Chapter 9

Algebra: Finding What X Really Means


Bullet Working with bases and exponents

Bullet Dealing with variables to solve algebraic expressions

Bullet Digging deep into roots and radicals

Bullet Plotting points, lines, and slopes with coordinate geometry

Bullet Manipulating functions and sequences

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses numbers, letters, and operations to represent the concepts and rules of mathematics. Through an understanding of these concepts and rules, you’re often able to use what you know (the information a question provides) to determine what you don’t know, such as the value of x. You’ve probably already solved lots of algebra questions in junior high and high school and perhaps even in your college courses. You just need a refresher to get your head back in the game.

This chapter reveals everything you need to know about algebra to be fully prepared for the test. It starts slowly with bases, exponents, and variables such as x and y and gradually moves on to complicated algebraic concepts. Although you’re free to skip around, you may want to start at the very beginning if you’re rusty with these concepts.

Using Bases and Exponents

Many GRE math questions require you to know how to work with bases and exponents. When you multiply a number repeatedly by itself, you raise that number to a certain power; for example, 3 to the power of 4, or 34, is math. In this example, 3 is the base, and 4 is the exponent. The exponent simply tells you how many times to multiply the base (number) by itself. Here are a few more examples:

  • math
  • math
  • math

Remember the following rules when working with bases and exponents:

  • Any number to the zero power equals 1.
  • Any number to a negative exponent is the reciprocal of that number to its positive exponent.

    Remember A number with a negative exponent isn’t negative. When you flip it, you get the reciprocal, and the negative goes away. Like this:

  • When you raise 10 to a power, you get 1 followed by the number of zeros equal to that power.

    Because math, math is math, which equals 50,000.

  • To multiply like bases, add the exponents.

    Warning You can’t multiply different bases. For example, math stays math, and math stays math.

  • To divide like bases, subtract the exponents.

    Warning Did you look at the second example, math, and think the answer is math? Falling into the trap of dividing exponents rather than subtracting them can happen, especially when you see numbers that just beg to be divided, such as 8 and 4. A common mistake, but don’t let it get you.

  • Multiply the exponents of a base inside and outside of parentheses.

    Remember This is true even with negative exponents:

  • To add or subtract like bases with like powers, add or subtract the numerical coefficients of the bases. The numerical coefficient is the number to the left of the base; for example, in 31x3, 31 is the numerical coefficient.

    Warning You can’t add or subtract the numerical coefficients when the bases are different. For example, math stays the same and does not become math, math, or math. Furthermore, you can’t add or subtract like bases with different exponents. For example, math isn’t equal to math, math, or math. It stays math. The bases and exponents must be the same for you to add or subtract the terms.

To make sure you’re comfortable with the variations, try these Quantitative Comparison (QC) questions with bases and exponents. (In a QC question, you compare the contents in two columns: More on this in Chapter 13.)

For all QC questions on the GRE, you choose from the following answer choices:

ovalA  Quantity A is greater.

ovalB  Quantity B is greater.

ovalC  The two quantities are equal.

ovalD  The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Mathematical representation of quantity A with exponent 3 and quantity B with exponent 7 and base 4.

Remember that when you divide, you subtract the exponents, so math, regardless of the value of x. The correct answer is Choice (C).

Mathematical representation of example of multiplying the exponents with quantity A with base x and exponent 3 to the power 4 and quantity B with base value 12.

Because you multiply exponents together when you take an exponent to a higher power, the two quantities are the same, regardless of x: math The correct answer is Choice (C).

Mathematical representation of solution of multiplying the exponents with quantity A with base x and exponent 3 to the power 4 and quantity B with base value 12.

Because you don’t know the value of x, you can’t tell which quantity is greater. You may think that anything to the 12th power is a large number, making Choice (A) the correct answer, but you need to know more about x. If x equals 2, then you’d be right. If x equals math, you’d be wrong. This is an easy one to fall for. See Chapter 13 for more on trying different values of x for different results. The correct answer is Choice (D).

Mathematical representation of quantity A with base 16x and exponent 4 minus base 4x and exponent 3 and quantity B with base 12x.

