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‘Abdallah ibn Shihāb/Abdalla, son of Sidhab, 162, 247n16
‘Abdallah ibn ‘Umar, 247n7
‘Abd al-Muttalib, grandfather of Muḥammad/Abdolmutleb, 121, 189
Abraham, prophet, 33, 112, 113, 129, 153, 203; banishment of, 115, 140; and the Ka‘ba, 117–18, 128, 138, 140–41, 171, 195, 253n37; lineage of, 29, 129; as proselytizer, 76; sacrifice of Ishmael by, 141–43, 170
Abū Bakr al-Ṣiddīq/Abubacr, 35, 40, 122, 126, 127, 130, 133, 134, 240n7; and death of Muḥammad, 174; as military commander, 122, 178; Muḥammad, marriage of daughter to, 129; as proselytizer, 160–61; and the Qur’ān, 193, 207
Abū Ma‘shar/Abu Maasor, astrologer, 126
Abū Tālib /Abutaleb, Uncle of Muḥammad, 42, 125, 157; death of, 129; in early life of Muḥammad, 121, 123, 189
Adrian, Roman emperor, 77, 90, 91
Aḥmad ibn ‘Abdallah /Achmet Ben-Abdala, Andalusian author, 15, 257n42
Aitshama, Negush, Abyssinian king, 157–58
Alexandrinus, Clement, 88
Alexandrinus, Dionysius, 77
‘Ali ibn abī Ṭālib/Aly, 2, 130, 133, 134, 138, 164; and alcohol, 146–48; characteristics of, 125; 152, 157; as military commander, 162, 163; as negotiator with Hagarenes, 136, 139–40, 144–45, as preacher of Islam, 13, 39–43; and sacrifice of Ishmael, 140–43; in Saraka, 152–55; as secretary of Muḥammad, 127, 194
Amīna, mother of Muḥammad/Amena/Emena, 121
‘Amr ibn al-Mundhir, King/Amrus, 117
al-Anṣārī, Khālid Abū Ayyūb/Chalid Abiol, 130, 243n54
Apollinaris, bishop of Hierapolis, 105
Apollo, Alexandrian Jew, 82
Arcadius, Byzantine emperor, 76, 95
Arian(s), 13, 69, 118, 121, 119, 191; and Christ’s divinity, 89, 96, 232n106, 232n107; as alleged instructors of Muḥammad, 124, 190; and Nicene Council, 96, 99; oppression of, 98, 201, 122–23, 149; persecution by, 99; piety of, 185; and pigeon story, 192
Arlington, First Earl of, secretary of state, 6, 214n18
‘Ashūrā’/Ashur/Ashura/Month of, 76, 172, 190
Augustine/Austin, St., 201
Augustus, Roman emperor, 71
Baybars, Mumluk Sultan, 21
al-Bayḍāwi, Abdalla ibn ‘Umar/Beidani/Bredani, 2, 208, 253n40
Benjamin of Tudela/Tudelensis, 76, 228n37
Butler, Thomas, Lord of Ossory, 215n41
Caligula, Caius, Roman emperor, 75, 227n28
Cherbury, Lord Herbert of, 14
Claudius, Roman emperor, 104
Comnenus, Manuel, Byzantine emperor, 197
Constantine, Roman emperor, 8, 69, 95, 97, 104, 105, 234n128; baptism of, 85, 99; and Christ’s divinity, 15; and Nicene Council, 25, 99, 187; religious authority of, 6, 9, 93–94, 186
Cyril of Alexandria, St., 190
de Vitoria, Francisco, 249n3
Diodorus Tarsoris/Diodorus of Tarsus, 190, 252n16
Disney, Reverend John, 51
Doria, Don Ambrogio Spinola, 240n12
Elizabeth I, queen of England, 7, 215n34
Epiphanes, Antiochus, Seleucid emperor, 16, 72, 227n19
Erpenius, Thomas, 15, 24, 34, 47; and Arabic language, 18, 33; translation of al-Makīn by, 21–22, 50, 217n72, 220n101, 220n102
Fabricius, Johannes, 20, 180
al-Faraj, Abū/Gregorios/Ibn al-‘Ibrī, 2, 14, 36, 40, 221n124, Arabic history of, 26–29; and the Qur’ān, 34; as source for Stubbe, 10, 21, 47
Fātima, daughter of Muḥammad/Phatemia, 133
Fayrūz al-Daylamī/Firus of Dailam, 172
Fraizer, Sir Alexander, 4
