1. Medallions of 1642 [pp. 21f]
a. |
King Charles I in Parliament (no reverse image) New York, The American Numismatic Society (Photo: courtesy of the Society). |
b-c. |
Obv.: |
Portrait of Charles I |
Legend: |
Rev.: |
The King in Parliament |
d-e. |
Obv.: |
Portrait of Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex, Commander-in-Chief of the Parliamentary Army |
Legend (outer): |
(inner): |
Rev.: |
The King in Parliament |
f-g. |
Obv.: |
Portrait of Charles I |
Legend: |
Rev.: |
The King in Parliament |
The medallion of Essex (d-e) combines the inscriptions of the two royal medallions (b-c, f-g). The reverse remained unchanged (see also fig. 2). These three medallions are in Glasgow, The Hunterian Museum; plaster casts were obtained by the kindness of Miss Anne S. Robertson, Curator of the Hunter Coin Cabinet. Cf. Hawkins, Medallic Illustrations, pl. XXV, figs. 5, 6, 11. |
2. Medallion of 1642, enlarged [p. 22]
Obv.: Battleship
Rev.: The King in Parliament
London, British Museum (Photo: courtesy of Mr. J. K. Jenkins of the British Museum).
3. Seal (so-called “Fifth Seal”) of King Charles I [p. 22]
From: Trésor de numismatique et de glyptique: Sceaux des rois et reines d’Angleterre (Paris, 1858), pl. XX
4. Personal Badges of King Richard II [p. 32]
a. Banner, b. Standard.
From: Lord Howard de Walden, Banners, Standards, and Badges from a Tudor Manuscript in the College of Arms (1904), figs. 5 and 71.
5. The Emperor in Majesty [p. 62]
Otto II in a miniature of the Reichenau School; Aachen, Cathedral Treasury: Gospel Book, fol. 16r (ca. A.D. 975).
Photo: Mrs. Ann Bredol-Lepper, Aachen.
Ivory Book Cover (Belgian), Darmstadt (ca. A.D. 900)
From: A. Goldschmidt, Elfenbeinskulpturen, I, pl. LXXIV, fig. 162; cf. Rosalie B. Green, in Art Bulletin, XXVIII (1946), 112f.
Ivory Book Cover from St. Gall (ca. A.D. 900).
Photo: courtesy of Professor K. Weitzmann; cf. Goldschmidt, op.cit., I, pl. LXXV, fig. 163a.
8. Terra Carrying the Crucified [p. 66]
Ivory from Echternach, Gotha (11th cent.)
Photo: courtesy of K. Weitzmann; cf. Goldschmidt, op.cit.,II, pl. IX, fig. 23.
9. Eschatological Scene, Carolingian [p. 69]
Miniature, Vivian Bible: Paris, Bibl. Nat. MS lat. 1, fol. 416.
Photo: Princeton University, Dept. of Art and Archaeology.
10. Eschatological Scene, Carolingian [pp. 69, 75]
Miniature; Rome, San Paolo fuori le Mura, Bible, fol. 307v.
Photo: Princeton University, Dept. of Art and Archaeology.
11. Maiestas Domini supra Caelum [p. 69]
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus (A.D. 359); Rome, Grottos of Vatican.
From: F. Gerke, Der Sarkophag des Junius Bassus (Berlin, 1936), pl. 5; cf. Gerke, Christus in der Spätantike (Mainz, 1948), pls. 52 and 53.
12. Triumph of Basil II [pp. 69, 78]
Miniature, Byzantine (11th cent.); Venice, Bibl. Marciana, MS gr. 17.
Photo: Princeton University, Dept. of Art and Archaeology.
Mosaic (6th cent.); Ravenna, Archiepiscopal Chapel.
Photo: courtesy of K. Weitzmann.
14. Christ Disappearing: Ascension [p. 74]
Miniature, Gospel Book of St. Bernward (11th cent.); Hildesheim, Cathedral Treasury, MS 18, fol. 175v.
From: S. Beissel, Des Hlg. Bernward Evangelienbuch (Hildesheim, 1891), pl. XXIV.
15. Christ in Majesty with 24 Elders [p. 76]
a. Miniature, Carolingian; Rome, San Paolo f.l.m., Bible, fol. 116v.
b. Miniature, Carolingian; Trier Apocalypse,
Stadtbibl., MS 31, fol. 61.
Photos: Princeton University, Dept. of Art and Archaeology.
16. Charles the Bald Enthroned [pp. 63 n.46, 66, 76]
a. Miniature, Carolingian; Vivian Bible (above, fig. 9), fol. 423.
From: W. Köhler, Die Schule von Tours (1930), pl. 76.
b. Miniature, Carolingian; Gospel Book from St. Emmeram (Codex aureus): Munich, Staatsbibl., Clm. 14000, Cim. 55, fol. 5v.
From: G. Leidinger, Codex aureus (1921), I, pl. 10.
17. Capuan Gate of Emperor Frederick II [p. 111]
13th century (reconstruction).
From: C. A. Willemsen, Kaiser Friedrichs II. Triumphtor zu Capua (Wiesbaden, 1953), fig. 106.
18. Ambrogio Lorenzetti [p. 112]
a. Iustitia, b. Buon Governo.
Fresco, Siena, Palazzo Pubblico (14th cent.).
Photo: Alinari.
