
Notations following page numbers:

n indicates reference found in note

p indicates photograph


Acronyms, listed, xiii–xv

Adak, USCGC, 11, 13

Agent Orange, 125

Allawi, Iyad, 51

Alonzo, Ci Ci (Senior Airman, USAF), 107p

American Nightingale: The Story of Frances Slanger, Forgotten Heroine of Normandy (Welch), 153

American Red Cross, ix

Amos, James (Lt. Gen, USMC), 55

Andress, “Doogie” (Capt., USMC), 45

Angels in Fatigues, 139

Aquidneck, USCGC, 9–16

Arc Royal, HMS, 13–14

Arlington National Cemetery, notable women buried at, 187–91

Armonda, R. A. (Lt. Col., USA), 32


“Baghdad Diaries”, 59–64

Barney, Rachel, 40

Baron, Scott, 19n, 24n, 28n, 111n, 118n, 122n, 131n, 231

Bass, Kristin L. (2nd Lt., USAF), 104p

Bates, Lyndsi (Lt., USN), 101p

Bellavia, Joseph P. (Staff Sgt., USA), 22

Boyum, Naomi, 40

Bradley, Ruby Grace (Col., USA), 138–41, 166

   childhood and early education, 138–39

   enlistment, 139

   Florence Nightingale Medal, 140


       Inchon landing, 140

       Pongyang, withdrawal from, 138, 140

   most decorated woman, U.S. Army, 140

   nursing school, 139


       Angels in Fatigues, 139

       as a POW, 138, 139–40, 166

       return from, 140

       transfer to, 139

       World War II, outbreak of, 139

       retirement, 140

Bronze Star recipients

   Clements, Jessica Lee (SSgt., USAR), 32

   Doering, Anne Marie (Lt., Col., USA), 112

   Grace, Teresa Broadwell (Pfc., USA), 22

   Harrison, Holly R. (Lt. Cdr., USCG), 5

Brosmer, Margaret (Col., USA), 131–37

   1st MASH, assignment to, 131

   basic training, 131

   Cadet Nurse Corps, 131

   Chosin Few, membership in, 136

   Chosin Reservoir, retreat from, 134–35

   convoy of wounded, Inchon to Pusan, 132–33

   enlistment, 131

   family and early education, 131

   Hungham evacuation, 135

   Inchon landing, 132

   “Lucky Thirteen”, 133

   military career, post-Korea, 136

   nursing school, 131

   Pyongyang, fall to Communist forces, 134

   rotation home, 136

   Seoul, 132

   strong military, advocate of, 137

Brown, Vera (Capt., USAF), 130

Bunker, Ellsworth, 120

Bush, George W., 2, 97


Campbell, Kim Reed (Capt., USA), 103p

Canastia, Evelyn, 120

Card, USNS, 115

Carrero-Perez, Sigrid M. (TSgt., USAF), 107p

Catholic Relief Services, ix

Central Intelligence Agency, ix

Charette, Holly (Cpl., USMC), 90–94

Cheverton, Jane Louise Kendiegh (Ens., USN), 156–59

   air evacuation flight nurse, training for, 156–57

   battlefield, first nurse to land on, 156, 157

   childhood and early education, 156

   commendation, Commander, Forward Area-Central Pacific, 159

   kamikaze planes, 158

   marriage, to Lt. Robert E. Cheverton, 159

   mission, first VRE-1, 157–58

   nursing school, 156

   Okinawa, 158

   retirement, 159

   U.S. Navy Nurse Corps, 156

   VRE-1 (Evacuation Transport Squadron), assignment to, 157

   War Bond tour, 158–59

Chinook, USS, 12

Chosin Few, 136

Christianson, Lorraine [Lt. (jg), USN], 165

Clements, Jessica Lee (SSgt., USAR), 28–32

   active duty, call to, 29

   Army Achievement Medal, 32

   Bronze Star, 32

   enlistment and training, 29

   injuries, 28, 30–32

