Subject Index

Achaicus, 6

Adam, 332–33, 335, 347–49

Administration, 270

Adriatic Sea, 4

Aegean Sea, 4

Allegory, 189

Angels, 225–26

Aquila, 365

Apocalyptic eschatology: Christian, 14–15; Jewish, 13–14; Paul’s, 12–15, 76

Apocalyptic revelation, 351–55

Apollos, 33, 37

Apostle, 17–18, 37

Arrogance, 111

Authority, 225, 230

Barnabas, 184

Baptism, 34–35, 37, 200–201; for the dead, 337–38

Behavior at worship, 221–27

Benediction, 366–67

Benefits of Christ for Christians, 82–83

Boasting, 6, 48, 49, 81, 91–92, 252

Bodily resurrection, 342–43, 347–50

Body of Christ, 263–67

“Brothers and sisters,” 31, 36

Celibacy, 141–42; as a spiritual gift, 140–42

Cephas, 33, 36, 183

Chaos, 222

Chloe’s people, 5

Christian life, 162–66, 247–48

Christology, 32, 83–84, 173

Chronology, 56

Church, 18–19, 46, 50, 74; universal, 20, 22

Circumcision, 154–55, 158

Claudius, 2

Cliques in the Corinthian congregation, 6

Collection, 356–57, 360

Conscience, 178, 180–81, 215

Corinth, city of, 3–5; cosmopolitan character of, 5; old Corinth, 4; Roman Corinth, 4

Creedal language, 175

Crispus, 34–35

Cross, 39, 42, 53, 61, 79, 80

Crucifixion, 44

Cursing Jesus, 255

Cynics, 187

Day of the Lord, 113, 119

Death: the last enemy, 334; of Christ, saving significance of, 115; victory over, 352

Demons, 210, 213

Diatribe, 129, 131

Discipline, Christian, 116, 196–98

Divine authority, 222

Divorce, 146–48

Dress (at worship), 221

Dualism, 135; temporal, 204

Ecstasy, 254

End, the, 331–36

Enthusiasm, 254

Equality, 230; in marriage, 141

Eschatological cry for Christ’s coming, 366–67

Eschatology, 26–27, 39, 50, 58, 73, 77, 88–89, 95, 112–13, 119, 122, 125, 145, 153, 160–66, 204, 226, 314–17, 334; Paul’s apocalyptic, 12–15, 76

Ethics, Christian, 119–20

Exegesis, Paul’s, 203

Exodus, 199–205

Factions, 33, 36, 68

Faith, 55, 258–59, 272–73

“Fear and trembling,” 56

First Corinthians: co-authorship of, 21–22; date of writing, 3; outline of, 8–9; purpose of, 5–6; structure of, 6–7; unity of, 109, 118

Firstfruits, Christ as, 331

Flesh, 212

Food, sacrificed to idols, 169

Foolishness, 39, 41

Fornication, 132, 136

Fortunatus, 6

Freedom, 130–31, 154–57, 158–59, 167, 176, 179, 183

Gaius, 34–35

Gallio, Lucius Junius Annaeus, 2–3

Gifts: spiritual, 252–55, 266–67; unity and diversity of, 256–62

God, 17–18, 20–21, 23, 26, 28, 39, 45, 47, 59–60, 70, 77, 88, 105, 113, 117, 172, 216; glory of, 225; power of, 40–41, 43; wisdom of, 48, 57

Gods, pagan, 173

Gospel, 25, 39, 44, 57; character of, 31; two-level, 58–59

Grace, 24, 324

Greetings, final, 365–67

Happiness, 168

Hardships of ministry, 97–99, 100

Head, 222–26, 228–30, 269; coverings, 223

Healing, 259

Hellenism, Paul’s, 11–12

Holy kiss, 365, 367

Homosexuality, 126

Hope, 327–28

Household, 363

Idol meat, 169, 196–97, 208–11, 214–18

Idolatry, 208–11

Imitation, 103, 107–8, 218–19

Immorality, sexual, 109–11, 116

Immortality, 325

“In the Lord,” 226

Incest, 111, 118

Individualism, 227

Jesus Christ, 17, 21, 28, 72, 173

Judgment, 87–88, 117–18

Kingdom of God, 351, 354

Kiss, holy, 365, 367

Knowledge, 169–76, 258, 272–74

Law: Roman, 125; of Christ, 195

Letter delegation from Corinth, 6

Letter from Corinth to Paul, 137

Letters, form of Hellenistic, 17

Lord’s Supper, 237; attitudes toward, 245–49; authenticity of the tradition, 243–44; behavior at the, 233–35; directions for, 249–50; practical dimensions, 251

