
African Americans, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

Arnold, Jonas Rudisill (“Rude”), (i)

Ashley, James M., (i)

Barnes, Martha S. (“Susie”), (i)n1

Barnes, Tillman H., (i), (ii), (iii)

Barrett, Beverely A., (i)n3, (ii)

Barris, Samson P., (i), (ii)

Barry County, Mo., (i)n2, (ii), (iii)

Baxter, John M., (i)

Beaver Station, (i), (ii)

Beecher, Henry Ward, (i)

Bennett, Lyman G., (i)n6

Benton Barracks, (i)n12, (ii)

Benton Township, Mo., (i), (ii)n13

Bentonville, Ark., (i)n14, (ii)

Big River, Mo., (i)

Black, William P., (i)

Blair, Frank and Montgomery, (i)n8

Blue, William R., (i)n14

Bolin, Alfred, (i)

Bowman, John, (i)n14

Boyd, Sempronius H., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)

Breeden, Mastin, (i)n13, (ii), (iii)

Brewer, Samuel T. (James?), (i)

Britton, Wiley, (i), (ii), (iii)n9

Brixy, Clark, (i)n5

Brown, Egbert B., (i)n4, (ii), (iii)n14–15, (iv)n6, (v)n8, (vi), (vii), (viii)n18

Buffalo, Mo., (i), (ii), (iii)n1, (iv)n7, (v)n13, (vi), (vii), (viii)

Buffington, John W., (i)n14

Bullin, Parson, (i)

Burbridge, John Q. (Jack), (i)n9

Burch, Milton A: and Dallas Co. Home Guard, (i), (ii); on scout, (i); and MSM Cavalry, (i), (ii); at Battle of Neosho, (i), (ii)n12; and Battle of Ozark,113–16; on Battle of Forsyth, (i); and Maj. Wilbur, (i); on Ark. Expeditions, (i); and Mooney/ saltpeter cave raids, (i); and Battle of Springfield, (i), (ii)

Bush-whacking, xxiin22, (i), (ii)

Capitalism, (i), (ii)

Carthage, Mo., (i)

Cassville, Mo., (i), (ii)

Chesterfield, 4th Earl of (Philip Dormer Stanhope), (i), (ii)

Christian County, Mo., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Christianity: JRK doubts, (i), (ii); and coming of the war, (i); secessionist and Unionist biblical argument, (i); proslavery biblical argument, (i); and ethics (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); and warfare, (i); rhetoric of, (i)n1, (ii), (iii). See also Religion

Civil War: conventional and guerrilla warfare in, (i); meanings of, (i); as revolutionary event, (i); and slave power conspiracy, (i); and treason, (i), (ii); devastation of, (i), (ii); and slavery, (i); as irrepressible conflict, (i); death in, (i). See also Missouri, Civil War in

Clark, John R., (i)

Clay, Henry, (i)

Coffee, John Trousdale, (i), (ii), (iii)n12, (iv)

Cole Camp, Mo., Battle of, (i)

Collins, Richard A., (i)n21

Collinsville, Ill., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Colonization of freed slaves, (i)

Confiscation Acts (1861, 1862), (i)n13, (ii)

Constitution, U.S., (i)

Cook, Joseph, (i)

Cowskin Creek, Mo., (i)

Cowskin Prairie, Mo., (i)n1

Crabb, Benjamin, (i)n12, (ii)n17, (iii), (iv), (v)n29, (vi)n31

Cross, John, (i)

Cummins, George A., (i)n21

Curtis, Samuel R.: on the Battle of Springfield, (i); and JRK, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); death of, (i); at Rolla, Mo., (i)n17; at Lebanon, Mo., (i); and march to Pea Ridge, Ark., (i)n2, (ii)n4, (iii)n11, (iv)n12, (v), (vi)n14; and strategic situation in Feb. 1862, (i)n23, (ii)n5; on saltpeter cave raid, (i); receives reports from Battle of Springfield, (i)n6

Dallas County, Mo., (i), (ii), (iii)n7, (iv)n19, (v), (vi), (vii)

Danforth, E. R., (i)n7

Daviess County, Mo., (i)

Declaration of Independence, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

DeLong, George W., (i)

Democratic Party, (i), (ii)

Disfranchisement of rebels, (i)

Dorsheimer, William, (i)n6, (ii)n6

Dubuque, Ark., (i), (ii)

Edwards, Sarah, (i)n18

Edwards, William B., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n18, (vi)n25

Emancipation, (i), (ii)n8, (iii)

