Chapter Six


Conceptual DNA


Kryon Live Channelling

Given in Portland , Oregon


July 20 , 2013

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is a larger audience here than you know. One of the attributes that we have described before is that we present ourselves to those in a group who have given pure intent to listen. You [this group] will create another energy. In this particular case, we call it the Kryon entourage . We don’t identify this very often, but in this particular case, it’s filled with those you know. Tonight will be a congratulatory message, filled with information about that which is cellular and chemical, but a message that could not have been given before this year. So the ones in the entourage who come into this room at this moment will mainly be esoteric – all of those who participated in life with you – ones who you’ve loved and lost. These include the parents and the parents before them. We say this, because they are also Lightworkers of their own on the other side of the veil, and they knew about the potential you would be here at this time of the Great Shift.

This entire concept is confusing to the Human Being’s linear thinking. Some of you have said, “Well, in the cycle of life, the ones you speak of have probably incarnated yet again, and they are on the planet with other lifetimes now.” In a linear fashion you would be correct, but dear ones, a piece of their soul never leaves the other side of the veil, and that is the part that is here today. So we invite them into this place at the moment, and many you will feel them, as they press upon you with their hands and their love and ask you to listen, listen, listen. Today is a message, a profound message, about the evolution of the Human Being.

We’ve given you information in the past that we now wish to clarify and enhance so you will have positive things to look forward to in the future. However, before we even begin with a new premise, we will review with you what we have described over and over about what is happening to the Human Being. We need you to know that there is precedent here, in that we have seen this before. So we know the potentials of what we speak, and the reality of it all. At the same time, we can tell you that we have no idea when you’re going to allow these things to fully be developed.

Humanity is going through massive consciousness shift [past 2012], and the time it takes to work through it totally depends upon free choice. This particular transition will last as long as you make it [last]. It always depends upon how hard the dark part of the duality decides to fight against you. The old energy of the planet will fight these changes, and it will fight them, perhaps, even to the death. That is to say, that a generation may have to be gone completely before some of these things will happen.

Old traditions and ways take a long time to disappear, and sometimes it requires even what you saw in history with the Israelites in the desert – when they had a forty-year period of time where one generation had to completely leave before another could be taken to the promised land. The reason? You could never take the consciousness of slaves into the promised land . A new generation that had never been slaves in Egypt had to be born and raised in a new energy – fed every day – taken care of and loved. This was in order for them to move into the lands where they would settle.

That is not just a metaphor, but a good example of what you face now. How long will it take? This will not be what we address today.


Changing DNA

Today we address what is going to happen, and what has happened before to those who have gone through what you are facing. We set the full premise and describe what we have said before: Your DNA, right now as a Human Being, is operating at approximately thirty to thirty-one percent of its full capacity or efficiency. One hundred percent would be the “perfect Human,” so that is as high as it goes. That would represent the DNA of the Masters who walked this planet, who could manipulate life, death, and physics. We told you that this current low efficiency was because of the free choice that you have always had to create the consciousness of your planet and society. The consciousness of humanity is tied directly to that which exists physically on the planet, including the percentage of your DNA which you enjoy. Therefore, what you think, you create. Through eons of time, humanity has settled to thirty percent or so.

Now, here’s what I want to tell you that may be interesting: A discovery was made last September (2012). Science now finally understands what we told you years ago: Ninety percent of your DNA is information, not chemical codes. Ninety percent of your DNA is like the instruction manual – the control panel which modifies the protein encoding parts, that make all your genes. So you now have the validity, by science, that ninety percent or more of your DNA are the instruction-sets for the rest, and that is what we told you initially back in 2010.

Now, here’s what I want you to be very, very clear about: Because you are operating at only thirty percent, most would think in a linear fashion and say, “That means we’re going to start improving, and science is going to look at it chemically and see this.” So I’m going to give you this information: No you’re not. Let me explain why.

The information that you carry around in your DNA right now is one hundred percent of the whole. The manual for the perfect Human is complete and stored in your DNA, but the consciousness of humanity is only allowing thirty percent of it to be used. So, although you carry one hundred percent around with you, only thirty percept of it is “engaged” in your reality. As the DNA begins to change over time, through some of these new attributes I’m going to talk about yet tonight, it then captures or starts to use more of the instructions that are already there .

