abortion/abortionists, 25–26, 171, 263–70, 433, 441–42
Academic Scholarship Is Strict Father Morality metaphor, 297–98
adults, over children, 437–38
AFDC. See Aid to Families With Dependent Children
affirmative action, 27, 222–25
Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC), 29, 185–86. See also welfare
Ainsworth, Mary, 349–50
Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge, 411
altruism, 50
American Bar Association, 407
American Dream, 83, 170, 189. See also Land of Opportunity, myth of America as
American Way of Life, 422–23
Americorps program, 184–85
Arab Spring, 438
arms, right to bear, 199–200
art, 236–40
Ashcroft, John, 407
attachments, to parents, 110–11, 347, 349–51
austerity, 437
Authoritarian model of childrearing, 352, 354–58
Authoritative model of childrearing, 352–53, 356–58
illegitimate, 78–80
moral (see Moral Authority metaphor)
balanced-budget amendment, 154
Barzelay, Michael, 327–28
Baumrind, Diana, 352–53
Becoming Attached (Karen), 349
Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family (Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz), 361
Bell Curve, The (Murray), 32, 82–83, 205
Bennett, William, 24, 149, 241–42, 424
Berthelsen, Christian, 409
Bible, the
conservatism and, 149–50
good and evil in the Old Testament, 53
interpretation of, 245, 247, 252–53, 257–58, 262
biocultural feminism, 302–3
Black Lives Matter, 442
Book of Virtues, The (Bennett), 24, 241
Bowlby, John, 349
Brazelton, T. Berry, 362–64, 377
Breaking Through Bureaucracy (Barzelay), 327
Bush, George W., 393, 396–99, 402, 404, 406, 432. See also Bush administration
Bush administration
energy and the environment, 408–12, 414
foreign policy, 413–15
Strict Father morality and, 407–8
Bush administration and, 410
as liberal demon, 174
nurturant practices of, 130–31
regulation of, 210–11
California, energy crisis in, 409
global, 438–39
capital punishment, 25, 49, 208–9, 265–66
caring, ethos of, 151–52
Carson, Ben, 443
conceptual metaphors, 4–5, 63, 374–75
fuzzy, 370
moral, 162–69
policy, 175
prototypes, 4, 8–11, 175–76, 284, 371
radial, 7–8, 14, 283–85, 370–71
types of, 370–72
Cato Institute, 296
causation, direct versus systemic, 434
Centers for Disease Control, 430
character, in the Strict Father model, 87–90
abusive fathers and, 274–75
attachment theory, 110–11, 347, 349–51
childrearing and politics, 364–65
communication with, 377–78
conservative view of raising, 182–83, 339–49
crime and raising, 197–99
domestic violence and, 348, 360–62
mainstream childrearing manuals, 362–64
progressive politics and raising, 423–25
socialization research on raising, 351–60
Christenson, Larry, 342–43
born-again, 254–55
Christ and moral accounting, 258–60
conservative and Strict Father, 247–54
conservative family agenda and childrearing, 339–49
education and, 232–33
interpretation and modes of thought, 245–47
liberal and Nurturant Parent, 255–58
Moral Accounting metaphor and, 53–54, 248–51, 253, 258–60, 379
over non-Christians, 443–44
two models of, 260–62
See also Bible, the; Judeo-Christian tradition; religion
conservative model, 169–70, 211–12
liberal model, 173
civil liberties. See rights
classical theoretical liberalism, 19–20
class structure. See social class
Clinton, Bill
Americorps program, 184–85
domestic violence, 274
election of 2000, 397
environmental protection, 410–11
foreign policy, 412–13
gays in the military, 227
impeachment of, 389–93
reinventing government, 191–92
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 171–73, 183
cognitive linguistics, 3
cognitive modeling, 156–60
cognitive science, 3–5, 15, 17–18, 27–29, 41
common sense, 4–7
communication, 375–78. See also language; metaphors
compassion, 118–19
competition, 68–69
