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Michael Joseph is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at global.penguinrandomhouse.com
First published 2019
Copyright © Chloe Brotheridge, 2019
The moral right of the author has been asserted
Part title illustrations: Agne Alesiute
p. 287, The Feelings Wheel taken from ‘The Feeling Wheel’ by Gloria Willcox in The Transactional Analysis Journal, vol. 12, issue 4, (Taylor & Francis, 1 Oct 1982), reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and to obtain their permission for the use of copyright material. The publisher apologizes for any errors or omissions and would be grateful to be notified of any corrections that should be incorporated in future editions of this book.
ISBN: 978-0-241-40046-3
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