Proof of this whole notion of “complete DNA” are the so-called miracles that are seen with Human Beings, called spontaneous remission . Suddenly, and without much understanding, a sick person will totally heal themselves, completely and overnight – or the disease will simply disappear. Dear ones, all they have done is, for a moment of time, capture and use one hundred percent of their own DNA! So, what many would attribute to “a miracle of God, ”is something the Human did. Every so often, a Human Being, through an anomaly of their own creation, will shift to one hundred percent for a moment, and then “a miracle” will occur. However, you are not understanding that the Human simply saw what was available, and did it. The so-called miracle is actually normal! Note that it is usually in an emergency situation, and note that consciousness did it, not chemistry.

I want you to cognize and understand some issues, as I tell you a little more about what is going to happen. We have given you information in the past about what to expect with some of your evolving DNA. But almost all of the information we have given you is about communication to your Akash [past-life record]. We have told you that your DNA is going to start reading the Akash differently, and that the wall that exists between death and birth is going to be lifted slightly. Then, when you come back into the planet, you will begin to remember what you learned the time before. This will serve the Old Souls best, because they will awaken early in life, and not have to re-visit the lessons that they had from the last time around.

We’ve also told you that, as babies, you’re going to start to walk sooner, remember to read, and even remember that a hot stove is something to stay away from. You will have an increase in instincts, like the animals do, and the Human baby will not be quite as helpless as it is now. We identified this as Akashic inheritance, or Akashic remembrance.

We extended it to food. We told you that some of you were being given information about spiritual diets. Your most profound past lives, where you lived a very long time in one place, has food that your Akash wants today! We told you that, quite often, the food of your land [where you live today] actually goes against what your Akash wants. Even when you try to eat the healthy food around you, it may not actually agree with you. Some of you will find foods that revert to a kind of food that you were never attracted to before! However now, in a new energy, the Akash is starting to show itself with odd food choices, and you’re enjoying it! It might ask for no meat or some meat, or it may require a different way of thinking or cooking. Listen: It doesn’t mean it’s spiritual! There is no “Spiritual Diet.” Sometimes, your past Akashic attributes want meat! It just means that it is an Akashic remembrance of past body health. Now, that’s still about Akashic remembrance, isn’t it? This is still a review.



So now, let us move to what will happen chemically to your body, with an increased percentage of activity of the intelligence of your DNA in place. Indeed, Intelligence is the word, and I want to talk about the body intelligence , which we call Innate . You’re going to start getting closer to this “intelligent body.” The veil will start to lift between the consciousness body and the Innate. The things that you muscle-test to find out today, will be intuitive tomorrow. The veil between the corporeal body and the Innate body is going to start to become more transparent, and you’re going to start knowing intuitively about what’s going on inside you. This has to do with intelligent DNA. That is, DNA which starts to work conceptually, instead of reactively, and it becomes less linear and a little more quantum [multidimensional].



Some of you are enjoying what we have called Akashic inheritance and food remembrance, but with reservations. This is because you’re intolerant to the certain kinds of foods you are trying to go toward. Now, the intolerance is caused from DNA that is not conceptual. It simply creates a 3D body which is allergic because of traditions in your existing culture, and it keeps you eating what you are used to. It’s really just reacting to food it doesn’t recognize, and that is actually a survival instinct. This makes it a bit dysfunctional, and that is puzzling to most.

The principles of an Akashic inheritance wanting a different food, yet being allergic to it, don’t really seem to mix. But if DNA is starting to become more intelligent, it will analyze what you are doing with your Akash and throw away those things which create intolerance. So, suddenly you may have chemistry that is smarter about what you are trying to do. What I am saying is that some of you are going to find in your journey of the next years, that the things you were told to stay away from, in an earlier part of your life, are suddenly okay to eat! This is an intelligent DNA. It knows t hat you may need these “past-life” foods to balance your body better. Life will be a lot easier for you, if you can eat these foods without being intolerant. This is “intelligent DNA,” which is now conceptual about who you have been in the past.

So the Innate readjusts the very metabolic system of what your body is supposed to be allergic to. This improvement and elimination of past-life food allergy reactions is created due to DNA becoming smarter. The increase in efficiency picks up a couple of higher operating percentage points, and it’s a smarter conceptual DNA t hat is more tuned to your consciousness. It’s going to show itself to be this way not just here, but also in the next subject, which is the immune system.


The Immune System

Your immune system right now is fairly basic. It operates, but it’s fairly ignorant. It puts out fires. It doesn’t ask where they came from; it doesn’t ask how smart they are; it just puts them out. That’s a metaphor for what invades your body that would cause the white blood cells to race to the scene and battle the metaphoric fire of unbalance or disease. In many cases it wins, as designed, and helps save your life almost on a daily basis. For, your immune system is geared to fight that which it knows about, and the simplest of bacteria that you live with are held at bay because of your immune system.

