Leviticus 1
c Lev 7:16, 38; 22:21; 23:38; 27:9
f ver 10; Lev 22:27; Ezr 8:35; Mal 1:8
g S ver 5; S Ex 12:5; S Lev 22:19, 20; Heb 9:14; 1Pe 1:19
h Lev 6:25; 17:9; Nu 6:16; Dt 12:5–6, 11
k ver 3; Lev 4:29; 6:25; Eze 45:15
o S ver 3; Ex 29:1; Nu 15:8; Dt 18:3; Ps 50:9; 69:31
q S Ex 29:20; Heb 12:24; 1Pe 1:2
t ver 17; S Ge 22:9; Lev 3:5; 6:12
u ver 12; S Ex 29:13; Lev 8:20
a Lev 23:8, 25, 36; Nu 28:6, 19
b ver 13; Ge 8:21; Lev 2:2; 3:5, 16; 17:6; Nu 18:17; 28:11–13; Eph 5:2
d S ver 3; Ex 12:5; Lev 3:12; 4:23, 28; 5:6; Nu 15:11
1 1:16 Or crop with its contents; the meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.
Leviticus 2
a S Ex 29:41; Lev 6:14–18
e ver 2, 15, 16; Lev 24:7; Ne 13:9; Isa 43:23
g Lev 6:15; Isa 1:13; 65:3; 66:3
h ver 9, 16; Lev 5:12; 6:15; 24:7; Nu 5:26; 18:8; Ps 16:5; 73:26; Isa 53:12
1 2:2 Or representative; also in verses 9 and 16
y Nu 18:19; 2Ch 13:5; Eze 43:24
Leviticus 3
a S ver 6; S Ex 32:6; Lev 7:11–34; S 17:5
q S ver 1; Lev 22:21; Nu 15:3, 8
r Lev 17:3; Nu 15:5; 28:5, 7, 8
u Isa 34:6; Jer 46:10; Eze 39:19; Zep 1:7
Leviticus 4
a ver 13, 27; Lev 5:15–18; 22:14; Nu 15:24–29; 35:11–15; Jos 20:3, 9; Heb 9:7
e ver 14; Lev 3:12; 8:14; 10:16; 16:3, 5; Nu 15:27; Ps 66:15; Eze 43:19, 23
g S ver 24; S Ex 30:10; Lev 5:6–13; 9:2–22; Heb 9:13–14
i ver 15, 24; Lev 1:3; Nu 8:12
1 4:3 Or purification offering; here and throughout this chapter
o ver 34; S Ex 29:12; Lev 8:15
p ver 18, 30; Lev 5:9; 9:9; 16:18
v Ex 29:14; Lev 8:17; 9:11; Nu 19:5
2 4:10 The Hebrew word can refer to either male or female.
w S Ex 29:14; Lev 8:17; 9:11; Heb 13:11
g S Ex 29:10; Lev 8:14, 22; Nu 8:10
q S Ex 29:36; S 32:30; S Ro 3:25; Heb 10:10–12
Leviticus 5
b ver 17; S Ex 28:38; Lev 7:18; 17:16; 19:8; 20:17; 24:15; Nu 5:31; 9:13; 15:31; 19:20; 30:15
c Lev 11:11, 24–40; Dt 14:8; Isa 52:11
d ver 3; Lev 7:21; 11:8, 24; 13:45; Nu 19:22; Job 15:16; Ps 51:5; Isa 6:5; 64:6; Eze 36:17; Hag 2:13
f Lev 7:20; 11:25; 14:19; 21:1; Nu 5:2; 9:6; 19:7; Eze 44:25
i Lev 16:21; 26:40; Nu 5:7; Jos 7:19; 1Ki 8:47; Pr 28:13
m ver 11; Lev 12:8; 14:21; 27:8
1 5:6 Or purification offering; here and throughout this chapter
2 5:11 That is, probably about 3 1/2 pounds or about 1.6 kilograms
3 5:12 Or representative
i S Ex 29:3; Lev 6:6; Nu 5:8; 6:14; 15:6; 28:11
k ver 16, 18; Lev 6:5, 6; 7:1, 7; 14:12–17; 19:21, 22; Nu 6:12; 18:9; 1Sa 6:3; Ezr 10:19; Isa 53:10
4 5:15 That is, about 2/5 ounce or about 12 grams
5 5:19 Or offering; atonement has been made for their
Leviticus 6
1 In Hebrew texts 6:1–7 is numbered 5:20–26, and 6:8–30 is numbered 6:1–23.
a Nu 5:6; Ps 73:27; Ac 5:4; Col 3:9
g Lev 5:16; Eze 33:15; S Lk 19:8
p Ex 28:39–42, 43; 39:28
v S Lev 2:1; Nu 6:15; 15:4; 28:13
2 6:15 Or representative
c ver 26; S Ex 29:11; Lev 10:13; 16:24; 24:9; Nu 18:10
h ver 29; Ex 40:10; Lev 10:12; 21:22; 24:9; Nu 18:9, 10
i ver 29; Lev 2:3; 7:6; Nu 18:9–10
3 6:17 Or purification offering; also in verses 25 and 30
4 6:18 Or Whoever touches them must be holy; similarly in verse 27
5 6:20 Or each
6 6:20 That is, probably about 3 1/2 pounds or about 1.6 kilograms
7 6:21 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.
