
ABC Book Club program, 58-61

Accelerated Reader (AR), 40-42. See also Leveling systems

Active stories, 24; book list, 24-26

Adapted Storytime program, 143-46; planning, 143-44

Administrative support: public library, 57, 136; school library, 57, 58, 136. See also Principal support

Adventure, book list, 151

Advertising programs, 31, 89, 92-93, 96, 112, 115, 134, 138, 141. See also Promotion of programs

Alberts, Kimberly, 32-35

Alternate formats, 67-70, 75

Angie, 143-45

Apathetic reader, 77

Apps, 22-23; advisory, 22; collection, 23; reviews, 22

Art, 91-95; book list, 105

Audiobook, 65, 69-70, 75, 150; book list, 70-71

Auditory learner, 69

Background check, 72, 73, 75, 139

Barbershop Deposit Collections program, 130-33

Barbershop Literacy Project, 131-32

Barrett, Megan, 110-11, 113

Bartlett, Wendy, 125

Beginning reader books, 42-43, 50; book lists, 43-46

Beginning reader graphic novels, 81-82; book list, 82

Beleske, Nicole Joy, 12-15

Biography, book list, 105

Board books, 4, 5, 10, 36; book lists, 6-11, 25-26

Book Buddies with Foster Grandparents program, 73-75

Book discussion programs, 58-61, 83, 88-91, 154-56; planning tips, 156

Book lists, by format: audiobooks, 70-71; beginning reader graphic novels, 82; beginning readers, 43-46; board books, 6-11, 25-26; chapter books, 47-49, 86; fiction, 151-54; graphic novels, 83-84; hybrid books, 85-86; nonfiction, 50-52, 105-7; picture book, 7-11, 24-26

Book lists, creating, 156-59

Breakfast and Books program, 159-60

Caregiver, tips for, 4-5, 46, 65, 79. See also Parent, tips for

Cartoon beginning readers, 82-83

Chapter books, 46, 59, 60; book list, 47-49, 86; imprints, 47; series, 47, 85-86

Child, tips for, 78, 80

Child’s world, book list, 6-7

Chinese Storytime program, 139-42

Circulation of materials, 14, 68, 74, 75, 90, 119, 131

Coding, 110-11, 113-16

Collection maintenance, 5, 6, 11-12, 24, 42, 55, 119

Collection tips, 41, 43, 46, 50, 52, 68, 69, 81-82, 117-18, 125-26, 150

Color-Coded Readers, 53-58. See also Leveling systems

Comic books, 84-85

Community collaboration, 16, 73, 96, 130, 133, 139-40. See also Partnerships

Comprehension, reading, 4, 59, 60, 65, 161

Concept books, 7; book list, 8

Core collection, 68

Demarchi, Bonnie, 131-32

Deposit collections, 9, 130-32

Developmental, delay, 124; differences, 143

Displays, 5, 6, 23-24, 31, 66, 70, 126, 127, 139, 150, 158, 160

Diverse, collections, 127; book list, 127-30; publishers, 126

Diversity, 17, 123-26, 157; audit, 130; book list, 127-30

Drag Story Hour program, 133-36; Drag Queen Story Hour, 133, 135, 136

Dreger, Amy, 139-42

Dyslexic, 66-67, 71; dyslexia, 64, 69, 71

Early childhood programs: Adapted Storytime, 143-46; Drag Story Hour, 133-36; Hebrew Storytime, 139-42; New Baby Literacy Liaison, 12-15; Predicting the Caldecott Winner, 91-95; Storybook Adventure, 27-32; storytime at the mall, 16-18; Winter Learning Challenge, 160-63; world language storytime, 139-42; Yoga Play, 32-36. See also Programs

Easy nonfiction, 50, 52; book list, 52

e-Books, 67, 69, 75

Every Child Ready to Read, 2-3, 9; five practices, 2; six literacy skills, 2-3

Falconi, Melinda, 58-60

Families Coding Together program, 113 -16

Families reading together, 59, 154, 160

Family engagement, 3. See also Parent engagement; Parent involvement

Family Graphic Novel Book Group program, 88-91

Family programs: ABC Book Club, 58-61; Adapted Storytime, 143-46; Breakfast and Books, 159-60; Chinese Storytime, 139-42; Drag Story Hour, 133-36; Families Coding Together, 113-16; Family Graphic Novel Book Group, 88-91; Hebrew Storytime, 139-42; National African American Read-In, 136-39; New Baby Literacy Liaison, 12-15; Predicting the Caldecott Winner, 91-95; STEAM Expo, 110-13; Storybook Adventure, 27-32; storytime at the mall, 16-18; world language storytime, 139-42; Yoga Play, 32-36. See also Pr ograms

Fantasy, book list, 151

Fiction, 107; book lists, 108-9, 151-54

50 Book Challenge program, 116-20

Five practices, 2. See also Every Child Ready to Read

Floating collections, 57, 68, 81

Fluency, 44, 65, 71, 93

FOG Readers program, 71-73

Formats, types: audiobooks, 69-70; beginning readers, 42-43, 81-82; board books, 5; chapter books, 46-47, 85-86; comic books, 84-85; e-book, 69; graphic novels, 81-82, 83; hybrid books, 85; large print, 67-69, 104; picture books, 6