Some of the original vaccinations that you have taken have actually helped this, and they have created a whole series of additional soldiers to fight the disease battle, but it’s still a very linear process. The immune system recognizes there’s a fire and it goes and puts it out. But dear ones, that’s not good enough to put out the fire called cancer . Why? Because cancer is a conceptual invader. It’s an invader with a plan, and it’s smart.

Some viruses can take over the cells’ functioning parts, and some will even trick the immune system. In the case of cancer, you have growth which cannot be controlled, which often disguises or fortifies itself – encasing itself so the larger white blood cells don’t see it, or if they do, they can’t even get in. It’s like a fire within a bubble that is impenetrable and it burns out of control and grows and grows and grows. Sometimes, a conceptual virus (including cancer) will be “cured” in one place, only to regroup and move to another. It’s smart, and has a plan.

If the immune system were conceptual, it would see the cancer for what it was – what it was doing – and put out the fire. If the immune system were smart enough to be conceptual, it would see the plan of the virus and would thwart it by being smarter.

Now, all this smartness currently resides in the instructions in every molecule of DNA in your body. There are trillions of them, and they are all unique to you. In order for this evolution to happen, DNA itself is going to have to become a little more multidimensional, and we’re going to get to that. As long as it stays in the linear state it’s in now, and within the 3D chemistry that you are used to, you’re not going to see much of an improvement. But as it becomes a little more multidimensional and picks up more of the instructions that it can now see , it will be ready to “outsmart” any conceptual virus. That’s a promise. Use your spiritual logic. Do you think the highest evolved creature on the planet is supposed to have a system that is so ignorant that simple viruses can wipe out civilizations? Does this sound correct to you? If you were the Creator, would you build in a weakness like this?

This evolvement represents the Human Being growing into an entirely different creature. It’s one you wouldn’t recognize perhaps, if you came back in a couple of hundred years, or perhaps if you had a time machine to go forward. You will see the differences. One is linear, one is not. Humans will be much healthier and live far longer in the future.


The Common Cold

Oh, that’s good news, Kryon. I love it! It means that we’re finally going to cure the common cold.” Well, unfortunately, you’re not. This is not profound information, and you should know it by now. The cold is a recalibrating device to balance you. It’s needed and it’s necessary, and all of you will continue having colds. If you have too many, your body is telling you that it’s a little out of balance and keeps trying to recalibrate. But you can have a cold as little as once or twice a year, and that is a good balance.

Your common cold recalibrates your system – not just one system. It develops antibodies for certain kinds of things, antibodies that are then fresh and good to go to work, and you need it. It’s an irritant, but it doesn’t kill you and it doesn’t have to develop into something bigger. However, it will always be there. It’s part of a balanced system.


The Body Clock

The one that you’re going to like the best is the recalibration of the body clock. You’re working at thirty percent, and you live a certain amount of years. Do I have to paint a picture for you? You’re designed to live a lot longer. Now, in three dimensions, smart biologists will go after what they believe is the cause of aging, and in 3D, they’re right. For at an efficiency of thirty percent, DNA shortens the telomeres with every cell rejuvenation division. The chromosome itself starts to become morphed into something less than it was at birth. So, you no longer have a fresh, complete unit any more. Instead, it’s getting old. It’s a copy of a copy. You age. The biologists see this shortening as the issue; however, it’s only the result of a greater issue. You are not working at full efficiency.

Now, what we have told you before in the past is that, in the instruction-sets of the DNA are the stem blueprints for every kind of cell in the body. We have used the term “blueprints” to represent the metaphor of the designer’s plans. So these blueprints exist in you now, and they represent a fresh, new, perfect cell – one that was with you when you were born. However, these blueprints are not being used, and your system continues to make copies instead of originals.

However, as your body starts to increase in efficiency, there will be a newer kind of regeneration paradigm. The system will become more intelligent, and will slowly begin to use the original instructions for a new molecule, instead of making a copy. Your regeneration will be far better! The result of this is a slowing of the aging process. It’s a slowing that you can see now, and those around you will mention it, and your neighbors and loved ones can see it, too. You are not getting older as fast as they are. How do you like it so far?

Now, this can only happen if that part of your DNA which used to be linear, becomes a little more multidimensional, and now we’re going to talk about that.


Multidimensional DNA?

So it seems, does it not, that the basis to all this change is beginning to pull you out of the paradigm of a three-dimensional chemistry system? Your current system is only reactive. One chemical reacts to another and creates something else. This even includes synapse [thinking], and so you’re also looking at what we would call “reaching the intellectual high-point of the brain.” How high c an you think? Is there a limit? We don’t speak of linear things, but rather, conceptual things. Right now there is a limit.