       recovery, 30–32

       surgical treatment, 30

       survival chances, 30

   Purple Heart, 31p, 32

   retirement and disability, 32

   roadside IED blast, 28, 29

Cold War, 127

Coleman, Eunice (Capt., USA), 133

Coleman, John C. (Col., USMC), 51–52

Colonna, Jerry, 116

Combat, women in, 2

   aviation, 1

   close versus direct, 1, 35

   debate over, ix

   Haiti and Bosnia, peacekeeping missions in, 1

   Korean and Viet Nam, 1

   military police mission, Iraq and Afghanistan, 19, 35–36

   military ships, 1, 11

   Operation Allied Force, 2

   Operation Desert Fox, 2

   Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), 2

   Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2

   Panama, 1

   Persian Gulf War, 1

   pre-World War II, 1

   risk rules, 1

   twenty-first century transition, 1

   World War II, 1

Connors, Genevieve (Lt., USA), 135

Contractor, Russ, 28, 29

Cornum, Rhonda (Maj., USA), 98, 107p

Couturier, Siobhan (1st Lt., USAF), 107p

Crumpton, Frances (Lt., USN), 116


Danner, Dorothy Still [Lt. (jg), USN], 168–69

Dewitt, Gill (Lt., USN), 157

Doering, Anne Marie (Lt., Col., USA), 111–12

   Bronze Star for Valor, 112

   childhood and family, 111

   education, 111

   Hollandia, New Guinea, 112

   Japan, 112

   marriage, to Earl Solomon, 111

   officers training, 112

   Philippines, 112

   Vietnam War, 112

   Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps volunteer, 111–12

Dorn, Terri (Capt., USA), 19

Duckworth, Ladda Tammy (Maj., USANG), 104p

Duncan, Mildred E. (1st Sgt., USA), 111


English, Robert H. (Rear Adm., USN), 6


F/A-18Ds, 42–3

Firebolt, USS, 12

Fisher, Michelle Loftus, (Pfc., USA), 24–27

   ambush, roadside IED and small-arms fire, 24, 26

   enlistment and training, 25

   family, military background of, 24–25

   injuries, 26

   marriage, to Sgt. Anthony Fisher, 27

   Operation Iraqi Freedom, 25, 26

Flynn, Jeannie (1st Lt., USAF), 102p

Fogerty, Virginia [Lt. (jg), USN], 165

Frazier, Misty (Sgt., USA), 22

Fred C. Ainsworth, USNS, 135

Fulce, Karen (SSgt., USAF), 103p


Ganci, Peter J., Jr., 45

Gen. E. D. Patrick, USS, 133

Gen W.A. Mann, USS, 132

Global war on terror, ix

Grace, Teresa Broadwell (Pfc., USA), 19–23

   Bronze Star for Valor, 22

   firefight, 21–22

   marriage, to Spc. Jake Grace, 22

   patrol ambush, 20–21

   Purple Heart, 22

   training, basic and military police, 20

Granrud, Britta, xi

Green, Sheron Lee (Spc5, USA), 118–21

   basic training, 118

   early education and career, 118

   enlistment, 118

   family, 118

   military education and career, 119

   retirement, 121


       Army Commendation Medal, 121

       Catholics and Buddhists, conflicts between, 120

       Good Conduct Medal, 121

       injuries, 119–20

       Long Binh, assignment to, 119

       orphanages, volunteer work at, 120

       Purple Heart, 120

       Saigon, assignment to, 120–21

       U.S. Embassy, part-time work, 120–21

Grilley, Sean R. (Cpl., USA), 23

Gripsholm, SS, 165


Hall, Natalie, xi

Hanley, “Dex” (Capt., USMC), 51

Harrison, Holly R. (Lt. Cdr., USCG), 5–18

   Aquidneck, USCGC, 9–16