Forrester Campbell, Natasha, 83, 88-91

Fountas and Pinnell, 40-41. See also Leveling systems

Genre, 80, 126, 150, 151; book list, 151-54

Gillis, Jessica, 41

Goodreads, track books read, 117, 151, 158

Grame, Sue, 59-61

Graphic novels, 78, 81-82, 83, 85, 98; book lists, 82, 83-84

Great Books for Kids, 156-59

Guided reading level, 40, 44

Harant, Andrew, 16

Hebrew Storytime program, 139-42

High contrast, 8; book list, 8-9

Historical, book list, 152

History, book list, 105-6

Homework mentor, 73

Hybrid books, 85; book list, 8

Inclusion, at the library, 123

Independent readers, 44, 46, 49, 77,

101, 149

Intergenerational, programs, 137. See also Multigenerational programs

Kahoe Arthur, Liza, 16-17

Kirschner, Sue, 20-21

Large print, 67-69

Lay, Laura, 71-72

Learning to read, 10, 19, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 50, 53, 60, 63, 64, 66, 72, 81, 116

Lee, Cheryl, 95-97

Leveled series, 43; book list, 43-45

Leveling systems, 40-42; Accelerated Reader, 40-42; Color-Coded Readers program, 53-58; Fountas and Pinnell, 40-41, 61, 62; Lexile, 40-41; publisher systems, 42

Lexile, 40-41. See also Leveling systems

Librarian, tips for, 3, 11, 19-20, 64-65, 70, 72, 74, 75, 81, 97, 115-16, 125, 136, 141, 144, 149, 150, 156, 157

Libraries, interviewed: Akron Summit County Public Library, 32; Anchorage Public Library, 133; Cuyahoga County Public Library, 12, 16, 27, 58, 110, 113, 130, 136, 139, 143, 154, 156; Dayton Metro Library, 91; Euclid Public Library, 116; Friends School of Baltimore, 159; John M. Tobin Montessori School, 41; Multnomah County Library, 53, 88; Rocky River Public Library, 83; San Francisco Public Library, 71; San Mateo County Libraries, 160; Santa Clara City Library, 95; Simsbury Public Library, 22; Warren-Trumbull County Public Library, 73

Library programs: ABC Book Club, 58-61; Adapted Storytime, 143-46; Book Buddies with Foster Grandparents, 73-75; Chinese Storytime, 139-42; Drag Story Hour program, 133-36; Families Coding Together, 113-16; Family Graphic Novel Book Group, 88-91; 50 Book Challenge, 116-20; FOG Readers, 71-73; Hebrew Storytime, 139-42; Math Olympiad, 95-98; National African American Read-In, 136-39; Predicting the Caldecott Winner, 91-95; STEAM Expo, 110-13; Storybook Adventure, 27-32; Winter Learning Challenge, 160-63; world language storytime, 139-42; Yoga Play, 32-36; Young at Heart book discussion, 154-56. See also Programs

Literacy, 71, 113, 137; digital, 21-22; early, 1-3, 12-14, 116; school age, 101; through play, 19-21, 26; visual, 81, 91, 93, 106, 144

Lori, 73-75

Lurie, Aimee, 140-42

Magical realism, book list, 152

Maria, 143-45

Martin, Nicole L., 83

Mary’s top 10 list 2018, book list, 163-64

Math, book list, 106

Math Olympiad program, 95-98

Media mentor, 22, 114

Merlene, Kate, 125-26

Modeling (for caregivers), 2, 3, 4, 9, 19, 24, 29, 34, 65, 145

Moldover, Becky, 12-15

Moreau Nicolai, Elizabeth, 133-36

Movement, 9; book list, 9

Multigenerational programs, 141. See also Intergenerational, programs

Mystery, book list, 152-53

National African American Read-In program, 136-39

Nonfiction, 50, 86-87, 104; book list, 50-52, 87, 105-9

Nonfiction readers, 50; book list, 50-52

Non-leveled series, 45; book list, 45-46

Novels, book lists, 108-9, 151-54

O’Dell, Katie, 54, 56

Outreach programs: Adapted Storytime, 143-46; Barbershop Deposit Collections, 130-33; New Baby Literacy Liaison, 12-15; Storytime at the Mall, 16-18. See also Programs

Parent, tips for, 4, 19, 25, 27, 29, 40, 50, 60, 83. See also Caregiver, tips for

Parent engagement, 93. See also Family engagement; Parent involvement

Parent involvement, 3, 14, 96, 145. See also Family engagement; Parent engagement

Parent programs: Young at Heart Book Discussion program, 154-56. See also Programs

