing food and one of the richest sources of dietary vitamin D.

Perfect carnitas are moist in the center and slightly crispy on the outside. Many restaurants achieve this with a deep-fryer. Made at home, the trick is to cook at a very low temperature—no more than 285°F (141°C)—until the muscle meat is broken down so it practically melts in your mouth. To achieve the crispy outside, finish the meat by quickly pan-frying on high heat.

4 to 5 pounds (1.8 to 2.3 kg) pork shoulder or butt

2 limes, divided

Sea salt

1 bunch of cilantro, minced and divided

2 bay leaves

3 cloves of garlic, halved

3 whole cloves

2 or 3 small oranges

2 to 3 quarts (1.9 to 2.8 L) rendered pork fat (lard), depending on the size of your pork shoulder and Dutch oven. (You want the pork completely covered). You will need about 6 pounds (2.7 kg) of fat to yield 2 quarts (1.9 L) of lard for this recipe.

Season the pork shoulder with the juice of one lime, a generous sprinkling of sea salt, half the cilantro, bay leaves, garlic, and whole cloves. Cover and refrigerate for up to 24 hours.

Remove the pork from the fridge; drain and pat dry. Allow it to come to room temperature. Preheat the oven to 285°F (141°C).

Place the pork shoulder in a small Dutch oven (the smallest you have to fit the meat, but with room to still cover it with liquid). Cut the oranges into eighths, leaving the rinds on. Place your orange slices around the sides of the pork.

Warm your rendered lard (if previously chilled to solid) until it is liquid. Pour the liquid lard over the pork and oranges until the meat is completely covered.

Place the meat in the preheated oven with the lid on. Consider setting your Dutch oven on a lipped tray to catch any overflow of fat. Cook for 4 to 6 hours or until the meat pulls apart easily with a fork.

Remove from the oven and carefully lift the meat out onto a dish, taking care not to burn yourself with the hot fat. Pull the meat apart into medium-size chunks and then fry in a large frying pan with the cooked oranges until the desired crispiness is reached.

Serve with a squeeze of lime, a pinch of cilantro, and sprinkle of sea salt to taste. The fried oranges can be eaten, rind and all.

Strain the lard and save it in the fridge (for a few weeks) or freezer (for much longer) for your next few batch of carnitas. The flavor of the seasoning stays in the fat, so each batch gets progressively more delicious!

Yield: 4 to 6 servings


Delicious, easy comfort food doesn’t get much better than this. You could take the time to brown the meat and sauté the mushrooms and onions, but this dish is just as flavorful and is much less fuss when you just throw it all in the slow cooker and come back later.

A smattering of barley gives just enough starch to slightly thicken the liquid in this dish. We prefer using pearled barley as opposed to the whole-grain/hulled versions. Though slightly less nutritious, when the bran is removed, the barley does NOT have to be soaked to improve its digestibility. Because the rest of the dish is so nutrient-dense, we don’t think twice about this shortcut.

If you prefer a whole-grain barley, we suggest first soaking it overnight and then rinsing it well before cooking.

If you will be gone all day, make sure you have a slow cooker that will switch to warm after the cooking time is done.

2 pounds (900 g) stew meat

1 large onion

2 large carrots

2 pounds (900 g) mushrooms

1 can (28 ounces, or 785 ml) whole stewed tomatoes

A few sprigs of thyme

4 cloves of garlic

2 cups (475 ml) beef bone broth

1/3 cup (67 g) pearled barley

Good quality salt and pepper to taste

Cube the stew meat. Peel and chop the onions and carrots into large chunks. Slice the mushrooms. Drain the stewed tomatoes. Tie up the thyme with twine.

Place the meat, onions, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, thyme, garlic, broth, and salt and pepper in the slow cooker. Set to low and cover.

Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours or until meat pulls apart easily with a fork.

After 4 hours, add the pearled barley and continue cooking. (If you will be away all day, simply add the barley when you add the other ingredients.)

Adjust the seasonings with salt and pepper to taste before serving.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings

image Give Dairy a Chance image

While milk is often demonized as a culprit for many health issues, historical evidence as well as budding research on the benefits of raw (unpasteurized), full-fat milk is encouraging.

In a well-publicized study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, researchers concluded that milk is not in and of itself responsible for infertility. Rather, “high intake of low-fat dairy foods may increase the risk of infertility whereas intake of high-fat dairy foods may decrease this risk.”

In Chinese medicine, dairy is often negatively associated with creating pathological dampness. This may be in part due to the fact that historically dairy was not a common food in ancient China; these people did not possess adequate lactase to digest the lactose, leading to digestive problems. In modern times, the problem of lactose intolerance has become much more widespread with the prevalence of pasteurized dairy products. When milk undergoes pasteurization, essential enzymes are destroyed that would have otherwise helped the body to digest the lactose.

Raw milk from grass-fed cows, on the other hand, is a traditional food that has been consumed by humans for more than 10,000 years. It offers many health benefits, as it is a complete food and a natural source of all the essential nutrients your body needs to function properly.

In its optimal form, milk contains protein, the eight essential amino acids, healthy fats including conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), minerals, vitamins A, D, and most Bs, enzymes, and cholesterol. Raw dairy is even richer in nutrients and beneficial bacteria when consumed in the form of fermented or soured dairy products such as yogurt, kefir, and raw cheeses.

If you’ve shunned dairy as an unhealthy food, we recommend that you give it a second consideration, as the nutritional benefits to fertility can be profound. Always seek out dairy that comes from healthy grass-fed animals, and minimally processed is best. For information on sourcing raw milk, visit


With a mesophilic or room-temperature starter culture, you don’t need to figure out how to keep your milk warm while it’s culturing. You simply let it sit on the countertop in a warm kitchen until the yogurt has set. The consistency still isn’t as thick as store-bought yogurt, but it’s super easy to hang and thicken the yogurt if you’re in the mood for Greek style or even yogurt cream cheese.

This recipe calls for raw milk, but you can also use a combination of cream and milk for a richer consistency, or substitute pasteurized milk (from grass-fed cows) if you don’t have access to raw dairy. Viili and other mesophilic starter cultures are fairly easy to find online.

5 to 6 cups (1.2 to 1.4 L) raw milk

1 packet viili or another mesophilic starter culture

Place 1 to 2 cups (235 to 475 ml) of milk in a small nonreactive saucepan over medium-high heat, just until the milk begins to rise up the side of the pan. Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool. This pasteurizes the milk for the starter so that the beneficial bacteria in the raw milk don’t overtake the yogurt cultures.

When the milk has cooled to room temperature, simply stir in your starter culture and allow to sit on the countertop for about 12 hours until the yogurt is set it, and then refrigerate.

You can then use this “mother” culture to make this week’s yogurt and to make a new starter culture every week or so. If you keep up with maintaining your culture, you can make yogurt infinitely from this original starter—never having to buy anything but milk.

Once you’ve made your starter culture, you’re ready to make the easiest homemade yogurt.

Take 1 tablespoon (15 g) of starter culture and place it in a clean quart-size glass jar. Fill the jar with raw milk, leaving about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of headspace. Give it a stir, loosely cover it with a small bit of clean, dry cloth, and secure it with a rubber band.

Allow this to sit on the countertop overnight (about 12 hours). In the morning, if you tip the jar you should notice that the milk has thickened into yogurt. If this has not happened, your kitchen may be too cool, so let it sit until it thickens—this may take up to 24 hours.

Transfer your yogurt to the fridge to cool and set, and you’re done!

Yield: 1 cup (230 g) starter culture and 1 quart (920 g) yogurt


Fromage blanc, also known as queso fresco, is a simple and delicious homemade cheese that is essentially just like common goat cheese (chevre), but made from cow’s milk. This recipe will work for pasteurized milk, too, but avoid all ultrapasteurized dairy if possible. Mesophilic starter cultures and rennet are fairly easy to find online. You will also need a digital thermometer to monitor the temperature of the milk.

1 gallon (3.8 L) raw cow’s milk

1 pinch mesophilic culture for cheese making

3 drops of liquid rennet

1/4 cup (60 ml) filtered water

Unrefined sea salt to taste

Pour the cow’s milk into a nonaluminum pot and warm to 72°F (22°C).