George, St., bishop of Alexandria, 91, 93, 191, 192
Georgijević, Bartolomej, 254n45
al-Ghatfānī, Na‘īm ibn Mas‘ūd/Naimus f.Masudae Gatfanites, 162, 247n17
al-Gibti, Yusuf al-Misri, 18, 251n9
Gregory of Nazianzen, St., 85, 89, 115
Grotius, Hugo, 14, 21, 44, 55–56, 180, 181, 186, 192, 201
Hadrian, Roman emperor, 95
Ḥafṣa/Hapsa, wife of Muḥammad, 207
Ḥamza/Hamza, uncle of Muḥammad, 159, 161
al-Ḥaqilānī, Ibrahīm, 18, 20
Heidegger, Johann Heinrich/Heideggerus, 88
Heraclius, Byzantine emperor, 102, 150, 155, 196, 235n148; aid against Abyssinians from, 119; revolt against Phocas of, 103, 126–27, 149; revolt by Saracens against, 187; vanquishing by Muḥammad of, 174
Hesronita, John, se al-Ḥaṣrūnī, Yūḥanna
Hill, Christopher, 12, 46
Hobbes, Thomas, 213–14n8, 223n158, 259; correspondence with Charles Blount of, 2, 15, 228n49, 235n141; correspondence with Henry Stubbe of, 4, 49, 50; and secularism, 12, 31
Honorius, Roman emperor, 76, 97
Hottinger, Johann Heinrich, 15, 23, 31, 216n54; on ‘Ali, 40, 223n164; on Arabians, 116, 153; on church history, 106, 218n75; on Jesus, 225n4; on Muḥammad, 35, 46; on Saracen catechism, 195; as source for Magney, 216–17n61; as source for Stubbe, 14, 22, 41, 47, 50, 63, 217n69, 217n72
Ibn Abī al-Bazza, al-Qāsim/Ali Ebn Bozea, 124
Ibn al-Baṭrīq, Sa‘īd/Eutychius, 2, 14, 24–26, 28, 30; on Alexandria, 91, 92; Arabic history of, 24–26; as source for Stubbe, 21, 47; translation by Selden of, 30
Ibn Ḥunayn, Abū Zayd/Ben-Honain, 20
Ibn Qāsim al-Thaqafī, Muḥammad, 19
Ishmael/Ismael, 13, 33, 119, 129, 144, 153, 253n37; birth of, 140; and the Ka‘ba, 117, 128, 135, 140; circumcision of, 118, 133; descendants of, 113, 116, 118, 123, 140, 148–49; ejection by Abraham of, 112; glory of, 130, 136; and Medina, 111, 135; reformed dialect of, 113, 125; sacrifice of, 141–43, 170; seat of, 115
Jacobite(s), 3, 101, 149; Abū al-Faraj as, 21, 26; Al- Rāhib as, 40; as Christian faction, 103, 106, 118, 119, 121, 190; conversion to, 157; heresies of, 19, 191; as instructors of Muḥammad, 124; piety of, 185; practices of, 85; see also Baradaeus, Jacob, Bishop of Edessa
Ja‘far ibn abī Tālib, 247n7
Ja‘far ibn ‘Omar/Giafar Ibn Omar, 157, 158
Jesus/‘Īsa/Isa, 33, 37, 38, 45, 79, 124, 143, 189, 203; crucifixion of, 74, 249n19; distinctions in worship of, 82; divinity of, 101; Islamic respect for, 19, 30, 36; Jewish belief in, 80; persecution of, 140; poverty and piety of, 32, 185–88; as prophet, 19, 133, 149, 158, 160, 174, 186, 190, 199; in the Qur’ān, 29–31; reception of, 74; reformation by, 28, 131; ritual honoring of, 80, 87; sacred writ of, 126; as savior, 130, 200; and Serapis, 91, 233n113; as true Messiah, 54, 77, 80, 87, 106, 190, 191
John Chrysotom, bishop of Constantinople, 103
Judaizers/Judaizing Christians, 3, 88, 108–9, 157, 191, 208; and divinity of Christ, 81; and Holy Ghost, 192; Muḥammad as alleged, 185, 190; and paradise, 200; piety of, 185; and polygamy, 202, 204; as sect of Judaism, 83, 84
Julian the Apostate, 97, 189
Justin I, Roman emperor, 100, 119, 150, 155, 203, 234n131, 246n57; ejection of Goths by, 97–98, 102; Trinitarian religion enforced by, 102
