References and further reading

Brewer, Dr Sarah (2010) The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements. London: Robinson.

Brostoff, Professor Jonathan and Gamlin, Linda (2008) The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance. London: Quality Health Books.

Davies, Dr Stephen and Stewart, Dr Alan (1987) Nutritional Medicine. London: Pan (although written 30 years ago, this is still the most comprehensive and reliable book on nutritional medicine I have come across).

Erasmus, Udo (1998) Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill. Canada: Alive Books (a thorough exploration of the role of fats in health by an internationally acclaimed expert on the subject).

Graham, Judy (2010) Managing MS Naturally. Vermont: Healing Arts Press.

Jelinek, Professor George (2010) Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis: An evidence-based guide to recovery. Lancaster: Impala Books.

Jelinek, Professor George and Law, Karen (2013) Recovering from Multiple Sclerosis. London: Allen & Unwin.

Swank, Roy L. and Dugan, Barbara (1987) The MS Diet Book. New York: Doubleday.

Wahls, Terry (2015) The Wahls Protocol, London: Penguin.

Recipe books and websites

Healthy eating

Over the past ten years, there has been a marked increase in cookery books promoting healthy eating and almost all the celebrity chefs have now published at least one book that falls into this category. I have found the following three useful.

Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh (2014) River Cottage Light and Easy. London: Bloomsbury.

Simple, healthy recipes, many of which use alternatives to wheat and dairy products. There is a good selection of fish and seafood dishes.

Oliver, Jamie (2015) Everyday Superfood. London: Michael Joseph.

Suggestions for healthy, nourishing food that is simple to make and delicious to eat.

Pinnock, Dale (2014) Healthy Every Day: The medicinal chef. London: Quadrille.

A food pharmacy section explains the nutrients in our food, and recipes that benefit the nervous and immune systems are clearly labelled.

Low-fat diet

BBC Good Food Magazine (2015) Good Food, Eat Well: Low-fat feasts. London: BBC Books.

<> This website includes low-fat Italian recipes devised by a health-conscious Italian cook. Many are also dairy- and yeast-free.

Vegan or plant-based diet

Woodward, Ella (2015) Deliciously Ella. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

Simple and delicious recipes for a plant-based diet by one of today’s most popular food writers.

Food intolerances

There is a huge selection of books available for those coping with food intolerance, each designed to avoid different foods. Here are just two that you might find useful.

Kendrick, Pippa (2012) The Intolerant Gourmet. London: HarperCollins.

Recipes free of wheat, dairy, eggs and soya.

Heggie, Fiona, and Lux, Ellie (2015) The Allergy-free Family Cookbook. London: Orion.

Recipes free of dairy, eggs, peanuts, soya, gluten, sesame and shellfish.

The Wahls diet

Wahls, Terry (2015) The Wahls Protocol. London: Penguin.

Contains both recipes and menu plans.

<> for green smoothies.