Emancipation Proclamation, (i), (ii)n5

Enrolled Missouri Militia, (i), (ii)n6, (iii)n11

Equality, (i), (ii), (iii)

Etter, Cleon M., (i)n35

Fayetteville, Ark., (i)n14

Fifteenth Amendment (1869), (i)n10

Flagg, Samuel A., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)n33

Ford, Salem Holland, (i)n27

Forsyth, Mo., (i); Battle of, (i)

Frederickton., Mo., Battle of, (i)

Freeman, Thomas Roe, (i)

Frémont, John C., (i), (ii)n3, (iii)n2, (iv), (v)

Frost, Daniel M., (i)n26

Galaspie, Marion, (i)

Garrison, James H., (i)

Governmental authority, (i)

Grant, Ulysses S., (i)n6, (ii)n4

Gravely, Joseph J., (i), (ii)n34

Green, P. T., (i)n8

Green, William N., (i)

Greene County, Mo., (i)

Hall, John K., (i)

Hall, Willoughby, (i)n4

Halleck, Henry W., (i)n9, (ii)n1

Hancock, Martin (Mart), (i)

Hartville, Mo., Battle of, (i)n32

Hawkeye (horse), (i), (ii), (iii)

Hensely, Jasper, (i)

Herd, J. B., (i)

Herd, W. J., (i)

Hickok, Wild Bill (James Butler), (i)

Hickory Co., Mo., (i), (ii), (iii)

Hoffman, Joseph, (i)n21

Holland, Coly B., (i)n11

Home Guard, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Honor, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

Hoover, James Willoughby, (i)

Hovey, Eleazar, (i), (ii), (iii)n5, (iv), (v), (vi)

Hudson, A. L., (i)n8

Humphrey, John, (i), (ii)

Humphrey, Peter H., (i)

Hunter, David, (i)n7

“Ianthus” (poem), (i)

Illinois troops: 10th Regt. Cavalry, (i)

Iowa troops: 4th Regt. Infantry, (i); 18th Regt. Infantry, (i)n6, (ii)n11–12, (iii)n14

Jackson, Claiborne Fox, (i), (ii), (iii)n7, (iv), (v)n19, (vi)n1, (vii)n4

Jackson, D. F., (i)

James, Jesse, (i)

Jasper Co., Mo., (i)

Jay-hawking, (i)

Jefferson City, Mo., (i), (ii)n1, (iii), (iv)

Johnson, Andrew, (i), (ii)n4; impeachment of, (i)

Johnson, Rick, (i)

Julian, Stephen H., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Keitsville, Mo., (i), (ii)

Kelso, Ella (sister), (i)n1

Kelso, Etta Dunbar (third wife), (i), (ii)n6

Kelso, Florella (daughter), (i), (ii)n1, (iii)

Kelso, Florellus (son), (i), (ii)n1

Kelso, Iantha (daughter), (i), (ii)

Kelso, Ianthus (son), (i), (ii), (iii)

Kelso, John Russell (JRK): boyhood in Missouri, (i); marriage to Mary Adelia Moore, (i), (ii)n1; and Methodism, (i), (ii)n5; as schoolteacher, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n1, (v); marriage to Martha S. (“Susie”) Barnes, (i)n1; on antebellum politics, (i); supports Union, (i); and slavery, (i); denounces secession, (i), (ii); in Home Guard, (i); (i); meets Gen. Lyon, (i); enlists in 24th Infantry, (i), (ii); as spy, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v); goes to Big River Bridge, (i); evacuates loyal citizens, (i), (ii); vow of vengeance, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi); captured and escapes, (i); on march to Pea Ridge, (i); joins Missouri State Militia Cavalry, (i), (ii); letters to wife, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); at Battle of Neosho, (i), (ii); and Battle of Ozark, (i); as Provost Marshall, (i), (ii); and Medlock brothers, (i), (ii); and Tolbert Barrens expedition, (i); as “Lieut. Russell,” (i); and raid on Dubuque, (i); and raid on Capt. Mooney, (i); and destruction of saltpeter mine, (i); and Battle of Springfield, (i), (ii); court martial of, (i), (ii)n33; injuries of, (i), (ii); military activities after Jan. 1863, xxiiin23, (i); back pay, (i)n23, (ii), (iii); elected to Congress, (i), (ii); as scholar, (i), (ii), (iii); reputation in Mo., (i), (ii), (iii); speech at Mt. Vernon, Mo., (i); speech at Walnut Grove, Mo., (i), (ii); and Reconstruction, (i), (ii); as Independent Republican, (i); in Congressional election of 1868, (i); second divorce, (i), (ii)n35; “Works of John R. Kelso,” (i); marriage to Etta Dunbar, (i); on Civil War, (i), (ii), (iii); publications of, (i), (ii)n13; death, (i), (ii)