Remove from the heat and add the cheese culture. Mix for about 20 strokes, taking care not to scrape the bottom of the pot.

Place 3 drops rennet into 1/4 cup (60 ml) filtered water. Add to the warmed milk.

Cover and allow to sit for 12 hours at room temperature. After 12 hours, check for a “clean break” (the cheese should move in a solid mass and jiggle like jelly).

Line a large bowl with a clean flour sack towel. Gently pour the contents of the pot (now curds and whey) into the towel-lined bowl. Gather the corners of the towel and wrap two rubber bands around the gathered ends to make a bundle. Hang the dripping cheesecloth over the large bowl from a kitchen cabinet or similar setup.

Allow to drain for 6 to 24 hours depending on your desired consistency. We prefer 10 to 12 hours for a moist but crumbly cheese. Add sea salt to taste.

The liquid that remains in the bowl is whey. It can be stored in the fridge for months and added to recipes to help them ferment, such as our Homemade Mayonnaise (page 75) and Cultured Ketchup (page 87).

Yield: 1 pound (455 g)


Who’s to say that chocolate pudding is only a special treat for kids? Made from raw milk, eggs, and gelatin and sweetened with raw honey, this fun dessert is a fertility powerhouse.

2 cups (475 ml) raw milk, divided

5 tablespoons (25 g) cocoa powder or raw cacao

2 tablespoons (10 g) gelatin powder

3 tablespoons (60 g) raw honey

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 egg yolks

Heat 1 cup (235 ml) milk in a small saucepan over medium heat.

Add the cocoa powder and whisk until the chocolate is melted.

Remove from heat and sprinkle in the gelatin powder and honey and whisk until both the gelatin and honey are dissolved. Beat the egg yolks separately. Whisk in the remaining 1 cup (235 ml) milk, vanilla extract, and egg yolks.

Let the mixture cool in the fridge. When gelled, you can eat it immediately or beat the mixture with an immersion blender or handheld blender to create a smooth, creamy consistency.

Yield: Four 6-ounce (170 g) servings

image Incorporate Cultured Foods image

Cultured (a.k.a. fermented) foods are deliberately allowed to sour or ferment naturally at room temperature or slightly warmer. Historically, culturing foods was a way to preserve them without refrigeration. Milk was cultured into yogurt and aged into cheese. Cabbage was fermented into sauerkraut and cucumbers became pickles. Salmon was aged with lemon and salt to become lox.

Beyond the benefit of a naturally long shelf life, cultured foods are rich in probiotics. Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria necessary for good digestive health and immune function, which is why they are so important in your fertility-enhancing diet. While our ancestors were probably unaware of the presence of these friendly microorganisms, most cultures consumed these foods regularly. Meanwhile, our modern diet is mostly replete of probiotics (with the exception of yogurt and maybe kefir), and many of these foods (pickles especially) are produced with shortcuts and preservation methods that allow for longer shelf life, but lack probiotic content.

From a Chinese medicine perspective, cultured foods are ideal for supporting the Spleen system, which in turn produces healthy Blood, the foundation of a healthy immune system and overall health.

Luckily, the traditional food and slow food movements have revived some of the practices that bring probiotics back into our diets via delicious cultured foods. At health food stores, it’s not uncommon to find traditionally fermented sauerkraut and pickles (such as Bubbies brand), kombucha, several brands of traditionally fermented kimchi, and of course, an entire shelf of yogurt and kefir.

You can find numerous recipes for cultured foods online, and Sandor Katz’s book Wild Fermentation is a great resource, too. Have fun exploring the world of cultured foods—it’s an affordable and delicious adventure that will benefit your entire body.


Sauerkraut is the perfect starter fermented veggie. It’s easy to make, delicious, and rich in probiotics. As part of your fertility diet, include at least a few tablespoons (45 to 55 g) of cultured veggies with one to three meals per day.

You can use the following technique to ferment any combination of veggies you like.

1 head cabbage, preferably organic

1 tablespoon (15 g) unrefined sea salt

Remove one core from the head of cabbage. Shred the cabbage into thin ribbons with a knife or food processor. Place the shredded cabbage in a large bowl.

Sprinkle 1 tablespoon (15 g) sea salt over the cabbage.

Knead/squeeze the shredded cabbage for 1 to 3 minutes. Get into it! You are breaking the cabbage down and helping it to release its juices. Flatten the kraut into the bottom of your bowl and lay a clean tea towel over the bowl. Now, walk away and go about your day.

Later (6 to 8 hours or at your convenience), knead your shredded cabbage for 1 more minute, mixing it all together.

Add this soupy cabbage mixture to a fermentation crock or mason jar and press the cabbage down firmly. Really pack it in there. It should be at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the lid of your jar and should be covered at the top with the beautiful brine you have made. Note: If you used a large head of cabbage, you may be able to fill an additional small jar as well.

Screw the lid on tight. Plastic lids will allow for expansion with greater ease than metal lids. Place your jar of culturing cabbage on a plate (to catch any brine that may be pushed out) and leave at room temperature (70°F to 85°F, or 21°C to 29°C) for about 4 weeks for optimal probiotic content. When your kraut reaches desired fermentation (tart and crunchy), wipe up your jar and put it in the refrigerator.

Yield: Approximately 3 to 4 quarts (1.7 to 2.3 kg)


It’s a beautiful thing when ketchup can be a health food. This recipe makes a quart-sized (946 ml) jar plus about another 6 ounces (170ml), so you can use the extras right away while you wait for the quart to ferment.

Look for tomato paste in glass jars (to reduce BPA exposure). Grade B maple syrup is richer in minerals than grade A. If you can, get Red Boat Fish Sauce (available online)—it is the most delicious one on the planet. If you opt to skip the whey, the ketchup will still be delicious but will no longer provide probiotic benefits.

2 or 3 cloves of garlic

28 ounces (785 g) tomato paste

1/4 cup (60 ml) fresh whey

1/2 cup (160 g) grade B maple syrup

1/2 cup (120 ml) fermented fish sauce

2 tablespoons (28 ml) unpasteurized apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon allspice

1/2 teaspoon ground clove

Sprinkle of cayenne pepper

Peel and mash the garlic cloves. Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl until well blended. Transfer to a quart-sized (946 ml) glass mason jar with a wide mouth for easy access later. The top of the ketchup should be about 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the rim of the jar.

If you used whey, leave at room temperature overnight and then transfer to the fridge and enjoy.

Yield: 1 quart (960 g)


Kombucha is a delicious probiotic-rich drink that’s thrifty, fun, and easy to make. Rumored to have originated in China around 200 BCE, societies throughout the world have been brewing kombucha for centuries. It is made by placing a strange mushroom-like life form called a scoby into a gallon of sweetened tea.

SCOBY is actually an acronym for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast, and the kombucha gets its unique flavor and probiotic power because the scoby “eats” the sugar and components of the tea, leaving delicious, nutritious kombucha behind.

A great alternative to juice or sodas, most folks are quick to acquire a taste for kombucha when they don’t have the alternative of sugary, junky drinks. If you have a friend who brews her own kombucha, ask her for a scoby baby in about 1 cup (235 ml) of kombucha. Otherwise, you can buy a scoby online.

5 to 10 organic black tea bags

1 cup (200 g) organic white sugar

1 gallon (3.8 L) filtered water

1 kombucha scoby

1 cup (235 ml) reserved kombucha from a previous batch (or liquid that came with your scoby)

Make your tea in the ratio of 1 cup (200 g) organic white sugar for each gallon of black tea. You may need to adjust the amount of tea depending on the brand or variety you choose. If you want to decrease the caffeine in your kombucha, first “shock” the tea bags by pouring hot water over them, allowing them to seep for a few seconds, and then discarding that first tea.

Add boiling filtered water to fill your gallon jar halfway. Allow the tea to steep for at least 5 to 10 minutes until brewed darkly. Add cool filtered water so that your container is about 85 percent full.

When the sweetened tea is cooled to body temperature, add the scoby. Don’t forget to add the accompanying komucha.

Cover with a tea towel and secure with a large rubber band. Mark your jar with today’s date. Store your brewing kombucha in a warm, dark place away from other fermenting foods or potential mold. Starting around 14 days, begin tasting your kombucha. It should be tart and zingy, slightly sweet, but not cloying. In the winter, you may need to brew your kombucha for much longer than 2 weeks. Try placing it near your (working) slow cooker or near a warm appliance.