Because you don’t know what x is, as in the preceding question, try different values for x to see which quantity is greater. If you selected Choice (C), you fell for the trap. The correct answer is Choice (D).

Mathematical representation of quantity A with base 10x and exponent 3 minus base 2x and exponent 3 and quantity B with base 8xy.

Because you don’t know what x or y is, you can’t tell which quantity is greater. The correct answer is Choice (D).

Working with Math Operators and Functions

You may encounter questions based on math operators and functions on the GRE. The approach is simple: Plug a number in for the variable. The math itself is always easy. The trick is knowing how to set up the equation. This section explains how to set up the equations to do the math and arrive at the answer.

Substituting for the variable in the math operator

You see a problem with a strange symbol. It may be a triangle, a star, or a circle with a dot, as in the following example. You’ve never seen it before, and you’re not sure what it means. It’s probably a math operator, such as +, –, ×, or ÷, but it’s a new one that the GRE uses just for this one math question. Don’t worry — the GRE always tells you what the symbol means (or allows you to figure it out).

The symbol may be part of an equation, like this:


A question follows the explanation, like this:


Here’s how you solve it:

  1. Substitute the numbers for the letters:

    For this problem, substitute 3, 4, and 5 for a, b, and c, respectively.

  2. Solve the equation:

The GRE keeps things interesting with variations like this:

Example If math, then math

To solve, substitute –4 for x:


Then solve the equation for your answer:


Substituting for the variable in the function

You can spot a function question by the distinctive math. The letters aren’t always f and x (for example, math is common), but the setup is always the same. You may see a problem like this:

Example math. Solve for math.

To solve, substitute the number in parentheses for the letter in parentheses (in this case, plug in 2 for x):


Try another one:

Example math. Solve for math.

Just substitute the 10 for the x:


Revisiting Algebra

To correctly answer algebra questions on the GRE, you must be able to

  • Solve for x in a simple equation.
  • Use the FOIL method to multiply binomials. (Refer to the later section “Multiplying with the FOIL method” for details.)
  • Factor a quadratic equation to solve for x.

The following sections review the basics of algebra that you need for the GRE.

Solving for x

To solve for x, or any other letter, in a simple equation, follow these steps:

  1. Move all the x’s to the left side of the equation.
  2. Move all the numbers to the right side of the equation.
  3. Divide both sides of the equation by the number in front of the x.

Now try it with this equation:

  1. Move all the x’s to the left side of the equation.

    Anything on the right side that’s tied to an x, in this case 9x, is subtracted — from both sides. The 9x gets cancelled from the right and subtracted from the left.

  2. Move all the numbers to the right side of the equation.

    This is just like the previous step, only you’re subtracting the number, in this case 7, from both sides. The 7 is cancelled from the left and subtracted from the right.

  3. Divide both sides by the number next to the x.

    This number near the x is also called the coefficient.


Just to be sure, plug the 2 back into the original equation to make sure it works:


Tip GRE algebra questions are typically simple to solve, but once in a while the exam gives a question where it’s easier to try out answer choices. Always go for solving it first, but if solving seems like it’d be really tricky, trying out answers may be the way to go. Like this:

Challenge Solve for x:


ovalA 7

ovalB 8

ovalC 10

ovalD 12

ovalE 14

You could solve for x, but I wouldn’t. Instead, start with the answer choice number that’s easiest to work with, in this case probably 10. Then it goes like this:


See? Almost too easy. Solving for x would have been a nightmare. Correct answer: Choice (C).

Multiplying with the FOIL method

When multiplying any number by a binomial (a value expressed as the sum or difference of two numbers), you use the distributive property, which means you multiply all the values inside the parentheses by the multiplier to the left of the parentheses. For example:


When multiplying two binomials, such as math, you also use the distributive property. Basically, you multiply everything in one set of parentheses by everything in the other set of parentheses and then add up all the results. This is also known as the FOIL method, which stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last. Try it with this equation:

  1. Multiply the First variables.
  2. Multiply the Outer variables.
  3. Multiply the Inner variables.

    math (which is the same as ab).
  4. Multiply the Last variables.
  5. Combine like terms.

    math (Here, the –ab and +ab cancel out.)

