Using Hulu Plus

Hulu Plus isn’t as well known as Netflix, but it’s a great way to watch TV shows, movies, and other video from a wide variety of sources. Current TV shows are well represented, but there are plenty of old favorites as well. Like Netflix, Hulu Plus streams video to your NOOK Tablet.


Hulu Plus lets you view movies as well as television shows, but it has a very limited selection of them. Netflix is far better for movie watching than Hulu Plus.

Hulu offers both free and paid services, but on the NOOK Tablet, you can only use the for-pay version. At press time, it costs $7.99 per month, and it gives you a wider range of TV and video, including streaming access to full seasons and past seasons of TV shows. (The non-pay version, which you can watch on the Web, typically offers single episodes or clips.)

To watch TV or video on your NOOK Color using Netflix, go to the Apps screen, and then tap the Hulu Plus icon. You’ll come to a login screen. Tap in your login information, or if you haven’t yet subscribed to Hulu Plus, tap the icon to sign up. You can also subscribe to Hulu Plus by heading to on a computer’s browser.


If you decide not to subscribe to Hulu Plus, you can still watch a small selection of video. Tap the Free Gallery icon when you launch Hulu Plus.

Once you’ve signed up and logged in you come to a screen with these options:

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At the bottom of the screen you see two buttons: a Back button for returning to where you just were, and a Menu button that brings up the same set of options as when you tap the More button. So why have the Menu button? So that when you’re in another part of Hulu Plus—browsing TV shows, for example—you can quickly get to those options.

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Tap the TV or Movies icon, and you come to a list of TV shows or movies to watch. At the very top of the screen are navigation buttons for TV, Movies, Queue, and More. Just below those icons you see a highlighted TV show or movie, and then beneath that all the movies and TV shows you can watch.


Shows and episodes sometimes expire on Hulu Plus so you can’t watch them after a certain date. If that’s the case, you see a notice next to the show.

In the list, you find not just full TV shows and movies, but also trailers and clips. If you’d like to only see the full shows and movies, or only trailers and clips, tap the All Videos button and you can choose which you want to see.

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When you tap a movie or TV show, the NOOK’s orientation changes to landscape. If you tap a TV show, you may see an ad or two before it starts, and sometimes while you’re watching as well. (Don’t try to fast-forward through the ads—you can’t do it.) Then the TV or movie starts playing, and you briefly see a series of controls and information onscreen. To make the controls go away, tap the screen. To make them appear again, tap the screen again. Control the volume using your NOOK’s volume control. And if you can’t hear even with the sound turned all the way up, use headphones or external speakers as described in the tip in Tip.

Here are the controls and information you’ll find:

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When you’re browsing through TV and movies and you tap the down arrow next to any video, a series options appears. Tap the arrow, and here are your choices:

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As you browse through TV and movies, they appear in what Hulu Plus calls Featured order, which means that Hulu determines the order in which they’re displayed. But if you tap the Featured arrow at upper left, you can display them in a different order—by most popular, recently added, alphabetical, by network (for TV shows), by studio (for movies), and so on.

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To search for a TV show or movie, tap the search icon and type in what you’re searching for. Then tap any results to watch or tap the arrow next to it to get more details.

The Queue and History List work just as you’d expect. Tap the Queue button at the top of the screen, and you’ll see all the shows you’ve put into your queue. The same holds with the History List. Tap More

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