conceptual metaphors, 4–5, 63, 374–75
on childrearing, 339–49
citizens and demons, 169–73, 211–12
common sense of, 7
failure to understand conservatism, 148–50
feminism and, 303–7
ideological model of, 11–17
language of, 29–30
liberals and, 26–27, 143–48, 317–20
and maintaining conservative authority, 427–28
moral agenda of, 196
moral categories of, 162–69
morality in contemporary politics, 18–19
Reagan’s deficit spending and, 194–96
Strict Father model (see Strict Father model)
variation in (see variation)
worldview, insight into, 31, 428
conservative environmentalism, 213–15
conservative feminism, 269
conservative goddess movement, 307
consumer advocates, as conservative demons, 171
corporate welfare, 172–73
Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 146
corruption, 93
credit, 55–56
causes of, 201–4
conservatives vs. liberals regarding, 197–99
death penalty, 25, 49, 208–9, 265–66
gun control, 199–200
Moral Essence metaphor and, 89
nature vs. nurture, 204–5
rehabilitation, 125–26
rights of criminals, 26, 206–7
cultural elite, 239–40
culture gap, 394
culture wars, 243–44
affirmative action, 222–25
art, 236–40
education, 228–36
gay rights, 225–28
moral education, 240–43
multiculturalism, 228
Dare to Discipline (Dobson), 347–48
Davis, Kim, 432
death penalty, 25, 49, 208–9, 265–66
Defense Department, 429
deficit spending, 194–96
democracy, morality and, 323–26, 438–39
conservative, 170–73
liberal, 173–75
deviant behavior, 84–86, 90, 226–27
discrimination, 440
distribution, 60–62, 145–48, 420–22. See also equality; Morality As Fairness/Fair Distribution metaphor; rich people; Well-Being As Wealth metaphor
Dobson, James, 182–83, 252, 293, 339–48, 363, 423
dominance, and the Moral Order metaphor, 104–6
“just say no” campaign, 185–87
libertarians and, 294
duties, in the Moral Accounting metaphor, 56–59. See also rights
economy, 94–96, 420–22, 433. See also Moral Accounting metaphor; Moral Self-Interest metaphor; Well-Being As Wealth metaphor
conservatives vs. liberals regarding, 228–33
early childhood, 437–38
the electorate and, 395
moral, 240–43
schools and morality, 329–31
Education, Department of, 229–30
election of 2000
candidates and strategies, 396–99
electorate, middle range of, 393–96
Florida vote count controversy, 399–407
metaphors of, 399–406
empathy, 114–18, 238, 381–82. See also Morality As Empathy metaphor
employers and employees, 435–37
Endangered Species Act, 218–20
Bush administration policy, 408–12
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 218–20, 328–29, 408, 430
Bush administration policy, 408–12, 414
conservative demons, 171
conservatives vs. liberals on, 212–21
liberals and, 27
See also nature
EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency
egalitarians as conservative demon, 170–71
fairness and, 60–62
liberalism and, 151
in political institutions, 323
See also distribution
Equal Rights Amendment, 442
in the Nurturant Parent model, 127
in the Strict Father model, 71–74, 90
experiential morality, 41–43, 380–83
fairness, 60–62, 208, 323. See also Morality as Fairness/Fair Distribution metaphor
attachments to parents, 110–11, 347, 349–51
centrality to conservative politics, 24–25, 31
conservative vs. liberal model of, 12–13, 15–16, 33–36
crime and, 197–99
illegitimate children and the Moral Essence metaphor, 89
liberals and, 31
Nation As Family metaphor, 153–56
Nurturant Parent model of (see Nurturant Parent model)
parental authority, 76–80, 96–97, 134 (see also Strict Father model)
strict father, 427, 438, 440–41
Strict Father model of (see Strict Father model)
values and politics, 322–31
See also children
Family Research Council, 339, 348
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 408–9