Like terms are two or more terms with the same variable(s) and exponent. For example, 3x3 and 2x3 are like terms, and you may combine them as follows: math. You can’t, however, combine 3x3 and 3y3 or 3x3 and 3x5, because in the first case, the variables differ, and in the second case, the exponents differ.

Remember Remember that when multiplying, the order doesn’t matter, so math and math.

Try another one: math

  1. Multiply the First terms.
  2. Multiply the Outer terms.
  3. Multiply the Inner terms.
    math (which is the same as ab)
  4. Multiply the Last terms.
  5. Combine like terms for the final answer.

    math, so math.

Tip Memorize the following three FOIL equations so you don’t have to bother working them out every time. Knowing these equations can save you time and help you avoid careless mistakes on the actual exam.

  • math

    You can also prove this equation with FOIL: math.

    1. Multiply the First terms: math.
    2. Multiply the Outer terms: math.
    3. Multiply the Inner terms: math (which is the same as –ab).
    4. Multiply the Last terms: math.
    5. Combine like terms for the final answer: math, so math.

    Tip The only time the middle term cancels out is when the binomials are the same except one has a plus and the other a minus, such as math, resulting in a perfect square minus a perfect square: math. When a question has a perfect square minus a perfect square, you can quickly do the reverse and factor it: math. More on factoring in the next section.

  • math

    You can prove this equation using FOIL: math.

    1. Multiply the First terms: math.
    2. Multiply the Outer terms: math.
    3. Multiply the Inner terms: math (which is the same as ab).
    4. Multiply the Last terms: math.
    5. Combine like terms for the final answer: math, so math.
  • math

    You can also prove this equation using FOIL: math.

    1. Multiply the First terms: math.
    2. Multiply the Outer terms: math.
    3. Multiply the Inner terms: math (which is the same as –ab).
    4. Multiply the Last terms: math.
    5. Combine like terms for the final answer: math, so math.

    Note that the b2 at the end is positive, because it’s from a negative times a negative.

Factoring back out

As often as you FOIL terms on the GRE, you also factor them, which is the opposite of FOILing. Factoring takes an algebraic expression from its final form back to its original form of two binomials. You perform this operation when an equation contains x2 to find the two possible values of x.

Remember x (or any letter in the equation) always has one value. Most equations with an x squared have two possible values for x, but x really has one value. For example, if math, you know that x equals 5 or – 5, but not both. These two possible values are also called solutions. If math, the two possible values (or solutions) are 3 and –3, but the value of y is either 3 or –3: not both.

Tip When solving for x squared, also known as a quadratic equation (though you won’t need the quadratic formula, so put that right back on the shelf), the first thing you need to do is set the equation equal to zero. If the GRE gives you math, then boom it’s math. If the exam gives you math, don’t think about it, just make it math. You may see these equations later on in this chapter … just sayin’ …

Given math, what are the two possible values of x? Factor it out one step at a time:

  1. Draw two sets of parentheses.
  2. Fill in the First terms.

    To get x2, the first terms have to be x and x.

  3. Fill in the Last terms.

    You need two numbers that equal –12 when multiplied and –4 when added. Start with the multiplied number, in this case –12: You have math, math, and math. Keep in mind that one of these terms is negative, for the –12, so which two numbers add up to –4? After a few tries, you find that –6 and + 2 do the trick: Multiplied, they equal –12, and added, they equal –4. Now you can complete the equation:


    Remember Whether you write it as math or math doesn’t matter. These expressions are multiplied, so they can be in either order.

    Now solve for x as two separate equations: math and math, for x values of 6 and – 2. Note that x doesn’t equal both 6 and –2; it equals one or the other. That’s why the question is phrased, “What are the two possible values for x?”

Remember Factoring becomes more complicated when a number is in front of the math, as in math, but that almost never happens on the GRE, so there’s no need to cover it here. The equations that you factor will almost always be very simple: The GRE is testing whether you understand the concept, not whether you can go knee-deep in the math.

Dealing with Square Roots and Radicals

You’re likely to see math problems on the GRE that include square roots or radicals. A square root is a number that’s multiplied by itself for a result; for example, 3 is the square root of 9 (because math). A radical is another way of expressing a square root; for example, the square root of 9 may be represented as math. Though higher-level roots exist in math, the square root is the only root you see on the GRE.

