celebrating teammates’, 174
tracking own and team’s, 64
Achor, Shawn, 164–165
action plan to promote diverse ideas, 93
active listening
conflict resolution and, 114
empathetic leadership and, 195
activities, for eliminating procrastination, 35–36
African Americans, in Silicon Valley workforce, 78
age diversity, 78
Ailes, Roger, 200
Allen, Natalie J., xvii
Allen, Thomas J., 101
Aloft Hotel, 222–223
American Psychological Association, 145
American Society of Interior Designers, 210
Appel, Markus, 186
calendar, 55
productivity, 44
Ariely, Dan, 120
artificial intelligence (AI), xiv
societal impacts of, 222
on degree of empathy, 187–188
on digital distraction, 34–35
on overreliance on technology for collaboration, 102–103
on support for diverse ideas, 93
attitude, job applicant, 140, 143–144
attrition, burnout and, 28
autocratic leadership, 161–162, 163
automation in the workplace, xiv, 222–223
back-to-human renaissance, 223–225
Bain & Company, 32
Ballmer, Steve, 191
Baltuskonis, Derek, 39
barriers to shared learning, overcoming, 61–65
Barsade, Sigal, xvi–xvii
Batali, Mario, 198
employee engagement and creating sense of, 165–166
tips for creating more, 166
Berger, Jonah, 79
Best Buy, 158, 140
bias, unconscious, as barrier to diverse ideas, 87
Bixler, Stephanie, 26, 31, 122, 194, 207–208
Black Mirror (television program), xiii
Bloom, Nicholas, 40–41
Bock, Lazlo, 11
Bohns, Vanessa, 30
productivity and remote worker, 42
for technology use at work, 21
between work and personal life, 194
for work-life integration, 26
Brown, Brené, 201
bullying, 182
workplace, 184–185
Burke, Tarana, 198
attrition and, 28
effect on fulfillment, 6–7
Bush, George H. W., 198
business challenge interview, 151–152
Businessolver, 192
café interview, 151
calendar applications, 33, 103
calendars, optimizing for productivity, 55
career advancement, improving the employee experience and, 206
cell phone, empathetic leadership and putting away, 195
Center for Creative Leadership, 195
challenging tasks, creativity and, 50
Charles and Lynn Schusterman family foundation, 130
Charlson, Carly, 142
Chase, Melanie, 151–152
Chavez, Robert, 141
Chopra, Deepak, 14
Cisco, 210
coaching employees, 171–173, 178
instructions for, 172–173
Cole, Charlie, 80
conflicts and, 109–114
key takeaways for, 114
promoting a culture of open communication in your team, 106–109
silos and, 104–105
skills for, 99–104
using technology for, 105–106
collaborative employees, hiring, 69
collaborative learning, 59. See also shared learning
college degree, pressure to obtain, 79–80
Colvin, Geoff, 224
hiring and communication skills, 140
managing diversity and, 91
preference for in-person, xvi, 98, 106
See also open communication
communication channels/styles, matching worker preferences, 95, 177
communication issues, as barrier to diverse ideas, 87
compassion fatigue, 181
complacency, as barrier to shared learning, 62
conference room booking system, 32
confidence, in job applicants, 142–143
conflict. See workplace conflicts
conflict resolution, empathetic leadership and, 193
connection, fulfillment and, 15, 18
connectivity needs, assessing one’s, xxi–xxii
Connolly, Bill, 68
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence, 192
about fulfillment, 15
to improve your team’s well-being, 22–24, 27
with perfectionist employee, 37–38
Cook, Tim, 222
costs of replacing employees, 136–137
empathizing with, 66
impact on productivity, 39–40
learning from, 68–69
diverse ideas and, 82
productivity and, 48–50
Cuddy, Amy, 161
cultural fit, hiring and, 141–142
culture of empathy, creating, 201
culture of gratitude
creating, 128–131
individual exercise on gratitude, 129–130
team exercise on gratitude, 130–131
ways to show gratitude to teammates, 131
culture of respect, creating, 170
curiosity, applicant, 146–147
custom learning paths, building, 70
cyberbullying, 182
daily feedback, 123–124
Deloitte, 212
depression, Facebook use and, 4
