Matthew Johnson
1 What does it mean to be a Marxist?
Norman Geras
2 An image in a curved mirror: Pareto’s critique of Marxist science
Joseph V. Femia
3 Slavoj Žižek’s theory of revolution: a critique
Alan Johnson
Paul Bowman
5 Marxism and development: a search for relevance
Ronaldo Munck
6 Progress, anti-isms and revolutionary subjects: the importance of transcending liberalism
Matthew Johnson
7 Marx, morality and the global justice debate
Lawrence Wilde
8 Can Marxism make sense of crime?
Mark Cowling
9 Sinicized Marxist constitutionalism: its emergence, contents and implications
Andrew (Chengyi) Peng
Terrell Carver
11 Revolutionary subjectivity in post-Marxist thought: the case of Laclau and Badiou
Oliver Harrison
12 ‘Post’ or ‘Past’?: does post-Marxism have any future?
Stuart Sim