Kelso, Martha Susan (“Susie”) Barnes (second wife): divorce of, (i), (ii)n35; marriage and children of, (i)n1, (ii)n35; after house burned down, (i); in snowstorm, (i); and Dr. Hovey, (i), (ii); JRK letters to, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); sells JRK’s shotgun, (i); in Ozark, Mo., (i), (ii)

Kelso, Mary Adelia Moore (first wife), (i), (ii)n1

Kelton, J. C., (i)n26

King’s Prairie, Mo., (i)

Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC), (i)

Laclede County, Mo., (i)n11

Landis, John A., (i)n14

Langston, Merivale, (i)

Langston, Walter W., (i), (ii)

Laurence Co., Mo., (i)

Lawther, Robert R., (i)

Lebanon, Mo., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Lexington, Mo., Battle of, (i)

Lincoln, Abraham, (i), (ii), (iii)n7, (iv)n19, (v)n8, (vi)

Lindsay, Anthony, (i)

Lindsey, D. A., (i)

Linn Creek, Mo., (i), (ii), (iii)

Livingston, Thomas R., (i)n8, (ii)n16

Loan, Benjamin F., (i)

Longmont, Colo., (i)

Lost Cause, Myth of, (i), (ii), (iii)n5

Lum, Dyer D., (i)n3

Lyon, Nathaniel, (i), (ii)n24, (iii)n25, (iv)

Mabary, John, (i)

MacDonald, Emmett, (i)n5

Mann, Henry Perrin, (i)

Marion, Francis, (i), (ii)n1

Marmaduke, John S.: and Battle of Springfield, (i); second raid of, into Mo., (i); army of, (i); tactics of, (i); reports of, (i)n25, (ii), (iii)n27; letter of, (i); assurance of plunder, (i); army’s movements after Battle of Springfield, (i), (ii)n32

Matthews, Robert Pinckney, (i), (ii)n17, (iii)n27, (iv)n9, (v)n17, (vi)

Maximillian I (Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph), (i)

McAfee, Charles B., (i)

McBride, James H., (i)n21

McClure, Hugh, (i)n4

McClurg, Joseph W., (i), (ii)

McConnell, John Newton, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

McConnell, Sarah London, (i)

McCoy, A. C., (i)n14

McCulloch, Benjamin, (i)n4

McElhany, John (Jack), (i), (ii), (iii)

McKenny, T. I., (i)n20

McNamara, Patrick S., (i), (ii)

McPheters, Claiborne, (i)

Medlock brothers, (i)

Merrill, Samuel, (i)n32

Methodism, (i), (ii)n5

Mexico, (i)

Militia Act (1862), (i)n9

Mills, James K., (i), (ii)n4, (iii)n7, (iv), (v)n28

Mings, William, (i)n7

Missouri: Civil War in, (i); politics in, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n10, (v)n13, (vi)n14; population of, (i); and the Confederacy, (i); Reconstruction in, (i)n10

Missouri Infantry Volunteers (24th Reg.), (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Missouri State Militia Calvary, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n12, (v)

Modesto, Cal., (i)

Mooney, Joseph Hale, (i), (ii), (iii)

Mooney, Reuben P., (i), (ii)

Moore, Mary Adelia, (i)

Mount Vernon, Mo., (i)

Mulligan, James A., (i)

Neosho, Mo., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n4, (v), (vi), (vii); Battle of, (i), (ii)

New Madrid, Mo., (i)n3

Newspapers: on Battle of Pea Ridge, (i)n13; on Oscar Wilde, (i)n16; on Battle of Springfield, (i)n3, (ii)n8, (iii)n10, (iv)n13, (v)n18, (vi)n30; on Mexican Civil War, (i)n8

Newton County, Mo., (i), (ii)n11

Newtonia, Mo., (i)n11

Niangua, Mo., (i)

Norton, Amos, (i), (ii), (iii)

Norton, Elizabeth, (i)

Oaths, (i), (ii), (iii)n12, (iv)

Ozark, Mo.: camp at, (i), (ii), (iii); town of, (i); Battle of, (i); JRK house in, (i); retreat through, (i)

Parks, Robert C., (i)n8, (ii)n16

Pea Ridge, Ark., (i); Battle of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Phelps, John S., (i)n26, (ii), (iii)