Federal Reserve, 429
biocultural, 302–3
as conservative demon, 170–72
conservative goddess movement, 307
folk models and variation in, 298–301
lesbian, 303
radical, 301–2
rights-based, 301
Strict Father model and, 98
FERC. See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Fillmore, Charles, 372
Focus on the Family, 339
folk behaviorism, 67
Food and Drug Administration, 430
foreign policy, 438–39
Founding Fathers, 428
fracking, 430
abortion, 263–65
Bush debate strategy, 398
Bush environmental policy, 409–10
Clinton impeachment, 392–93
and reframing, 419
variability in meaning through, 372–73
in American life, 430–32, 436–37, 439–42
moral boundaries and, 86
free markets. See economy
Fugate, J. Richard, 342–43, 345
Gaebler, Ted, 327
Gelles, Richard, 360–61
folk models about, 299–300
gap, 394
Generic-Is-Specific metaphors, 77
Glenn, Stephen, 364
global warming, 433–34
God, metaphors for, 245–47
God As Father metaphor, 246–48, 253, 432–33
goddess movement, 307
Golden Rule, 115
Gore, AI, 191, 396–99, 402, 406
abusive fathers and, 274–75
conservative extremism against, 278–80
conservatives and, 25–26, 144–45, 271–73, 410, 419, 429–30 (see also Bush administration)
environmental regulation, 212–21
Local Knowledge, Principle of, 273
Metaphor and morality in the conception of, 326–31
nurturance vs. regulation, 210–12
social programs (see social programs)
taxation (see taxation)
grace, 256–57. See also Grace As Nurturance metaphor
Grace As Nurturance metaphor, 255–58
Gramm, Phil, 14
grazing, cattle on public lands, 430
Great Chain of Being, The, 83
Greven, Philip, 361
Group As Individual metaphor, 223–24
Harmonious model of childrearing, 354
Harris, Katherine, 404
Helms, Jesse, 239
Holtzman, Elizabeth, 390–91
conservative demons, 170–71
gay rights, 225–28
lesbian feminism, 303
Strict Father model and, 98
human nature
assumptions of Strict Father morality, 366–70
liberals vs. conservatives regarding, 151
reasoning and variability in meaning, 370–76
Hyles, Jack, 342–43
ideology, coherence of, 14–16
“I Have a Dream” speech (King), 56–57
impeachment, 389–93
Indifferent-Uninvolved model of childrearing, 358–60
Indulgent-Permissive model of childrearing, 358–59
Insufficiently Nurturant Interaction, Pathology of, 312
integrity, 91–92
intellectuals, liberal strict-father, 296–98
interdependence, 113
internet, 429
interstate commerce, 428–29
Intimate Violence (Gelles and Straus), 361
Invariance Principle, 155
Invisible Hand metaphor, 254
Jefferson, Thomas, 433
Jeffords, James, 415
Judeo-Christian tradition
feminism and, 302
God, metaphors for, 246–47
moral accounting and, 379
Moral Order metaphor in, 82
renewal of, 291
reward and punishment in, 53–54
See also Christianity/Christians
judicial system, 428
justice, in the Moral Accounting metaphor, 56
Kahneman, Daniel, 373
Karen, Robert, 349
Karma, 51
Kennedy, John, 173
Kennedy, Robert, 173
Kids First program (Minnesota), 200–201
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 56–57, 173
KKK. See Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 277–78
Ladder-of-Opportunity metaphor, 181
Ladder of Success myth, 203–4
Land of Opportunity, myth of America as, 181
conservative and liberal, 29–31
electoral metaphors, 399–406
framing through, 263–65, 372–73, 392–93, 398, 409–10, 419
neutrality, incorrect assumption of, 385–86
See also communication; metaphors
legitimate authority, 69–70, 77–80
lesbian feminism, 303
Less-Government Hypothesis, 145
Lewinsky, Monica, 389
Lewis, Catherine, 353
citizens and demons, 173–75
conservatives and, 143–48, 280
failure to understand liberalism, 150–52
feminism and, 300–301 (see also feminism)
framing and reframing issues, need for, 418–23
ideological model of, 11–17
