30 October 1970
Note by the Secretaries
At the request of the Chairman of the Working Party the attached assessment has been produced by JIC(A). It will be considered at a meeting of the Working Party on Monday 2 November at 4 pm in Conference Room A, Cabinet Office.
(Signed) T D O’LEARY
Cabinet Office, SW 1
30 October 1970
The Middle East Current Intelligence group met at 2.30 pm on THURSDAY 29 OCTOBER 1970 to consider the Arab Terrorist threat to Western Interests. The following is their report.
1. In this assessment, which has been requested by the GEN 9 Working Party on Acts of Violence against Civil Aircraft, we consider the potential threat to shipping and to oil installations from the Arab terrorist groups. We consider the potential threat to Western interests and particularly oil installations both in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world. The evidence on terrorist intentions so far available is slight but we hope to obtain some useful information based on captured fedayeen documents in the near future.
The Evidence
2. Earlier this month there were 2 reports suggesting that the terrorists were considering operations against oil tankers and oil installations. The first report, derived from CALTEX in New York, indicated that a 5-man commando team had left the Lebanon on 9 October for the Persian Gulf with the intention of destroying a major oil installation and of hijacking an oil tanker. The second report, from a Director of Mobil in London, was to the effect
that Palestine guerrilla activities were likely to be extended to ocean tankers in the Eastern Mediterranean, and that guerrillas had “probably obtained” 2 torpedo boats, together with fast craft, with the aim of taking over a tanker, emptying some of its oil into the sea, and exploding it. The captains of Mobil tankers had on 13 October been advised to be on their guard. However, in neither case has the threat in fact materialised and we understand that the Mobil report was based on speculation within the company. At about this time we also had a report from an apparently good source indicating that the PFLP were feeling disillusioned about the hijacking of aircraft, in view particularly of the very adverse reaction of Arab governments, and were now thinking more in terms of sabotage operations.
3. We have now just received a further report, obtained from the Jordanians, about the morale and plans of the PFLP. This reflects the result of questioning by the Jordanian security services of captured members of the organisation. According to this report the hijacking of aircraft has been “dropped as a technique” in view of the hostility of Arab governments. It was also observed that the Chinese government had warned Habbash (the leader of PFLP) during his visit to Peking that hijacking was likely to damage fedayeen relations with Arab governments. The Jordanians expected the PFLP to move on to sabotage and kidnapping. They had evidence that a sabotage plan exists but did not know the details. They believed that the Americans would be a priority target but that attacks might also be attempted against British interests. Gulf oil installations were thought to be a likely prime target, but there might also be “terrorising small time bomb attacks” in the UK and in the Lebanon. (Lebanon was considered the most likely place for this type of activity in the Arab world, as other Arab states would, in the Jordanian view, react too violently for the PFLP to be willing to take the risk). We have also had other indications that members of the PFLP have plans for kidnapping. The Jordanian view that the PFLP would drop hijackings is supported by a reported recent conversation between Mr Anthony Nutting and Yasin Arafat, in which the latter stated that he had received a written undertaking from Habbash not to engage in further hijackings (meaning presumably of aircraft).
4. We next attempt to define more precisely the possible targets for the terrorist groups.
Sabotage Operations
5. Although theoretically the most attractive target for the PFLP and the other terrorist groups who have gone in for sabotage would be oil installations inside Israel or the occupied territories, they are well aware of the formidable difficulties this would involve. Israeli oil terminal facilities in the port of Eilat could be attacked by fedayeen operating from the opposite Jordanian port of Aqaba. However, this would be no easy task given the close surveillance which the Israelis exercise and in any event the Jordanian authorities have for long taken measure to prevent such fedayeen activities in the knowledge that any Arab attack on Eilat are [sic] likely to be followed by harsher Israeli retaliation against Aqaba. In view of these considerations we think that the extremist fedayeen will go for American targets in the first instance, followed by other Western interests which can be identified with Israel. Pipelines represent a relatively easy target, but they can be repaired fairly quickly, and sabotage operations against those other than Israeli pipelines are open to the charge that they harm Arab interests as much or more than Western interests (as in the case of the PFLP’s sabotage of Tapline last year). All types of US, and to a lesser extent British and other Western European oil installations in all parts of the Middle East must be reckoned to be at some risk. However, it seems likely that the terrorists will be tempted to concentrate their efforts in areas where they would hope that police counter-measures would be the least effective. In this respect US and to a lesser extent other Western oil installations in the Gulf area may seem a particularly inviting target. Kuwait may be a partial exception to this rule as the PFLP and other extremist fedayeen groups would stand to lose if, as a result of their actions in Kuwait, their substantial financial support from Kuwaiti sources were placed in jeopardy. Although we believe that the American and British oil companies operating in the Gulf have adopted fairly elaborate precautionary measures, the large Arab labour forces employed by the oil companies give the terrorists obvious scope for this kind of activity.