When your kombucha is ready, with clean hands, remove the scoby gently from the newly brewed kombucha and place in a separate bowl. Reserve approximately 1 cup (235 ml) kombucha per gallon and add it to the scoby in its bowl.

Your next task is pouring the kombucha into bottles for storage. You may want to transfer your liquid goodness into a spouted bowl to make the pouring easier. Find a good combination of spouts and funnels to pour the kombucha as neatly as possible.

Store your kombucha in glass bottles with tight-fitting lids. For extra fizz, allow the sealed bottles to sit at room temperature for 24 hours before refrigerating. When your bottles are filled, it’s time to begin the process again so you will never be without your booch.

Yield: 1 gallon (3.8 L)

image Eat Properly Prepared Grains, Legumes, and Nuts image

Nearly all of the modern preparations of grains that we consume today (whole or refined) contain phytic acid and other antinutrients that prevent your body from properly absorbing and assimilating the nutrients in your food.

Back in the olden days, traditional cultures throughout the world prepared grains with great care by soaking, sprouting, or souring. Our ancestors were unknowingly neutralizing the phytic acid in the grains, thereby optimizing their nutritional value.

Some women find that omitting grains (or at least wheat) altogether is best for their fertility and overall health. We recommend that if you’re going to eat grains, you only eat grains, beans, and nuts that have first been soaked, sprouted, or soured. The exception to this rule is white rice. Since all of the bran has been removed from white rice, it can provide a benign (albeit simplistic) nutritional source of carbohydrates.


Soaking grains and beans before cooking releases phytase, which allows the phytic acid to be neutralized. Soaking can also make grains easier to digest, as the process neutralizes enzyme inhibitors that prevent the grain (seed) from germinating under poor growing conditions. When soaked, grains are prepared for growth into a new plant. During this process, beneficial enzymes are produced and vitamin content is boosted.

Soak the grains for 12 to 24 hours in water with 1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 28 ml) of whey, vinegar, lemon juice, yogurt, buttermilk, or kefir. Rinse well to remove any acidic taste and cook as usual in fresh water.

Soaking grains is the easiest way to reduce their phytic acid—it just takes a bit of discipline. Every night after dinner or before bed, scoop your grains in a bowl and top with filtered water. In the morning, you will have oats, rice, or grain of your choosing ready to go.


Sprouting grains transforms them into food of superior nutritious value. In addition to neutralizing phytic acid, sprouting activates food enzymes and increases vitamin content. Sprouted grain has more protein and less starch compared to nonsprouted grain, and it has a lower glycemic index value.

To sprout grains, choose high-quality, organic grains and rinse them thoroughly. Place in a ceramic pot or glass jar and add enough filtered warm water to cover all grains by several inches. Soak the grains overnight; then drain and rinse well. Rinse them several times the first day and continue rinsing them until they have sprouted. Rinse and drain before using, refrigerating, or dehydrating to make sprouted flour.

While homemade is usually best because you know where your grains came from and how they were prepared, most well-stocked health food stores sell delicious sprouted breads and crackers. You can find wonderful sprouted flour for baking, including gluten-free options such as sprouted rice, quinoa, and buckwheat flours.


The most classic example of soured grain is sourdough bread, which is delicious and digestible food if you are eating wheat, but it can also be made with gluten-free ingredients if you are feeling ambitious. Souring neutralizes phytic acid. Souring or lactic acid fermentation enhances the body’s ability to take advantage of the nutrients in grains (as well as other foods).

Typically, grains are soaked and allowed to sour for between 12 hours and several days. Most sourdough bread found in restaurants and grocery stores is not prepared with traditional souring time, and therefore does not have the same health benefits. Read the label: It should NOT list yeast as one of the ingredients, which is an indicator that the bread was not made with a proper sourdough starter. In the United States, Whole Foods Market carries several traditional (wheat) sourdough options, so if you’re eating wheat, this is an easy place to start.


Nuts contain plenty of good nutrition, but they also contain antinutrition in the forms of phytic acid AND enzyme inhibitors, which make the nuts difficult to digest and block the absorption of minerals. Phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors can be neutralized by first soaking and then drying nuts before eating them or using them to make butters or flours. Unfortunately, even organic nut butters—regardless of whether they are roasted or raw—are typically not soaked and dried before they are made into butter.

To properly prepare nuts, pour raw nuts into a glass or ceramic bowl. Cover the nuts with filtered water.

Allow the nuts to soak overnight—with the exception of cashews, which should only soak for 2 to 3 hours, and macadamia nuts, which cannot be soaked, lest they disintegrate into mush.

After soaking, drain and rinse the nuts well.

Spread onto cookie sheets lined with parchment paper and dry in the oven on the lowest setting overnight or until dried and crunchy. Alternatively, spread onto dehydrator sheets and dry. The setting recommended for nuts is the same amount of time as soaking.

Now your nuts are ready to be made into butter, ground into flour, or eaten by the handful.

image Honor Sacred Foods: Eggs, Liver, Organ Meats, Bone Broth, and Seafood image

Before you turn the page in repulsion, did you know that most traditional cultures strove to eat the whole animal whenever possible? This was not only to stretch their meals, but also because they knew that the organs of animals are rich in important fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. In Chinese medicine, this is as close as we get to replenishing Jing through food.

We’re not suggesting that you sit down with a knife, fork, and a whole buffalo, but we do want to shed light on the fact that there’s more to a chicken than boneless, skinless breasts, and there’s more to beef than a filet mignon.


Eggs are one of the easiest sacred foods to incorporate into your diet. They contain all nine essential protein-building amino acids. A whole egg contains about 5 grams of fat, which will aid you in absorbing the eggs’ fat-soluble vitamins A, K, E, D, and B-complex as well as minerals such as iron, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. Eggs also contain choline, which is an important component found in every living cell.

Eat at least two whole eggs per day as part of your nutrient-dense fertility diet. Seek out eggs from hens that have been raised on pasture, eating the natural forage-fed diet of chickens: grasses, seeds, and bugs. If you cannot source pasture-raised eggs, your next best option is free-range organic. Cage-free and organic eggs not labeled free-range should be avoided as they are inferior quality.


We know you’re busy, but that’s no excuse to skip the most important meal of the day. These mini-frittatas are super easy to throw together over the weekend and enjoy for a last-minute breakfast (or lunch) on the go. This recipe features spinach and feta cheese, but you can easily swap for your favorite frittata fillers—ham and Swiss, bacon and Cheddar, or a medley of seasonal veggies.

Butter or olive oil, for greasing

4 cups (120 g) spinach leaves

1 medium onion

3 cloves of garlic

1 ounce (28 g) Parmesan cheese

8 eggs

1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1/4 cup (60 ml) cream

2 tablespoons (28 ml) olive oil

4 ounces (115 g) feta cheese (optional)

Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C, or gas mark 6). Grease a muffin tin with butter or olive oil. Chop spinach and onion. Mince the garlic. Shred the Parmesan cheese.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, salt, pepper, cream, and Parmesan cheese; set aside.

Over medium heat, sauté the onions in the olive oil until translucent. Add the garlic and cook another minute. Add the spinach and cook until just wilted and bright green in color.

Spread the spinach mixture evenly on the bottom of the muffin cups. Pour the egg mixture evenly over the spinach and onions. Crumble the feta, if using, over the top of the frittata. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until the frittata is nice and golden and the eggs are set.

Carefully remove the pan from the oven and let the mini-frittatas cool for several minutes before serving. When cool, store leftovers in the fridge in a covered airtight container. Throughout the week, these mini-frittatas can be easily heated in a toaster oven or even enjoyed cold.

Yield: 12 mini-frittatas


Quiche is a wonderfully versatile food. It’s great for breakfast, lunch, or even a light dinner served with a simple green salad. This version features an unusual cauliflower crust, which keeps the dish grain-free and only adds to the deliciousness.

As with the mini-frittatas, the options for the filling are endless, so if you’re not in the mood for tomato and bacon—follow your taste buds and get creative. Quiche also makes for a good grab-and-go breakfast for mornings when time is limited.