devices, work-life integration and controlling, 26–27
digital distractions, xiv–xv, 29, 30–32, 34–35, 57
digital divide in workplace, 84
direct costs, of replacing employee, 137
diverse ideas
barriers to, 86–87
better business outcomes and, 82–84
creativity and embracing, 49
groupthink as enemy to, 80–82
hiring and, 141–142
measuring, 96–97
promoting in the workplace, 92–94
team success and, 80
technology inhibiting, 84–86, 97
ten signs you lack, 83–84
managing different diversity situations, 94–96
managing effectively, 87–92
types of, 77–78
Domino’s Pizza, 222
dopamine, instant gratification and, 116
dress, applicant, 144–145
Drive (Pink), 119
Duhigg, Charles, 40
educational diversity, 77
ego, as barrier to shared learning, 61–62
electronic praise, 116
interpreting tone of, 85
emotional employee, managing, 112–113
empathetic leader, becoming, 193–197
empathetic leadership
in action, 188–191
in the #MeToo era, 198–200
vulnerability and, 200–201, 202
where you can show empathy at work, 197
See also leadership
empathy, 179–202
in action, 188–191
assessing your degree of, 187–188
becoming an empathetic leader, 193–197
business results and, 192–193
creating culture of, 201
effect of technology and media on, 180–183
empathetic leadership in the #MeToo era, 198–200
employee performance and leaders lacking empathy, 183–186
key takeaways for, 202
leadership and, 191
narcissism and, 186–188
sympathy vs., 179
vulnerability and, 200–201
employee development
engaging employees and, 173–174
improving the employee experience and, 205, 214, 219
employee experience, 203–220
business difference and employee experience, 212–214
culture and, 207–208
employee experience life cycle, 204–206
empowering employees and, 204, 208, 211–212, 219, 220
improving, 214–215
key takeaways for, 220
letting employees define experience, 211–212
managerial role in creating, 215–219
relationships and, 208–209
rules to consider when thinking about, 204
self-reflection on what experience you are creating for employees, 213–214
space and, 209–211
what employee experience is and isn’t, 206–207
employee satisfaction
shared learning and, 65–66
survey on, 96–97
employment status, diversity in, 78
empowering employees, improving the employee experience and, 204, 208, 211–212, 219, 220
engagement, 156–178
effect of remote work on, 157–159
how engaged employees impact your team, 159
how great leaders engage employees, 170–174
how presence impacts your team, 160–161
how to engage remote workers, 174–177
key takeaways for, 178
leadership style and, 161–164
power of face-to-face, 161
promoting, 164–169
well-being and, 7–9
what to do if you or someone on your team feels isolated, 169–170
engagement crisis in the workplace, 156–157
Enoch, Laura, 9
Environmental Protection Agency, 81
Epicenter, 223
Erlich, Kiah, 8, 22, 37, 55, 69, 158–159
ethnic diversity, 77
executive commitment to diverse ideas, 93
conflict resolution, 112
creating safe space, 90
eliminating procrastination, 35–36
gratitude, 129–131
hiring unconventional candidates, 88
inclusion, 94
maximum productivity, 43
open communication, 107
recognizing thoughtfulness, 91
self-reflection on what experience you are creating for employees, 213–214
shared learning, 61
ten signs you lack diverse ideas, 83–84
understanding individual needs, 89
wellness, 8
See also assessments
experience renaissance, xviii
expertise, promoting others’, 65
extended job interview, 152
external resistance to diverse ideas, 87
EY (Ernst & Young), 80
face-to-face interactions at, 161
information reinforcing own views and, 20
lack of diversity in workforce at, 78
sexual harassment policy at, 199
social isolation and use of, 4
well-being and activity on, 4–5
face time with leaders, improving the employee experience and, 217–218
face-to-face communication, encouraging, 30–31
face-to-face engagement, power of, 161
face-to-face requests, effectiveness of, 30, 85–86
fair pay, 9