6. It certainly cannot be excluded that terrorist groups may contemplate sabotage operations against oil installations outside the Middle East, although there is at the present moment no evidence of such planning. They might be attracted by the consideration that security precautions in some countries are likely to be much less stringent than in the Middle East, where they know that the companies are to some extent alerted to the risks. However, they would face greater practical difficulties in organising sabotage and making a success of it.
7. We believe that the reports of terrorist plans to carry out acts of sabotage against oil tankers deserve to be taken seriously. In the Mediterranean and in Europe the most likely target might be Israeli tankers or other ships carrying oil from, or trading with, Israel. However, in the case of Israeli ships the terrorists will be aware of the far-reaching security precautions the Israelis are believed to have instituted. In the Persian Gulf the terrorists may be interested in US, British and other Western European-controlled ships, particularly tankers, even though these are not trading directly with Israel. One particularly inviting target would be the tankers, most of which are registered in Panama but belong to American companies, which carry oil to Eilat.
8. Sabotage attempts can be expected to take place while ships are in harbour or at anchorage. The terrorists could either attempt to plant explosives after insinuating themselves onto a ship or to blow them up by placing limpet mines.
9. If Arab terrorists wished to attempt to hijack a tanker or other ship it is possible that they might seek to do this by acquiring high-speed vessels on which they might place armaments. They might also, in the Gulf, use distressed dows as a way of getting hijackers aboard a vessel. We have however no evidence, other than the tenuous Mobil speculation that they might be planning this. Another possibility is that they might seek to board vessels while in port and to take them over by holding hostages. This would be the obvious method if a passenger vessel was involved. In such an operation the terrorists’ object might be either to blow the ship up as a demonstration or to demand ransom in the form of ransom of fedayeen prisoners held in Europe or in Israel. We are inclined to think that the likelihood of such hijacking operations, which are open to some of the same political objections as the hijacking of aircraft, is less than that of sabotage. However, it cannot be altogether discounted.
Kidnappings and other activities
10. While the evidence is scanty, we continue to believe that there is a significant risk that the extremist groups may attempt kidnappings of Israelis and prominent Jews associated with Israel anywhere in the world, and of prominent American, British and other European individuals such as diplomats in the Middle East or elsewhere. The groups may also continue small scale bomb attacks against Israeli property such as the attack on the El Al office in London last year. In the Middle East itself, it is probably correct that, as the Jordanian authorities are suggesting, the fedayeen groups would now find it less easy than previously to stage such activities and would to some extent be deterred by the thought of counter-measures. Even in the Lebanon, where they enjoy the greatest freedom of action at present, the latter prospect could have this effect.
11. The evidence available to us does not permit us to draw any firm conclusions about the order of priority of the terrorist groups. However it does seem that the PFLP – the largest and most important extremist group – is now less interested in the hijacking of aircraft and the same may be true of the other extremist groups. This appears to be largely the result of the increasing hostility of Arab governments, whose attitude may make it somewhat harder for these groups to carry out other kinds of terrorist activities in most Arab states. However, the terrorists may reckon that circumstances in the Gulf area have not greatly changed and that US and to a lesser extent British oil installations present an attractive target for sabotage. The evidence suggests that terrorist groups may have particular plans for sabotage of oil installations including tankers. While politically Israeli oil installations or tankers would be the best target, these are known to be well guarded, and tankers or other ships belonging to US or British controlled companies may seem a more practicable proposition. Tankers of any nationality carrying oil to or from Israel would be a particularly inviting target. The terrorists are, in our view, more likely to contemplate sabotage than the hijacking of ships, though the latter possibility cannot be discounted. The threats of sabotage/hijacking of ships are by no means confined to the Middle East, though the Gulf may be seen as offering the greatest scope for successful operations at the present time. At the same time we would expect the extremist groups to continue to show interest in other types of terrorist activity, including particularly kidnappings, which will similarly not be limited to the Middle East.
Signed W N ASH
for Secretary,
Joint Intelligence Committees
Cabinet Office, SW1
30 October 1970