Daniel 1
d 2Ki 24:1; S 2Ch 36:6; Jer 35:11
f S 2Ch 36:7; Jer 27:19–20; Zec 5:5–11
g S 2Ki 20:18; S 24:15; Isa 39:7
1 1:2 Hebrew Shinar
2 1:4 Or Chaldeans
s S Eze 4:13–14
3 1:10 The Hebrew for your and you in this verse is plural.
Daniel 2
a ver 3; S Ge 20:3; S Job 33:15, 18; Da 4:5
f S ver 10; S Isa 19:3; S 44:25
1 2:2 Or Chaldeans; also in verses 4, 5 and 10
2 2:3 Or was
3 2:4 At this point the Hebrew text has in Aramaic, indicating that the text from here through the end of chapter 7 is in Aramaic.
y Ezr 1:2; Ne 1:4; Jnh 1:9; Rev 11:13
g S Job 12:19; Ps 75:6–7; Ro 13:1
k S Ge 40:8; S Job 12:22; Da 5:11; 1Co 2:10
l Job 12:22; Ps 139:11–12; Jer 23:24; S Heb 4:13
v S Ge 40:8; Jer 10:7; Am 4:13
w S Ge 49:1; Da 10:14; Mt 24:6; Rev 1:1; 22:6
b Isa 45:3; S Da 1:17; Am 4:13
g ver 44–45; Ps 2:9; S Isa 60:12; Da 8:25
h Ps 1:4; 37:10; S Isa 17:13; 41:15–16
n S Jer 27:6; Da 4:21–22; 5:18
q S Ge 27:29; Ps 2:9; S 110:5; Mt 21:43–44; 1Co 15:24
s Ps 145:13; S Isa 9:7; Da 4:34; 6:26; 7:14, 27; Ob 1:21; Mic 4:7, 13; S Lk 1:33; Rev 11:15
Daniel 3
a ver 14; S Isa 46:6; Jer 16:20; Hab 2:19
1 3:1 That is, about 90 feet high and 9 feet wide or about 27 meters high and 2.7 meters wide
h ver 11, 15, 21; Jer 29:22; Da 5:19; 6:7; Mt 13:42, 50; Rev 13:15
2 3:8 Or Chaldeans
w S Ge 48:16; S Ps 18:48; 27:1–2
x S Job 5:19; Jer 1:8; Da 6:20
y ver 28; S Ex 1:17; S Jos 24:15
3 3:17 Or If the God we serve is able to deliver us, then he will deliver us from the blazing furnace and
e Ps 91:3–11; S Isa 43:2; Heb 11:32–34
Daniel 4
1 In Aramaic texts 4:1–3 is numbered 3:31–33, and 4:4–37 is numbered 4:1–34.
k ver 19; S Ge 41:8; S Job 3:26; Da 2:3; 5:6
2 4:7 Or Chaldeans
3 4:13 Or watchman; also in verses 17 and 23
4 4:16 Or years; also in verses 23, 25 and 32
d S Ps 103:19; Jer 27:5–7; Da 2:21; 5:18–21; Ro 13:1
j S ver 5; S Ge 41:8; Da 7:15, 28; 8:27; 10:16–17
p S Eze 31:3–4; Da 5:21
q Job 40:12; Ps 107:40; Jer 40:2
y S Dt 24:13; 1Ki 21:29; S Ps 41:3; S Pr 28:13; S Eze 18:22
b S Isa 10:13; S 37:24–25; Da 5:20; Hab 1:11; 2:4
j Ps 145:13; S Da 2:44; 5:21; 6:26; Lk 1:33
l Dt 21:8; Ps 115:3; S 135:6; Jnh 1:14
Daniel 5
e S 2Ki 24:13; S 2Ch 36:10; S Jer 52:19
1 5:2 Or ancestor; or predecessor; also in verses 11, 13 and 18
i S Est 1:10; Ps 135:15–18; Hab 2:19; Rev 9:20
2 5:7 Or Chaldeans; also in verse 11
3 5:10 Or queen mother
p S Jer 27:7; S Da 2:37–38; S 4:36
q Da 2:12–13; S 3:6
v S Job 40:12; Isa 14:13–15; Eze 31:10–11; Da 8:8
4 5:22 Or descendant; or successor
b Ps 115:4–8; Hab 2:19; Rev 9:20
d S Job 31:4; S Isa 13:11; Jer 10:23; S 48:26
5 5:26 Mene can mean numbered or mina (a unit of money).