1 tablespoon (14 g) butter

1/2 a head of cauliflower

1 egg

1 cup (150 g) grated mozzarella cheese

1/4 cup (25 g) grated Parmesan cheese

1 teaspoon oregano

1 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon onion powder

1/2 teaspoon black pepper


4 eggs

1 cup (235 ml) cream

1 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1/2 teaspoon paprika

8 ounces (225 g) bacon

1 large ripe tomato or 1 cup (150 g) cherry or grape tomatoes

4 green onions

8 ounces (225 g) Cheddar cheese

To make the crust: Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C, or gas mark 8). Grease the bottom of a pie dish or similar sized baking dish with butter.

Break the cauliflower into florets. Using the s-blade with your food processor, pulse the cauliflower florets until they are the consistency of rice. Steam the cauliflower in a covered saucepan until cooked but not mushy (no need to add water). Measure out 1 cup (165 g) of cooked “riced” cauliflower for this recipe and freeze the rest in a resealable plastic bag for a later meal.

Combine the cooled cauliflower, egg, mozzarella, Parmesan, oregano, sea salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper in a small bowl. Using your hands, spread the raw “dough” into a thin layer on the bottom of your greased baking dish.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until the crust is uniformly browned. Remove from oven and set aside.

Reduce oven temperature to 350°F (180°C, or gas mark 4).

To make the filling: In a large bowl, beat the eggs and then mix in the cream, salt, pepper, and paprika.

Cut the bacon into slivers. In a large skillet, cook the bacon until just crisp. Set aside. When slightly cool, drain the bacon fat through a fine-mesh strainer into a clean mason jar and save to use as cooking fat.

Slice the tomato and dice the green onions. Shred the cheese. Evenly distribute the bacon, tomatoes, green onions, and cheese in the prebaked crust. Pour the egg mixture over top.

Bake the quiche for 30 minutes or until set. Serve immediately or warm later in the oven.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings


This soup is perfect for breakfast, which may sound funny, but why not? This simple recipe combines homemade broth, eggs, and a touch of Asian flavors that can turn any naysayer in a soup-for-breakfast convert.

1 quart (946 ml) homemade chicken broth

2 whole eggs

2 egg yolks

1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil

1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 28 ml) fish sauce to taste

2 green onions

Heat the broth in a saucepan to a simmer. Remove from heat.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and extra egg yolks.

Using a ladle or measuring cup, slowly pour the broth into the eggs, whisking the entire time until combined.

Dice the green onions. Stir in the sesame oil and fish sauce to taste, garnish with green onions, and serve.

If reheating, do so over gentle heat. If the eggs congeal, use an immersion blender (or standing blender if you don’t have one) to bring the consistency back to its silken state.

Yield: 4 servings


This chili is not only magically delicious, but the disguised organs pack a nutrient-dense punch. Below is a double batch so you can freeze half and have a quick meal for later.

2 large onions

4 cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter, lard, or tallow

1 tablespoon (15 g) sea salt

2 tablespoons (15 g) chili powder

2 teaspoons oregano

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1/2 teaspoon allspice

1/2 pound (225 g) mushrooms

2 or 3 sweet peppers (bell or Italian, any color)

2 pounds (900 g) grass-fed ground beef

1 pound (455 g) heart and/or liver from beef or chicken

1 can (28 ounces, or 785 ml) diced tomatoes

4 ounces (115 g) tomato paste

1 quart (946 ml) beef or chicken stock

Sea salt to taste

Sour cream or strained yogurt, for garnish

Chop the onions and mince the garlic. In a large stockpot, sauté the onions in the butter and 1 tablespoon (15 g) sea salt. Add garlic, chili powder, oregano, cinnamon, cumin, and allspice. Chop the mushrooms and peppers. When the onions are translucent, add the mushrooms and peppers.

If the liver and/or heart are whole, run through a food processor with an s-blade until ground.

Add the ground meat and organs to the sautéing vegetable. Brown the meat over medium heat. Break it up finely with a wooden spoon. Add the tomatoes, tomato paste, and stock. Adjust seasoning to your preference.

Serve immediately topped with sour cream or allow to simmer for several hours to combine the flavors. When cool, freeze half of this recipe for a later meal.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings per batch


We just love real food makeovers, especially when something as fun as a burger gets to star in your healthy, nutrient-dense diet. With grass-fed beef and the secret addition of liver, you can indulge with joy. Top with grass-fed cheese, avocado—heck—even bacon for extra fertility-promoting fats.

1/8 to 1/4 pound (57 to 115 g) liver

1 pound (455 g) ground beef

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon onion powder

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1 tablespoon (14 g) bacon fat

4 ounces (115 g) Cheddar cheese (optional)

Sourdough buns (optional)

1 avocado

Cultured Ketchup (page 87)

Add the liver to a food processor and blend until smooth.

In a large bowl, add the ground liver, ground beef, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper. Using clean hands, combine the ingredients well and form into 4 patties.

Heat the fat in a skillet on high heat and cook the burgers for 3 minutes on the first side. Flip and cook for 3 minutes on the other side. Meanwhile, slice the cheese, if using. Add the cheese and cook for 1 more minute until medium rare, longer if you prefer your burgers well done.

Serve on a toasted bun, topped with sliced avocado and cultured ketchup.

Yield: 4 burgers


So what makes liver so wonderful? According to the Weston A. Price Foundation, it contains more nutrients, gram for gram, than any other food and is also:

image An excellent source of high-quality protein

image Nature’s most concentrated source of vitamin A

image Abundant in all the B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12

image One of our best sources of folate, the nonsynthetic form of folic acid

image A highly usable form of iron

image Our best source of copper (and also contains trace elements of zinc and chromium)

image An unidentified antifatigue factor

image High in CoQ10, a nutrient that is especially important for cardiovascular function

image A good source of purines, nitrogen-containing compounds that serve as precursors for DNA and RNA


The French know what’s up when it comes to nutrient-dense food—especially ones that you can spread all over freshly baked bread. If you don’t eat grains—pâté is great on cucumber slices or seed crackers, too. This recipe is the creation of Monica Ford, who runs our favorite real food delivery service, Real Food Devotee.

3 tablespoons (42 g) bacon drippings

1 small shallot

6 cloves of garlic

3 cups (210 g) cremini mushrooms

2 tablespoons (5 g) fresh thyme

1/3 cup (80 ml) cognac or other brandy

1 pound (455 g) chicken livers

10 egg yolks

2 cups (475 ml) cream

1/2 cup (64 g) arrowroot

2 1/4 (14 g) teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon ground allspice

8 to 10 tablespoons (112 to 140 g) unsalted butter or ghee

Several fresh bay or sage leaves (optional)

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, or gas mark 4).

Melt the bacon drippings in a heavy skillet over medium heat.

Finely chop the shallots. Mince the garlic. Slice the mushrooms. Add the shallots, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic, mushrooms, and thyme. Cook, stirring, about 4 minutes. Remove from the heat carefully add the cognac (use caution; if the cognac ignites, shake the skillet), and then boil until reduced to a thick consistency with little liquid.

Allow the mixture to cool—don’t skip this step! Transfer the glorious-smelling mixture to a blender or food processor. Add the livers and yolks, and then purée until smooth. Add the cream, arrowroot, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and allspice and blend until combined. Pour the pâté into a butter-greased terrine, skimming off any foam.

Make a water bath by putting your filled terrine in a larger baking dish and adding enough boiling water to reach halfway up the side of the smaller terrine. Place in the oven and bake until the pâté is just set and a small sharp knife inserted in center comes out clean, about 50 minutes.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat, and then remove from the heat and let stand for 2 minutes. Spoon enough butter over the pâté to cover its surface. A thick layer will provide a nice seal, which will increase your pâté’s shelf life.

Chill the pâté completely, about 4 hours. Freeze or store in the refrigerator depending on when you plan to enjoy it. Bring to room temperature about 1 hour before serving.

Yield: 8 servings


Other organ meats besides liver also have nutrient-dense merits. Beef heart, for instance, has more highly concentrated protein than regular muscle meats and is very high in CoQ10 (an antioxidant that may contribute to ovarian health), B vitamins, iron, and folate—nutrients essential for healthy conception and pregnancy. The texture of heart can be a bit tough, but stewing or braising allows the meat to become nice and tender.