Fakhoury, Nawal, 177
family, employees who feel like, 209
daily, 123–124
improving the employee experience and seeking employee, 214–215
providing, 171
real-time, 107
See also recognition, reward through
Feinberg, Ross, 92
first interviews, 152–153
shared learning and, 64–65
supporting employee, 218
in where and how to work, 100
flow time, optimizing for productivity, 51–52
follow up, shared learning and, 67
Ford Motor Company, 185
formal review, compliments during, 122
Fortune Magazine, 224
Fowler, Susan, 184
Fraga, Amanda, 47
Franken, Al, 198
freelancers, percent of workforce who are, xiv
frequency of recognition, 123–124
friendship, importance of, 224–225
friendships at work, xvii
lack of, 169
supporting, 218
See also relationships
fulfillment, 3–27
better relationships promoting, 9–10
burnout inhibiting, 6–7
characteristics of personal, 15–18
defining, 12–14
discovering what makes one feel fulfilled, 20–22
focusing on own, 13–14
helping your team discover what makes them fulfilled, 21–22
keeping technology from derailing, 18–20
key takeaways from focus on, 27
report card on, 17
sample conversation about, 15
social media hurting well-being and, 4–6
supporting your team’s, 14–15
using conversations to improve your team’s well-being, 22–24, 27
well-being improving engagement and, 7–9
what we need to feel fulfilled, 11–15
work-life integration and, 24–27
Future Workplace
on communication preferences, xv–xvi
Global Work Connectivity Study, 7
on work friends, xvii
Gallup polls
on association between Facebook activity and well-being, 4–5
on personality factor, 145
on remote work, xiv
Game of Thrones Viewer’s Guide, 117–118
Gandhi, Sharmi, 53
Garcia, Cristina, 198
gender diversity, 77
generational diversity, 78
generational divide
shared learning and closing the, 72–73
in use of technology at work, 98–99
gig economy, xiv
Gino, Francesca, 129
Global Work Connectivity Study, 7
Globoforce, 212–213
goals, aligning productivity habits to, 45–47
goal sheet, example of, 46
Gokhale, Anuradha A., 59
Goldberg, Jessica, 9
Gong, Jason, 191
Goodwin, Ashley, 55
Google, sexual harassment policy at, 199
Google Calendar, 103
Grant, Adam, 90
defined, 128
practicing art of, 131–132
See also culture of gratitude
greed, lack of empathy and, 185
common groupthink phrases, 82
as enemy of diverse ideas, 80–82
forming new productivity, 44–48
process to create, 47–48
Half, Robert, 186
Haney, Craig, 3
happiness, promoting employee engagement and spreading, 164–165
The Happiness Advantage (Achor), 164–165
Harris, Tristan, xv
Harris Group study on young workers spending on experiences, xviii
Harvard Business Review (journal), xiv, 41, 101
Haslam, Alex, 210
Hawking, Stephen, 221–222
Hay Group, 159
helicopter parents, rise in narcissism and, 187
collaborative employees, 69
job applicant attitude and, 140, 143–144
team productivity and, 40
of unconventional candidates, 88, 97
using technology for, 135–136
hiring for personality, 135–155
attitude and, 143–144
confidence and, 142–143
consequences of hiring wrong employee, 136–137
creating a unique interview experience, 151–153
cultural fit vs. diverse ideas and, 141–142
curiosity and, 146–147
key takeaways on, 155
likability and, 139–140, 145–146
onboarding new hire, 153–154
personality traits to look for, 142–148
personality traits to look for in new hire, 142–148
professionalism and, 144–145
promoting positive work culture and, 140–141
sample interview conversation, 149–151
sample interview questions, 143, 144, 145, 146–148
signs you shouldn’t hire someone, 148–149
technology vs. humanity and, 137–139
technology vs. likability and, 139–140
Hispanics, in Silicon Valley workforce, 78
Hodge, Rashida, 70
Holt-Lunstad, Julianne, xviii
Honeywell, change in remote work policies at, 158
Horvitz, Eric, 222
Houston, Drew, 163
HP, change in remote work policies at, 158
Hsieh, Tony, 136
Huntsman, John, 70–71, 199–200