Remember A square root can only be on a positive number, (such as math, never math), because a negative number multiplied by itself results in a positive answer. If you see a square root on a negative number, recognize that this is not a real number, which means the equation with the number won’t work. math is not – 5, because the square root is from the same number multiplied by itself (squared), and – 5 times itself is + 25.

The following sections point out the math problems you may encounter on the exam related to roots and radicals. But first, you need to know how to simplify them.

Simplifying square roots and radicals

When possible, simplify radicals to get rid of them. Simplifying basically means reducing the radical to its most manageable form, often getting rid of the radical altogether. To simplify a radical, factor the number inside and pull out pairs of factors. Here are a few examples:

  • math
  • math
  • math
  • math

In some cases, part of the radical remains, but you can still reduce it to make the number easier to work with. In these problems, the GRE simply expects you to reduce the radical as far as you can, and the correct answer choice will typically include a radical. Here’s an example of a radical that you can’t reduce to an integer but you can simplify:


In this example, the square root of 100 is 10, so the 10 comes out of the radical. The 3, however, stays inside the radical, and the two numbers (10 and math) are multiplied for a result of math.

Remember If you work a problem and end up with a radical such as math, look at the answer choices. Typically, math will be waiting in the list, and you can leave your answer at that.

However, the question may ask what the number is “approximately equal to” or “closest to,” in which case you estimate the radical, as explained next.

Estimating the radical

When asked to estimate math, consider that it falls between math and math. Because math and math, math is between these and roughly 3.5. Knowing that the answer is between 3 and 4 is good enough to answer almost any GRE question. You never have to estimate the value more precisely than that.

Tip Memorize math. Don’t worry about the other radicals, but knowing this one can get you out of a pinch.

Adding and subtracting radicals

To add and subtract numbers with radicals, adhere to the following two rules:

  • You can add or subtract similar radicals: Just add or subtract the number in front of the radical.

    Remember This works just like adding or subtracting numbers with x: math and math.

  • You can’t add or subtract different radicals: math stays the same, just like math stays the same.

If the radicals aren’t the same, you may still be able to add or subtract them. Try to simplify one radical to make it similar to the other:


Example Try these out:

  1. math
  2. math

Here are the answers:

  1. math
  2. math

Multiplying and dividing numbers with radicals

To multiply and divide numbers with radicals, stick with these two rules:

  • Put all the numbers inside one radical and then multiply or divide the numbers.
  • If numbers are in front of the radicals, multiply or divide them separately. Because the order doesn’t matter when multiplying, move the pieces around to make them easier to multiply.

    Dividing works pretty much the same way:


Example math





ovalE 1,221

You know that math and that math, so the answer is math. This one is straight multiplication. The correct answer is Choice (D).

Working radicals from the inside out

When you see an operation under the radical, work it first, and then take the square root of the answer.


First, simplify math. The common denominator is 9, making the numerators 1 and 3, resulting in math. Now take the square roots of the top and bottom, separately:


And the answer is math.

Plotting It Out with Coordinate Geometry

Coordinate geometry is where algebra and geometry meet — a method of describing points, lines, and shapes by using algebra. It all happens on a piece of graph paper, also known as the coordinate plane.

The coordinate plane, also known as the x-y rectangular grid, is a two-dimensional area defined by a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis that intersect at a point of origin labeled (0, 0). Each point is labeled using an ordered pair (x, y) with the first number in the parentheses indicating how far to the right or left of (0, 0) the point is and the second number indicating how far above or below (0, 0) the point is. For example, this point has an x-value of 2 and a y-value of 1, for the coordinates (2, 1):

Graphical representation of a coordinate plane having horizontal x-axis and vertical y-axis with a coordinating point (2, 1) in the first quadrant.

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The following sections provide need-to-know information for solving the coordinate geometry questions you may encounter on the GRE.

Solving common problems

To answer common questions related to coordinate geometry, you need to know a few key steps.

Distance between two points

If you’re asked to find the distance between two points on the grid, you can use the distance formula, which is based on the Pythagorean theorem (see Chapter 10). In a right triangle, using the lengths of the two shorter sides, the formula lets you determine the length of the longest side (the hypotenuse); in equation form, math, where a and b are the lengths of the shorter sides and c is the length of the longest side.

