
Little Lamb

Little Lamb is the host with the most on Spud and Chloë’s farm adventure. This project uses the same twisted loop stitch that’s used on Spud, but on a smaller scale and in a dark brown. The result is a unique sheep with his own personality.

Finished Measurements

5½ inches tall, 3 inches wide, 3½ inches long from the front to the back of the body


Spud & Chloë Sweater (55% superwash wool, 45% organic cotton; 100 grams/160 yards), 1 hank each in Root Beer #7503 and Ice Cream #7500


U.S. size 6 (4 mm) double-pointed needles (set of four) or size needed to obtain gauge


Stitch markers

Ruler or tape measure

Yarn needle


Polyester fiberfill

Embroidery needle

Black embroidery floss


5½ sts per inch in stockinette stitch

Twisted Loop (tl)

Knit the st and leave it on the left needle, pull the loop out about 2 inches with your fingers, twist the loop until it twists back on itself, place the loop back on the left needle, knit 2 sts together.



Starting at the bottom of the body with Root Beer, cast on 9 sts, placing 3 sts on each of three dpns. Join to work in the round, being careful not to twist the stitches. Place a stitch marker on the first stitch.

Rnd 1: Knit.

Rnd 2: Kfb in each st—6 sts per needle, 18 sts total.

Rnd 3: Knit.

Rnd 4: Kfb in each st—12 sts per needle, 36 sts total.

Rnd 5: Knit.

Rnd 6: (k2, kfb); repeat to the end of the round—16 sts per needle, 48 sts total. Place a stitch marker on round 6 and leave it there.

Begin pattern as follows:

Rnd 1: (tl, k1); repeat to the end of the round.

Rnd 2: Knit.

Rnd 3: (k1, tl); repeat to the end of the round.

Rnd 4: Knit.

Repeat rounds 1–4 until the body measures 2½ inches above the stitch marker, ending with a round 1.

Decrease Rounds

Rnd 1: (k2, k2tog); repeat to the end of the round—12 sts per needle, 36 sts rem.

Rnd 2: (k1, tl); repeat to the end of the round.

Rnd 3: (k1, k2tog); repeat to the end of the round—8 sts per needle, 24 sts rem.

At this point, thread the tail end from the cast-on sts on a yarn needle and take a few stitches to close the hole at the bottom of the body. Pull the end to the inside and trim. Stuff the body with fiberfill and continue to stuff as you work to the end of the body.

Rnd 4: (tl, k1); repeat to the end of the round.

Rnd 5: (k2tog); repeat to the end of the round—4 sts per needle, 12 sts rem.

Rnd 6: (k1, k2tog, k1); repeat to the end of the round—3 sts per needle, 9 sts rem.

Finish any stuffing. Cut the yarn, thread the tail on a yarn needle, and draw it through the remaining sts, pulling tight to close the hole. Take a few stitches to secure, pull the end to the inside of the body, and trim.


Starting at the back of the head with Root Beer, cast on 9 sts, placing 3 sts on each of three dpns. Join to work in the round, being careful not to twist the stitches. Place a stitch marker on the first stitch.

Rnd 1: Knit.

Rnd 2: (k1, m1, k1, m1, k1); repeat on each needle—5 sts per needle, 15 sts total.

Rnds 3 and 4: Knit.

Rnd 5: (k1 [k1, m1 four times]); repeat between (and) on each needle— 9 sts per needle, 27 sts total.

Rnds 6–11: Knit.

Switch to Ice Cream.

Rnd 12: Knit.

Rnd 13: (ssk, k5, k2tog); repeat on each needle—7 sts per needle, 21 sts rem.

Rnds 14 and 15: Knit.

Rnd 16: (ssk, k3, k2tog); repeat on each needle—5 sts per needle, 15 sts rem.

Rnd 17: Knit.

Rnd 18: (k3, k2tog); repeat on each needle—4 sts per needle, 12 sts rem.

After round 18, thread the tail end from the cast-on sts on a yarn needle and take some stitches to close the hole at the back of the head. Pull the end to the inside of the head and trim. Fill the head with fiberfill until firm. Continue adding stuffing until the Decrease rounds are completed.

Rnd 19: (k2, k2tog); repeat on each needle—3 sts per needle, 9 sts rem.

Add any final stuffing needed. Cut the yarn, thread it on a yarn needle, and draw it through the remaining sts, pulling tight to close the hole. Stitch to secure, pull the end to the inside of the head, and trim.

With a length of Root Beer threaded on a yarn needle, whipstitch the head to the top front of the body. Pull the ends to the inside of the body and trim.

FEET (Make 4)


Cast on 12 sts with Ice Cream, placing 4 sts on each of three dpns. Join to work in the round, being careful not to twist the stitches. Place a stitch marker on the first stitch.

Rnds 1–6: Knit.

Rnd 7: (k2, k2tog) on each needle— 3 sts per needle, 9 sts rem.

Rnd 8: Knit.

Cut the yarn, thread it on a yarn needle, and draw it through the remaining sts, pulling tight to close the hole. Stitch to secure, pull to the inside, and trim. Stuff the foot with fiberfill until firm. Thread the end from the cast-on sts on a yarn needle. Whipstitch the feet to the bottom of the body.

EARS (Make 2)

Cast on 6 sts with Root Beer, placing 2 sts on each of three dpns. Join to work in the round, being careful not to twist the stitches. Place a stitch marker on the first stitch.

Rnds 1 and 2: Knit.

Rnd 3: (k1, m1, k1); repeat on each needle—3 sts per needle, 9 sts total.

Rnds 4 and 5: Knit.

Rnd 6: (k1, k2tog); repeat on each needle—2 sts per needle, 6 sts rem.

Cut the yarn, thread it on a yarn needle, and draw it through the remaining sts, pulling tight to close the hole. Stitch to secure, pull the end to the inside, and trim. Flatten out the ear. Thread the tail from the cast-on sts on a yarn needle and whipstitch the ears to the head, using the photograph as a guide. Pull the end to the inside of the head and trim.


Cast on 9 sts with Root Beer, placing 3 sts on each of three dpns. Join to work in the round, being careful not to twist the stitches. Place a stitch marker on the first stitch.

Rnds 1–3: Knit.

Rnd 4: (k1, k2tog); repeat on each needle—2 sts per needle, 6 sts rem.

Cut the yarn, thread it on a yarn needle, and draw it through the remaining sts, pulling tight to close the hole. Stitch to secure, pull to the inside, and trim. Flatten out the tail. Thread the end from the cast-on sts on a yarn needle and whipstitch the tail to the back end, toward the top of the body. Pull the end to the inside of the body and trim.


Cast on 4 sts with Root Beer. Use two dpns to work back and forth.

Row 1: Tl in each st.

Row 2: Knit.

Rows 3 and 4: Repeat rows 1 and 2.

Row 5: Repeat row 1.

Bind off. Cut the yarn, thread it on a yarn needle, and draw it through the remaining st. Arrange and whipstitch the hair between the ears, on the top of the head. Pull the end through to the inside of the head and trim.


With an embroidery needle and a length of black embroidery floss, take 2 straight stitches to make each eye. Make a V using 2 straight stitches, then add 1 straight stitch coming down from the point of the V. Use the photo on page 78 as a guide. Pull all ends to the inside of the head and trim.