This collection was the result of a project developed by the journal Global Discourse ( As editors, Mark Edward and I sought to examine the contemporary relevance of Marxism by holding a conference entitled ‘Examining the Relevance of Marx and Marxism to Contemporary Global Society’ at Newcastle University on January 29th and 30th, leading to two special issues of Global Discourse. Some of the papers in this collection are drawn from the conference and the special issues and it is important that I acknowledge the contribution of those who helped in the organization of both: Russell Foster for dealing with emails and administrative tasks prior to the event as well as contributing greatly over the weekend of the conference; Gerard Thomas for assisting with the organization of the evening meal and refreshments; Megan O’Branski for her help during the conference and for her work as an editorial assistant; Esteban Castro for his enthusiasm and for chairing a panel; Paul Reynolds for his advice on the nature and format of the conference; William Maloney for supporting the event and Norman Geras and Stuart Sim for their keynote speeches; Steven Robinson for assisting in the processing of submissions; the referees for their comprehensive and constructive reviews; Mark Cowling for his advice and the publishers who provided review copies of the books in the symposia.
In relation specifically to this collection, I would like to thank Norman Geras for his advice and comments; Kay for her proof-reading; Selina for her enthusiasm, encouragement, cooking and financial support; Ell for improving my self-image by being more sarcastic and morbidly depressed than me and Mark Edward for his magnanimity. In particular, I must recognize David Walker’s ceaseless, though reluctant, contribution to my career. As well as embellishing my cricketing abilities by serving up duff long-hops and half-volleys during three-man matches in Saltwell Park, David has also tolerated persistent requests for assistance with publications, providing a generous endorsement of this book. I thank him for his ten years of grudging toleration.
Matthew Johnson
Newcastle upon Tyne
25 November 2011