Albert Einstein, amongst other great scientists, shattered the Newtonian universe by asserting that human beings are not isolated islands unto themselves. We are composed of energy and energy fields, which interconnect us to all things.
Energy is information that moves. This short sentence is hugely complicated. It means that everything about us, even our inaudible thoughts, secret desires, and the pulse of the tiniest atoms within us, communicates onto a grander stage. It also implies that whatever occurs in the known and unknown world around us creates change inside us.
The information covered in part 1 reflects the fact that everything is energy. Subtle energy practitioners are specialists in noticing, tracking, diagnosing, and moving energy—the noticeable and the less concrete energy that composes disease and leads to imbalance, but also is the building block of wellbeing and health.
In part 1, we will explore the tenets of subtle energy medicine, which involves diagnosing and solving problems with energy—in other words, analyzing the information or vibration of energies causing harm, as well as administering information and vibration to restore balance. You will also be introduced to your energetic anatomy, the beautiful kaleidoscope of energetic systems that compose your subtle energy body. These three systems are made of your energy fields, which emanate from and flow around you; energy channels, rivers of light that carry energy through you; and energy centers, bodies of energy with transformational functions.
You can return to the data in part 1 when conducting any of the exercises throughout this book, as this information is the basis of many of the techniques.