When it comes to links, the NOOK Tablet’s web browser works largely like any computer browser, except that you tap a link rather than click it. Tap the link, and you get sent to a new web page.
Sometimes when you tap a link, instead of loading a web page, the NOOK may take a different action. For example, if the link is to an email address, it opens the email app, with a new message addressed to the link’s email address.
But this is the NOOK, so there’s a lot more you can do with links than just tapping them. Hold your finger on a link, and a menu appears with these options:
Open. Opens the linked page in the current window.
Open in new window. Opens the linked page in a new window.
Bookmark link. Puts the link into your Bookmarks list.
Copy link URL. Tap to copy the link’s URL to the Clipboard, so you can paste it somewhere else, such as in a document or an email.
If you hold your finger on a graphic that’s also a link, a “Save image” option appears, which lets you save the graphic. See Saving Online Images for details.