Kidneys from pasture-raised animals are high in potassium, B12, iron, zinc, folate, and vitamins A and D. The traditional British steak-and-kidney pie is the most well-known dish utilizing this organ, but kidneys from veal, lamb, pork, and beef can all be braised, roasted, sautéed, and even grilled.

More and more restaurants are popping up featuring “nose to tail” cuisine, including more common dishes such as liver pâté and pork belly sandwiches as well as dishes less familiar to the Western palate such as tripe, brains, and sweetbreads. When sourced from properly raised animals, these “alternative” meats can all be considered fertility super-foods. Put on your adventurous spirit and enjoy!


If you’ve been mostly eating lean chicken breasts and steak, you might have forgotten that meat actually comes with bones. In Chinese medicine, the bones are ruled by the Kidney meridian/Water element—the same energy that governs our reproductive potential. Eat meat on and from the bone whenever possible; try bone marrow and consume bone broth regularly.


One of the simplest ways to incorporate bones into your diet is by roasting a whole chicken and eating the meat off the bones. This recipe includes roasted potatoes and carrots, but feel free to substitute any root veggies with thin skin of your choice to save time by not having to peel them (yams, turnips, radishes, rutabaga, etc.). As a bonus, you’ll have chicken bones for making broth when the meal is done and any meat is removed for leftovers.

1 whole chicken

1 large onion

4 small potatoes

2 carrots

1/2 of a lemon

1 head of garlic

A sprig of rosemary

1/2 cup (112 g) butter, lard, or coconut oil

Unrefined sea salt

Freshly cracked black pepper

If using frozen chicken, the night before, remove the chicken from freezer and defrost in a sink or large bowl of cool water.

About 1 1/2 hours before dinner, preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, or gas mark 5). Remove the chicken from the package, remove the giblet bag from the chicken cavity, rinse well, and pat dry. Slice the onion and cube the potatoes and carrots.

Place the onion and root veggies in a baking dish and set the chicken atop with the legs under the chicken. Stuff lemon, garlic, and rosemary into the chicken cavity. Rub 1/4 cup (55 g) softened butter over chicken skin. Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper.

Bake for 30 minutes. Using tongs and/or potholders, gently flip the chicken so that the legs are up. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the flip side of the chicken and bake for another 30 minutes or until the skin is nicely browned and crisp. Remove from the oven and check that the root veggies are soft when a fork is inserted. If not, gently remove the chicken to a serving platter and place the veggies in the oven for another 20 to 30 minutes or until tender.

When the veggies are soft, transfer them to a food processor with the pan juices. Add the remaining 1/4 cup (55 g) butter and purée until smooth.

Yield: 4 servings


The name “bone broth” sounds medieval, like something modern folks simply don’t eat. But more and more, people are turning back to stock made with the bones of chicken, beef, fish, and so on for both superior culinary flavors and old-fashioned healing properties.

Every chef and foodie knows the key to a good soup or sauce is the stock. Bone broth tastes far superior to any canned or carton varieties, but beyond flavor, it’s also far more nutritious. Homemade broth is loaded with minerals, gelatin, and glycosaminoglycans (which include substances such as chondroitin and glucosamine, keratin and hyaluronic acid, and more). These nutrients benefit skin, teeth, bones, hair, nails, and joints.

Bone broth is also a digestive elixir that helps heal the gut lining—a big benefit for those who suffer from digestive problems, food allergies, and nervous system conditions including anxiety and depression. When the digestion is working optimally, inflammation is quelled throughout the body. The digestive benefits of bone broth support fertility because, as we have seen, strong digestion is central to good health.

Bone broth is also a rich source of minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, and other trace minerals that are vital for creating a healthy new life. Ancient South American proverbs tell that broth will even decrease the pain of childbirth. Because bone broth is easily digestible, these minerals are absorbed by the body.

Aim to drink a minimum of 1 to 3 cups (235 to 700 ml) of bone broth per day, either by the mugful or used in soup, stew, to cook grains, or in other recipes. Beyond that, use your beautiful broth as the base for soups and sauces, to cook rice or quinoa, or in any recipe that calls for stock.


So you want the health benefits of bone broth, but you haven’t cooked much beyond boiling water for spaghetti and heating up sauce or grilling a chicken breast in a pan? No problem. Even the most remedial beginners can master a basic chicken bone broth. This version is for squeamish beginners, folks who “don’t cook,” and anyone short on time. You know those rotisserie chickens they sell at grocery stores? Perfectly cooked whole chicken, ready for you to take home for dinner = real food for no effort = brilliant.

If you are a true beginner, you probably buy the roasted chicken, pick off the meat, and toss the bones in the … WAIT! Don’t throw the bones away. This is where the fun begins. Follow this method for quick and easy broth.

1 rotisserie chicken (preferably organic and free-range)

Filtered water

1 tablespoon (15 ml) apple cider vinegar

Onion and/or onion peels, carrots, and celery (optional)

Eat your store-bought rotisserie chicken. Place the remaining “frame” of the chicken (the bones, skin, and cartilaginous bits) into a slow cooker or stockpot.

Cover the bones with water, adding 1 tablespoon (15 ml) apple cider vinegar per chicken frame. Top with the lid and cook on low for a minimum of 6 hours up to 24 hours or until the bones crumble when pinched.

Carefully strain the broth through a fine-mesh metal sieve and discard the bones. Use the broth immediately, store in the fridge for about a week, or freeze for future use in ice cube trays for quick defrosting. If saving for later, consider concentrating the broth by simmering it until it is half of its volume to save on space in your fridge or freezer.

Yield: Approximately 1 gallon (3.8 L)


If you regularly roast your own chickens at home, you can follow the instructions on page 103. If you have a whole chicken to work with, poaching it in a slow cooker yields more consistently tender meat than roasting. Poaching also makes it easier to completely remove the meat from the bones to eat in sandwiches, salads, and stir-fries.

1 whole chicken, including giblets

Filtered water

1 tablespoon (15 ml) apple cider vinegar

Onion and/or onion peels, carrots, and celery (optional)

Remove the (defrosted or fresh) chicken from its packaging, and remove any giblet bag inside the cavity. Rinse and place the chicken and giblets in the slow cooker. Add filtered water to just cover the chicken. Turn the slow cooker to low and cook for 3 to 4 hours (depending on the size of the chicken and the heat of your pot) until the chicken is just cooked (no longer pink).

Remove the chicken and place it in a separate bowl until cooled. Cut or shred the meat from the bones. Put the bones, skin, and other bits back into the slow cooker with the broth and apple cider vinegar, cover, and continue simmering on low for 6 to 12 hours.

Strain the broth through a fine-mesh metal sieve and discard the bones. Use the broth immediately, store in the fridge for about a week, or freeze for future use.

Yield: Approximately 1 gallon (3.8 L)


Originally created by Henry Bieler, M.D., “for fasting, for energy, and for overall health,” our version is made with chicken broth to help tonify “reproductive essence.” Try eating it with breakfast for a nourishing and cleansing start to the day.

4 medium zucchini

1 pound (455 g) string beans

2 stalks of celery

1 to 2 bunches of parsley

Fresh herbs such as thyme or tarragon (optional)

1 quart (946 ml) Beginner’s Chicken Bone Broth or Poached Whole Chicken and Bone Broth (page 104)

Sea salt to taste

Slice the zucchini, remove the ends from the string beans, chop the celery, and remove the stems from the parsley. Tie the fresh herbs (not including fresh parsley) together with kitchen string.

Add the zucchini, string beans, celery, tied herbs, and chicken broth to a large saucepan. Turn heat to high and cook until the veggies are bright green. Remove from the heat and add the parsley.

Using an immersion blender, blend into a soup, stopping at your preferred consistency. Season with sea salt to taste.

Yield: 1 quart (946 ml)


Ask your farmer or butcher for bones for making stock. Be sure to get some joint and knuckle bones, which will impart gelatin to your finished products. Apple cider vinegar is essential to leach minerals out of the bones.

5 to 8 pounds (2.3 to 3.6 kg) bones from pastured beef, bison, pork, or lamb

1 head of garlic

2 to 3 tablespoons (28 to 42 g) fat such as coconut oil, lard, or tallow, for roasting

Filtered water

2 tablespoons (28 ml) apple cider vinegar

2 or 3 bay leaves (optional)

Rinse and clean the bones with water; pat dry and rub with fat. Roast the bones with the garlic at 400°F (200°C, or gas mark 6) for 45 minutes to 1 hour, turning once, until they are well browned. This ensures a good flavor in your resulting stock.