   Bronze Star, 5

   Bronze Star recipient, 17

   command afloat, screening for, 9

   family, military background of, 5–6

   fisheries boardings, 7–8

   Kiska, USCGC, 8–9

   Legare, USCGC, 5

   Operation Iraqi Freedom

       Arc Royal, HMS, 13–14

       chemical biological attack, 11–12

       cramped conditions and heat, 16–17

       dhows, 14, 15

       as learning experience, 18

       mines, 14–15

       navigational difficulties, 15

       river wrecks, 15–16

       U.S. Navy, 12–13

   as protocol officer, 9

   Storis, USCGC, 7–8

   U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 7

   U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, 6–7

Harshe, Josie E. (SSgt., USAF), 107p

Hassani, Mahmoud, 20

Hawkins, Naomi (Maj., USMC), 52

Hester, Leigh Ann (Sgt., USA), 105p

Higgins, USS, 12

Hooker, Richard, 136

Hope, Bob, 116

Hough, Mike (Lt. Gen., USMC), 55

Huff, Sam W. (Pfc., USA), 3–4

Hussein, Sadam, 2, 11, 97

Hussein, Uday and Qusay, 22


Iraq. see also Operation Iraqi Freedom

   “Baghdad Diaries”, 59–64

   celebratory fire, 59–60

   Clements, Jessica Lee (SSgt., USAR), 28–32

   current conditions, 183

   Grace, Teresa Broadwell (Pfc., USA), 19–23

   Huff, Sam W. (Pfc., USA), 3–4

   insurgency war, ix

   McCoy, Kellie (Capt., USA), 33–36

   military police mission, 19

   Moore, Rebecca (1st Lt., USMC), 85–96

   servicewomen, roles of, ix, 2, 19

   Weber, Rosemarie [MGySgt., USMC (Ret.)], 56–65

   women, percentage of total troops, 183

Iraqi National Symphony, 61


Jackson, Leona [Lt. (jg), USN], 165

James O’Hara, USS, 131–32

Jones, Corrie (Spc., USA), 22

Jones, Kevin J. (TSgt., USAF), 104p

Joseph V. Connolly, Liberty ship, 154


Kim, Jaden J. (Capt., USMC), 37–54, 102p

   Army ROTC, 38


       Air Medals (7), 37

       Navy Commendation Medal, 37

   childhood and family, 37–38, 54

   civilian life/career, return to, 53–54

   education, 37–38

   F/A-18Ds, 42–43

   flight school, 41–42

   FRS training, 42, 43

   Green Knights, assignment to, 43–44

   ground crews, 53

   ground units, support of, 49–50

   mandatory crew rest, 46–47

   Marine OCS, 38–40

   MOS and NFO billets, 40–41

   Operation Bright Star, 44, 45

   Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), 44, 45–46

   Operation Iraqi Freedom, 46–50

   Operation Iraqi Freedom II (OIF II), 50

   Operation Southern Watch, 46

   as protocol officer, 50–53

   SERE school, 42

   SSgt. Mannis, 39

   TBS, 40–41

   wizzo, job as, 48–49

Kim Il Sung, 128

Kiska, USCGC, 8–9


   Bradley, Ruby Grace (Col., USA), 138–40

   Brosmer, Margaret (Col., USA), 131–36

   Brown, Vera (Capt., USAF), 130

   Cold War, 127

   Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 128

   invasion of South Korea by North Korea (25 June 1950), 128

   McClure, Virginia May (AFNC), 130

   Perry, Margaret Fae (Lt., USAF), 129–30

   post-World War II demobilization, women’s services, 127

   provisional division of (1945), 127

   Republic of Korea, 128

   U.N. resolution, 128

   Women’s Armed Forces Integration Act, 127

Krueger, Mary Biglow [Maj., USA (M.D.)]


