Ceiling Rose

This attractive ceiling ornament has been inspired by the traditional decorative features once found in older houses and now so often lost. This minimalistic design, based on a pleated paper sheet, looks fantastic in a modern setting and is functional too, attractively covering your ceiling connection. We made ours in white, to blend in with the ceiling colour, choosing a coloured cord for contrast.



Score vertical lines at intervals of 15mm along the length of the paper (see Overview Diagram). There will be a 10mm section remaining on the right-hand edge, which will become an assembly tab. Each set of two 15mm scored sections forms a segment (see Segment Diagram).

Starting with the first segment, referring to the measurements given in the Segment Diagram, mark points A, B, C, D, E and F, then score diagonal lines between the marked points as shown (see Segment Diagram). Repeat for each segment and continue to partially mark and score lines across the assembly tab section (see Overview Diagram).

Apply double-sided tape to the 10mm section on the right-hand edge of the paper (see Overview Diagram). Cut the corners of the assembly tab at a 45 degree angle.

Use a 4mm hole punch to punch holes 7.5mm in from the side and bottom edges in each 15mm scored section (see Overview Diagram and Segment Diagram).

▶ For safety’s sake it is important to use a plastic or metal ceiling cup beneath your paper ceiling rose, adapting the height of the origami as necessary.


Pre-fold each of the scored vertical lines in both directions.

Fold the paper vertically along the central scored line of the first segment. Pre-fold the diagonal scored lines of the segment in both directions. Repeat for remaining segments.

Pleat paper along scored vertical lines of each segment as indicated on the Pleating Diagram (see Pleating).

Starting with the first segment and referring to Techniques: Folding, Changing Direction, mountain fold the two scored diagonal lines labelled d1 on Diagram 1. Repeat this process for remaining segments.

Starting with the first segment, mountain fold the two scored diagonal lines labelled d2 on Diagram 2. Repeat this process for remaining segments.


It is important to read the safety instructions before installing the ceiling rose (see Techniques: Lamp Safety). Remember, you must use a plastic or metal ceiling cup beneath the paper ceiling rose, which should be used for decoration only.

To assemble your ceiling rose, remove the backing from the double-sided tape at the end of the folded piece of paper and attach the ends of the model together to create the ceiling rose shape, ensuring that the taped edge is on the reverse of the model.

Next thread a 1 metre length of cord through the punched holes and gently pull the cord to partially close. Then secure the cord ends by tying a sliding knot (see Techniques: Sliding Knot).

Place the paper ceiling rose over the light bulb socket and slide it up the electric cord until it touches the ceiling, covering the plastic or metal cup. Gently pull the cord to close the paper ceiling rose around the electric cord, storing the cord inside the model. To prevent the paper ceiling rose from sliding down, fit the plastic nylon washer: make a cut on one side to create an opening and clip the washer around the electric cord just below your folded model (see Diagram 3).