Add the roasted bones and the pan scrapings to a big pot, cover with filtered water, and bring to a boil. Once boiling, add the vinegar, bay leaves, and garlic. Turn down the heat and simmer covered for several hours, ideally up to 24 hours. Throughout the simmering process, skim off any scum and add water as needed to keep bones covered.

When the stock has finished simmering, allow it to cool. Filter through a fine-mesh strainer and refrigerate until chilled. Once chilled, the stock should set like gelatin (but don’t worry if it doesn’t), and the fat should rise to the top. Pick off the fat and reserve it for cooking.

Scoop out the gelled stock and reheat to serve straight or to use for a recipe. Store extra in the fridge for a week or so or freeze in PVC/BPA-free plastic freezer bags, mason jars, or ice cube trays.

Yield: Approximately 1 gallon (3.8 L)


This is the most simple and versatile soup, and you can whip it together in no time. Feel free to use whatever veggies and herbs that are seasonal and you have on hand and be sure to season generously with sea salt and freshly ground pepper to allow the flavors of the homemade stock and veggies to shine.

1 onion

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter or coconut oil

2 carrots

2 stalks celery

1 large potato

1 medium zucchini

1 small handful of green beans

3 cloves of garlic

1 quart (946 ml) chicken stock

2 sprigs of thyme

1/4 of a lemon

Sea salt and freshly ground pepper

1/2 cup (115 g) yogurt, for garnish (optional)

Trim and roughly chop the onion. In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, melt the butter and sauté the onions with a big pinch of sea salt until they begin to soften.

Trim and roughly chop the carrots, celery, potato, zucchini, and green beans. Mince the garlic. When the onion is softened, add the veggies and garlic to the saucepan with the chicken stock and thyme.

Turn up the heat to high and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the potatoes are soft when mashed with a fork.

Remove from the heat. Remove the thyme. Using an immersion blender, blend until smooth. Season with the juice from 1/4 of a lemon, salt, and ground pepper to taste. Garnish with an optional swirl of yogurt.

Yield: 2 quarts (1.9 L)


You may remember J-E-L-L-O fondly from your childhood—from shapely molds with suspended fruit cocktail to a bowlful topped with Cool Whip.

Even Kraft Jell-O is a relatively simple food containing “sugar, gelatin, adipic acid (for tartness), contains less than 2% of artificial flavor, disodium phosphate and sodium citrate (control acidity), fumaric acid (for tartness), red 40, blue 1.” But our version is made with gelatin from grass-fed beef (such as Great Lakes brand) and fresh juice.

We use 1 cup (235 ml) liquid to 1 tablespoon gelatin. If you prefer a more spoonable, jellylike result (especially good topped with raw whipped cream or crème fraîche), use less gelatin. The dessert will taste less sweet than your original juice, so if you prefer a sweeter result, stir in a touch of raw honey before cooling to set. Experiment with stirring in some fresh berries or a swirl of raw cream before chilling.

4 cups (946 ml) fresh pomegranate juice, divided

4 tablespoons (55 g) Great Lakes gelatin

Add the gelatin to 2 cups (475 ml) cold juice and stir. Set aside.

Bring the remaining 2 cups (475 ml) juice to a boil and then add to the gelatin/juice mixture. Stir to dissolve the gelatin and pour into a shallow pan. Place in the fridge to cool. When completely gelled, cut into cubes (or used a fun shaped cookie cutter) and enjoy!

Yield: 6 to 8 servings


If you haven’t already discovered your love for meat butter, you’re in for a treat. Many restaurants now serve marrow on their fancy menus, but this recipe is super easy to make at home and will save you a bundle so you can eat it as often as your heart desires.

6 center-cut marrow bones

3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil, divided

1 slice of sourdough toast

2 cloves of garlic

1 tablespoon (6 g) lemon zest

1 tablespoon (4 g) finely chopped parsley

Sea salt and coarse black pepper

1 sourdough baguette

Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C, or gas mark 8). Rinse the bones and pat dry. Place the bones vertically on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and brush them with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil.

Break the toast into small pieces and pulse in a food processor to make bread crumbs. Mince the garlic. Mix the bread crumbs, garlic, lemon zest, parsley, and remaining 2 tablespoons (28 ml) olive oil. Season with a generous pinch of sea salt and grind of pepper. Lightly toss.

Spoon the crumb mixture on top of each bone and roast until the marrow is soft throughout, yet not so soft it melts away. Start checking (by inserting a thin skewer) at 10 minutes for smaller bones and at 15 to 20 minutes for larger bones. Serve with a hot sourdough baguette and small spoons for scooping.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings


Most thriving traditional cultures revered seafood, often going out of their way to trade for fish if they did not live near the coast. Wild-caught, oily fish such as salmon and black cod are of particular value for fertility. But the real stars are actually seafood that can be consumed whole: sardines and anchovies, mollusks, and fish roe.

While caviar is considered a rich man’s food, other fish eggs can be remarkably affordable—especially when you consider the nutrient-dense punch they pack. A single ounce (28 g) of roe contains 8 grams of protein and 873 milligrams of omega-3 fats and 54 percent of the RDA for vitamin B12. If you are concerned about the yuck factor, a tiny portion goes a long way, and the salty/sour flavor enhances most savory dishes including dips, salads, sandwiches, and sushi.

Aside from fish roe, mollusks—oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops—are one of the easiest and most efficient ways to benefit from eating the whole animal because they are small and relatively easy to gather. Mollusks are rich in zinc, iron, selenium, and other trace minerals; fat-soluble vitamins A and D; and the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.

For optimal nutrition, eat fresh seafood two to four times per week, with a focus on fish roe, mollusks, shellfish, salmon, sardines, and anchovies.


There is quite a bit of concern in the media and among health practitioners and consumers alike about the risk of mercury toxicity from eating too much seafood.

Mercury toxicity is definitely something you want to avoid if you are trying to conceive, both for the success of getting pregnant and the health of your future children. That said, there is often a missing piece to the mercury conversation that makes it much less scary.

Selenium is an essential nutrient that counteracts the effects of mercury by binding to it and making a new substance that then allows mercury to pass out of the body without binding to human tissue and creating harm. Because of the strong affinity that selenium has for mercury, as long as selenium is present in higher quantities than mercury, you are safe to consume fish, even if it contains the harmful element.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a new measure of seafood safety called the Selenium Health Benefit Value (SeHBV) that takes the protective role of selenium into account. Lucky for fish lovers, many of the fish that are high in mercury are also higher in selenium—with shark and swordfish being the only two fish known to be consistently low in selenium.

If you’re still concerned about mercury toxicity in fish, we recommend including a selenium supplement when you are eating fish that may be higher in mercury. With the protection of selenium—either from the fish itself or in a supplement—you can enjoy the culinary delights and nutritional benefits of seafood without worry.


Ceviche is a delicious way to eat seafood, bursting with tangy goodness while keeping all of the nutrients intact. Rest assured that ceviche uses the acidity of citrus to denature the protein in a manner similar to cooking. As always, use the freshest fish you can find.


2 pounds (900 g) very fresh white-fleshed ocean fish (halibut, snapper, tilapia, etc.)

1 cup (235 ml) freshly squeezed lime juice (about 7 limes)

1/2 cup (120 ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 3 lemons)

1/2 cup (120 ml) freshly squeezed orange juice (about 3 small oranges)

1/2 of a jalapeño pepper

1 red bell pepper

1/4 of a red onion

3 cloves of garlic

1 teaspoon raw honey

1/4 cup (4 g) chopped fresh cilantro

2 teaspoons sea salt, plus more to taste

2 avocados


1 dozen sprouted corn tortillas

2 to 3 cups (450 to 675 g) coconut oil (depending on the size of your pan; you want at least 1 inch [2.5 cm] of oil)

To make the ceviche: Dice the fish. Remove the seeds and pith from the jalapeño; wear gloves to avoid burning your skin. Include some seeds if you prefer more heat. Finely dice the bell pepper and mince the onion and garlic.