       deployment to, 79–80

       as growth experience, 80–81

       local community, interaction with, 81

       maternal mortality, 83–84

       travel to, as single soldier, 84

       women, treatment of, 82–83

   Assistant Residency Director, Fort Belvoir, 78

   childhood and family, 75–76


       medical school, military scholarship for, 76

       premed, 76

   men, equality with, 81

   Officers’ Advanced Course, 78–79

   Officers’ Basic Course, 77

   residency (Madigan Hospital at Fort Lewis), 77–78

   specialty training, 77


Lauwers, Charles, 160

League of Lonely German Women, 162

Lee, Lewis [Sgt. Maj., USMC (Ret.)], 55

Legare (USCGC), 5

Lewis, John T. (Maj. Gen., USA), 145

“The Long Armistice”, 143

Lord, Herman (Maj., USA), 153

Loy, James (Adm., USCG), 9

“Lucky Thirteen”, 133

Lyell, Woodrow (Spc., USA), 21–22

Lynch, Michail (Col., USA), 119


MacArthur, Douglas (General of the Army), 128, 132

Mack, Anita T. (Capt., USAF), 107p

Mactan, inner-island steamer, 166

Marine Phoenix, USNS, 136

Marshall, George C. (Gen., USA), 145

Masaryk, Jan, 160

Mason, Ruth (Lt., USN), 116

McAllister, Marti (Sgt., USAF), 120

McClure, Virginia May (AFNC), 130

McCoy, Kellie (Capt., USA), 33–36

   ambush, roadside IEDs, small-arms fire, and RPGs, 34

   combat, women in, 35

   command and stress outlets, 34–35

   military career, 36

   military police mission, 35–36

   paratroopers, 36

   people skills, 36

   physical fitness standards, 35

   rescue, of convoy Soldiers, 34

   travel requirements, 33–34

Mc E. Hyde, ferry, 166

McGrath, Amy “Krusty” (Capt., USMC), 50

McNamara, Robert, 119

McSally, Martha (Lt. Col., USAF), 185

Military police, 19, 35–36

Mitchell, Carol J. (Capt., USAF), 107p

Moore, Rebecca (1st Lt., USMC), 85–96

   combat, women in, 94

   family, military background of, 85


       Camp Blue Diamond, 85–86

       as career highlight, 95

       Charette, Holly (Cpl., USMC), loss of, 90–94

       Christmas, 94–95

       convoy travel, 87–88

       daily duties, 86

       food, 95

       friendships, 95

       frightening experiences, 88

       global war on terror, being part of, 96

       indirect fire, 88–89

       searchers, 89–90

Morgan, Julie (Lt., USMC), 50

Morris Jennifer (Capt., USMC), 52


New York Times, 158

Nurses, 1, 165


Offutt, Karen Irene (Spc5, USA), 122–26

   basic training, 123

   childhood and family, 123

   enlistment, 123

   letter to President Johnson, 123

   marriage, 125

   military career, 123–24

   nursing school, 123

   return stateside, 124

   veteran’s affairs, activity in, 125


       Agent Orange, 125

       Certificate of Achievement for Heroic Action, 123

       fire rescue of women and children, 122

       Long Binh, 124

       longterm effects of, 125, 126

       orphanages, volunteer work at, 124

       post-traumatic stress disorders, 126

       request for assignment to, 124

       Saigon, 122–23, 124

       Soldier’s Medal, 122, 125

Olds, Marion (Chief Nurse, USN), 165

Operation Bright Star, 44, 45

Operation Desert Shield

   military women killed, number of, 98

   Rossi-Cayton, Marie T. (Maj., USA), 98–99

   servicewomen, captured and released

       Cornum, Rhonda (Maj., USA), 98

       Rathbun-Nealy, Melissa (Sp4, USA), 98

   U.N. defensive deployment, 97

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)