ideas, managing diversity and encouraging sharing of, 91–92 See also diverse ideas
inclusion exercise, 94
motivation and, 119–121
supporting increases in, 218
well-being and, 9–10
income inequality, 184
indirect costs, of replacing employee, 137
individual needs, managing diversity and understanding, 88–89
diverse ideas and, 82
organizational culture and, 208
in-person communication
building trust through, 106
employee preference for, xvi, 98, 106
instant gratification of electronic praise, 116
instant messaging, xiv
Internet of Things, 222
interpersonal skills, increasing importance of in workplace, 5
business challenge, 151–152
café, 151
creating unique interview experience, 151–153
extended, 152
first, 152–153
sample conversation, 149–151
sample questions, 143, 144, 145, 146–148
using technology for, 135, 138–139
Ive, Jonathan, 102
jealousy, recognition missteps and, 125–126, 132
Jobs, Steve, 162
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85
Jurkiewicz, Ilona, 25–26, 71, 182, 196–197
Kadow, Ulrich, 31
Kahneman, Daniel, 9
Kaplan, Emily, 83
Kim, Daniel, 19
Klamm, Dan, 5
Knight, Craig, 210
knowledge network, 60
Konrath, Sara H., 186
Krim, Philip, 12–13
Kronos, 6
Kumar, Rajiv, 11–12, 12, 18, 117, 175
Lawrence, Joe, 168–169
how great leaders engage employees, 170–174
lacking empathy, 183–186
role in creating employee experience, 215–219
defined, 163
See also empathetic leadership
leadership exercises
for creating a safe space, 90
for hiring unconventional candidates, 88
for recognizing thoughtfulness, 91
for understanding individual needs, 89
leadership style, engagement and, 161–164
Lean In movement, 79
learning. See shared learning
learning paths, building custom, 70
learning styles, shared learning and different, 61, 74
Lee, Kai-Fu, 224
life satisfaction, strong relationships and, xvi
likability, applicant, 145–146
assessing in hiring process, 139–140
self-promotion vs., 145
Linda, Amy, 128
LinkedIn, 163
technology and, xvii–xviii
workplace, xvi–xvii
Lopez, Jennifer, 59
Louis C.K., 198
Lowe’s, 222
of different diversity situations, 94–96
of diversity, 87–92
Management Research Group, 192
Manswell, Malcolm, 200
Mark, Gloria, 29
Maslow, Abraham, 11
massive open online courses (MOOCs), 60
May, Theresa, xviii
McBroom, Antonio, 176
McClure, Dave, 198
McDonalds, 222
measurement of diverse ideas, 96–97
media, effect on empathy, 181–183
creating belongingness and, 166
evolution of, 100–101
giving compliments during, 121
lack of collaboration and, 104–105
optimizing for productivity, 56
using technology to set up, 103
walking, 49
Mehrabian, Albert, 195
Mehrotra, Mathew, 10
mental health, well-being and, 7
mentoring employees, 171
Me 2.0 (Schawbel), xix
#MeToo era, empathetic leadership in, 198–200
Meyer, John P., xvii
Michaels, Lorne, 162
Microsoft, leadership at, 191
Microsoft Outlook, 103
Miele, Andrew, 5
Milano, Alyssa, 198
millennial generation, stereotypes of, 79
Misra, Shalini, 195
money. See income
Morrison, Denise, 25
compliments and, 119–122
empathetic leadership and, 193
improving the employee experience and, 218
money and, 119–121
receiving gratitude and, 128–129
multitasking, stopping, 38–39, 57
Murphy, Mark, 143–144
Murthy, Vivek, xvi
Musk, Elon, 141, 189–190, 221–222
Nadella, Satya, 191
narcissism, rise in, 186–188
nationality, managing employee who is different in, 96
National Sleep Foundation, 6
Navarro, Felipe, 10
Navy SEALS, emotional connection among, 192
needs, hierarchy of, 11
network, optimizing for productivity, 56
“new normal,” 181
news, online, 19–20
New York Times (newspaper), 79, 163
NH Foods Ltd., 198
“no answer found dilemma,” 37
notifications, creativity and turning off, 49
Novak, David, 118
burnout and poor, 6
maximum productivity and, 43
Obama, Barack, 183
Odland, Michelle, 172
collecting feedback from employees on experience of, 215
improving the employee experience and, 206
office design
improving collaboration and, 99–100, 102