In coordinate geometry, you use this formula along with the coordinates of two points to specify the lengths of the sides. Given two points, one with coordinates (x1, y1) and the other with coordinates (x2, y2), the length of one of the shorter sides is math, and the length of the other shorter side is math.

The distance formula is basically drawing a right triangle from the points on the grid and using the Pythagorean Theorem to find the hypotenuse.

Suppose you’re asked to calculate the distance between two points with coordinates (1, 2) and (7, 10). On the coordinate system, the right triangle would look like the following drawing; the length of one short side would be math, and the length of the other short side would be math.

Graphical representation of coordinate plane for calculating the distance between two points with two coordinates (1,2) and (7, 10). An inverted right triangle with base 6 and side 8 is placed in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane. The length of one short side of the triangle would be x2 - x1 =7 -1 = 1 6, and the length of the other short side would be y2 - y1 = 10-2 = 8.

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Plug these lengths into the distance formula for a distance of 10:


The distance formula provides another approach for answering questions such as these. With the coordinates of the two points, you can use the following formula to calculate the distance between the two points:


Tip You can use the distance formula or draw the grid and triangle; both approaches use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse in a right triangle when given the lengths of the two shorter sides.

Example Find the distance from (9, 4) to (8, 6).


Slope formula

The slope of a line is defined as “rise over run” — the distance the line rises compared to its horizontal distance. To find the slope of the line that goes through the points (1, 2) and (7, 10) (from the preceding section), note that the line rises 8 and runs 6. The slope is math, which you can reduce to math.

Remember Don’t worry about positive versus negative when using rise over run. Just place the rise on top and the run on the bottom; then decide whether it’s positive or negative. Pretend it’s the value of your stock portfolio: Going left to right, if the line goes up, the slope is positive; if the line goes down, the slope is negative. If the line is flat, the slope is 0.

Another way to calculate the slope of a line that goes through the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is to use the slope formula:


Example What is the slope of the line connecting the points (–1, –2) and (4, 6)?


The linear equation

A linear equation is any equation with x and y and no exponents, such as math. The slope-intercept form basically shows it as solved for y, such as math, or math. This is called the slope-intercept form because it shows the slope and y-intercept right there in the equation: m is the slope and b is the y-intercept (the point at which the line representing the equation intersects the y-axis).

Questions on the GRE that involve the slope-intercept form often provide you with the coordinates of a point through which the line passes and require that you calculate the y-intercept. For example, the line math passes through point (4, 15). At what point does the line cross the y-axis? To get the answer, you plug in 4 for x and 15 for y and then solve the equation:


So the line crosses the y-axis at the point (–13, 0).

You can also use the slope-intercept form to find the slope of a line when given its y-intercept and the coordinates of any point on the line. Suppose a line crosses the y-axis at math and goes through the point (4, 13), and you need to determine its slope. Simply plug the given values into the slope-intercept form:


Midpoint formula

If you’re asked to find the midpoint of a line segment defined by the coordinates of two points on the graph, you can draw the right triangle or use the midpoint formula:


In this formula, (x1, y1) are the coordinates of one of the line segment’s endpoints, and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of the other endpoint.

Working with linear equations

Linear equations can be in different forms, as long as there are no exponents. (An exponent curves the line.) Given the equation math, find an ordered pair (the x-y coordinates of a point) that makes the equation true. To test this, plug in values for x and y, and make sure the equation works. In this case, the ordered pairs (0, 8), (6, 4), and (–3, 10) make the equation true.

Graphical representation of linear equation with three ordered pairs ((0, 8), (6, 4), and (-3, 10) on a coordinate plane, and the three coordinating points are connected with the same line.

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You may also encounter linear equations in a different format. For example, instead of math, you may see math or math. Regardless of how the equation is presented, you can usually find two points on the line by setting x equal to 0 and solving for y and then setting y equal to 0 and solving for x. Use this method to find two ordered pairs for the equation math. Here’s y if math:


So one point is (0, 8). And here’s x if math:


And the other point is (12, 0).