   combat, women in, 2

   Kim, Jaden J. (Capt., USMC), 44, 45–46

   Sanchez, Sayra Salas (Spc4, USA), 67–74

Operation Iraqi Freedom. see also Iraq

   combat, women in, 2

   Fisher, Michelle Loftus, (Pfc., USA), 25, 26

   Harrison, Holly R. (Lt. Cdr., USCG), 11–18

   Kim, Jaden J. (Capt., USMC), 46–50

Orlando, Kim S. (Lt. Col., USA), 21, 22

Owen, Tegan (Lt., USMC), 50


Perry, Margaret Fae (Lt., USAF), 129–30

Peterson, John (Commo., USN), 11

Podoski, Barbara Lauwers (Cpl., USA), 160–64

   basic training, 161

   Bronze Star, 160, 163

   Czechoslovakian Legation, working for, 161

   enlistment, 161

   escape to America, at WW II outbreak, 160

   Hitler’s life, attempt on, 162

   husband’s death, 164

   language fluencies, 161

   League of Lonely German Women, 162

   Liberty of Congress, 163

   marriage, to Joseph Junosza Podoski, 163

   Office of War Information (OWI), 163

   OSS assignments, 161–63

   propaganda leaflets, 162

   U.S. citizen, becoming, 161

   Voice of America, 163

Poffenbarger, Jeff (Lt. Col., USA), 30

President Taylor, SS, 160

Prisoners of War (WW II)

   Danner, Dorothy Still [Lt. (jg), USN], 168–69

   first taken

       Christianson, Lorraine [Lt. (jg), USN], 165

       exchange and repatriation of, 165

       Fogerty, Virginia [Lt. (jg), USN], 165

       Jackson, Leona [Lt. (jg), USN], 165

       Olds, Marion (Chief Nurse, USN), 165

       Yetter, Doris [Lt. (jg), USN], 165

   Hogan, Rosemary, (Capt., USA), 170–72

   Nash, Margaret “Peggy” [Lt. (jg), USN], 173–76

   Philippines, 165–67

       Army nurses taken, 166

       Navy nurses taken, 166–67

   Tobiason, Reba Whittle (2nd Lt., USA), 177–81

   women, number confined as, 165

Purple Heart recipients

   Clements, Jessica Lee (SSgt., USAR), 31p, 32

   Crumpton, Frances (Lt., USN), 116

   Grace, Teresa Broadwell (Pfc., USA), 22

   Green, Sheron Lee (Spc5, USA), 120

   Mason, Ruth (Lt., USN), 116

   Reynolds, Ann Darby [Lt. (jg), USN], 116

   Slanger, Frances Y. (2nd Lt., USA), 154

   women, listed alphabetically, 193–218

   Wooster, Barbara (Lt., USN), 116


Ranks and ratings, listed, xvii

Rathbun-Nealy, Melissa (Sp4, USA), 97–100, 105p

   burial with full military honors, Arlington National Cemetary, 99

   childhood and family, 98

   CNN interview, 99

   death, in helicopter accident, 99

   marriage, to CWO3 John Andrew Cayton, 99

   military training, 98

   Operation Desert Shield, deployment to, 99

Reynolds, Ann Darby [Lt. (jg), USN], 114–17

   childhood and family, 115

   military career, post-Vietnam, 116–17

   nursing school, 115

   orientation classes, 115

   Purple Heart, 116

   retirement, 116–17


       Brink Bachelor Officers Quarters, bombing of, 116

       Card, USNS, 115

       Catholics and Buddhists, conflicts between, 115

       fighting, escalation of, 115–16

       Saigon, assignment to, 114–15

   Women’s Officer Indoctrination Program, 115

Ridgeway, Matthew (Lt. Gen., USA), 135–36

Risk rules, 1

Rivas, Vincente (Pvt., USA), 153

Rogers, Roy, 121


Sanchez, Sayra Salas (Spc4, USA), 66–74

   9/11, effects of, 67

   Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom)