improving the employee experience and, 209–211, 214
office policies, leaders lacking empathy and, 185–186
Ogilvy Group, 80
older leadership style, 161–162, 163
older workers
managing, 113–114
what they can teach younger workers, 72–73
young boss managing, 94–95
checklist for, 153–154
collecting feedback from employees on experience of, 215
improving the employee experience and, 205, 219
open communication
conflicts despite, 109–114
exercise for, 107
promoting culture of in your team, 106–109
openness, fulfillment and, 16, 18
open office movement, 99
opportunities for employees to grow and develop. See employee development
organizational culture
creating culture of empathy, 201
creating culture of respect, 170
diverse ideas and, 83
improving the employee experience and, 207–208
promoting diverse ideas in, 92–94, 97
shared learning, 60, 63–65, 69–71, 74
space and, 211
that discourages empathy, 183
See also culture of gratitude
Orkin, Justin, 25
out-of-office email autoresponder, 33
Oxytocin, trust and, 168
Pacitti, Amanda, 217
Parker, Madalyn, 190–191
passive face time, 160
pay, supporting increases in, 218
peer-to-peer recognition, 127
perfectionism, 57
conversation with perfectionist employee, 37–38
improving the employee experience and, 206, 212–214
leaders lacking empathy and, 183–186
performance-based bonuses, motivation and, 120
personality. See hiring for personality
Petti, Laura, 123–124
Pew Research, 184
Piëch, Ferdinand, 81
Piëch, Hans Michel, 81
Pink, Daniel, 119
political diversity, 78
Pomodoro, 54
Porter, Michael, 167
positive attitude, shared learning and, 65
praise, defined, 128
Presence (Cuddy), 161
presenteeism, 8
Pressfield, Steven, 87
prioritizing instead of multitasking, 39
procrastination, eliminating, 35–36
impact of empathy on, 192–193
showing gratitude and, 128
productivity, optimizing, 28–57
actions to optimize productivity, 35–39, 50–56
art of optimizing productivity, 42–44
coworkers and, 39–40
forming new productivity habits, 44–48
key takeaways for, 57
seven ways to optimize productivity, 50–56
staying creative while being productive, 48–50
technology as distraction, 28–32, 33–35
telecommuting and, 40–42
using technology for, 32–33
professional diversity, 78
professionalism, applicant, 144–145, 150
Project Aristotle, 89–90
project management tools, 33
projects, giving employees meaningful, 170–171
Promote Yourself (Schawbel), xix
public recognition, 124
connecting to work, 166–167
tips for creating, 167
PwC, 80
for feedback sessions, 64
sample interview, 143, 144, 145, 146–148
racial diversity, 77
random acts of kindness, happy employees and, 165
Randstad, xv–xvi
Raval, Vivek, 14, 81, 82–83, 177, 219
recognition, reward through, 115–132
ask team members how they’d like to be recognized, 122–124
creating culture of gratitude, 127–131
effectiveness of, 122–123
frequency of, 123–124
improving the employee experience and, 214
key takeaways for, 131–132
motivation of compliments, 119–122
peer-to-peer recognition, 127
power of recognition, 117–119
recognizing team performance, 126–127
resolving recognition missteps, 125–126
situations in which to give a compliment, 121–122
improving the employee experience and, 205
technology vs. humanity and, 137–138
Reddit, change in remote work policies at, 158
red flags, about job applicants, 148–149
Reich, Paul, 32
focus on over achievement, 27
fulfillment and better, 9–10
improving the employee experience and, 208–209
life satisfaction and strong, xvi
need for, 11–15
technology interfering with, xiv–xv
using technology to foster, 224
See also friendships at work
religious diversity, 78
remote work, xiv
backlash against, 157–159
effect on engagement, 157–159
percentage of companies offering, 157
reasons why companies changed policies on, 159
shift away from, 102
remote workers
challenges for, 175
communication with coworkers, xvii
meetings and, 101
productivity and, 40–42
space and, 210, 54
