Sound Recorder

This audio app, new in Windows 8.1, is ideal for recording lectures, musical performances, notes to self, and cute child utterances. You can make very long recordings with this thing. Let it run all day, if you like. Even your most long-winded friends can be immortalized.

Hit the round, red microphone button to start recording. A little timer clicks away, and the Stop button pulses, to show that you’re rolling. You can pause or resume the recording at will () or, when it’s good and done, stop it by tapping the huge red Stop button. (If you switch into another app, the recording pauses automatically.)

When you stop the recording, the screen changes; see Figure 4-45.

At this point, you can proceed like this:


It’s a common question: Once you record these sounds, where are they? Yes, you can email them to yourself from within the app. But where on your PC are the actual recordings sitting?

Well, they’re buried, that’s for sure. Switch to the desktop. Make hidden files visible (on the View tab of an Explorer window’s ribbon, turn on “Hidden items”). Navigate to your personal folder→AppData→Local→Packages→Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe→localstate→Indexed→recordings. (Yes, there really is a folder called Microsoft.WindowsSound-Recorder_8wekyb3d8bbwe.) And there they are—the actual .m4a music files that represent your recordings. Now you can back them up, share them, copy them to a flash drive, whatever.