Before you can go any further, you have to register your NOOK Tablet and log in with a Barnes & Noble account. If you’ve ever ordered anything from (or, to save your fingers, or if you have a Barnes & Noble Member card, you already have an account. Enter your email address and password for the account (hint: the address that Barnes & Noble is sending you email to). If you don’t already have an account, create one now by tapping the notification at the bottom of your screen.
If you’d like, you can set up a Barnes & Noble account on the Web using your PC or Mac at
When you register, you also have to provide a credit card and a billing address for your Barnes & Noble account. That’s so you can pay for all the goodies you’re about to buy.
After a moment or two, the screen tells you that your registration was successful and whisks you off to a Get Started page. From there you can check out tutorials for learning more about your NOOK Tablet; start shopping for books, movies, and music; or simply explore your tablet. To start exploring, press the NOOK button, and you’ll come to the main screen. (As for what to do next, turn to Chapter 3.)