19. Last Judgment with Iustitia [p. 112]
Enamel Triptych from Stablo (12th cent.); Collection Mr. and Mrs. Alistair Bradley Martin, New York.
Photo: courtesy of Mr. A. B. Martin.
20. Emperor Henry II as Judge [p. 113]
Miniature, Gospel Book from Monte Cassino (A.D. 1022-1023); Vatican, Ottobon. lat. 74, fol. 193v.
Photo: courtesy of the Vatican Library.
21. Emblem Quod non capit Christus, rapit Fiscus [p. 174]
Andrea Alciati, Emblemata (Lyon, 1551; first edition 1531), No. CXLVII, p. 158.
22. Medallion of 1603: Queen Elizabeth: Unica Phoenix [p. 413]
Obv.: |
Queen Elizabeth. |
Legend (outer): |
(inner): |
Rev.: |
Phoenix Burning on Pyre; above it the Queen’s Monogram and Imperial Crown. |
Legend (outer): |
(inner): |
From: J. D. Köhler, Munz Belustigung (Nürnberg, 1729ff), XXI, 225ff. See, for the Phoenix medallions issued at Elizabeth’s accession in 1558, Hawkins, Medallic Illustrations, pl. VI, 7, 8, 9, and also VIII, 17. |
23. Medallion of 1649: Charles I and the Phoenix King Charles II [p. 413]
Obv.: King Charles I. Legend: CAROLUS·I·D:G:MAG:BR:FR:ET·HI:REX·
Rev.: Phoenix Rising from Pyre.
Medallion by Thomas Rawlins, struck by Royalists after the execution of Charles I; Glasgow, Hunter Coin Cabinet, of which Mr. J. K. Jenkins of the British Museum kindly provided a plaster cast; the photos were made by the American Numismatic Society. Cf. Hawkins, Medallic Illustrations, pl. XXX, 19.
24. Jetton, Design for 1643 [p. 414]
Paris, Bibl. Mazarine, MS 4395, fol. 1v.
Photo: courtesy of Dr. R. E. Giesey.
25. Medallion (Design): Lit de Justice of Louis XIV [p. 414]
From: Claude-François Menestrier, Histoire de Louis le Grand (Paris, 1691), pl. 28; photo: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C.
26. Caricature by Thackeray of Rigaud’s Portrait of Louis XIV [p. 423]
The Caricature is taken from the first edition (1840) of The Paris Sketch Book by Titmarsh in the Pierpont Morgan Library; cf. Works of Thackeray (Charterhouse Edition; London, 1901), vol. XVI, facing p. 313. Photo: courtesy of the Pierpont Morgan Library.
27. King Henry IV of France on the Lit d’Honneur [p. 425]
a-b. Engravings by Isaac Briot (1558-1670). Paris, Bibl. Nat., MS Clarembault 1127, fol. 25v. Cf. P. Mathieu, Historia della morte d’Enrico quarto Rè di Francia (Modena, 1625), 757; E. Benkard, Undying Faces, fig. 1, facing p. 18. Photo: courtesy of Dr. R. E. Giesey.
28. Tomb of John Fitzalan, 17th Earl of Arundel [p. 435]
Arundel, Essex (ca. 1435).
Photo: courtesy of Mr. Francis Wormald and The Warburg Institute, London.
29. The Effigy under the Canopy [p. 430]
Frontispiece of L’obsèque et enterrement du roy (Louis XII), [Paris, 1515].
Photo: courtesy of Dr. R. E. Giesey.
30. Tomb of Archbishop Henry Chichele [p. 433]
Canterbury Cathedral (ca. 1424).
Photo: courtesy of Professor William A. Chaney.
31. Tomb of Thomas Beckington, Bishop of Bath and Wells [p. 435]
Wells Cathedral (ca. 1451).
Photo: Philip’s City Studio, Wells, by courtesy of Professor W. A. Chaney.
32. Roman Medallions and Coins.
a. Jugate Busts: Postumus and Hercules [pp. 65, 503]
New York, American Numismatic Society; photo: courtesy of the Society. Cf. Mattingly and Sydenham, Roman Imperial Coinage, V:2, pl. XIII, fig. 11; also F. Gnecchi, Medaglioni Romani, pl. CXVI, figs. 7-8.
b. Jugate Busts: Probus and Sol invictus [pp. 65, 503]
From: Joceline M. C. Toynbee, Roman Medallions (New York, 1944), pl. II, fig. 7.
c. Oriens Augusti [p. 32]
Aureus of Aurelian. From: Mattingly and Sydenham, Roman Imperial Coinage, V:2, pl. VIII, fig. 129. See Shakespeare, Richard II, III,ii,41ff:
… Then murders, treasons, and detested sins,
The cloak of night being plucked from off their backs, Stand bare and naked, trembling at themselves.…
d. Jugate Busts: Constantine and Sol invictus [pp. 503f]
Gold Medallion, Collection Beistegui (Paris, Bibl. Nat., Cabinet des Médailles). From: Toynbee, Roman Medallions, pl. XVII, fig. 11; cf. E. Babelon, in Mélanges Boissier (Paris, 1903), 49ff.
e-f. Jugate Busts: Constantine and Sol invictus [pp. 503f]
Gold solidi. From: A. Alföldi, in Journal of Roman Studies, XXII (1932), pl. II, figs. 15-16.