modern theoretical, 20–21, 324
moral categories of, 165–69
morality in contemporary politics, 18–19
Nurturant Parent model and (see Nurturant Parent model)
pathological stereotypes of, 317–20
political vs. theoretical, 19–22
puzzles regarding conservative positions, 24–26
reasons for embracing, 337–38
strict-father intellectuals and, 296–98
think tanks and, 416–18
variation in (see variation)
worldview, insight into, 31
Liberation theology, 149–50
libertarians, 293–96
liberty, 430
Life Is a Journey metaphor, 85
Limbaugh, Rush, 28, 183, 191, 303
linear scales, variation within models, 103, 139, 288–89
loans, college, 167–69, 184–85
Local Government, Principle of, 273
Lott, Lynn, 364
Maintenance of Authority principle, 427
male dominance, 440
Mapplethorpe, Robert, 239
marriage, legally defined, 443
Academic Scholarship Is Strict Father Morality, 297–98
in elections, 399–406
experience and, 379–83
Generic-Is-Specific, 77
Grace As Nurturance, 255–58
Group As Individual, 223–24
Invisible Hand, 254
Ladder-of-Opportunity, 181
Life Is a Journey, 85
Moral Accounting (see Moral Accounting metaphor)
Moral Action As Financial Transaction, 47
Moral Authority (see Moral Authority metaphor)
Moral Boundaries (see Moral Boundaries metaphor)
Moral Essence (see Moral Essence metaphor)
Morality As Empathy (see Morality As Empathy metaphor)
Morality As Fair Distribution (see Morality As Fairness/Fair Distribution)
Morality As Fairness (see Morality As Fairness/Fair Distribution)
Morality As Happiness (see Morality As Happiness metaphor)
Morality As Nurturance (see Morality As Nurturance metaphor)
Morality As Obedience, 253
Morality As Self-Development (see Morality As Self-Development metaphor)
Morality As Self-Nurturance (see Moral Self-Nurturance metaphor)
Morality As Social Nurturance, 120–21
Morality As the Nurturance of Social Ties, 123, 135, 138
Morality of Retribution (see Morality of Retribution metaphor)
Moral Order (see Moral Order metaphor)
Moral Self-Interest (see Moral Self-Interest metaphor)
Moral Strength (see Moral Strength metaphor)
Moral Wholeness, 90–92, 99–101
Nation As Family (see Nation As Family metaphor)
nature, relating to, 213–17
religious, 245–48, 253, 255–57
Well-Being As Wealth (see Well-Being As Wealth metaphor)
Wild Animal, 215
Work Exchange, 54–55
gays in, 227–28
mind, human. See human nature
of childrearing, 352–60
cognitive modeling, 156–60
of conservatism and liberalism, 11–17
functions of, 17–18
Nurturant Parent (see Nurturant Parent model)
pathological variants of (see pathologies)
Strict Father (see Strict Father model)
modern theoretical liberalism, 20–21, 324
Moral Accounting metaphor, 5, 44–46, 62–63
accounting schemes of, 46–51
basic concepts and, 55–62
Christianity and, 53–54, 248–51, 253, 258–60, 379
college loans and, 168–69
work and, 55
moral action
conservative categories of, 162–69
liberal categories of, 165–69
Moral Action As Financial Transaction metaphor, 47
Moral Authority metaphor
absolute standards and, 233
in the Nurturant Parent model, 134, 136, 138
priority of, 382
in the Strict Father model, 76–80, 99–101, 163, 431
Moral Boundaries metaphor
absolute standards and, 233
in the Nurturant Parent model, 132–33, 136, 138
in the Strict Father model, 84–87, 90, 99–101, 163
moral capital, 55–56
moral decay, 90–92
moral education, 240–43
Moral Essence metaphor
crime and, 200–201
individual success or failure and, 203
integrity and, 91
Moral Purity and, 93
natural order of dominance and, 204
in the Strict Father model, 87–90, 99–101
moral focus, 289–90
libertarians, 293–96
Nurturant Parent morality and, 139–40, 290–92
Strict Father morality and, 106–7
Moral Growth metaphor, 124–26, 136–37
Moral Health metaphor, 93–94, 99, 101