resistance to risk taking, as barrier to diverse ideas, 87
backlash against remote work and, 157–159
effective onboarding and, 153
employee engagement and, 156–157
relationships at work and, 11
shared learning and, 66
Rivera, Lauren, 141
Robbins, Ian, 3
Robert Half International, 216
robotics in the workplace, xiv, 222–223
Rockmann, Kevin, xxi
Roghanizad, Mahdi, 30, 85–86, 105
Rollins, Patricia, 91
Ruffalo, Mark, 183
Sadato, Norihiro, 119
safe space, managing diversity and creating, 89–90
safety, employee, 185
Saturday Night Live (television program), 162
schedule, work-life integration and owning your, 27
Schembra, Chris, 188
Schneller, Mike, 139
Schopfer, Jennifer, 71
Schulz, Howard, 141
Schutz, Peter W., 208–209
search engines, use of, 33
self-actualization, 11
on digital distraction, 34–35
on overreliance on technology for collaboration, 102–103
See also assessments
self-learning, practicing shared learning over, 63–64
self-promotion, likability vs., 145
self-reflection on what experience you are creating for employees, 213–214
Sesame Street (television program), 183
sexual harassment in the workplace
definition, 199
empathetic leadership and, 198–200
ongoing conversation about, 78–79, 184
sexual orientation, diversity in, 78
shared calendar, 33
shared learning, 58–74
creating shared learning culture, 63–65, 74
exercise on, 61
generational divide and, 72–73
how to be a shared learner, 60–61
how to learn from others, 68–69
how to sustain a shared learning culture, 69–71
importance of a shared learning culture, 65–66
key takeaways for, 73–74
overcoming barriers to sharing, 61–65
teaching your employees something new, 66–68
Shareef, Nandi, 188–189
Shepard-Rashkin, Tracy, 71
Silicon Valley, lack of workforce diversity in, 78
Sirois, Maria, 25
60 Minutes (television program), xv
for connecting and collaborating, 99–104
displaying one’s, 66
encouraging team members to practice, 67
half-life of, 58
what skills employers are looking for, 140
burnout and lack of, 6
maximum productivity and, 43
Small, Gary, 180
Smarter Faster Better (Duhigg), 40
snowplow parents, rise in narcissism and, 187
social comparison, social media and, xiii, 19
social connection, lack of, xviii
social events
creating belongingness and, 166
improving the employee experience and, 216–217
social isolation
culture of, 157
psychological effects of, 3–4
what to do if someone feels isolated, 169–170
socializing among employees, improving the employee experience and, 166, 209, 216–217
social media
effect on well-being, 4–6
rise in narcissism and, 186
shaping one’s worldview, 19–20
shared learning and, 59
social comparisons and, xiii, 19
social isolation and, 4
social networks, workplace collaboration and, xiv
solitude, creativity and, 49
space, improving the employee experience and, 209–211, 214
Spacey, Kevin, 198
Start with Why (Sinek), 167
Stone, Biz, 164
stress, burnout and, 7
survey on employee satisfaction, 96–97. See also self-assessments
Swartz, Heidi, 199
sympathy, empathy vs., 179
Take a Risk for Free (TARFF) cards, 94
Taylor, Bryan, 124
team meetings, shared learning and, 63
asking how they’d like to be recognized, 122–124
conversations to improve your team’s well-being, 22–24, 27
exercise on being grateful to others, 130–131
helping your team discover what makes them fulfilled, 21–22
how engaged employees impact, 159
how your presence impacts your, 160–161
optimizing for productivity, 52–53, 57
promoting culture of open communication in, 106–109
recognizing team performance, 126–127, 132
technology and weak relationships in, 101–102
when to use technology to communicate with, 103–104
workplace loneliness and commitment to, xvi–xvii
team success, diverse ideas and, 80
teamwork, hiring and, 140
boundaries for use at work, 21
digital distractions, xiv–xv, 29, 30–32, 34–35, 57
as divisive force, xiii
effect on empathy, 180–183
impact on workplace, xiv
inhibition of diverse ideas and, 84–86, 97