The DNA molecule is not a quantum particle – hardly. It’s also not going to become multidimensional and vanish into a worm hole. But the actual molecule of DNA has been shown to have subtle multidimensional properties. So greatly is this acknowledged, that there is an entire branch of biological scientists called “quantum biologists.” So the idea of your DNA starting to have some additional abilities that might broach 3D and 4D, is not that new.

My partner has told you that ancient Tibetan numerology teaches, that humanity has only identified up to the number 33 in that system. That is a master number with a specific definition, but the next master number, 44, is a mystery and has no definition. In fact, no master number above 33 has a definition. If you look at the number of master numbers, 11 through 99 (nine of them), then you realize that a DNA working at 30% is the same kind of scenario as the master numbers that only go to 33. In other words, you’re not even halfway there. So, as an example, the synapse of your brain, that part which is in 3D, seems to be working well. It’s the multidimensional part that is needed to grasp the concepts of the numerology of 44 and 55 – it’s all related. I’m here to tell you that past 2013, that’s what’s going to start happening with humanity – higher wisdom, and concepts that have never been seen before. The ceiling will be raised on how high a Human can think past linearity.

Now, how is this going to happen, and what is required? It’s what you’re already doing, Old Soul. You’re sitting here listening to these kinds of messages because of this, and right now, these things seem academic. However, they are in the works. We can’t tell you when these things are going to happen, but watch for them – here they are – they are coming. Perhaps you’ll leave this place and you’ll say, “I love the information, but I’d sure like it to happen now. ” Does it help if I told you that you’ll all see it? When you see it, you may not look the way you look now [Kryon laugh], but you’ll be here. You’ll be here, because that’s what Old Souls do. They keep coming back to participate in the victory!


The Time Capsules in DNA

I want to tell you about the time capsules in DNA. In the instruction-sets that are not visible to science, there lurks something called time capsules in your DNA. These are releases of what we will call “Enablements,” and they are triggered by Human consciousness. They are time capsules, because they are being released at “the right time.” Many would say, “What? DNA is connected to Human consciousness?” Yes, this is what we have been saying all along. Why do you wish to separate consciousness from your chemistry? You already know that you can change your health by positive thinking, so how do you think that works? Your chemistry is listening!

To make things even more confusing, this is all linked together to what is called the Gaia consciousness, which is the only measurement you have of planetary consciousness. All humanity must shift and change only a little bit in order to release the time capsules in your personal DNA. So it’s hard for you to do this alone, if not impossible. This change takes its cue from the Crystalline Grid of the planet. This is the grid that remembers Human action and responds to Human emotion. So, Gaia is involved with all of these things. Do you now begin to realize why Gaia, or nature, was so important to the indigenous and the Ancients? However, remember that Gaia has already started to change. I am here to work with the grid – Gaia. It’s to prepare you for a higher consciousness. Are you understanding the connection? So what’s in the time capsules? It’s the “rest of what you should have had” that was missing, due to a lower consciousness. You should know that full mastery is there in your DNA, just waiting to be released when you are ready.

Here we are again with a puzzle: What came first, Gaia energy or Human energy? As Humans change their personal consciousness and intent, as they become more compassionate, Gaia changes. It already has. Isn’t it interesting what the Ancients had to say about the prophecy of The Eagle and the Condor? The prophesies were not about humanity, but rather, they were about the planet. Do you understand? It told of the wisdom from one place on the planet, moving to another. The prophesy says that the moving of the Kundalini of the planet would be needed, if humanity passed 2012. Some called it “The Journey of the Feathered Serpent,” or “The Awakening of the Puma.” They were not talking about DNA, but instead, about Gaia, because that is the link to you. So the answer to the above puzzle question is, both . It’s not a linear process. It’s interactive, and one affects the other.

This change in Gaia is what is beginning, and it’s already starting to enhance Human DNA. I came to alter the magnetic grid, when it appeared that you would indeed pass the marker of 2012. The magnetic grid is part of Gaia. It affected the Crystalline Grid, and that is related to Human consciousness. Even your science of today is starting to see this link! The magnetic grid reacts to mass human consciousness. 1

Look at your children, for they are different from past generations. Grandparents, are your grandchildren different than your children were? Absolutely! These new-generation children are beginning to have more conceptual thinking, and the very synapse of the brain is already starting to change. They are seeing better ways of doing things, and the actual creation of neural pathways is different today. Their DNA is working better than yours does or did, in conceptual ways. So your job is to continue the compassion that you are developing, which is curing the planet of its disease of war. This Gaia Effect is curing the planet of those things that do not sit well with integrity. It’s Pachamama, Mother Earth, and the beginning of the procreation of wisdom on the planet. These changes are going to start to bring better understanding and the increase of wisdom, which will help to solve the puzzles of life. Gaia changes, the Crystalline Grid changes, you change, and that, then, is passed to your children in ways you haven’t really thought of.