Phenix’s Mill, (i)

Pilot Knob, Mo., (i)

Pleasant Ridge College, (i), (ii)n1

Polk County, Mo., (i)

Porter, Joseph C., (i)n3, (ii)n31, (iii)n32

Pound, John A., (i), (ii), (iii)

Powers, David, (i)

Powers, Larisa, (i)

Preston, Mo., (i)n22

Price, Sterling: and Battle of Pea Ridge, (i); and Battle of Westport, (i); near Springfield, (i); after Battle of Lexington, (i)n4; and plans for conquest of Mo., (i)n2, (ii)n9; at Springfield, (i)n26; retreat from Mo. before Pea Ridge, (i); JRK’s plan to kidnap, (i)

Prisoners of war, (i)n19, (ii), (iii)

Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (1863), (i)n11

Provost Marshall, (i), (ii)

Quinine Brigade, (i)n11–12

Racism, (i), (ii), (iii)

Radical Republicans, (i), (ii)n8, (iii)n13, (iv)n7. See also Republican Party

Reconstruction, (i)

Religion, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii). See also Christianity

Republican Party, (i), (ii), (iii)n10, (iv). See also Radical Republicans

Rice, Andrew J., (i)

Richardson, John M., (i), (ii), (iii)n15, (iv), (v)

Rolla, Mo., (i)n2, (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)n7, (vi), (vii), (viii)

Ruark, Ozias, (i), (ii)n34

Saint Louis, Mo., (i), (ii)n19, (iii)n3, (iv), (v)

Saltpeter caves, (i), (ii)

Schofield, John M., (i)n12

“Scout of the Ozarks,” St. Louis Republic, (i), (ii), (iii)

Secession, (i), (ii)

Sedalia, Mo., (i)n7

Seward, William Henry, (i)n1

Shelby, Joseph O., (i), (ii)n21–22

Sigel, Franz, (i)n25, (ii), (iii)n4

Slave power conspiracy, (i)

Slavery: in Mo., (i), (ii), (iii); in Dallas County and Benton Township, Mo., (i), (ii)n12; persistence of, (i), (ii), (iii); and Civil War, (i), (ii), (iii); and Christianity, (i), (ii); and W. B. Edwards, (i)n18; and “Pony” Boyd, (i)n16; and J. W. McClurg, (i)n22; and E. R. Danforth, (i)n7; and abolition, (i)n11; and capitalism, (i)

Smith, John T., (i)

Snapp’s Farm, (i)

Snyder, Mima, (i)n3

Springfield, Mo.: JRK spying at, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv); JRK buys house in, (i); and Nathaniel Lyon, (i)n17, (ii); after Battle of Wilson’s Creek, (i); Confederate occupation of, (i)n4; Union occupation of, (i)n6, (ii), (iii); stragglers camp at, (i); JRK stationed at, (i), (ii), (iii); JRK planning to settle his family in, (i); warned of attack, (i); Battle of, (i), (ii); funeral for Union dead in, (i)n32

State Guard, (i), (ii), (iii)n5

Steger, James H., (i)

Stephenson, Marshall L., (i)

Stevens, Thaddeus, (i), (ii)n13

Suffrage, African American: (i), (ii)

Sugar Creek, Ark., Battle of, (i)

Talbot’s Barrens, Ark., (i), (ii)

Talmadge, Thomas De Witt, (i)

Taney County, Mo., (i), (ii)

Texas Rangers, (i), (ii), (iii)n1

Thompson, Meriweather Jeff, (i), (ii)n3

Titsworth, H. S., (i)n14

Tolbert’s Ferry, Ark., (i)n16

Treason, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

Treat, Mun, (i)n11

Turner, William, (i), (ii)n5

Van Dorn, Earl, (i)n21

Van Meter, Joseph, (i)n14

Vandiford, Asa. R., (i)

Wade, Benjamin, (i)n2

Watie, Stand, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)n16, (v)n12

Weston, Eli W., (i)

Whiston, B. S., (i)

White people, (i), (ii), (iii)

Wickliffe, Charles A., (i)

Wilbur (or Wilber), John C., (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)n13, (viii)

Wilde, Oscar, (i)

Wilkes, Peter S., (i), (ii)

Willis, Mary, (i)

Wilson’s Creek, Battle of, (i), (ii)

Wisner (or Wiseman), Bob, (i)

Worley, Abraham, (i), (ii)

Wright, Clark, (i)n26

Zagonyi, Charles, (i)n6