


Welcome to the part of my book that deals with one of my favourite activities: eating. I realise that many of us may have a complex or difficult relationship with food, often with issues that overlap with the MIND section in this book. That’s okay. I have been there and I am not going to be prescriptive about what you can and can’t eat. I want to share my approach and you can take from it what you will. This approach works for me and I truly believe in it.

I have experimented with many ways of eating over the years, and I’ve come to understand that the decisions I make for my body should be unique and unaffected by theories or rules. It’s important to have knowledge of what’s good and bad for your body, but restriction is the killer. I remember going through a period of cutting out all carbs completely and being fiercely strict about my diet. As a result I was constantly tired and moody, I craved junk food and I even skipped dinner dates with friends for the fear of eating anything ‘bad’. Looking back, I was missing out on much of life’s beauty because of the limitations I’d set. And to me, that’s not living.