Partnerships, 12-13, 16-18, 58-61, 95, 131-33, 144-45

Phonics, 71, 74; phonetic, 63

Picture book, 3, 4, 5, 6, 50, 52, 70, 104, 125, 137; book lists, 7-11, 24-26

Play, 2, 9, 19-21, 24, 27, 28, 32; book list, 24-27

Poetry, book list, 106-7

Policy, library, 75, 135, 139

Prato, Stephanie C., 22-23

Predicting the Caldecott Winner program, 91-95. See also Administrative support

Principal support, 28, 97, 119, 139, 159

Professional collection, 11, 34

Programs: ABC Book Club, 58-61; Adapted Storytime, 143-46; Barbershop Deposit Collections, 130-33; Book Buddies with Foster Grandparents, 73-75; Breakfast and Books, 159-60; Chinese Storytime, 139-42; Drag Story

Hour, 133-36; Families Coding Together, 113-16; Family Graphic Novel Book Group, 88-91; 50 Book Challenge, 116-20; FOG Readers, 71-73; Hebrew Storytime, 139-42; Math Olympiad, 95-98; National African American Read-In, 136-39; New Baby Literacy Liaison, 12-15; Predicting the Caldecott Winner, 91-95; STEAM Expo, 110-13; Storybook Adventure, 27-32; Storytime at the Mall, 16-18; Winter Learning Challenge, 160-63; World Language Storytime, 139-42; Yoga Play, 32-36; Young at Heart Book Discussion, 154-56

Promotion of programs, 56, 60, 96, 112, 117, 134, 144-45, 158, 161. See also Advertising programs

Protiva, Timothy, 154-56

Public library, implementation ideas, 31, 35, 41, 57, 61, 74, 90, 95, 97, 119, 156, 159, 160

Publisher level systems, 42. See also Leveling systems

Pyles, Christine, 116-19

Ranallo, Becky, 110, 113; Rebecca, 111

Read along, 69

Readers advisory, 22, 78-81, 102-4, 126, 150; interview, 4, 66, 78-79, 102; by mood, 80

Reading, stages of, 40, 42, 45, 54-55, 60

Reading aloud, 3, 12, 43, 49, 59, 65, 66, 69, 72, 75, 76, 106, 137, 160

Reading challenge, program, 119-20

Reading specialist, 53-54

Realistic, book list, 153

Reference books, 11; book list, 26-27, 35

Reference interview, 78, 79

Relaxation stories, 26; list, 26-27

Reluctant parent readers, 9; book list, 10

Reluctant reader, 54, 67, 79

Repetition, 4, 10; book list, 10-11

Rhymes and song, 11; book list, 11

Saba, Stephanie, 161

Savoie, Anne-Marie, 32-34

Scary stories, book list, 153

Schofield, JoAnna, 114-16

School age programs: ABC Book Club, 58-61; Book Buddies with Foster Grandparents, 73-75; Breakfast and Books, 159-60; Families Coding Together, 113-16; Family Graphic Novel Book Group, 88-91; 50 Book Challenge, 116-20; FOG Readers, 71-73; Hebrew Storytime, 139-42; Math Olympiad, 95-98; National African American Read-In, 136-39; Predicting the Caldecott Winner, 91-95; STEAM Expo, 110-13; Storybook Adventure, 27-32; Winter Learning Challenge, 160-63. See also Programs

School breaks, 150, 160-63

School library, implementation ideas, 32, 35, 41, 57, 60, 61, 75, 90, 95, 97, 113, 119, 124, 139, 156, 159

Schreiber, Gayle, 26

Science, book list, 107

Science fiction, book list, 153-54

Scott, John, 78, 159-60

Screen time, 21

Selmi, Amy, 160-62

Series, chapter books, 47, 85-86; book list, 48-49, 86

Six literacy skills, 2-3. See also Every Child Ready to Read

Social media, library advertising, 112, 134, 161; Facebook, 31, 96, 117, 130, 133, 134, 161; Instagram, 161; Twitter, 117

Sokol, Melissa, 91-94

Sports, book list, 154

STEAM, 27, 28, 109, 110-13

STEAM Expo program, 110-13

STEM, 109, 114

Storybook adventure program, 27-32

Struggling reader, 63

Teachers, working with, 2, 28, 32, 60, 61, 72, 83, 89-90, 92, 95, 97, 113, 119, 124, 138, 139, 144, 145-46, 155-56, 159

Technology, 21-22; book list, 107

Toy companies, 21

Toys, 19-21, 24, 145

Trivisonno, Maria, 113-15, 137-39

Tutors, 71-73

Vendors, 12, 57, 69, 84; Baker and Taylor, 67, 119; China Sprout, 142; Overdrive, 69; Thorndike Press, 67; toys, 21

Vocabulary, 2, 8, 11, 24, 39, 43, 44, 50, 51, 52, 59, 60, 63, 69, 83

Volunteers, 12-15, 28, 72-75, 98, 110-11, 133

Weeding, collection, 5, 11, 42, 55

Winkler, Jennifer M., 28, 30-31

Winter Learning Challenge program, 160-63

Woodson, Jacqueline, 63, 65

World language storytime program, 139-42

Yoga, 26, 32; book list, 26-27, 35

Yoga Play program, 32-36

Young at Heart book discussion program, 154-56