Initial Setup and Connecting to a Network

When you turn on your NOOK Tablet for the first time, you’ll be welcomed by a video. It’s worth watching if you have the patience, since it covers the basics of using the tablet. But if you’re not in a video kinda mood, don’t worry, because this book covers everything in the video and more.

At the end of the video, you wind up on the Terms and Conditions page (if you skip the video, you go straight there). It’s got the usual legal rigmarole you can expect from such things. Unless you’re a lawyer with the time and inclination to read it, you’ll likely just tap the green Agree button. On the next screen, select your time zone, and then tap Next.

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Now the fun begins. Your NOOK Tablet looks around in search of a WiFi network. It lists any that it finds. If you’re at home, you see your home WiFi network listed; if you’re at a B&N, that network is what you see. If any public WiFi hotspots are nearby, you’ll see them in the list as well.


If you have a home network and haven’t turned on its security, do it. Do it right now. Having an unsecured home network is like leaving your front door open and posting an invitation saying, “Come right in! What’s mine is yours, so take what you’d like.” Check your router’s documentation for turning on security.

Tap the network to which you want to connect—your home network, or whatever network you’re near—and on the screen that appears, enter your password and tap Connect. If you’re worried that someone will steal your password, turn on the “Hide password” box first.

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Having trouble making your WiFi connection? Go to to seek help for your particular problem (scroll down to the Connectivity heading). If you can make the connection, but then run into problems, check out this chapter’s troubleshooting section in Using and Troubleshooting WiFi.

After a moment or two, you’ll see a connection icon next to the network you tapped, and the indication beneath it, “Connected to the internet.” Tap “Continue with Setup” to move on.


Your NOOK has a number assigned to it called a MAC address, a unique identifier, like an ID, that identifies your NOOK Tablet to the Internet. No two devices have the same MAC address, so what you see is unique in the world. It’s not likely that you’ll need to know your MAC address, but if you ever need it, like if you’re asking for tech support, you can easily find it out. After you’ve registered the NOOK, press the NOOK button and select Settings→Device Info→“About Your NOOK” and you’ll find it listed at the bottom of your screen.