From the Publisher

As with every work dealing with science, the contents of this book are subject to evolving standards and advancements. Such changes and advancements are an important part of the information that anyone providing or obtaining professional help, or planning self-help, should have to hand. In addition, any summary treatment of subjects so complicated can omit details such as rare or newly discovered but unconfirmed contraindications. Treatment should only be administered according to the most current guidelines available. If this book contains medication-related content, practitioners and consumers are strongly reminded to consult and review carefully the product information sheets that accompany any drug regime, in light of patient history. If this book contains self-care recommendations, it is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a healthcare professional. Each individual’s health concerns should be evaluated by a qualified professional.

The authors have checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts to provide information that is complete and generally in accord with the standards of practice that are accepted at the time of publication. However, in view of the possibility of human error or changes in medical sciences, neither the authors, nor the editor and publisher, nor any other party who has been involved in the preparation or publication of this work warrants that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and they are not responsible for any errors or omissions or the results obtained from the use of such information. Readers are encouraged to confirm or compare the information contained in this book with other sources, so that informed treatment planning or self-care choices can be made.