Ka‘b ibn al-Ashraf/Ka’baum fil. Alasrafi, 162, 247 n
Khālid ibn al-Walīd/Chaledo Ebn Walid, 26
al-Kissā’ī, Muhammad/Casus Eff endus/Kessaeus, 191, 252n19
Laud, William, archbishop of Canterbury, 17, 225n193
Leo Africanus/John Leo, 238n15
al-Makīn, Jirjis ibn al-‘Amīd/Elmain/Elmomin, 2, 40, 41, 126, 220n101, 220n102, 241n27; Arabic history of, 21–24, 179; as source for Stubbe, 10, 14, 21, 47, 50, 217n72
Marana, Giovanni Paolo, 13
Marvell, Andrew, 7, 9, 12
Medorses, son of Chosroes II, 126
Melkite(s)/Melchite(s), 25, 106, 158; al-Baṭrīq as, 21, 24; and Council of Chalcedon, 101; oppression by, 149–50; persecution by Chosroes II of, 103
Modena, Mary of, wife of King James II of England, 11, 215n36
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis, 13
Moses, 38, 71, 130, 160, 174, 199, 203, 226n14; comparisons with Muḥammad of, 33, 36; historicization of, 33; law of, 87, 115, 126, 131, 257n42; poverty of, 124; and the Qur’ān, 140, 149; and usury, 205
Muḥammad/Mahomet, 102, 109, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 135, 144, 153, 185, 198; and Abū Tālib, 129; and Abyssinians, 157–59; and Africa, 98; against idolatry, 128, 178; as apostle of God, 149, 199; and the Arabians, 138–39; birth of, 121, 234n131; characteristics of, 69–70; Christian misconceptions about, 127–28, 189, 191–97, 253n32; and Christian reform, 186–89; Christian respect of, 18, 189; and circumcision, 133, 172; and the Coreischites, 126, 129, 134–35, 159–63; death of, 173–74; departure for Medina of, 130; destruction of idols by, 164–65; education of, 124–25; and empire, 181–82; entry into Mecca of, 164; friendship with ‘Ali of, 125, 157; and Hadith, 222n135; and the Hagarenes, 135–36, 139, 148, 151, 152; and imposters, 167, 172; as Judaizing Christian, 185, 200, 202; last pilgrimage of, 169–72; literacy/illiteracy of, 33–34, 193–94, 223; and Luqmān, 128; marriage of, 123–24; military endeavors of, 122, 132, 160–65; and miracles, 209–11; and polygamy, 201–4; prohibition of alcohol by, 146–48, 245n50; prohibition of gambling by, 206; prohibition of usury by, 204–5; propagation of doctrine by, 177–78, 180; and the Qur’ān, 128, 133, 166, 173, 179, 201, 207, 209, 223n152, 241n19; retirement out of Mecca of, 134, 135; rise of, 103
Nestorian(s), 3, 19, 106, 118, 121; and Chosroes II, 103, 119, 126; on divinity of Christ, 101, 190; as heretics, 191; as alleged instructors of Muḥammad, 124; piety of, 185; monk, Sergius the, 34, 190, 192; see also Nestorius
Noah, 33, 112, 149; commandments of, 78, 87, 181; and flood, 139, 169; idolatry and, 115; and pigeon story, 192, 252n23; poverty of, 124; progeny of, 78
Pantaenus, church historian, 88
Papinianus, Aemilius, Roman jurist, 93, 234n124
Paul, St., 15, 16, 54, 79, 82, 84, 88, 105, 107, 108, 191; apprehension of by Aretas, 111–12; ecstacies of, 127
Peter, St./Cephas/Simon Peter, 16, 74, 79, 82, 83, 88, 89, 105, 107, 108, 118, 230n65
Philippus, Marcus Julius, Roman emperor, 150