Love, 171, 271–79; character of, 273–74

Male-dominant language, Paul’s use of, 73

Male-female relations, 137–42

Marriage, 138–39, 143–45, 167; Christian to non-Christian, 149; equality in, 141; mutuality in, 138–40; sanctification in, 150–52; and sex 137–42; and abstinence from sex, 139

Mary and Martha, 366–67

Meat, 169–70

Memory, 240

Midrash, 185, 199

Ministry, Christian, 69; hardships of, 97–100; Paul’s purpose in, 193–95

Mission(s), 19, 32, 109–10, 130, 192–93, 242

Moral standards, ancient, 111

Moses, 200–201

Mysteries, 272–73

Mystery, 351, 354

New covenant, 241

Order, 222, 311

Orderly worship, 297–301

Pagan cultic meals, participation of Christians in, 170–71, 208–11

Paschal lamb, 110

Passover rituals, 14–15

Paul: his apocalyptic eschatology, 12–15; his Hellenistic background, 11–12; his Jewishness, 10–11; his residence at Ephesus, 3; his theological worldview, 10–15; his ministry, 52; and the Corinthians, first contact of, 1–2, 52–53; and the Corinthians, previous correspondence of, 3; and Corinthians, relationship of, 100–107

Praying with head coverings, 223

Priscilla, 365; and Aquila, 2

Prophecy, 272, 274, 280–83, 311

Prophesying with head covers, 223

Purgatory, 78

Redemption, 51, 134, 156–57

Remembrance, 240–41

Resurrection, 130, 314–24, 331–36; nature of, 345; Paul’s reasoning about, 328–29; as transformation, 343–44; resurrection body, 342–43, 347–50; of the dead, 325–30, 337–46

Revelation, apocalyptic, 351–55

Rewards for Christian service, 70–74

Rhetoric, 34, 37, 39–40, 42, 47, 50–51, 54, 66, 83, 90–91, 101, 106, 122, 124, 128, 141, 172, 174, 178, 191, 211, 217, 234–35, 311

Righteousness, 50

Rights: renunciation of, 186–87; and responsibilities, 169–75; of an apostle, 182–91

Roman law, 125

Sacrifice in antiquity, 169

Sarcasm, 91–96

Satan, 110, 113, 119, 140

Saving significance of Christ’s death, 115

Scriptures, according to the, 318–19

Self-control, 144–45

Self-sufficiency, critique of, 84

Sensible speech, 284–90

Sex: and spirituality, 137–42; in marriage, 137–42

Sexual immortality, 109–11, 116

Sexuality, 226

Shame, 122–23

“Sign,” 291–94

Silence of women, 302–9

Slavery, 155–57

Slogan, Corinthians’, 128, 214

Sosthenes, 3, 18, 35

Spirit, 54–55, 57, 60–62, 76, 112, 133, 166

Spiritual: discernment, 57, 258, 260; gifts, 24–25, 252–55, 266–67; unity and diversity in spiritual gifts, 256–62

Spirituality and sex, 137–42

Standards, cultural, 226–27

Stephanas, 6, 35, 362–63

Stewardship, 85–86

Suetonius, 2

Thanksgiving prayer, 23, 29

Timothy, 103–4, 108

Titius Justus, 2

Tongues, 260–61, 274, 311; and non-Christians, 287–96; and prophecy, 311; of angels, 276–77; interpretation of, 261, 297–301; regulation of, 297–301

Tradition, 243–44; early Christian, 221, 238–42, 314–24

Travel plans, Paul’s, 358–59, 361

Trinity, 83

Typology, 202

Universalism, 333

Victory, 355; of Jesus Christ, 334; over death, 352

Virgin(s), 163–65

Weak, the, 177, 193

Weakness, 53–54, 91, 96

Widowers and Widows, 143

Wilderness, 200

Wisdom, 31, 35, 37–38, 40–41, 44, 59, 79–81, 258–61

Women: and silence, 302–9; in worship, 224, 302–9

Work, 188–89

Worldview, Paul’s theological, 10–15

Worship, 221; orderly, 297–301

Yarmulkes, 229