loneliness and, xvii–xviii
managing remote workers and, 176
overreliance on for collaboration, 102–103
penetration rate of, xiv
shared learning and, 63
stopping from derailing own fulfillment, 18–20
using for hiring, 135–136
using to build better connection in life, xix
using to drive human interactions, 105–106
using to foster relationships, 224
using to increase productivity, 32–33
warning about from technology leaders, 221–222
when to use to communicate with your team, 103–104
younger workers and use of, 98
technology addiction, xv
telecommuting. See remote work
Tesla, 189–190
text messages as distraction, 29, 32
thinking time, creativity and, 49
Thompson, Derek, 12
thoughtfulness, managing diversity and recognizing, 90–91
maximum productivity and time of day and day of week, 43
optimizing for productivity, 54–55
Time magazine 2017 Person of the Year, 198
to-do list, 33
sample, 108–109
sharing with team, 107–109
Towers Perrin, 159
training another employee, shared learning and, 67–68
training plans
creating formal, 69–70
improving the employee experience and, 219
transformational leadership, 162–164
empathy and, 195
transparency, modeling, 171
creativity and, 50
supporting employee motivation and interests and, 218
engagement and building, 161
establishing and maintaining, 168–169
in-person communication and building, 106
tip for earning employees’, 169
Turkle, Sherry, 180
turnover, shared learning and reduced, 66
Twenge, Jean M., 186
Twitter, 164
Vaillant, George, xvi
values, fulfillment and, 15–16, 18
van Rossum, Guido, 163–164
video interviews, 135, 138–139
assessing likability in, 139–140
Virgin Pulse studies
on automation, 222
on effects of remote work on engagement, 157
Global Work Connectivity Study, 7
on hiring procedures, 138
on work friends, xvii
virtual praise, 122
virtual “watercooler,” 33
Volkswagen, corporate culture at, 81
vulnerability, empathy and, 200–201, 202
walking meetings, creativity and, 49
Weddle, Lindsay, 217–218
Weiner, Jeff, 163
Weinstein, Harvey, 198
Welch, Jack, 160
effect of social media on, 4–6
engagement and better, 7–9
income and, 9–10
using conversations to improve team’s, 22–24, 27
See also fulfillment
well-being programs in workplace, 8–9
wellness programs, encouraging employees to participate in, 14
Wells Fargo Bank, 185
Weng, Kwong, 192
women in the workforce, 79
connecting purpose to, 166–167
prioritizing, 51
work breaks, maximum productivity and, 43, 53–54
Work Connectivity Index (WCI) assessment, xxi–xxii
work culture, hiring for personality to promote, 140–141
Workday, 211
work environment, optimizing for productivity, 50–51
work-life balance
happy employees and, 165
myth of, 25
work-life integration, 24–27
secrets to greater, 26–27
workload, optimizing for productivity, 51
comparing present and past, 100
impact of #MeToo movement on, 199
impact of technologies on, xiv
promoting diverse ideas in, 92–94
well-being programs in, 8–9
workplace bullying, 184–185
Workplace Bullying Institute, 184
workplace conflicts, 109–114
conflict resolution exercises, 112
empathetic leadership and resolution of, 193, 197
guidelines for resolving, 111
how to reduce, 110–111
how to resolve, 111–112
in-person communication and, 103
managing emotional employee, 112–113
managing older employee, 113–114
“Workplace Empathy Monitor,” 192
workplace loneliness, xvi
commitment to team and, xvi–xvii
See also social isolation
WorldatWork, 123
worldview, technology shaping, 19–20
Worobec, Sam, 55, 91–92, 124, 138–139, 193–194
Wozniak, Steve, 221–222
Wynn, Steve, 198
Yang, Erin, 211
years of service recognition, 123
York, Kyle, 55
young boss managing older worker, 94–95
younger leadership style, 162–164
younger workers
communication preferences of, xvi
impact on workforce, 167
lack of friends at work and, 169
loneliness and, 7
what they can teach older workers, 72–73
Zak, Paul, 168
Zakrzewski, Jill, 56, 123, 166
Zaydman, Amanda, 217