Ezekiel 43

a S 1Ch 9:18; S Eze 8:16; 42:15; 44:1

b S Ps 18:4; S Rev 1:15

c Isa 6:3; Rev 18:1; 21:11

d Eze 1:28

1 43:3 Some Hebrew manuscripts and Vulgate; most Hebrew manuscripts I

e Eze 10:19; 44:2

f S Eze 11:24

g S Eze 3:12

h S Ex 16:7

i S Isa 6:4

j S Jer 3:17

k S Eze 37:23

l S Lev 26:30; S Eze 20:29, 39

2 43:7 Or the memorial monuments; also in verse 9

3 43:7 Or their high places

m Eze 37:26–28

n S Eze 16:61

o Eze 44:5

p Eze 42:20

4 43:11 Some Hebrew manuscripts and Septuagint; most Hebrew manuscripts regulations and its whole design

q S Eze 17:22

r S Ex 20:24; 2Ch 4:1

5 43:13 That is, about 21 inches or about 53 centimeters; also in verses 14 and 17. The long cubit is the basic unit for linear measurement throughout Ezekiel 40–48.

6 43:13 That is, about 11 inches or about 27 centimeters

s Isa 29:2

7 43:14 That is, about 3 1/2 feet high and 1 3/4 feet wide or about 105 centimeters high and 53 centimeters wide

8 43:14 That is, about 7 feet high and 1 3/4 feet wide or about 2.1 meters high and 53 centimeters wide

t S Ex 27:2

u Rev 21:16

v ver 20; Eze 45:19

9 43:16 That is, about 21 feet or about 6.4 meters

w Ex 20:26

x S Ex 27:1

y Ex 40:29

10 43:17 That is, about 25 feet or about 7.4 meters

11 43:17 That is, about 11 inches or about 27 centimeters

z Lev 1:5, 11; Heb 9:21–22

a S Lev 4:3

b S 2Sa 8:17; S Ezr 7:2

c Nu 16:40; S Eze 40:46

d S Lev 4:7

12 43:19 Or purification offering; also in verses 21, 22 and 25

e S ver 17

f Lev 16:19

g Ex 29:14; Heb 13:11

h Ex 29:1; S Lev 22:20

i S Lev 2:13; Mk 9:49–50

j S Lev 8:33

k S Ex 29:37

l Lev 9:1

m S Isa 60:7

n S Ex 32:6; S Lev 17:5

Ezekiel 44

Ezekiel 45

a S Nu 34:13

b Eze 48:8–9, 29

c Eze 42:20

1 45:1 That is, about 8 miles or about 13 kilometers; also in verses 3, 5 and 6

2 45:1 Septuagint (see also verses 3 and 5 and 48:9); Hebrew 10,000

3 45:1 That is, about 6 1/2 miles or about 11 kilometers

4 45:2 That is, about 875 feet or about 265 meters

5 45:2 That is, about 88 feet or about 27 meters

d S Eze 40:46

6 45:3 That is, about 3 1/3 miles or about 5.3 kilometers; also in verse 5

e Eze 48:10–11

f Eze 48:13

g Eze 48:15–18

7 45:5 Septuagint; Hebrew temple; they will have as their possession 20 rooms

h Eze 48:21

8 45:6 That is, about 1 2/3 miles or about 2.7 kilometers

i S Nu 26:53; Eze 46:18

j Ps 12:5

k S Jer 22:3; Zec 7:9–10; 8:16

l Dt 25:15; S Pr 11:1; Am 8:4–6; Mic 6:10–11

m S Lev 19:36

n Isa 5:10

9 45:10 An ephah was a dry measure having the capacity of about 3/5 bushel or about 22 liters.

10 45:10 A bath was a liquid measure equaling about 6 gallons or about 22 liters.

o Ex 30:13; Lev 27:25; Nu 3:47

11 45:12 A shekel weighed about 2/5 ounce or about 12 grams.

12 45:12 That is, 60 shekels; the common mina was 50 shekels. Sixty shekels were about 1 1/2 pounds or about 690 grams.

13 45:13 That is, probably about 6 pounds or about 2.7 kilograms

14 45:13 That is, probably about 5 pounds or about 2.3 kilograms

p S Lev 1:4

15 45:14 That is, about 2 1/2 quarts or about 2.2 liters

q Lev 6:30

r S Nu 10:10

s S Lev 23:38; Isa 66:23

t S 1Ki 8:62; S 2Ch 31:3; Eze 46:4–12

u Ex 12:2

16 45:17 Or purification offerings; also in verses 19, 22, 23 and 25

v S Lev 22:20; Heb 9:14

w S Lev 16:16, 33

x S Eze 43:17

y Lev 16:18–19

z Lev 4:27

a S Ex 12:11

b Lev 4:14

c S Nu 22:40; S Job 42:8

d Nu 28:16–25

e Nu 28:12–13

f Eze 46:5–7

g Dt 16:13

17 45:24 That is, about 1 gallon or about 3.8 liters

h Lev 23:34–43; Nu 29:12–38

Ezekiel 46

a S Eze 40:19

b S 1Ch 9:18

c ver 6; Isa 66:23

d ver 8

e Eze 40:39

f ver 12; S Eze 44:3

g S Isa 66:23

h Lk 1:10

i ver 11

j ver 1; S Nu 10:10

1 46:5 That is, probably about 35 pounds or about 16 kilograms; also in verses 7 and 11