A New Kind of Inheritance

Here’s some very good news you should know: The system of life is beginning to change even further. When time capsules are released in your DNA, some through new birth and some through the intent of the Old Souls, there is a higher wisdom factor in your consciousness. This has an effect on your DNA, which starts to work better. As indicated above, you won’t age nearly as fast. You’re going to see it in your own DNA, and many will know it’s happening, through seeing their own peers go into old age far earlier than they do.

The time capsules that are released, the new enablements from that pool of information that used to be the “Junk DNA – 90 percent,” will stay enabled and be inherited! Therefore, none of your offspring will have to re-learn the wisdom or compassion that you are learning now. As they use your DNA inheritance on the planet, it will be passed to their offspring, as well. A new kind of inheritance! You might even call it quantum inheritance, if you wish. This is truly the fast track to an enlightened society.

If there were no duality on the planet, you would have had a much higher-working DNA in as few as five generations. Today, you would work at fifty percent enablement, because an advanced instinct of the Human Being is to become more conceptual and use it for survival of higher thought. But duality slows this down, since you must make decisions that contain attributes of both light and dark. As long as the old duality is present, it tends to restrict all growth, which keeps the time capsules from opening. Therefore, old duality must change. In fact, it is changing greatly (as we have channelled before). What’s interesting is that duality also responds to conscious intent, and so your battle against the dark will be totally the result of what you expect. It’s getting very immediate, dear ones.

The time since 2012 has been tough for many of you. Old Soul, if you really knew why it has been so tough, and if you understood the full impact and the profundity of it all, you’d go home and have a party! There, you would congratulate yourselves for doing the unthinkable – creating the seeds of a planet that will ascend. You have been working this puzzle for a very long time.

Slowly, you have been creating, planting, and growing the seeds on your planet that will lead to an Earth civilization without war. Oh, you’ll never get along completely, but your solutions will never again be to kill each other in war. That’s a dysfunctional solution that has only brought about more war. This “no war” potential is the one we see, even today. If you look at your societies of only a few generations ago, the solution to world issues was to go to war first. Only the biggest and most powerful would win the prize. Now, it is becoming the last thing you would do, and there will come a day when it just won’t happen at all. Can you imagine a reallocation of funding for society, when there are no more weapons of mass destructive war? This is in your future. Don’t look at immediate current events to see this. Look at slow generational change.

Imagine a time capsule being released that changes “how high you can think!” Imagine that your DNA might do a better job at broadcasting a quantum field around its own cellular structure, and could make the immune system intelligent, bringing about a marriage between the conscious brain and the Innate. There is no name for this effect yet. Oh, but there will be! Scientists will observe the change, and they will label it. When this starts to occur, dear ones, you’ll remember this channel. You might even laugh at the fact that my partner had no name for it yet, but you will have a name. This is because it’s part of Human evolution, and sociologists will grab it and name it.

Do you understand why this is a celebration? Do you understand why the entourage in this room, which has been with you since the moment we began, is applauding? Do you understand that this particular message could never have been given to you in 2012? Not like this. Because now, I can tell you what’s going to happen, but before then, it was only a potential. “Kryon, you mean it’s now more than a potential?” Yes. Today it’s far more than a potential, and the reason I can tell you that is because there are some Humans walking around right now who have a much higher percentage of DNA than thirty percent. I’ll call them quantum prodigies . These are children who are going to live longer and not catch many diseases, and you’ll study them and put them under microscopes, but you’re not going to see anything different.

Someday, when you get the quantum invention that we told you about before, you’re going to see the “field.” Some of you have understood this message and some of you have not. For those who have not, I will say this: Be patient with the love of God, and understand that revelation is often a slow process. For those who have, I will summarize it and say, “Blessed is the Human Being who feels they are part of this compassionate change on the planet. For they are in control of the future, and that is why there are congratulations all around, and a party in this room.”

Twenty-three years ago, when I first came to you, these things were only potentials, but today, they are a reality. I would not tell you of these things, if they were not accurate and true. I also understand, dear Human Being, that you’re very impatient, and that you want it now. Soon, it will be “now” and you will be here to participate in all of it.

And so it is.