6 5:27 Tekel can mean weighed or shekel.
j S Jer 27:7; 50:41–43; Da 6:28
7 5:28 Peres (the singular of Parsin) can mean divided or Persia or a half mina or a half shekel.
p Jer 50:41; Da 6:1; 9:1; 11:1
8 5:30 Or Chaldeans
Daniel 6
1 In Aramaic texts 6:1–28 is numbered 6:2–29.
e S Ge 41:41; S Est 10:3; S Da 1:20; 5:12–14
o 1Ki 8:48–50; Ps 55:17; 1Th 5:17–18
v S Job 5:19; Ps 37:39–40; S 97:10
c ver 27; Ps 91:11–13; Heb 11:33
g Dt 19:18–19; Est 7:9–10; Ps 54:5
m S Est 8:17; Ps 99:1–3; Da 3:29
o S Jer 10:10; Da 12:7; Rev 1:18
2 6:28 Or Darius, that is, the reign of Cyrus
Daniel 7
f S Eze 37:9; Da 8:8; 11:4; Rev 7:1
h S 2Ki 24:1; Ps 7:2; Jer 4:7; Rev 13:2
s S Ps 12:3; Rev 13:5–6
u S 1Ki 22:19; 2Ch 18:18; Mt 19:28; Rev 4:2; 20:4
z S Dt 33:2; Ps 68:17; Jude 1:14; Rev 5:11
a S Ex 32:32; S Ps 56:8; Rev 20:11–15
d S Eze 1:5; S 2:1; Mt 8:20*; Rev 1:13*; 14:14*
e Isa 13:6; Zep 1:14; Mal 3:2; 4:1
1 7:13 The Aramaic phrase bar enash means human being. The phrase son of man is retained here because of its use in the New Testament as a title of Jesus, probably based largely on this verse.
j S Da 2:44; Heb 12:28; Rev 11:15
o Isa 60:12–14; Lk 12:32; Heb 12:28; Rev 2:26; 20:4
x Da 2:21; Mk 1:15; Lk 21:8; Ac 1:6–7
2 7:25 Or for a year, two years and half a year
d S 2Sa 7:13; Ps 145:13; S Da 2:44; S 4:34; S Lk 1:33; Rev 11:15; 22:5
Daniel 8
k 2Ch 26:16–21; S Da 5:20
1 8:12 Or rebellion, the armies
y S Isa 28:18; S Lk 21:24; Rev 11:2
b S Eze 2:1; Da 10:16–18
f Eze 1:28; 44:4; S Da 2:46; Rev 1:17
2 8:17 The Hebrew phrase ben adam means human being. The phrase son of man is retained as a form of address here because of its possible association with “Son of Man” in the New Testament.
i S Eze 2:2; Da 10:16–18; Zec 4:1
3 8:19 Or because the end will be at the appointed time
Daniel 9
c S 2Ch 36:21; Jer 29:10; Zec 1:12; 7:5
1 9:1 Hebrew Ahasuerus
2 9:1 Or Chaldean
e S 2Sa 13:19; S Ne 1:4; Jer 29:12; Da 10:12; Jnh 3:6
n S 2Ch 36:16; S Jer 44:5; Jas 5:10; Rev 10:7
t S Jer 3:25; S 24:9; S Eze 39:23–24
u S Ne 9:33; S Jer 14:20; S Eze 16:63
v S Ex 34:7; S 2Sa 24:14; Jer 42:12
x 2Ki 17:13–15; S 18:12; Rev 10:7
a S Dt 11:26; S 13:15; S 28:15
g Jer 44:2–6; Eze 5:9; Da 12:1; Joel 2:2; Zec 7:12
k S Ge 18:25; S 2Ch 12:6; S Jer 12:1
l S Ne 9:33; S Jer 32:23; S 40:3
y S Dt 28:10; S Isa 37:17; Jer 7:10–12; 25:29
d S ver 3; Ps 145:18; S Isa 58:9
3 9:24 Or ‘weeks’; also in verses 25 and 26
4 9:24 Or restrain
5 9:24 Or the most holy One
6 9:25 Or an anointed one; also in verse 26
u Isa 61:1; S Eze 4:5–6; Hag 2:23; Zec 4:14
7 9:26 Or death and will have no one; or death, but not for himself
8 9:27 Or ‘week’
9 9:27 Or ‘week’
10 9:27 Septuagint and Theodotion; Hebrew wing
11 9:27 Or it
12 9:27 Or And one who causes desolation will come upon the wing of the abominable temple, until the end that is decreed is poured out on the desolated city
Daniel 10
1 10:1 Or true and burdensome
j S Isa 6:7; Jer 1:9; Da 8:15–18
2 10:16 Most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text; one manuscript of the Masoretic Text, Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint Then something that looked like a human hand
Daniel 11
1 11:6 Or offspring
2 11:6 Or child (see Vulgate and Syriac)
j Isa 8:8; Jer 46:8; S Da 9:26
3 11:17 Or but she
i S Jer 19:4; Da 8:11–13; S 9:27; Mt 24:15*; Mk 13:14*
l Mt 24:9; Jn 16:2; Heb 11:32–38
n S Job 28:1; S Ps 78:38; S Isa 48:10; Da 12:10; Zec 13:9; Jn 15:2
q S Dt 10:17; S Isa 14:13–14; S Da 7:25; 8:11–12, 25; 2Th 2:4
4 11:39 Or land for a reward
5 11:43 That is, people from the upper Nile region
6 11:45 Or the sea and
Daniel 12