2 46:5 That is, about 1 gallon or about 3.8 liters; also in verses 7 and 11

k S Lev 22:20

l Eze 45:24

m ver 2

n Eze 44:3

o S Ex 23:14; S 34:20

p 2Sa 6:14–15; Ps 42:4

q ver 5

r S Eze 45:17

s S Lev 7:16

t ver 2

u S Ps 5:3

v Ex 29:38; S Nu 28:3

w Nu 15:6

x Da 8:11

y S Ex 29:42

3 46:14 That is, probably about 6 pounds or about 2.7 kilograms

4 46:14 That is, about 1 1/2 quarts or about 1.3 liters

z S Ex 29:38; Nu 28:5–6

a 2Ch 21:3

b S Lev 25:10

c 1Sa 8:14

d S Lev 25:23; Eze 45:8; Mic 2:1–2

e S Eze 42:9

f Eze 42:4

g S Lev 6:27

h ver 24; Zec 14:20

5 46:20 Or purification offering

6 46:22 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.

7 46:22 That is, about 70 feet long and 53 feet wide or about 21 meters long and 16 meters wide

Ezekiel 47

a S Isa 55:1

b Ps 46:4; Joel 3:18; Rev 22:1

c S Eze 40:35

d S Eze 40:3

1 47:3 That is, about 1,700 feet or about 530 meters

e S Ge 2:10

f Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14

g ver 12; Rev 22:2

h S Dt 1:1; S 3:17

i Isa 41:18

j Isa 12:3; 55:1; Jn 4:14; 7:37–38

2 47:8 Or the Jordan Valley

k S Isa 19:8; Mt 4:19

l S Jos 15:62

m Eze 26:5

n S Ps 104:25; Mt 13:47

o S Nu 34:6

p S Dt 29:23

q ver 7; Rev 22:2

r S Ps 1:3

s S Isa 55:1

t S Ge 2:9; S Jer 17:8; Eze 36:8

u Nu 34:2–12

v S Ge 48:16; S 49:26

w S Ge 12:7; S Dt 1:8; S Eze 36:12

x Nu 34:2

y ver 19; S Nu 34:6

z Eze 48:1

a 2Sa 8:8

b Nu 13:21; S Jer 49:23; Eze 48:1

c Eze 48:1

3 47:15, 16 See Septuagint and 48:1; Hebrew road to go into Zedad, 16Hamath, Berothah.

d S Eze 27:18

4 47:17 Hebrew Enon, a variant of Enan

e Dt 32:51

5 47:18 See Syriac; Hebrew Israel. You will measure to the Dead Sea.

f S Ge 15:18; Isa 27:12

g S ver 15; Eze 48:28

h S Nu 13:21; Eze 48:1

i Nu 34:6

j S Eze 36:12

k S Dt 24:19; S Isa 14:1; Mal 3:5

l S Lev 24:22; Nu 15:29; 26:55–56; Isa 56:6–7; Ro 10:12; Eph 2:12–16; 3:6; Col 3:11

m S Dt 10:19

Ezekiel 48

a S Ge 30:6

b Eze 47:15–17

c S Eze 47:20

d Jos 19:24–31

e Jos 19:32–39

f Jos 17:1–11

g Jos 16:5–9

h Jos 17:7–10

i Jos 17:17

j Jos 13:15–21

k Jos 15:1–63

l ver 21

m S Eze 45:1

1 48:8 That is, about 8 miles or about 13 kilometers; also in verses 9, 10, 13, 15, 20 and 21

n ver 21; S Eze 45:3–4

2 48:9 That is, about 3 1/3 miles or about 5.3 kilometers; also in verses 10, 13 and 18

o S 2Sa 8:17

p S Lev 8:35

q Eze 14:11; S 44:15

r Eze 45:5

s S Lev 25:34; 27:10, 28

t Rev 21:16

3 48:15 That is, about 1 2/3 miles or about 2.7 kilometers

4 48:16 That is, about 1 1/2 miles or about 2.4 kilometers; also in verses 30, 32, 33 and 34

u Eze 45:6

5 48:17 That is, about 440 feet or about 135 meters

v ver 8, 10; Eze 45:7

w Jos 18:11–28

x S Ge 29:33; Jos 19:1–9

y Jos 19:17–23

z Jos 19:10–16

a Jos 13:24–28

b S Ge 14:7

c S Nu 34:6; Eze 47:19

d S Eze 45:1

e S 2Ch 4:4; Rev 21:12–13

f S Isa 12:6; S 24:23; S Jer 3:17; 14:9; Joel 3:21; Rev 3:12; S 21:3

6 48:35 That is, about 6 miles or about 9.5 kilometers