moral hierarchy, 432–44
conservative vs. liberal conception of, 11–13, 34–36
in contemporary politics, 18–19
democracy and, 323–26
financial conceptualization of (see Moral Accounting metaphor)
liberals and, 31
moral credit, 50
Nurturant Parent model of (see Nurturant Parent model)
relativism and, 376–77
Strict Father model of (see Strict Father model)
Morality As Empathy metaphor
college loans and, 168
democracy and, 323–24
moral action and, 165–66
Morality As Nurturance metaphor and, 123
in the Nurturant Parent model, 114–16, 135–38
priority of, 381–82
self-righteousness and self-centeredness, 128
work and, 132
Morality As Fairness/Fair Distribution metaphor
competition and, 325
moral accounting and, 60–63
in the Nurturant Parent model, 123–24, 136–38
work and, 132
Morality As Happiness metaphor
art and, 237
inability to experience pleasure as moral flaw, 128–29
Moral Self-Interest metaphor, distinguished from, 129–30
in the Nurturant Parent model, 121–23, 136–38, 166
work and, 132
Morality As Nurturance metaphor
college loans and, 168
helping children, 125
interdependence, requirement of, 130
Morality As Strength metaphor and, 126–28
in the Nurturant Parent model, 116–23, 135–36, 138, 166
priority of, 381–82
self-sacrifice and, 122
in the Strict Father model, 96–97, 99, 101–2
work and, 132
Morality As Obedience metaphor, 253
Morality As Self-Development metaphor
college loans and, 168
Moral Self-Interest metaphor, distinguished from, 130
in the Nurturant Parent model, 122–23, 135, 137–38, 166
work and, 131–32
Morality As Self-Nurturance. See Moral Self-Nurturance metaphor
Morality As Social Nurturance/Nurturance of Social Ties metaphor, 120–21, 123, 135, 138
Morality of Absolute Goodness, 48–49
Morality of Retribution metaphor
moral accounting and, 47–49
in the Nurturant Parent model, 133–34, 136
in the Strict Father model, 80–81, 382
Morality of Reward and Punishment
businessmen as model citizens, 211–12
Christianity and, 253
crime, applied to, 197, 205, 207
death penalty, applied to, 209
nature and individual effort, 213, 220
Reagan’s deficit spending and, 195
reasoning and, 374
social class and, 203–4
social programs, applied to, 181–83
in the Strict Father model, 67–69, 163–64, 167, 200, 431
taxation, applied to, 189–91
Moral Order metaphor
bigotry and conservative vigilantism, 275–80
dominance hierarchy and, 104–6, 431–32
evolution and, 135
foreign policy and, 413
homosexuality and, 98
multiculturalism and, 228
natural order of dominance and, 204, 212, 220
in the Nurturant Parent model, 138
priority of, 382
in the Strict Father model, 81–84, 99–101, 165, 167
United States as superior nation, 330
women and, 304
Moral Purity metaphor, 92–93, 99, 101
moral reasoning
metaphor and, 5–7
models of and variation, 13–14
Moral Self-Interest metaphor
Christianity and, 253–54
college loans and, 168
competition and, 325
crime and, 200–201
democracy and, 323–24
foreign policy and, 413
nature and, 213
in the Nurturant Parent model, 129–31, 138
self-discipline and, 233
in the Strict Father model, 94–96, 99, 101–2
Moral Self-Nurturance metaphor
college loans and, 168
Morality As Nurturance metaphor and, 123
Moral Self-Interest metaphor, distinguished from, 129–30
In the Nurturant Parent model, 119–20, 135, 137–38
work and, 131
Christianity and, 253
Clinton’s impeachment and, 392
college loans and, 168
crime and, 200
demarcation of good and evil, 90
drug problem and, 187
homosexuality and, 226
human experience and, 382
individual success or failure and, 203
moral virtues and, 88
in the Nurturant Parent model, 126–29, 136–37
self-denial and, 122
self-discipline and, 233
in the Strict Father model, 71–76, 99–101, 163–65
Moral Wholeness metaphor, 90–92, 99–101