Example Identify the (x, y) coordinates that make the equation math true.

Select all correct answers.

squareA (0, 9)

squareB (6, 1)

squareC (9, –6)

squareD (5, 2)

squareE (6, –1)

squareF (3, –2)

To solve this problem, substitute the coordinates of each answer into the equation, and make sure the equation is true. You’re looking for the x and y values that make the equation equal to 27:


The correct answers are Choices (A), (C), and (E).

Solving simultaneous equations

A linear equation has endless solutions, because for every value of x, there’s a corresponding value of y. Simultaneous equations refer to two linear equations depicting lines that cross, which means there is a single value for x and one for y where the lines cross. These single values for x and y are called the solutions to the equation. There are two ways to find this: addition and substitution.

Addition method

The addition method (also known as the elimination method) is easy and works best for simpler equations. For example, say you’re solving this:

Example math

Make sure the x’s and y’s (or whichever letters are in the equations), the numbers, and the equal signs are lined up, then add (or subtract) to cancel one unknown and solve for the other.


Now place the newly-discovered value of x into either original equation to find the value of y. You should get the same value of y from both equations.


If you were to graph the equations, you would see that the (x, y) value of (2, 3) is where the two lines meet.

Graphical representation of simultaneous linear equation. Two linear equations are represented by two lines with values (5x-2y=4, x-2y=8). These two lines meet at point (2,3) in the xy coordinate plane.

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Here, try and fit these together for the solutions to the equations:

  1. math
  2. math

You’re sure to encounter these on the GRE, so make sure you’re comfortable with these variations on the theme.

1. In this one, you don’t add the equations: you subtract them:


Armed with x as 4, plug it back in for y. Here, I use the first equation:


2. Wait — what can you add or subtract to cancel something out? Set it up so that you can do that: Multiply the second equation by either 2 to cancel the b’s or 3 to cancel the a’s. Either way is fine. Start with this:


And it becomes this:


Then it’s business as usual:


All that for math. Place it back into one of the original equations:


And the lines cross at math, because a linear equation doesn’t always use x and y.

Substitution method

The other method is substitution, which has more steps but works better for some complicated equations. Just follow these steps:

  1. In one of the equations, solve for the first unknown in terms of the second unknown.
  2. Substitute the result from Step 1 for the first unknown in the other equation and solve for the second unknown.
  3. Plug the value for the second unknown into either equation and solve for the first unknown.

It’s easier than it sounds. Try it out on this example:

Example math

In this example, the second equation is the easier of the two to start with. Solve for x in terms of y:


Now substitute math for x in the first equation and solve for y:


Finally, plug the value for y into one of the original equations to find the value of x:


The answer is (2, 3).

The addition method is usually faster and simpler, especially when everything lines up (the x’s, the y’s, and the equal signs). If the x is on the left of the equal sign in one equation and on the right side in the other, you may want to use substitution. Don’t sweat this choice though: Both methods work well and fast and give you the same result.

You’ll find simultaneous equations in word problems, which I cover more in Chapter 11. Here’s an example of a problem where substitution works nicely:

Example Andy is 5 years older than Betsy. If he’ll be twice her age in 3 years, how old are Andy and Betsy now?

ovalA 7 and 2

ovalB 6 and 3

ovalC 8 and 5

ovalD 10 and 2

ovalE 10 and 5

First set up the equations. Remember that words like is, are, and will be serve as equal signs. “Andy is 5 years older than Betsy” becomes math, while “he’ll be twice her age in 3 years” becomes math. Only the GRE could turn kids into linear equations. Well, really I did this. Anyway, because math from the first equation, substitute math for a in the second equation, like this:


Now solve for b:


So if Betsy’s two years old (awww …), use 2 for b in the first equation to find Andy’s age:


I wrote the kids young to make the math easier. Correct answer: Choice (A).

Circling back: Graphed circles

A graphed circle is a circle drawn on the x/y plane from an equation. The equation is like a contorted linear equation — there’s an x and a y, but they’re twisted and squared instead of a nice, simple math. Don’t worry though — in the classroom, the teachers vary the heck out of the graphed circle, but on the GRE, there’s only one flavor. This is the equation for the graphed circle:


In this equation, h and k are the x and y values of the center, while r is the radius. The way you remember this is that the x and y values of the center become negative (or positive, if they’re already negative,) and the radius is squared. Say you have a circle where the (x, y) coordinates of the center are (3, –2) and the radius is 5.

