Details of specific documents consulted are listed in the notes to each chapter, but the generality of sources consulted is as follows:
Regulations and Instructions relating to His Majesty’s Service at Sea, 13th & 14th editions, 1790 & 1806.
Regulations and Instructions for the Pursers of His Majesty’s Ships and Vessels, 2nd edition, 1825.
Instructions and Regulations for the Guidance of the Officers of the Several Victualling Establishments at Home, Proposed by the Commissioners for Revising the Civil Affairs of His Majesty’s Navy, in their Twelfth Report, dated 22nd December 1807, and ordered to be carried into execution, by His Majesty’s Order In Council of the 14th September 1808.
Instructions for the Agents of the Victualling Establishments Abroad, Proposed by the Commissioners for Revising the Civil Affairs of His Majesty’s Navy, in their Twelfth Report, dated 22nd December 1807, and ordered to be carried into execution, by His Majesty’s Order In Council of the 14th September 1808.
The Eighth [and Ninth] Report ofthe Commissioners appointed by an Act of Parliament to enquire into the fees, gratuities, perquisites and emoluments which are or have been lately received in the several public offices therein mentioned, to examine into any abuses which may exist in the same: and to report such observations as shall occur to them, for the better conducting and managing the business transacted in the Victualling Office (London 1788).
Naval Regulations issued by command of the President of the United States of America January 25th 1802 (reprinted Annapolis, Maryland 1970).
ADM 1 – Secretariat in-letters
ADM 2 – Secretariat out-letters
ADM 7 – Miscellaneous Admiralty papers, including Admiralty Board Room journals.
ADM 8 – List books showing disposition of ships
ADM 36 – Muster books
ADM 51 – Captains’ logs
ADM 52 – Masters’ logs
ADM 106 – Navy Board letters and orders
ADM 109 – Victualling Board in-letters
ADM 110 – Victualling Board out-letters
ADM 111 – Victualling Board minutes
ADM 112 – Victualling Board accounts and Tenders for Contracts
ADM 113 – Pay lists for victualling yards
ADM 114 – Victualling depts miscellanea
Admiralty documents:
ADM C series – Victualling Board, in-letters and orders from Admiralty
ADM D series – Board of Admiralty, in-letters from Victualling Board
ADM DP series – Board of Admiralty, in-letters from Victualling Board
ADM F series – Board of Admiralty, in-letters from Sick and Hurt Board
ADM G series – Victualling Board, abstract of in-letters and orders from Admiralty
ADM/L/ series – Lieutenants’ logs
Miscellaneous documents:
GRT/10-23 | Grant papers |
GRE/15 | Book of orders received by Captain Grey |
KEI/23/32-3 | Lord Keith’s papers, sick returns for ships and hospitals in the Mediterranean 1800 to 1801 |
JOD/45 | Manuscript copy of the order book for HMS Amazon, kept by John Skynner and Fairfax Moresby, midshipmen |
MAL/101 | Letter book of Captain Pulteney Malcolm |
PAR/174 | Letter and order book of Captain William Parker for HMS Amazon |
RUSI/110 | Additional Orders and Regulations for the Government of His Majesty’s Ship Superb, KG. Keats Esq., Captain, manuscript book kept by John L. Copperd, midshipman |
WAR/12,18 | Sir John Borlase Warren’s papers |
Add Mss 34935–6 | Instructions from Admiralty and Secretary of State, 1803 to 1805 |
Add Mss 34964 | Nelson’s letter book, 20 May 1803 to 6 October 1804 |
Add Mss 34970 | Nelson’s orders to commanders of vessels, May 1803 to March 1804 |
Add Mss 36611–12 | Commissions, Warrants and appointments granted by Lord Nelson, July 1803 to January 1805 |
Add MSS 34978–86 | Logs of ships under Nelson as commander-in-chief Mediterranean |
Western MSS 3667–3681 | Miscellaneous documents and letters relating to ships under Nelson’s command 1780 to 1805 |
E900 series | Letter Books of Nelsons correspondence |
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