       children, 68, 71–72

       civilian life/career, return to, 74

       combat, women in, 71

       family, communication with, 71

       first deployment, 67–72

       food, 73

       Kabul and Kandahar, 69

       living conditions, 68–69, 72–73

       local community, interaction with, 69–70, 71, 72, 73

       mines, 70

       rules of engagement, 67–68

       second deployment, 72–73

       third deployment, 73–74

       weather, 70–71

   basic training, 67

   childhood and family, 66

   education, 66

   Military Entrance Program Station (MEPS), 67

   Top Secret clearance, 67

Sanchez, Tracie (Pvt., USA), 21

Sattler, John F. (Lt. Gen., USMC), 50, 51

Scott, Kate, xi, 4, 5n, 33n, 55n, 66n, 75n, 85n, 114n, 160

Searchers, role of, ix, 89–90

Seattle Times, 158

Seidemann, Constance C. (Capt., USA), 110–11

Shoham, Joseph P. (Capt., USA), 150

Slanger, Frances Y. (2nd Lt., USA), 147–55

   anti-Semitism in America, 147–55

   Army Nurse Corps (ANC), overseas duty, 149

   Boston City Hospital School of Nursing, 148–49

   burial at home, 154

   chapbook, 149, 150

   childhood, in Poland (WW I), 148

   D-Day casualties, 147

   Elsonborn, Belgium, 150

   gravestone epitaph, 154–55

   immigration, to U.S., 148

   nurse, dream of becoming, 148

   Purple Heart, 154

   shelling of hospital, 152–53

   Stars and Stripes, letter to the editor, 151–52, 153

   Utah Beach, post-D-Day landing on, 147, 150

   wounding and death of, 153

   WW II, U.S. entry into, 149

Stalin, Josef, 134

Stars and Stripes (military newspaper), 150, 151–52, 153

Storis, USCGC, 7–8

Sweezey, Jodie (Capt., USMC), 52


Tolliver, Matthew “Sam” (Maj., USMC), 43

Tracey, Patricia (Vice Adm., USN), 55

Truman, Harry S., 128


United Nations Security Council, 97

U.S. Agency for International Development, ix



   combat problems, 109

   Doering, Anne Marie (Lt., Col., USA), 112

   Duncan, Mildred E. (1st Sgt., USA), 111

   gender-specific problems, 109–10

   Green, Sheron Lee (Spc5, USA), 119–21

   incremental involvement in, 109

   medical field, women serving in, 110

   military forces, longest deployment of (1961–1973), 111

   Offutt, Karen Irene (Spc5, USA), 122–26

   Reynolds, Ann Darby [Lt. (jg), USN], 114–16

   Seidemann, Constance C. (Capt., USA), 110–11

   WAC detachment, 110–11


Walker, Mary Edwards (Civil War prisoner), 165

Walker, Walton (Gen., USA), 132, 134, 135

Wallen, Troy (Sgt., USA), 21

Washington Post, 19n

Watts, Carol (Lt., USN), 101p

Weber, Rosemarie [MGySgt., USMC (Ret.)], 55–65

   Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), Baghdad accommodations, 58

       arrival, 57–58

       “Baghdad Diaries”, 59–64

       combat, women in, 65

       guard support and security, 58–59

       Iraqi people, 57

       offices and procedures, setting up, 56–57

   French National Defense Medal, Silver Award, 55

   Meritorious Service Medal, 55

   military career, 56

   retirement ceremony, 55

Welch, Bob, 153

Weller, Wendy, 110

Westinghouse, Ty (Capt., USMC), 42

William N. Pendleton, 149

Williams, Richard (Col., USA), 107p

Wilson, Eleanor, 37

Wise, James E., Jr., 55, 231

Wizzos (WSOs), 42, 43, 48–49

Women’s Armed Forces Integration Act, 127

The Women’s Memorial, xi, 4, 55, 59, 99, 219

Wooster, Barbara (Lt., USN), 116

World War I

   American women, participation in, 144

   British WAAC and WRAF, establishment of, 144

   deaths and casualties, 143

   empires, fall of (post-WW I)

       Austro-Hungarian Empire in Eastern Europe, 143

       Ottoman Empire in Turkey, 143

       Romanov Empire in Czarist Russia, 143

   FANYs, 143–44

   property damage, 143

   VADs, 144

World War II, 145. see also Prisoners of War (WW II)

   Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) units, mixed-gender, 145

   combat, women in, 145

   number of American women serving in, 144–45

   Slanger, Frances Y. (2nd Lt., USA), 147–55

   “The Long Armistice”, 143

   Treaty of Versailles, 143

   WAAC, U.S. creation of, 144

   WAVES, 144

   Women’s Army Corps (WACs), 144

Wrangell, USCGC, 11


Yanks (magazine), 150

Yetter, Doris [Lt. (jg), USN], 165