We’ve been honored and humbled that so many readers, reviewers, therapists, and others have found value in these pages over nearly five decades. Ten editions, nearly a million and a half copies in print, translations published in more than twenty languages, lots of glowing feedback…it’s very rewarding to know our work may have touched so many lives.
And, of course, we didn’t accomplish this alone. Hundreds — perhaps thousands — of colleagues, known and unknown, in psychology and the other human service professions have contributed to this book with their honest critiques, support, praise, and recommendation to clients. It’s gratifying to know that they consider this the best of the many books on the subject of assertiveness and one of the best of all self-help books. (Blush. ) We hope this tenth edition will continue to serve as a valuable resource for them and for their clients.
In thanking those who have made direct contributions to our knowledge and to the success of Your Perfect Right, a few will, inevitably, be missed. Please accept our apologies if you’re not mentioned here, and be assured that we’ve appreciated your help.
Special thanks to Judy Appelbaum, Nancy Austin, Albert Ellis (deceased), Kay Emmons, Cyril Franks, Carol Geer, W. Harold Grant (deceased), Chuck Hillinger, Arnold Lazarus (deceased), Lachlan MacDonald (deceased), Carita and Charles Merker (deceased), Stanlee Phelps, all our friends at Research Press (in part because they didn’t publish it), Mike Serber (deceased), Janet Wolfe, Joseph Wolpe (deceased), and the dedicated staff at Impact Publishers over the years.
More recently, we’re indebted to Tesilya Hanauer and Cindy Nixon, our editors, and the many other professionals at New Harbinger Publications who have made the transition from “editor” to “editee” (almost) painless and have guided the transition to a bigger and broader audience so smoothly.
Finally, Bob adds a very special recognition to Deborah Alberti for six decades of support and loving partnership. Michael acknowledges his wife, Janet, for her role in helping him translate the lessons of assertiveness into their everyday encounters while parenting, working, and loving.
Atascadero and San Luis Obispo, California
August 2016
Footnote: As this tenth edition of Your Perfect Right was about to go to press, Michael left us. After a battle of more than three years, his cursed debilitating illness succeeded in overcoming his indomitable spirit. Mike was a very dear friend, a brilliant co-author, and one of the finest human beings I’ve ever known. The biggest Acknowledgment of all goes to him — this book was his idea in the first place.
Atascadero, California
October 2016