Graphical representation of a circle drawn on the x or y plane from an equation. A circle where the (x, y) coordinates of the center are (3, -2) and the radius is 5.

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The equation of this circle is thus math. It also may appear as math math, with the radius squared.

Example A circle is drawn in the x/y coordinate grid. If the radius is 3 and the (x, y) coordinates of the center are (–2.5, 0.5), which of the following is the equation for the circle?






Knowing the equation of the circle is math, just plug in –2.5 for x, 0.5 for y, and 3 for r. Watch out for trap answers where x and y are the wrong sign or r isn’t squared. Correct answer: Choice (E).

Recognizing Patterns in Sequential Terms

A GRE sequential terms problem has you interpret a numeric pattern from an equation. The term is indicated with a letter, such as a, and counted with a subscript number, such as: a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, …, an.

You’re typically given one value for a, such as a1 = 10. The 1 in a1 means “the first a,” and the statement tells you that the first a has a value of 10. Be sure not to confuse the subscript number, in this case the 1 in a1, with the value of that particular a, in this case 10.

Next, you’re given an equation that describes the relationship between the sequential terms — in other words, the value of the next a — such as


Though the value of n (the subscript of a) changes, it has only one value at a time in the equation. For example, if math, then math. The equation can thus be rewritten as this:


Don’t get caught up in the math. Under all that subscript, what it tells you is simple. Each a is 3 more than the previous a. The second a, which is math, is 3 more than the first a, which is math.

The next iteration of the equation, with 1 added to n again, looks like this:


It tells you that the third a, math, is 3 more than the second a, math. In other words, if math, then math, math, and so forth. That’s the pattern from the equation. The question is then based on this pattern. For example, “What is the value of a6?” Just keep adding 3 until you reach the sixth a:


Example In the sequence math, for all positive integers b and n, where math, what is the value of b5?

ovalA 20

ovalB 16

ovalC 8

ovalD 4

ovalE 0

Start with the equation math, which translates to English as, “The next b is 4 less than this b.” If this b, or math, is 12, then math is 8, and math is 4. Correct answer: Choice (D).

Challenge In the sequence math, for all positive integers h and m, where math, what is the value of m when math?

ovalA 4

ovalB 2

ovalC 0

ovalD –1

ovalE –2

Start with the equation math, which is GRE-speak for “The previous h is 5 less than this h.” Instead of counting the little numbers up, you count them down. If this h, or math, is 8, then the previous h, math is 3, and the one before that, math, is –2. But there’s a twist: It doesn’t want the value of h. It wants the value of m when math. That’s the GRE — it does stuff like this. Correct answer: Choice (A).

Functioning with f(x)

A function is a linear equation, like math. Only instead of y, the GRE uses f(x), like this: math. The f(x) represents the resulting y value, and you plug in a value for x by substituting the number in the f(x). For example, if math, then math, and math. Note that the GRE may use other letters, such as g(h).

Tip The f(x) question is a good example of one that may be easier by trying out the answer choices.

Questions on the GRE that involve f(x) typically give you an equation where you plug in the values for x for the answer. Here’s how you get started:

  1. Plug the value of x from the f(x) into each x in the equation.
  2. Watch for variations in the f(x) or the equation.

Here are some examples of variations of a single f(x) equation:

Example When math, what is the value of math?

Just plug in 3 for x in the equation:


When math, what is the value of math?

First find the value of math:


Now that you know what math is, double it for math:


Challenge When math, what are the two values of x when math?

Substitute 48 for the entire math:


See? That’s all there is to it. Now try this one:

Challenge The function g is defined as math for all real numbers h. If j is a number such that math, which two of the following could be the number j?

Indicate two such numbers.

squareA –5

squareB –3

squareC –1

squareD 2

squareE 4

squareF 6

Start with finding what g(h) is when it equals 10:


Now here’s the twisty part. h may be –4 and 5, but the question asks for j, which is equal to –h. Correct answers: Choices (A) and (E).