Mussen, Paul, 352
Nader, Ralph, 397
NASA, 429
National Bank, 428
National Endowment for the Arts, 98, 148, 239–40
National Endowment for the Humanities, 98, 146, 229–30
National Organization of Women (NOW), 301
National Science Foundation, 428–29
Nation As Family metaphor, 153–56
Clinton impeachment and, 390–92
fair and equal treatment of people, 223, 225
family models applied to, 179–81
family values and politics, 326
and government, attitudes toward, 272–74
immigration and, 187–88
military spending and, 192
multiculturalism and, 228
political worldview and, 160
punishment and, 208–9
taxation and, 190
variations in models and, 286
conservative environmentalism, 212–15
conservative view of, 409, 433
as explanation for social problems, 204–5
human (see human nature)
metaphors of, 213–18
Moral Order metaphor and, 81–83
Nurturant Parent model view of, 112, 215–18
Strict Father model view of, 212–15
See also environment/environmentalists
Nelsen, Jane, 364
New Dare to Discipline, The (Dobson), 182
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 83
NIMH, 429
North, Oliver, 65
Norton, Gale, 408
NOW. See National Organization of Women
nurturance, 210
basic properties of, 255–56
creating a society based on, 378, 428
evolution and, 134–35
as explanation for social problems, 204–5
gender gap and, 394
internal aspects of, 291–92
requirements of children for, 312
in the Strict Father model, 96–97
teachers and, 232
work and, 131–32
See also Grace As Nurturance metaphor; Morality As Nurturance metaphor; Morality As Social Nurturance/Nurturance of Social Ties metaphor; Moral Self-Nurturance metaphor; Nurturant Parent model
nurturant morality, 430
Nurturant Parent model
abortion, applied to, 269–70
childrearing and, 340, 377–78 (see also children)
crime, applied to, 198–99 (see also crime)
experiential morality and, 381–82
of family, 12–13, 21, 33–34, 108–12
history, teaching of, 329–31
immigration, applied to, 187–89
Moral Authority metaphor, 134, 136, 138 (see also Moral Authority metaphor)
Moral Boundaries metaphor, 132–33, 136, 138 (see also Moral Boundaries metaphor)
Moral Growth metaphor, 124–26, 136–37
of morality, 35–36, 112–14, 165–69, 444
Morality As Empathy metaphor, 114–16, 135–38 (see also Morality As Empathy metaphor)
Morality As Fairness/Fair Distribution metaphor, 123–24, 136–38 (see also Morality As Fairness/Fair Distribution metaphor)
Morality As Happiness metaphor, 121–23, 136–38, 166 (see also Morality As Happiness metaphor)
Morality As Nurturance metaphor, 116–23, 135–36, 138, 166 (see also Morality As Nurturance metaphor)
Morality As Self-Development metaphor, 122–23, 135, 137–38, 166 (see also Morality As Self-Development metaphor)
Morality As Social Nurturance/Nurturance of Social Ties metaphor, 120–21, 123, 135, 138
Morality of Retribution metaphor, 133–34, 136 (see also Morality of Retribution metaphor)
Moral Order metaphor, 138 (see also Moral Order metaphor)
Moral Self-Interest metaphor, 129–31, 138 (see also Moral Self-Interest metaphor)
Moral Self-Nurturance metaphor, 119–20, 135, 137–38 (see also Moral Self-Nurturance metaphor)
Moral Strength metaphor, 126–29, 136–37 (see also Moral Strength metaphor)
Nation As Family metaphor and, 154–56
pathologies of, 311–17
reasons for embracing, 337–38
reward and punishment in, 113
social programs, applied to, 179–80, 184–87
taxation, applied to, 190
variation in (see variation)
work and, 131–32
Obama, Barack, 427–28
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 403
Olasky, Marvin, 267
old-growth forests, 219–20
Olson, Ted, 407
orphanages, 185–86
Orwell, George, 153
Osborne, David, 327
Patent Office, 428
pathologies, 310–11
of family models, 311–17
stereotypes of liberals, 317–20
