‘When it may be found necessary to issue any other Species of Provisions or Substitutes for the above, it is to be observed that they are to be furnished in the following proportions, viz.
A pint of Wine, or half a pint of Spirits, is equal to a Gallon of Beer, and when Wine or Spirits are demanded, one fourth part only of the whole proportion is to be issued in Wine.
Four pounds of Flour, or three pounds thereof, with one pound of Raisins, are equal to a four-pound piece of Salt Beef. Half a pound of Currants, or half a pound of Beef Suet, is equal to one pound of Raisins. Four pounds of Fresh Beef, or three pounds of Mutton, are equal to four pounds of Salt Beef; and three pounds of Fresh Beef, or Mutton, to a two-pound piece of Salt Pork, with Pease.
One pint of Calavances, or Doll, is equal to a pint of Pease.
Whenever Rice is issued for Bread, Pease, Oatmeal, or Cheese, one pound of Rice is to be considered as equal to one pound of Bread, a pint of Pease, a quart of Oatmeal, or a pound of Cheese.
A pint of Wheat, or of Pot Barley, is equal to a pint of Oatmeal; five pounds and three-quarters of Molasses are equal to one gallon of Oatmeal.
When Sugar is substituted for Oatmeal, Butter, or Cheese, one pound of Sugar is equal to two quarts of Oatmeal, one pound of Butter, or one pound of Cheese.
A pint of Oil is equal to a pound of Butter, or two pounds of Cheese; and half a pound of Cocoa, or a quarter of a pound of Tea, is equal to one pound of Cheese.’