Place the fish in a glass dish with the citrus juices, jalapeño, bell pepper, onions, garlic, and sea salt. Toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 3 to 4 hours (preferably overnight) stirring occasionally.

To make the tortilla chips: Using a cleaver or pizza cutter, cut the tortillas into eighths. Place a mesh strainer above a large bowl.

Heat the fat over medium-high heat in a large skillet until shimmering. Add the tortillas in a single layer. Fry until lightly golden and crispy and then transfer to mesh strainer. (Think fast-food french fry draining!) Continue frying in batches, taking care to avoid spatter from the hot oil. Season with sea salt to taste.

Before serving, dice the avocado and stir into the chilled ceviche with the honey and cilantro. Season with additional sea salt and lime to your taste and serve with the tortilla chips.

Yield: 6 servings


It may seem intimidating to make something like mussels at home, but we promise it’s easy and well worth it. The combination of the seafood, coconut milk, and curry spices makes a delicious, comforting, and fertility-boosting meal.

1 1/2 pounds (680 g) mussels

1 can (14 ounces, or 390 g) unsweetened coconut milk

2 cloves of garlic

1 stalk of lemongrass

1 lime

2 tablespoons (30 g) red curry paste

1 teaspoon sucanat

1 tablespoon (15 ml) fish sauce

3 tablespoons (7.5 g) chopped fresh basil

Scrub and debeard the mussels in cool water, discarding any that don’t close to the touch. Shake the coconut milk well before opening the can. Mince the garlic and cut the center white of the lemongrass into 1-inch (2.5 cm) pieces before crushing. Cut the lime in half. Juice one half and cut the other half into wedges.

In a wok or stockpot, combine a few table spoonfuls (45 to 60 ml) of the coconut milk with the garlic, lemongrass, curry paste, and sucanat over medium heat. Stir for 5 minutes or until smooth and fragrant. Stir in the remaining coconut milk, 1/2 cup (120 ml) filtered water, fish sauce, and juice of half the lime. Raise the heat to high and add the mussels. Cover and cook until the mussels open, 4 to 6 minutes.

Transfer the mussels to a large shallow serving bowl, discarding any that are unopened. Ladle the broth over the mussels, garnish with basil and lime wedges, and serve with steamed rice.

Yield: 4 servings


If you haven’t perfected the skill of cooking fish at home, give this recipe a try for a quick and satisfying meal any day of the week.

1 pound (455 g) baby red potatoes

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter or coconut oil, melted

2 teaspoons sea salt

Freshly ground pepper

2 slices of sourdough toast

1/4 cup (60 g) Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon (9 g) dried mustard

1 1/2 pounds (680 g) wild-caught salmon fillets (6 ounces, or 170 g, per person)

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, or gas mark 5). Cut the potatoes into quarters. In a large roasting pan, toss the potatoes with the melted fat and season with sea salt and pepper. Spread the potatoes evenly in the pan and roast for about 20 minutes.

While the potatoes are roasting, break the cooled toast into 1-inch (2.5 cm) chunks. In a small food processor, pulse the toast to form coarse bread crumbs. Set aside.

Combine the mustards in a small bowl and coat the nonskin side of the salmon fillets with the mustard mixture. Then sprinkle evenly with bread crumbs, pressing gently to form a crust.

Remove the potatoes from the oven and nestle the salmon fillets in the roasting pan with the potatoes.

Bake for an additional 15 minutes or until the fish is just cooked through and the topping is beginning to brown. Remove from the oven and serve with a seasonal green salad.

Yield: 4 servings

image Clear Excess with Cleansing Foods image

While they’re all the rage in modern health circles, generally speaking, cleanses are not as healthy as they’re cracked up to be. Most cleansing regimens are either too extreme (lemon water and cayenne pepper for days on end) or just a fancy way to get you to spend a fortune on supplements. And at the end of a cleanse, most people go back to life as usual, creating a yo-yo extreme in diet that does not typically yield lasting beneficial results and can wreak havoc on your metabolism.

That said, it is wise for nearly everyone to incorporate some cleansing into their diets, both by regularly consuming greens and vegetables and occasionally having an extended period of eating relatively lighter than your typical day-to-day.

For the average person, an appropriate time to switch to a more cleansing diet is in the spring because it is the season of growth and renewal. Springtime also correlates to the Liver/Gallbladder system, which fits perfectly with the idea of cleaning house, since the Liver is the primary organ for detoxification in our bodies. Decreasing heavy meat and starch consumption is seasonally appropriate in the springtime. You may even find you crave these foods less with the change of season toward warmer weather and longer days, so instead of beef barley stew, you may choose to have a mixed green salad with seared fish.

For those who suffer from “excess” heat and toxicity as discussed on page 70, cleansing foods should be part of a weekly or even daily focus. For those women taking fertility medicines, hydrating and cleansing foods may be helpful to restore balance after a cycle of medication. With the addition of some simple fresh vegetable juices to your diet, you can easily incorporate a gentle cleanse that is ideal when recovering from a course of medication, including the time between egg retrieval and embryo transfer for women undergoing IVF.

The amount of cleansing foods you eat should be based on how they feel in your body. Do your symptoms clear after several days with a focus on lighter, cleansing foods? Do you feel more energetic and experience more mental clarity when you eat this way? These are signs that the cleansing foods are appropriate. While intense detox reactions and “healing crises” are not unheard of, stimulating your body to dump toxins should not be your goal—lighter, gentler feelings of cleansing are much preferred.

By adding green veggies, light vegetable soups, and other foods and drinks that have a cleansing effect, you lighten the load for the digestive system, which allows the nervous system to operate more smoothly, as well. Following are some simple ways to cleanse wisely.


Start your body’s cleansing process by including more greens—especially dark leafy greens, including bok choy, kale, chard, spinach, and collards. Young, leafy greens such as baby lettuces or dandelion leaves and seasonal veggies such as asparagus and peas are ideal for cleansing, too. You can also add some cleansing, cooling, and refreshing herbs and spices to your favorite light meals, including green onions, dill, cilantro, oregano, green garlic, and fennel.


This green soup is the perfect way to incorporate a cleansing element to your diet. It also tastes surprisingly fantastic and is filling and hearty. Though delicious at any time of the day, this soup makes a great breakfast food. Try it topped with grilled salmon or a small spoonful of leftover quinoa or rice for a more substantial meal. This recipe is a serving for one because it’s best to make this fresh to order.

1/4 onion

1 to 2 large handfuls of kale

1/4 cup (33 g) frozen peas

1 cup (235 ml) homemade bone broth or filtered water

1 small handful of dried wakame seaweed

1 tablespoon (16 g) unpasteurized miso

Juice of 1/4 lemon

1 tablespoon (15 g) tahini paste (optional)

Unpasteurized soy sauce to taste (optional)

Chop the onion. Wash and chop the kale. Place the onions and peas in a medium saucepan, cover with bone broth or filtered water, and bring to a boil.

Add the kale and dried seaweed. Steam/blanch briefly until the greens are emerald in color. Add the miso and lemon juice. Use an immersion blender or countertop blender to purée the contents of the pot (including liquid).

Spoon into bowls, top with optional tahini and soy sauce, and serve immediately.

Yield: 1 serving


This is a simple side dish that can add a cleansing element to any meal, from a breakfast of scrambled eggs to a side dish for a roast. You can typically find dandelion greens at major health food stores year-round, but in many areas, this common weed grows wild and you can forage for it yourself (just don’t pick from polluted areas on the side of the road).

On their own, dandelion greens are very bitter greens (great for addressing heat and “dampness”). When sour lemon and salty feta cheese are added, the bitterness of the green is tempered. You can also add small handfuls of chopped dandelion to salad, stir-fries, and soups to incorporate the cleansing benefits into other meals.

1 bunch of dandelion greens

Juice of 1/4 lemon

Olive oil or butter

4 tablespoons (38 g) feta cheese

Wash and finely chop the dandelion greens. Place the greens directly in a pan (no need to add extra water). Cover and steam for a quick minute or two until the greens are bright green. Remove from the heat. Rinse briefly under cool water to slow the cooking process. Toss to remove water.

Douse with lemon juice and olive oil. Top with crumbled feta cheese and serve.