Pococke, Edward, 21, 23, 31, 55, 63, 197, 255n20; on ‘Ali, 39, 41; on Arab historians, 22, 26–27; as Arabic professor, 3, 17, 41; as Arabic translater, 24, 221n112, 221n122, 221n124; as chaplain to the Levant Company, 225n193; on Islamic eschatology, 45; on Muḥammad, 32, 34, 46, 192, 193, 194–95, 223n150, 223n152; on the Qur’ān, 37; on the Saracens, 153, 196; as source for Stubbe, 10, 11, 14, 47, 50, 217n69, 217n72
Porphyrogenitus, Byzantine title, 195
Portsmouth, Duchess of/Louise de Kérouaille, 11
Prideaux, Humphrey, 1, 26, 213n7, 221n112; as classmate of Stubbe, 3, 17; on Muḥammad, 28, 217n72; remarks against Islam by, 15
Qur’ān/Alcoran/Coran, the, 1, 18, 25, 35, 135, 158, 159, 179, 194, 197, 206; and alcohol, 255n27, 146; and ‘Ali, 39, 41; attacks against, 33–34, 37, 190, 209; biography of Muḥammad from, 31, 33; and church history, 13, 218n75; alleged corruptions of, 143, 149, 196; divine revelation of, 33, 34–35, 126, 148, 223n152, 241n19; and Hagarenes, 136, 139, 145, 147; and idolatry, 181; and Jesus, 29–31; and miracles, 36, 209–11, 249n18; and paradise, 200; and polygamy, 201–3, 254n11; and prayer, 138; refutation of Trinitarianism in, 15; religious tolerance and, 21, 44, 180, 250n8; Stubbe on, 2, 13–14, 37; translations of, 6, 12, 17, 43, 201, 223n162, 256n36, 256n37; on Trinitarians, 186; and Virgin Mary, 158, 219n92; writing of, 128, 133, 173–74, 190, 191–93, 207–8
al-Raḍī, al-Sharīf/al-Balāgha, Nahj, 41
Rochester, John Wilmot, Second Earl of, 2, 15, 49
Rycaut, Paul, 16, 21, 28, 225n193; on Muḥammad, 39, 180; on relationship between Christianity and Islam, 218n76; as source for Stubbe, 43, 217n72
Salmasius, Claude (Claudius), 74, 79, 230n67, 232–33n108; on Greek language, 107–8; on Jews, 76–77; on Muḥammad, 180; as source for Stubbe, 14, 47, 50, 217n69
Selden, John, 15, 17, 21, 31, 63, 88; as Arabic translator, 24, 30, 221n112; on Hebrew wives, 204; on Muḥammad, 46, 180, 195, 201; on the Qur’ān, 44; as source for Stubbe, 14, 47, 50
Serapis, Egyptian deity, 91
Shaftesbury, Lord/Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 12
Shairani, Hafiz Mahmud Khan, 2, 51, 56, 59
Sirces, son of Chosroes II, 126
Siroes II/Syroes, Persian king, 103
Sozomen, Salminius Hermias, 153
Stillingfleet, Edward, 14, 33
Tarquin, Roman king, 71, 122
Thābit ibn Qurra/Thabet Ben-Corra, 20
Theodosius, Roman emperor, 69, 76, 92, 95, 225n1; and Arians, 99; baptism of, 85; and Christ’s divinity, 15; religious authority of, 6, 9, 100
Theodosius the Younger, 95
Tiberius, Roman emperor, 102
Toletanus, Rodericus, 125
Trinitarian(s), 3, 121, 190; and Arians, 99, 119; canon of, 126; forced conversion to, 122; Jesus and, 29; Justinian and, 102; Muḥammad on, 186; piety of, 185; and pigeon story, 192; Stubbe against, 13, 15, 100
‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb/Alchittabi/Omar, 127, 133, 134, 207, 241n32; Pact of, 24, 178, 180; and the Qur’ān, 173–74; as second caliph, 25; and treaty of peace, 26
‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān/Osman/Othman, 133, 134, 241n32; as secretary of Muḥammad, 127, 194; and the Qur’ān, 193; as third caliph, 207
Vespasian, Roman emperor, 72, 122
Waraqa ibn Nawfal/Warakeh bin Naufal, 193, 241n19
Wood, Anthony à, 3, 4, 8, 11
Yūsuf Dhū Nuwās al- Ḥimyarī/King Du Nowas, 118, 239n41