stereotyping, 320–21
patriotism, versus jingoism, 439–40
Permissiveness, Pathology of, 313
Planned Parenthood, 432, 441–42
political ideology, coherent, 14–16
political liberalism. See liberalism
politics, morality and, 322–31. See also government
Positive Discipline A—Z (Nelsen, Lott, and Glenn), 364
postmodern humanists, 170
presidential election. See election of 2000
privatization, 429
progressive worldview, 428
prototypes, 4, 8–11, 175–76, 284, 371
public discourse, 3–4, 32, 384–88
public policy, categories of, 175
public resources, and private enterprise, 428–29
public schools, 429
punishment. See Morality of Reward and Punishment; reward and punishment
Quayle, Dan, 29, 189, 306, 408, 435
radial categories, 7–8, 14, 283–85, 370–71
radical politics, 301
Raspberry, William, 5–6
Rawls, John, 20–21, 37, 151, 324
Reagan, Nancy, 185–86
Reagan, Ronald, 192, 194–96, 429
reciprocation, 46–47
regulation, government. See government
rehabilitation, 125–26
Reich, Robert, 172–73
Reinventing Government (Osborne and Gaebler), 327
relativism, 376–77
religion, 243, 245–47, 432–33. See also Bible, the; Christianity/Christians; Judeo-Christian tradition
Moral Order metaphor and, 81–82
social, 112–13
in the Strict Father model, 69–70
restitution, 49–50, 133–34, 136
retribution. See Morality of Retribution metaphor
revenge, 49
reward and punishment
Christianity and, 251–52
moral accounting and, 51–54
in the Nurturant Parent model, 113
reasoning and, 373–74
in the Strict Father model, 67–69, 163–64, 167, 200
See also Morality of Reward and Punishment
conservatism and, 145–48
moral authority of, 83–84, 435–37
shift of wealth toward, 194
taxation of, 189–90 (see also taxation)
to bear arms, 199–200
gay, 225–28
liberals vs. conservatives regarding, 150
libertarians and, 294–95
in the Moral Accounting metaphor, 56–59
Moral Boundaries metaphor and, 86–87
nurturance and, 117
“right to work” laws, 436
Romney, Mitt, 427
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 173
Roosevelt, Franklin, 173
Schiffren, Lisa, 306–7
Schwartz, Alan, 299
Self-Defense, Principle of, 97–98
self-development. See Morality As Self-Development metaphor
self-discipline, 68–74, 76, 99, 101, 163–65
conservatives and, 143–44
moral focus and, 290
self-nurturance, distinguished from, 119
See also Moral Self-Interest metaphor
selfishness hypothesis, 143–44
self-nurturance. See Moral Self-Nurturance metaphor
self-righteousness, 59
Sensenbrenner, James, 390–92
Serrano, Andre, 239
sex education, 441
sixties generation, pathological stereotyping of, 318–20
Social class, 201–5, 207, 420–22. See also rich people
social conscience, development of, 111
social factors, Strict Father model and, 75
socialism, 182–83
social nurturance. See Morality As Social Nurturance/Nurturance of Social Ties metaphor
social programs
Americorps, 184–85
conservatives and, 180–84, 266–67
immigration, 187–89
liberals and, 179–80
Social Security, 429–30
Spare the Child: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse (Greven), 361
Spock, Benjamin, 362
spotted owl, 219–20
Spragens, Thomas, Jr., 150
Stand Your Ground laws, 443
states’ rights, 26
Steinmetz, Suzanne, 361
pathological, 311, 315–17, 320–21
pathological of liberals, 317–20
reasoning based on, 371–72
of women seeking abortions, 267
stewardship metaphor, 213–14, 218
Straus, Murray, 361
Strict Father model
abortion, applied to, 265–69
abusive fathers and, 274–75
academic scholarship and, 296–98
assumptions of, 366–70
childrearing and, 339–40, 351 (see also children)
Clinton impeachment and, 390–92
conservative vigilantism and, 275–80
crime, applied to, 197–98 (see also crime)
deficit spending and, 195–96
divisiveness and horrors associated with, 383
evolution and, 134–35