Yield: 1 to 2 servings


While we all benefit from the enzyme content of raw veggies, aim to eat no more than 20 percent of your veggies in raw form because raw, cold foods can further damage weakened digestion. Instead, lightly steam veggies and toss with a bit of coconut oil, butter, lard, ghee, or olive oil. Fat helps your body assimilate minerals from vegetables, while cooking makes them more digestible.


Water, tea, and fresh juices are great ways to aid your body’s cleansing process. Green tea, fresh mint, chrysanthemum, red clover, and dandelion teas help to clear excess heat and toxicity. You can also find natural detox or cleansing teas at most health food stores. Sip these cool or hot.

You can also try adding a pinch of sea salt and some sliced lemon and orange to your drinking water for extra-refreshing, extra-hydrating mineral water.


Herbal teas are a great way to support reproductive health while both gently cleansing and hydrating. The herbs listed in this tea blend are some of the most commonly used for supporting fertility. Feel free to modify to suit your taste.

Some suggested ingredients are as follows:

RED RASPBERRY LEAF—Tonifies the uterus, supports pregnancy, and is high in minerals

ROSE HIPS OR ROSEBUDS—Relieves stress and supports the immune system

OAT STRAW—Soothes the nervous system, and is rich in calcium, silica, and B vitamins

MINT—Cools the body and relieves stress

Combine 4 to 5 tablespoons (24 to 30 g) of these herbs (your choice of combination) in a quart-sized (946 ml) mason jar, cover with boiled and slightly cooled water (about 30 seconds off boil), and steep for 15 to 20 minutes. Feel free to add a squeeze of lemon and/or a touch of raw honey.


Staying hydrated isn’t just for athletes! Electrolytes, which are made up of various salts, provide your body with the ability to send impulses across your cell membranes. That’s fancy talk for “they send signals that tell your body what to do.”

Without electrolytes, your cells are like a train car with no conductor, and over time, a crash is more than likely.

Store-bought electrolyte drinks are not generally recommended because they are filled with artificial colors, sweeteners, and other toxic junk. Not to worry, though, making electrolyte drinks for yourself is easier than you might think; see the recipes on page 120.


Coconut water has made its way into the limelight recently, and we approve. Coconut water, the clear liquid found inside young (green) coconuts, contains more potassium than four bananas and is loaded with B vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. Athletes often use it for post-workout replenishment, sometimes with a pinch of sea salt or Himalayan pink salt for extra repletion.

We recommend coconut water in its raw form, ideally from a coconut you’ve cracked yourself, or from a health food store that sells it in an unheated, untreated form.


Season to taste with your favorite salt and sip your way to rehydration with this super-food electrolyte beverage.


We know you’ve heard that you should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day—or half your body weight in ounces. While some folks definitely need to drink more water and fluids, the health-nut, water-guzzling craze does not apply to everyone. Remember that most fresh foods contain water, and drinking too much can disrupt your electrolyte balance, actually interfering with healthy metabolism by diluting digestive juices.

To assess your fluid consumption and urinary output, listen to your body:

image Are you thirsty throughout the day? Do you have dark, scanty pee? Do you get headaches, which are made better by drinking water? You may need to drink more.

image Are you constantly drinking water and peeing clear? You may need to back off your fluid consumption.


Just about anything can become an electrolyte solution by adding some salt and sugar to the mix. Choose a favorite herbal tea and add a pinch of Himalayan pink salt or Celtic sea salt, citrus juice, and a healthy sweetener such as honey or maple syrup using the proportions given here.

1 liter (about 1 quart) purified water

1 teaspoon salt

Juice from 2 lemons or limes

Herbal tea of your choice (mint, chamomile, rooibos, etc.)

Honey or maple syrup to taste

Brew the herbal tea in 1L (1 quart) of purified water. Then add a pinch of salt, lemon juice, and a drizzle of honey.

Yield: 1 liter (about 1 quart)


This has all of the benefits of the common sports drink minus the neon colors and other weird stuff.

1/2 cup (120 ml) freshly squeezed orange juice

1/4 cup (60 ml) lemon or lime juice

2 cups (475 ml) purified water

1/8 teaspoon Himalayan or Celtic sea salt

Honey or maple syrup to taste (about 2 tablespoons, or 40 g)

Mix together the juices, water, salt, and honey. Serve cold.

Yield: 2 3/4 cups (650 ml)

image “But I’m Vegetarian! What About ME?” image

We’re going to be honest. When it comes to supporting fertility and pregnancy, a vegetarian diet has its challenges—especially so if you’re vegan.

We have worked with countless vegan and vegetarian women who found their plant-based food choices were no longer adequate when they were trying to conceive or to maintain a healthy pregnancy and postpartum recovery. It’s not to say it can’t be done, but extra care is needed to make sure you get it right.

While most criticism of a vegetarian diet is around whether you’re getting enough protein, in fact, protein is not usually the biggest worry since most health-conscious herbivores know they need to piece together enough of this nutrient from grains, beans, nuts, and more.

The bigger concern is getting enough healthy fat, cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins—especially D, A, and K2. While it’s commonly believed that these nutrients (and others) can be supplied from plant sources (vitamin A in carrots, zinc in grains, and vitamin D in fortified orange juice, for example) these nutrients are far more useful to the body from animal sources, such as vitamin A in liver, zinc in oysters, and vitamin D from fermented cod liver oil and pastured lard.


If consuming animal foods for the sake of optimizing your fertility is off the table, then use the following guidelines to maximize the benefits of your vegetarian diet:

1. Aim for an ovo-lacto diet, which is the best vegetarian option if you are trying to optimize fertility. Dairy and eggs will provide you with essential fat, cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins, and protein. Also, if you are open to eating fish and/or other seafood, now’s the time to do so.

2. Consume coconut (oil, cream, milk, and meat from coconuts), avocados, and palm oil from sustainable sources (which guarantee that they protect the habitats of orangutan) daily.

3. Properly prepare your grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts by souring, soaking, or sprouting. This will ensure that your body has access to their full nutritional profile and that antinutrients do not block absorption of minerals from the rest of your food.

4. Only consume fermented soy, such as tempeh, miso, and unpasteurized soy sauce.

5. Consume cultured foods including fermented vegetables, condiments, and drinks daily.

6. Consider a vitamin D supplement (see page 134 to determine whether you’re getting enough).

7. Eat natto (fermented soybeans) or take a vitamin K2 supplement (see page 138 to learn more about this important and seldom discussed nutrient).

8. Watch your vitamin A intake. Vitamin A is a tough one. We don’t recommend supplementing with synthetic vitamin A due to its potential toxicity when taken in this form. As we’ll discuss more on page 137, the conversion of beta-carotene to true vitamin A is often not adequate, so those committed to a vegetarian diet may find themselves lacking in this important nutrient for baby-making. Aside from supplementing with cod liver oil or liver pills, the next best option is to eat orange foods (such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and papaya) that contain carotenes.

9. Take vitamin B12 supplements. Vitamin B12 is necessary to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia. Found almost exclusively in animal products, it is impossible to get enough B12 on a vegan diet alone. Vitamin B12 deficiency may go undetected in vegans because the vegan diet is rich in folate, which may mask deficiency in vitamin B12 until severe problems occur.

10. Take an omega-3 supplement. If you are willing to take a fermented cod liver oil supplement, it will provide you with omega-3s, plus fat-soluble vitamins D and A that one cannot get from plant sources. We recommend the brand Green Pasture for its sustainable, well-sourced fermented cod liver oil. Vegetarian food options for omega-3s include flax, hemp, walnut, and algae. These sources contain the fatty acid ALA, which ideally can convert to DHA and EPA; however, studies show that the human body does not convert this very well. The best vegetarian option is from microalgae, which can provide all three essential fatty acids (DHA, EPA, and ALA).

Unless you’re extremely deficient, it’s possible that, once pregnant, your baby will get all of the nutrients he or she needs regardless of what you eat. Still, if you’re not consuming the right foods, the placenta will demand calcium from your bones, fatty acids from your brain, and other nutrients it needs from your body, leaving you feeling less than wonderful as your baby grows and in need of serious repletion after baby is born.

By following these guidelines, however, you can optimize your vegetarian diet for fertility, pregnancy, and beyond—both for the health of your child and yourself.