Leviticus 7
i ver 6; Lev 2:3; 6:17, 26; 14:13; 2Ki 12:16; 1Co 9:13; 10:18
1 7:7 Or purification offering; also in verse 37
o ver 13, 15; Lev 22:29; Ps 50:14; 54:6; 107:22; 116:17; Jer 33:11
w S Ge 28:20; S Lev 1:2; Dt 23:21–23
x Ex 35:29; Lev 22:18, 21; 23:38; Nu 15:3; 29:39; Dt 12:6; Ps 54:6; Eze 46:12
f S Ge 17:14; Lev 22:3–7
2 7:21 A few Hebrew manuscripts, Samaritan Pentateuch, Syriac and Targum (see 5:2); most Hebrew manuscripts any unclean, detestable thing
3 7:25 Or offering is
o Ex 29:27; Lev 10:14, 15; Nu 5:9; 6:20; 18:18
p Ex 29:22; Lev 10:15; Nu 6:20; 1Sa 9:24
Leviticus 8
1 8:2 Or purification offering; also in verse 14
i S Ex 29:4; S 30:19; S Ac 22:16
v Lev 14:8; 15:13, 28; Nu 19:11; Eze 43:25
x Lev 18:30; 22:9; Nu 3:7; 9:19; Dt 11:1; 1Ki 2:3; Eze 48:11; Zec 3:7
Leviticus 9
1 9:2 Or purification offering; here and throughout this chapter
2 9:4 The Hebrew word can refer to either male or female; also in verses 18 and 19.
l S Ex 30:10; Heb 5:1, 3; 7:27
Leviticus 10
a Ex 6:23; 24:1; 28:1; Nu 3:2–4; 26:61; 1Ch 6:3
b Nu 16:46; 1Ki 7:50; 2Ki 25:15; 2Ch 4:22; Jer 52:19; Eze 8:11
c Lev 16:12; Nu 16:7, 18; Isa 6:6
h Nu 11:1; 16:35; Ps 2:12; 50:3; Isa 29:6
i S Ge 19:24; S 38:7; Nu 16:35; 1Ch 24:2; Job 1:16
k Ex 30:29; Lev 21:6; 22:32; Nu 16:5; 20:13; Isa 5:16; Eze 28:22; 38:16
l Ex 14:4; Isa 44:23; 49:3; 55:5; 60:21
u Nu 1:53; 16:22; Jos 7:1; 22:18
v Ge 50:3, 10; Nu 20:29; 1Sa 25:1
1 10:6 Or Do not uncover your heads
y Ge 9:21; Ex 29:40; Lev 23:13; Nu 15:5; Dt 28:39; Isa 5:22; 22:13; 28:1; 29:9; 56:12; Jer 35:6; Hos 4:11; Hab 2:15–16
z Nu 6:3; 28:7; Dt 14:26; 29:6; Jdg 13:4; Pr 20:1; 23:29–35; 31:4–7; Isa 28:7; Eze 44:21; Mic 2:11; Lk 1:15; S Eph 5:18; 1Ti 3:3; Titus 1:7
b S Ge 7:2; S Lev 6:27; 14:57; 20:25; Eze 22:26
c 2Ch 15:3; 17:7; Ezr 7:25; Ne 8:7; Mal 2:7
d Dt 17:10, 11; 24:8; 25:1; 33:10; Pr 4:27; Hag 2:11; Mal 2:7
Leviticus 11
1 11:13 The precise identification of some of the birds, insects and animals in this chapter is uncertain.
j Isa 13:21; 14:23; 34:11, 13; Zep 2:14
q ver 27–40; Lev 13:3; 14:46; 15:5; 22:6; Nu 19:7, 19
r ver 28; S Ex 19:10; Lev 13:6; 14:8, 47; 15:5; 16:26; Nu 8:7; 19:7
y Lev 17:15; 22:8; Dt 14:21; Eze 4:14; 44:31
b ver 25; Lev 14:8; 17:15; 22:8; Eze 44:31; Heb 9:10
d S Ex 6:2, 7; 20:2; Isa 43:3; 51:15; Eze 20:5
e S Ex 19:10; Lev 20:7; Nu 15:40; Jos 3:5; 7:13; 1Ch 15:12; 2Ch 29:5; 35:6
g S Ex 31:13; Lev 19:2; 20:7; Jos 24:19; 1Sa 2:2; Job 6:10; Ps 99:3; Eph 1:4; 1Th 4:7; 1Pe 1:15, 16*
Leviticus 12
a Lev 15:19; 18:19; Isa 64:6; Eze 18:6; 22:10; 36:17
e Ex 29:38; Lev 23:12; Nu 6:12, 14; 7:15
Leviticus 13
c ver 3, 9, 15; S Ex 4:6; Lev 14:3, 32; Nu 5:2; Dt 24:8
e ver 8, 11, 20, 30; Lev 21:1; Nu 9:6
1 13:2 The Hebrew word for defiling skin disease, traditionally translated “leprosy,” was used for various diseases affecting the skin; here and throughout verses 3–46.
2 13:2 Or descendants
g ver 5, 21, 26, 33, 46; Lev 14:38; Nu 12:14, 15; Dt 24:9
j ver 13, 17, 23, 28, 34; Mt 8:3; Lk 5:12–14
l Lev 11:25; 14:8, 9, 20, 48; 15:8; Nu 8:7
n S Ex 4:6; S Lev 14:8; S Nu 12:10; Mt 8:2
f Lev 21:5; 2Ki 2:23; Isa 3:24; 15:2; 22:12; Eze 27:31; 29:18; Am 8:10; Mic 1:16
i S Lev 5:2; La 4:15; Lk 17:12
j Nu 5:1–4; 12:14; 2Ki 7:3; 15:5
3 13:45 Or clothes, uncover their head