experiential well-being and, 382–83
failure of necessary conditions for, 369–78
of family, 12–13, 33, 65–69, 110
and government, attitudes toward, 272–73 (see also government)
hierarchy of metaphors, 101–2
history, teaching of, 329–31
human nature and application of, 364–65
immigration, applied to, 187–89
military spending, applied to, 192–93
Moral Accounting metaphor (see Moral Accounting metaphor)
Moral Authority metaphor, 76–80, 99–101, 163 (see also Moral Authority metaphor)
Moral Boundaries metaphor, 84–87, 90, 99–101, 163 (see also Moral Boundaries metaphor)
Moral Essence metaphor, 87–90, 99–101 (see also Moral Essence metaphor)
Moral Health metaphor, 93–94, 99, 101
of morality, 35–36, 69–71, 98–102, 163–69, 430, 432, 436, 439, 444
Morality As Happiness metaphor, 122 (see also Morality As Happiness metaphor)
Morality As Nurturance metaphor, 96–97, 99, 101–2 (see also Morality As Nurturance metaphor)
Morality of Retribution metaphor, 80–81, 382 (see also Morality of Retribution metaphor)
Morality of Reward and Punishment, 67–69, 163–64, 167, 200 (see also Morality of Reward and Punishment)
Moral Order metaphor, 81–84, 99–101, 165, 167 (see also Moral Order metaphor)
Moral Purity metaphor, 92–93, 99, 101
Moral Self-Interest metaphor, 94–96, 99, 101–2 (see also Moral Self-Interest metaphor)
Moral Strength metaphor, 71–76, 99–101, 163–65 (see also Moral Strength metaphor)
Moral Wholeness metaphor, 90–92, 99–101
Nation As Family metaphor and, 154–56
nature, view of, 213–15
nature vs. nurture, 204–5
pathologies of, 311–17
Self-Defense, Principle of, 97–98
social programs, applied to, 180–87
variation in (see variation)
Supreme Court, U.S., 404–6, 441–42
survivalism, 199–200, 275, 277
Sweetser, Eve, 246
Tannen, Deborah, 375
Bush administration policy, 407–8
in the election of 2000, 398–99
graduated income tax, 29–30
liberal policies, 27
negative income tax, 421
opposition to, 200
as payments for services, 327
Tea Party, 444
Three-Strikes-and-You’re-Out law, 200
tort reform, 26
Touchpoints (Brazelton), 362–64, 377
Traditional values, conservatives and, 148–49
Trump, Donald, 443
trust, 55–56
turning the other cheek, 50
Tversky, Amos, 373
unions, 436–37
in feminism (see feminism)
liberal strict-father intellectuals, 296–98
libertarians, 293–96
linear scale, 103, 139, 288–89
in meaning, 370–76
moral focus (see moral focus)
parameters of, 103–7, 139–40, 284–85
pathological (see pathologies)
radial categories and, 283–85
veil of ignorance, 20–21
vigilantism, 275–80
Violent Home, The (Gelles), 360–61
war on women, 440
wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan, 438–39
Washington, George, 153
wealth, 435–37
welfare, 25–27
corporate, 172–73
Strict Father perspective on, 74
See also Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC); Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program
meaning of, 41–43
metaphorical abstraction and, 380–83
Well-Being As Wealth metaphor, 45–47
financial rights and, 57
free market economics and, 94
as fundamental, 62–63
punishment and, 374–75
retribution and, 48
turning the other cheek and, 50
Western culture, over non-Western, 438–39
whites, over nonwhites, 442–43
Whitman, Christine Todd, 306, 408
WIC. See Women, Infants, and Children program
Winokur, Scott, 409
Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things (Lakoff), 283
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program, 145. See also welfare
moral accounting and, 54–55
nurturance and, 131–32
Work Exchange metaphor, 55
worldview, 3, 27–29, 31–36, 428, 444–45
conservative (see conservatism)
liberal (see liberalism)
models of, reasons for, 36–37
progressive (see progressive worldview)
You Just Don’t Understand (Tannen), 375